/em Handing over the Ban Stick...




Wish I could say I didn't see this coming.

Good luck.



Aaaaaw! *pout*

You've been one of the coolest and straightforward rednames. Cricket has some tough shoes to fill.

Jeebus, what next, _Castle_ going to leave too? O.o

CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!



We'll miss ya Cuppa. Good luck over at Tabula. I'm sure once that game actually arrives you'll be seeing a lot of us again. Thanks for everything you've done for us here on the CoX community.



Why are all the good Rednames leaving? Not that the ones who are left aren't good...but it just makes me worry about the future of the game. Should I be? I love this game...been playing since it was released and I wish more people would realize how much fun it is to play.

Good Luck in the future Cuppa. You will be missed!



We're gonna miss you, Cuppa.

Now, taking on a new community can be stressful- all those new, potentially hostile community members out there.

I suggest, solely for your sake in easing the transition, that you make beta forum accounts for all CoH forum regulars (and some of us irregular sorts too). That way, you'll have some familiar posters around ya.




That does it. Now I'm really going to play Tabula Rasa!

It was nice to have you around here Cuppa. We'll miss ya.

*puts black ribbon on moniter*

[/ QUOTE ]



nooo :'( why, cuppa, why....



It is my sad duty to inform everyone that August will be my last month with City of Heroes and City of Villains.

I am taking over community management of Tabula Rasa full-time as of Sept. 1st. Cricket will be your primary community person when Sept. 1 rolls around and I will no longer accept PMs as of that date.

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all their support and kind words over the last two years. Even in the darkest hours I could always count on there being a few bright posts, emails or PMs in my inbox. These kept me going more than coffee ever could and they always brought a smile to my face.

I also want to thank everyone who has ever created well thought out, constructive post/PM. I know bugs or other game issues can be frustrating at times, but a community person's best friend is the player who takes that little extra step to research and document their issue while keeping it about the issue, and not about Statesman's momma.

Special thank you's to all the staff both here at NCsoft and at Cryptic for all your hard work, for answering questions and for listening to community concerns. Staff may not always agree - but they [u]always[u] listen.

Finally, thanks to you - the community. This has been a great community to work for and be a part of for the last two years and it's very hard leaving such a wonderful group of people. You are so intelligent, passionate, creative, funny and charming that it amazes me every day. And despite how it may appear on the surface sometimes - you all care for each other deeply and are always ready to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate. You are true heroes and there is no Paragon City without you. It has been my honor to serve you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gonna miss you Cuppa. Good luck with things over the road at Tabby, though I'm thinking now that it's a plot by NCSoft to draw more of us CoXers over to Tabby, so they can shift the subscriber numbers up and we can get our daily CuppaJo. Damn their evil ways!

*heads over to PlayNC page to purchase his code*

Hey, I'm easily corruptable.

BUT I'm thinking though that as a reward for all your amazing work, you definitely need to be immortalized into the CoX brand now. (unless I'm late to that table and its already happened/happening). If not, GET THIS KICK [censored] GIRL IN DA GAME! I want to get a mission from Super Hero, Cuppa "Kill all Skuls who spilled my coffee this morning".



*takes off his cape*

It's a sad, sad day for Paragon City

You will be missed CuppaJo. You are what kept me here when many other things inspired me to leave. Succeed or fail, I always felt you were fighting for us.

On the bright side, I have been waiting for Tabula Rasa for a long time, and its nice to know you are going to be there. Does this mean there will be forums there soon? Or am I missing them somewhere?

*Hopes NCSoft starts offering package deals soon*



Good luck at Tabula Cuppa, thanks for your hard work, and communication with us.



It's not going to be the same without you. Without wanting to sound overly dramatic, it will be the end of an era for CoX. I know Cricket will continue the same great tradition, but we'll miss you.

Though this does give me just one more reason to want to get into the Tabula Rasa beta.



