Longbow .. Friend? Foe? or whatever

Angel of Retribution



Organized by Ms. Liberty, the Longbow division of Freedom Corps is bent on the destruction of Arachnos. It was Ms. Liberty's solution to her disagreement with Statesman's policies regarding Freedom Corps. This militia extends its presence to every corner of the Rogue Isles, acting as a military support network for super-powered beings in the struggle against Lord Recluse. Drawing on those who want to be heroes, this organization is composed of volunteers from around the world. Longbow thrives on the never-ending stream of idealistic youth who believe they are on the front lines in the battle against evil.
The strength of their ideological conviction, coupled with the advanced training and munitions provided by NATO, render the Longbow soldiers a force to be reckoned with. This righteous fervor has driven Longbow agents to establish strongholds across the Rogue Isles, interfering in Arachnos operations at every opportunity.
As my latest heroes work their way toward level 50 and I run tip missions, both as a hero and a vigilante, it occurred to me I have almost as many missions that require me to beat up Longbow as any other Villian (?) group. Which lead to this post to ask the question.. exactly when did Longbow become a villainous organization? The quick answer is .. with the arrival of the new RWZ zone which included missions showing Longbow bent on destroying the Rikti even IF it meant the loss of a lot of innocent lives. There was also the outcry of Badgers longing to be able to earn the badge for defeating Longbow hero side where the only way used to be to head to PVP zones and have someone confuse you.

In the description shown above there is no mention of them being a vigilante organization in fact they not only have the backing of Freedom Corp but receieve training and equipment from NATO. Freedom Corp is just a ficticious organization so they can be portrayed in any manner seen fit but NATO is an actual real world military related organization and they spent years staring across an invisible line at the former USSR trying to prevent Nuclear war.. it hardly seems likely they'd back a group willing to risk total war that could devastate the entire planet.

Now personally I started on COV and if you have battled Longbow long enough you gain a good health disgust for them. Back when I started they were THE GOOD Guys but as a villain you got tired of chasing them around a map as they attempted to avoid being defeated. The absolute worst are the Eagles that will fire off a quick close range shot and then fly off leaving their own comrades to die rather than take damage. Nothing has changed except now heroes, rogues, and vigilantes get the opportunity to curse under their breath as they run after them. I have actually joked with friends I play with when a Nulifier takes off running leaving behind the minions to die.. "Standard Longbow battle plan.. Leave the low levels to die I am an officer! I have a right to live!" LOL

Don't get me wrong I have no problem with things as is .. I'm just curious since in some cases I earn the badge for defeating 1000 Longbow before I defeat enough Council Warwolves (200) or Vamprii (200) unless I run Moonfire's TF. Now last time I checked the COUNCIL was a fascist Military Organization bent of world domination so how is it my hero has taken out more Longbow, backed by NATO, than those guys?

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



It is kind of funny how many rogue Longbow cells there are according to tip missions. It's also a little odd that with a full team some of those renegade bands have two or three hundred members. Longbow must have some amazing recruiters if they can keep their organization fully staffed in spite of that. Then again tips also routinely demonstrate that the less-than-one hundred Knives of Artemis that exist in the whole world manage a few extremely productive cloning facilities yet callously deny full membership status to said clones.

But hey, the real point is that Longbow are the goodies-two-shoes that everyone loves to hate. The only reason they get on my nerves is their boring red outfits, and mainly because I much prefer blue.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The ones Heroes fight are always rogue members of Longbow.
So heroes should help capture the Longbow that established Military instilations and taken military action in a sovergn nation, without treaty or Decleration of war?

Got it! