/em Handing over the Ban Stick...




Feh. FEH, I say!

But, on the bright side, I guess I'll see you over at TR.

(And I guess that means that's finally getting somewhere!)

One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.



I've always liked you, Cuppa.

I will be sad when you're gone.

'nuff said.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Take care Cuppa. I've enjoyed talking to you online and hanging with you offline. I'll miss...actually I'll probably you on Tabula Rasa. Heh. Thank you for all the support you've given me. I can vouch that you really do deserve all the praise everyone on these boards gives you.



Which poster(s) finally drove you away?

I bet we could get a nice gathering to publicly stone them.

[/ QUOTE ]

The PvP forums. Those threads get chopped down like no tomorrow.

Will miss ya Cuppa. Cricket has a big mug to fill.




Truly this is an end to an Era. You will be very missed Cuppa. I only hope that there will be some memento in Game to remember you by.



You will be missed



1) Best of luck to you Cuppa. As all the others said, your were the backbone of this community, and you will be greatly missed. I always expected this day to come, although I always imagined it would be to a higher position in another company. Still, it's a loss for us, but hopefully good for you.

2) Congrats to Cricket. I'm sure the next two years with you are going to be as good as the last two with Cuppa. They couldn't have chosen a better replacement.


3) Personally, I'm quite annoyed with this move. I really don't see why we keep losing personel to the new game. Why doesn't NCSoft train the personel here, then send them over to the new game, and let the established people stay?

I'm sorry, it just doesn't feel right. Why does the established community get changed for the betterment of the new game. IMO, it's quite frustrating.

Now, if Cuppa is moving over because she's getting a promotion and a raise, great! It's well deserved, and a move that makes sense.

But, if it's just a lateral move, ie. same positon, same pay, same company, different game, I think it's a sucky move for the community.

That's just my opinion, though, based on my limited knowledge of the facts. But, I am having more and more moments where I feel that this game is getting the shaft from its producer. I hope that feeling goes away soon.



I happened to be drinking coffee when I read this and now it just doesn't taste as good.
I add my name to the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG list of people who will miss you terribly.
Those Tabula Rasa people better make DAMN sure they know who they're getting to help 'em out.
Or I'll get very angry.
and they wouldn't LIKE me when I'm angry
All the best to you Cuppa!



I'm sorry to see you go Cuppa. I could always count on a friendly reply from you. You've done an excellent job riding herd over this big group of misfits. We'll miss you. Why, I've got half a mind to join there for a month just to post and let those newbs know how lucky they really are, getting to keep you all to themselves.

Post softly and carry a big Ban stick, Cuppa. Good Luck.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



To CuppaJo.

*raises a lighter*

Pillars of Virtue - Hope, Justice, Discretion, Courage, Help

Now seeking new volunteers!



I can only agree with what I've seen others say.

Fare well.

I hope Tabula Rasa appreciates ya.




You will be missed, but also poor cuppa clones, when you go on vacation the cuppa clones emerge, but with you not coming back there is a possibility of cuppa clones losing all meaning and thus destroying time and space!



It is my sad duty to inform everyone that August will be my last month with City of Heroes and City of Villains.

I am taking over community management of Tabula Rasa full-time as of Sept. 1st. Cricket will be your primary community person when Sept. 1 rolls around and I will no longer accept PMs as of that date.

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all their support and kind words over the last two years. Even in the darkest hours I could always count on there being a few bright posts, emails or PMs in my inbox. These kept me going more than coffee ever could and they always brought a smile to my face.

I also want to thank everyone who has ever created well thought out, constructive post/PM. I know bugs or other game issues can be frustrating at times, but a community person's best friend is the player who takes that little extra step to research and document their issue while keeping it about the issue, and not about Statesman's momma.

Special thank you's to all the staff both here at NCsoft and at Cryptic for all your hard work, for answering questions and for listening to community concerns. Staff may not always agree - but they [u]always[u] listen.

Finally, thanks to you - the community. This has been a great community to work for and be a part of for the last two years and it's very hard leaving such a wonderful group of people. You are so intelligent, passionate, creative, funny and charming that it amazes me every day. And despite how it may appear on the surface sometimes - you all care for each other deeply and are always ready to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate. You are true heroes and there is no Paragon City without you. It has been my honor to serve you.

[/ QUOTE ]




instead of a statue she needs a shop named after her "Cuppa Jo!"



Cuppa, the best of luck to you and thanks for everything!



All my very best wishes in your future endeavors, Cuppa. You already know you'll be missed by every single person here, but it's been an honor and a privilege to have you as our community coordinator for the time we could, and I hope things go just as well (even better?) at Tabula Rasa and you're just as well loved and admired there.


- Dave



Thanks CuppaJo for all the work you've put into the community. You will definately be missed.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Good luck in the future. You better still poke your head in sometimes to say hello to all the disfunctional family you are leaving behind

Monks of Pal'Sidae
Shockmare Lvl 50 E3
Elektra Knight Lvl 50 Dark/Elec/Psi



Nooooooooooo you can't leave i have not been baned by you yet



Dear Cuppa,
I know I have never spoken to you personally, either by PM, on the forums, or in person at some convention, but I wanted to take the time to post a message to you. It is sad to see you leaving here, and moving on. I have enjoyed and learned from many of your posts over the past few years, and that calm support you have provided will be sorely missed. I am sure that Cricket will provide us some measure of the same thing, but it will be different not seeing your flashing avatar next to a new post. I have not posted on here much due to my fear of not knowing enough info about the details of the game to make a post that mattered, and now I found a drawback to this fear of mine... not getting to know you at all, or any other red name. I hope this doesn't seem like sucking up to anyone, but the moderators of these forums have such a difficult task in trying to break the adage of "you can please all the people some of the time, some of them all of the time, but never all of them all the time". You seemed to especially buck this saying, by always trying to find a middle ground, not making false promises to shut people up, and being up front with the issues as they arose. That will be surely missed. Someone wrote about 20 pages ago that Cricket has some big shoes to fill, and I think your guidance has solidly helped her to try to achieve the same thing... make us happy, but don't pull a fast one doing it. Thank you for being here, good luck in your future endeavors, (i honestly had never heard of the game you are going to until your post... sorry!) and please stop in once in a while and say hi to us back here!!



You will be missed!

Triumph Heros

Tabby Cat :50 Claw/Regen
Isabella Ice :50 Ice/Ice/Ice
Ocicat :50 Claws/SR
Lady Torrent: 50 enrg/enrg
Mindfull:50 Ill/Kin
Mia Feldman: 50 DB/WP

Triumph Villains

Wonderland:50 Ice/Cold
Alice of Malice: 36 Enrg/Nin
Gangsta Gal:24 Thugs/Poison



Well... bummer. Good luck with TR, CuppaJo. Hope to see you again at the next NCSoft Austin gig.

Your servant,
Bill Z Bubba

Be well, people of CoH.



Although I don't have time to install (let alone play) the 8 sealed games sitting on my tower, now I simply must buy Tabula Rasa!

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all that you've done for the community. Even the people that would never admit it secretly adore you.

My favorite CuppaJo moment: You once made a post about when you were first hired for CoH. You asked your boss what the dress code was. He loudly said, "Wear clothes!" I still giggle whenever I think of that.



*starts humming Boten Anna*

I know a mod.
Her name is Cuppa, Cuppa is her name.
She can ban you, ban you so hard.
She cleans up our forums.
I want to tell you that I, I know a mod.

You'll be missed!!

P.S.S. Guess I'm gonna have to check out TR now.

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....

I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!