powerset freeform - would it ruin or enhance the game?
The idea taken after an post stating following GR that COH has maybe 2.5 yrs left got me thinking of what if they introduced freeform powersets; picking what powers you want in a archtype instead a set as it currently is. Could this destroy a game or enhance it?
I don't know how long an mmo has for lifeblood but with guildwars not being out as long as coh, it at least is coming out with a "2" hopefully at the end of the year. |
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
I really don't think that the devs would spend so much time on incarnate stuff if they felt the game only had 2.5 yrs left. Could you provide a link to the post though so that we may read it.
I really don't think that the devs would spend so much time on incarnate stuff if they felt the game only had 2.5 yrs left. Could you provide a link to the post though so that we may read it.
Back then NCSoft stated they had about a 5 year plan for City of Heroes. If Going Rogue had launched in Spring 2010 as the Autumn 2009 Hero-Con convention indicated, it would have launched close to the 2.5 / 3 year mark that NCSoft had set, leaving the game with only 2 to 2.5 more years.
However, many of those statements were taken out of context. NCSoft basically guaranteed they would back City of Heroes, as it was from Cryptic, for 5 years. However, that 5 year plan was not a kill-date or a due-date.
NCSoft made it clear that the 5 year plan was a targeted plan for goals that both NCSoft and NCSoft NorCal, now Paragon Studios, wanted to meet. At the end of those 5 years, NCSoft would re-evaluate the position of Paragon Studios game in the market. While not said outright, NCSoft did indicate that should the City of Heroes game continue to be profitable, they would continue to back the game for the forseeable future.
As far as I am aware, City of Heroes is still profitable for NCSoft.
I don't know how long an mmo has for lifeblood |
Anybody who tells you that an MMO has a certain amount of life-span is talking out their rear-end.
Thing is, games like Meridian 59, Ultima Online, and Everquest still have sizeable player-bases. When a game like UO or EQ can still be profitable decades down the line, that sort of torpedo's the idea that any MMO has a pre-determined life-span.
MMO's go for as long as they are profitable to operate. As long as City of Heroes has a player-base that can cover the bills, I have little doubt that NCSoft won't shut the studio down, nor turn off the servers.
That being said, I wish there was some plan that was in place should City of Heroes be rendered un-profitable. E.G., opening up the server client under an restrictive license, but permitting users to download and host their own game servers.
I get the feeling that 'freeform' AT's would have to end up just being 'hidden' archetypes, with pre-formed AT mods, caps, stats and inherent powers assigned for certain combination. Pick buff/debuff primary, blast secondary? You get vigilance, and defender stats. Melee primary/armor secondary? You choose an inherent between stealth kills, fury, or critical hits. It could be fun, but would inevitable produce HUGE amounts of work on the powers team.
This gives balance issues that have not come up- from the more obvious buff & debuff/melee combo, or the oft-suggested blast/armor-- to the far trickier buff & debuff /armor or pet/control.
I would love to see a sort of live-beta-test of this idea perhaps within the Kheldians. The amount of people requesting some Kheldian attention is steadily growing (especially among Peacebringers). Since they are already archetypes that are suited for multiple roles, why not add another facet in there? Say you get to choose where you want your powers to excel (damage, defense, secondary effects, ranged vs. melee, etc.). So someone could choose, at the character creation, to have a more blaster-esque Kheldian, with a higher ranged damage output, but smaller numbers from their defensive shields. Also, an increase in ranged damage would also increase the damage output of their Nova form (so as not to make the form insignificant). Obviously, that's just one example, and this is just an idea that popped into my head. It is far from well-thought-out, and I'm sure would be quite the nightmare for the programming team.
As for the rest of the game... I'm not so sure it would be a good thing, unless there were proper balances put in. Of course, there would be the 15-20% of the player base that would make their toons the way they wanted, even if it meant that they were "gimping" themselves in the process (in relation to the overall population). But the rest of the player base would go for the most effective power type combo, with few variations. Some would do it out of their want to be the strongest and have the best stuff, others would do it just to keep up with former. Whatever the reason, character diversity would decrease significantly, and I think that is a big draw of this game: You cannot do it all with one character. If that were the case, people would get bored faster, and the game would probably have collapsed by now. But when all the servers are in the yellow on a Saturday night, you know you are doing something right. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Again, I am not totally against the idea, but I would have to see a really good system be put in place before I could get behind it.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

The problems with free-form character creation are two-fold.
As a general thing, this is hard to balance, as the difference between the least optimal and the best optimal builds can be many orders of magnitude, making it impossible to balance content for everybody. This is, in fact, the reason that the free-form build system was dropped out of pre-alpha.