Goodbye and good luck Cuppajo, you will truly be missed.



ACK! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I actually have this gut wrenching sick feeling after reading that and I'm not kidding! DON'T GO!!! Out of everyone who's worked on CoH/CoV YOU have been not only my favorite but countless others. When the Devs let us down(past, present, future), you have always been the one we looked towards for answers because God knows we get a buncha WAHHH WAHHH gibberish from the Devs so much. You're like our CoH/CoV Mommy! You're the ONE that has made the forum community something special for us! I remember when CoH came out we all got excited talking to Statesman. Blah.. That's so 2004. Now we all got excited PMing you or talking with you in forum posts or seeing you in game, not Statesman!

Ugh. It's really sad. It's been obvious there is a downsizing going on with CoH/CoV staff and even though your still staying on with Tabula Rosa you leaving CoH/CoV makes it feel like the ship truely is sinking. Well. I guess I may have to play Tabula Rosa then, JUST because you're going to be there. Keep the CuppaJo name there so we can all say hello to a familiar face when some of us migrate to play that.

To the CoH/CoV Mommy.. We will miss you here VERY VERY much. You made our CoH/CoV experience very enjoyable and it's because of you that many of us stayed on and kept the hope. I just wish the people you work who bounce people around and cut some start thinking about what keeps people playing CoH/CoV. It surely isn't nerfs. It's definatley not the never-to-be-fixed bugs, it's positively not the bald spots now showing through my toons hair because of some new bad patch.. For many of us, it was you, CuppaJo! Sigh. CRY!!!!!



Cuppa, I hardly knew ye, but you'll be missed!
We'll always have Pocket D

Goodbye my friend



Well.........Dang! Gonna miss you Cuppa, you've been a great mod. I've always looked forward to reading you posts. I always knew that they would be either very informative or a lot of fun to read.

Good luck at Tabila Rosa, I might have to try it out now that I know there will be some good folks over there.



Ha ha. Jokes over... Right? Please?

Arr... Cuppa. Why? I knew you wouldn't be around forever, but I had hoped you would have stuck around longer then this.
It truly is a pity to see you go, simply because you were the life of these forums.

*Expects to see many Cuppa clones in the next month or so.*

(Psst. Tell us your name. Your REAL name.)




This is a sad day for the comunety, cuppa your not just a another staff and comunety representativ... in some ways you where the soul of this board... your going to be missed.

Now to houner Cuppa Jo's desition we must help cricket to asume the role she leave behind.

It's going to be a hard void to fill and we should help to see that Cricket get's a fair chance to live up to Cuppa's tremendus legacy.

CuppaJo, i salute you... the best comunety representativ the game industri have ever seen i hope Tabula Rasa apriciate what they gett and if they dont just tell us and we will be there and smack some sencec in to the comunety.



The CuppaClones will now be CricketClones...kinda has a ring to it.

Sorry to see you go, Cuppa...you'll be missed.





We're going to miss you!!

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray



Words cannot describe how much I think this game owes to you, personally, Cuppa. Fans. Devs. Everyone.

This isn't to say Cricket's not up to the task, just that your efforts, Cuppa, have meant so much to so many.



cuppa say it aint so.............. its just not fair ........... i fight tooth and nail against the wife to keep playing the game and then come to find out that cuppa is leaving? might as well toss my costume in the trashcan......... its like taking stan lee away from comic books you just cant do that to us cuppa ........

i definately think she needs a statue in atlas she definately deserves it

do you still plan to play in cox?

lastly i guess this means i have to make the savecuppa website now huh???



Cuppa I wish you the best of luck at your new Job.. you never know the J-Force may just follow you there... Lots of Love Cuppa, and thanks for making these last 2 years great!!

Lana aka DJ Eve www.w00tradio.net



you will be missed ....

40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given



I got to see Cuppa at Pocket D during the Meet the Devs event...she was a Peacebrnger.

How appropriate.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes