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  1. Saddest of dragons am I.

    Not much more to be said on that score.
  2. Perfect Thief: Find all four items in phase one, get all the way through the gauntlet without triggering security.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Hrm...kickstarter for personal gain...hrm...

    I thought about trying to do a kickstarter for my college education.

    It would have been funny.
  4. Dalantia

    Why only six?

    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    Absolutely Bill, I would love to see three and four piece sets with genuinely decent set bonuses. It has much more appeal to me than choosing four to six to slot from eight and ten piece sets.

    BUT, I would also like to see more slots opened for 50+ continued XP rewards. If, for example, at level 50 (Incarnate or not) you unlocked the ability to add extra slots, then at what would be the required XP goal for the next level, you received one additional slot to put where ever you wanted. This could eventually allow perhaps 8-10 enhancement slots per power. Players would continue to get some form of growth and improvement after 50, but not anything really game unbalancing and it would allow people who devote a lot of time to their 50s to ultimately make them pretty uber.

    This would make both of the thread suggestions work!
    I cannot put into words the inchoate rage that grips me at the notion that people seriously think that Even More Slots as a grind reward would ever, possibly be a good thing.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I just logged off and Freedom AP 1 and 2 were full...3 was hopping....so I jumped to PD... hopping with a BAF starting..a TPN..and a Keyes...

    Uhmmm pretty sure that's more than 100 LOL!
    Entertainingly, I watched someone on Virtue throw a tantrum when he went into Pocket D and didn't find any trials forming.

    If you're looking for Incarnate Trials, try Dark Astoria, on Virtue.
  6. Taking a year off did plenty for my enjoyment, personally.
  7. I'm actually having similar results when fighting Nemesis as a Titan Weapons brute (most Vengeance hits dead bodies), by focusing down minions and relying on spam cones.

    Perhaps I'm just being odd about it.
  8. Could you guys that post obscene amounts of images put a space between them?

    It kind of destroys the page for those of us who shut off images and have to look at the link.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
    So you're describing your own choices as "shrapnel?" No, you chose to act like a belligerent jerk and troll.

    And just in general, can I not post anywhere on the internet without getting hostility and grief for the effort? I came here a few months ago with wide-eyed, gushing enthusiasm about the game. I'm now on the edge of cancelling my subscription and calling my attempt to be part of the CoH fandom a wash. I wonder how many other players who tried the forums made the same decision without saying anything?
    More than most people want to admit, fewer than the worst projections. Extends to community ingame as well.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Oh, that reminds me. Toggles and passives are designed wrong in this game. Passives should be stronger than toggles most of the time, particularly for mitigation powers.

    No, I'm not kidding. I've mentioned it before, but this is a case where the devs do not see the forest for the trees. Its not that this is another way to do it. Logically, its the only correct way to do it.
    Could you expand on why, please?
  11. Changed jobs twice, went back to college.
  12. Because fewer of my characters are defined more by the way they provide support than the way they attack.

    Seth is a Defender because his power of sacrifice defines his character.

    Naomi is a Corruptor because her aura of healing is more of a footnote.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    I wanted to post this separately, because I find this comment slightly hysterical.

    We have two direct competitors, actually, and every single video game (both MMO and not, PC and console and handheld) out there is an indirect competitor. If someone is playing a game, they're not going to load up a second game to play it at the same time. At best they will divide their game time between the two (or more) games, which - again - means competition.
    I do that all the time
  14. Radiant Strike and Incandescent Strike fulfill the stated purpose of Air Sup as -fly melee range powers. Expecting an Exact Clone In Every Way is.. silly.

    Kheldians gain extra powers to make up for their lack of aux pools.

    I have no other opinions on this.
  15. Dalantia

    VIP Starter Kit



    I'll have to pester them to get it for themselves, then.
  16. Dalantia

    VIP Starter Kit

    My question is actually pretty simple, and perhaps somewhat silly.

    Can these be bought as gifts, and handed out to Some People I Know who have Free Accounts?

    Highly relevant to their curiosity, I suspect.
  17. Dalantia


    Argh.. My brains. Curse yooooou!
  18. Most of the Midnighters will stop at.. pretty much nothing less than their philosophy being the only one on Earth, through brainwashing the planet if necessary. Especially conquering the unattainable amongst the Dawn.

    ...And then they might either look farther, or they might have difficulty looking past their own nose and what they have.
  19. Quote:
    EDIT: A hand wave is a flimsy excuse for a retcon, like why did Jason Todd come back to life? Because Superboy Prime punched the walls of reality.
    More like an excuse for a plot point that isn't really something they focus on.

    For example:

    Dal is only truly proficient in sharp weapons. Someone asks him why, he just shrugs, and the plot continues without addressing it.

    Also, why can't he just put one weapon away and start using dark magic instead of bright? (Well, he has to prepare himself mentally and spiritually to draw on that darkness within him, so he can't just flop between.)

    Not detailed, but just a brush off with a short or nonexistent explanation.
  20. Quote:
    the Vet rewards
    Using the Vet rewards still feels disingenuous to me, as an excuse to avoid rebalancing respecs. Not every player is going to have them all the time, the new player (by extension, the one that's most likely to need them) doesn't have them, etc etc.
  21. Quote:
    Just remember to put somewhere visible that all things inclosed is not subject to inclusion to the game.
    They tried that once. People still blast them for broken promises over it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    2. I'm no longer a paying customer and haven't been since Sept 1, 2009 yet not only do I have access to all of the concept defining archetypes, the company gives me 400 free points to spend in their online store each month.
    You have a lifetime subscription. It counts as "paying customer" for the purposes of her argument, I believe.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by forbin_project View Post
    thank god we don't have it as bad as some other games.
    hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahah a!
  24. Quote:
    The hero one is stupid, but not difficult.
    At the point he's referring to, the hero respec was considerably more brutal. The devs actually did tone it down significantly from its original incarnation.
  25. Because access to Fort Trident/the Crucible is the perk of being straight Hero/Villain, kinda like Rogue Isles/Paragon City access is the perk of being Vigilante/Rogue.