Additionally, it's very difficult to institute such a system in a game not designed to handle it. It's been said many times before, including by the developers, that powers are not balanced against each other. Entire powersets are. Therefore, it is very much the norm that one power in one powerset is significantly better than a comparable power in another powerset, but the two powersets still remain balanced because other powers either make up the difference or because other powers bring the sets in different direction.
Powersets are balanced such that they have a mix of powers of different potencies that doesn't always match the mould of all other powersets. Removing powerset restrictions could easily allow a player to cherry-pick the best powers of all types among all the available powersets and create one super-powerset which can then become the only viable build, as happened in Champions Online.
You also run the risk of achieving the exact thing that ATs were meant to prevent - tank-mages. AT balance means that each character comes with strengths and weaknesses, many of which are defined by what powers are available or unavailable to said character. Removing those limitations removes does not grant more options. If anything, it reduces options because there are really only a very small selection of right functionality combinations. ATs seek to avoid the most overpowered ones an thus give players a wider range of COMPARABLE choices.
And, even everything else notwithstanding, it's just a damn complicated system that I have no desire to mess with.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
The idea taken after an post stating following GR that COH has maybe 2.5 yrs left got me thinking of what if they introduced freeform powersets; picking what powers you want in a archtype instead a set as it currently is. Could this destroy a game or enhance it?.
And what is the new powerset feature they added when they went F2P? Predefined Archetypes with predetermined powers just like our archetypes here.
So yeah freeform powersets are a bad idea.
There have been a number of pen-n-paper RPGs that have featured free-form power systems. In fact the original Champions is a notable example of that for this discussion. But the reason those games work is that you have a human GM right there capable of being flexible with his/her players and making the system work. So far computer based games still don't quite have the flexibility required to balance a free-form system without it quickly devolving into a min/max tank-mage-fest.
Perhaps someday someone will make a free-form superhero MMO that'll actually work. I just don't think we're there yet.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Well, let's see what I can come up with if Free Form characters were possible.
Charged Brawl
Storm Kick
Build Up
Siphon Life
Fire Sword Circle
Soul Drain
Lightning Rod
Healing Flames
Dull Pain
Quick Reflexes
Shield Charge
Strength of Will
No, that wouldn't be grossly overpowered at all. And that was taking each power at the level it is available in the set it originates in. Freeform power choosing would quickly lead to every character in the entire game being just as overpowered as my example here. It would be even worse if you are allowed to choose powers from any AT you like.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Well, let's see what I can come up with if Free Form characters were possible.
Primary: Charged Brawl Storm Kick Cremate Build Up Siphon Life Confront Fire Sword Circle Soul Drain Lightning Rod Secondary Deflection Reconstruction Healing Flames Dull Pain Integration Quick Reflexes Invincibility Shield Charge Strength of Will No, that wouldn't be grossly overpowered at all. And that was taking each power at the level it is available in the set it originates in. Freeform power choosing would quickly lead to every character in the entire game being just as overpowered as my example here. It would be even worse if you are allowed to choose powers from any AT you like. |
Nice work Claws. Now do a totally gimped character to show the other extreme some players will go to so they can hang back and mooch off of everyone else.

Re: OP - it would ruin the game.
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
Fortunately the answer to your question exists aleady. Just go look at CO They started out with freeform powersets in 09 and on Jan of this year they went F2P because they couldn't attract enough monthly subscribers to keep the game profitable.
And what is the new powerset feature they added when they went F2P? Predefined Archetypes with predetermined powers just like our archetypes here. So yeah freeform powersets are a bad idea. |
CO didn't go F2P because of freeform. And even then, it's freeform had limits to it, by needing so many powers or so many powers in that tree (which meant you got it quicker).
And the basic ATs they give are based purely on comic book stereotypes (the claws user, the sword wielder, the SS/INV type)...with less powers, as they found most players at that point just picked random and/or concept powers inwhich they never actually used.
All that said, would it work in CoH? I think so, but it would take lots of testing, possibly the exclusion of powers either outright or based on certain other power picks.
I think all the testing required would stop it from happening, at least in CoH...maybe not in a possible CoH2 however.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Well, let's see what I can come up with if Free Form characters were possible.
Primary: Charged Brawl Storm Kick Cremate Build Up Siphon Life Confront Fire Sword Circle Soul Drain Lightning Rod Secondary Deflection Reconstruction Healing Flames Dull Pain Integration Quick Reflexes Invincibility Shield Charge Strength of Will No, that wouldn't be grossly overpowered at all. And that was taking each power at the level it is available in the set it originates in. Freeform power choosing would quickly lead to every character in the entire game being just as overpowered as my example here. It would be even worse if you are allowed to choose powers from any AT you like. |
If you're willing to take Shield Charge, Id say OwtS would likely be better than SoW for the +Health instead of the +REC and you wouldn't have to keep Dull Pain on auto.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I built that on the assumption that a Freeform would only be limited by level available, so Soul Drain and Build Up would be possible on a build using that as the only limitation. If it had to be one or the other, I'd put Dragon's Tail at level 26.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
It's one of the best DPA attacks for a tier 1 available to a scrapper if you want to avoid redraw. Could put Shadow Punch there as well I suppose.
I built that on the assumption that a Freeform would only be limited by level available, so Soul Drain and Build Up would be possible on a build using that as the only limitation. If it had to be one or the other, I'd put Dragon's Tail at level 26. |
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Well, let's see what I can come up with if Free Form characters were possible.
No, that wouldn't be grossly overpowered at all. And that was taking each power at the level it is available in the set it originates in. Freeform power choosing would quickly lead to every character in the entire game being just as overpowered as my example here. It would be even worse if you are allowed to choose powers from any AT you like. |
Something Like:
Twilight Grasp (or Healing Aura if you want a weaker but more reliable heal)
Tar Patch
Darkest Night
Enervating Field
Force Field Generator
Lingering Radiation or Poison Gas Trap (there are pros and cons to either choice but it's worth taking one)
Disruption Arrow
Oil Slick Arrow
Fulcrum Shift
Offensively it has -80 resistance to all, tons of damage and nice -regen. Defensively you've got defense, -to hit, -damage, mez protection and a powerful heal just in case.
Okay, I have to disagree here.
CO didn't go F2P because of freeform. And even then, it's freeform had limits to it, by needing so many powers or so many powers in that tree (which meant you got it quicker). And the basic ATs they give are based purely on comic book stereotypes (the claws user, the sword wielder, the SS/INV type)...with less powers, as they found most players at that point just picked random and/or concept powers inwhich they never actually used. All that said, would it work in CoH? I think so, but it would take lots of testing, possibly the exclusion of powers either outright or based on certain other power picks. I think all the testing required would stop it from happening, at least in CoH...maybe not in a possible CoH2 however. |
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I thought it was more "The paying players take concept defining powers" while the "free to play players" are limited in their concepts.
2. I'm no longer a paying customer and haven't been since Sept 1, 2009 yet not only do I have access to all of the concept defining archetypes, the company gives me 400 free points to spend in their online store each month.
(I had been using the free points to buy stuff for my STO account until they caught on and put a stop to it.

So your line of thought isn't exactly accurate.
Alot of cons verses the pros which is understandable. Don't you think alot has changed since pre-Alpha. It would be nice to consider free-form, maybe test it for giggles. You can have restrictions to free-form. Limit the choices to classes, aka tank powersets stay with tank powersets. Make an individual pick two powers out of a set before dancing to another one. Or you can frankenslot. These archtypes can only be used for certain trials or pvp zones. Granted its a risk and there's a 50/50 chance they'd even make a dime out of it.
As for CO, it was doomed right after M$ pulled the plug on it going console. Plus the game was a confusing mess for beginners due to the complexity involved in the vast array of choices you could make. Recently a few consumers have put together decent guides that the general casual gamer can read and figure out what the devs of that game could've done from the start. Same thing for DCUO, both wannabe hero games.
Alot of cons verses the pros which is understandable. Don't you think alot has changed since pre-Alpha. It would be nice to consider free-form, maybe test it for giggles. You can have restrictions to free-form. Limit the choices to classes, aka tank powersets stay with tank powersets. Make an individual pick two powers out of a set before dancing to another one. Or you can frankenslot. These archtypes can only be used for certain trials or pvp zones. Granted its a risk and there's a 50/50 chance they'd even make a dime out of it.
As for CO, it was doomed right after M$ pulled the plug on it going console. Plus the game was a confusing mess for beginners due to the complexity involved in the vast array of choices you could make. Recently a few consumers have put together decent guides that the general casual gamer can read and figure out what the devs of that game could've done from the start. Same thing for DCUO, both wannabe hero games. |
Plus the game was a confusing mess for beginners due to the complexity involved in the vast array of choices you could make. Recently a few consumers have put together decent guides that the general casual gamer can read and figure out what the devs of that game could've done from the start. Same thing for DCUO, both wannabe hero games.
And believe me I have quite a few characters I would love to tweak with one or two custom powers so they more accurately resembled their concepts.
Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.
You have a lifetime subscription. It counts as "paying customer" for the purposes of her argument, I believe.
On a side note I laughed my butt off when I saw that they jacked up the price of the LTS from what I paid for mine in August of 09. It only cost me $200.
13 months of CO costs $195.
The idea taken after an post stating following GR that COH has maybe 2.5 yrs left got me thinking of what if they introduced freeform powersets; picking what powers you want in a archtype instead a set as it currently is. Could this destroy a game or enhance it?
I don't know how long an mmo has for lifeblood but with guildwars not being out as long as coh, it at least is coming out with a "2" hopefully at the end of the year.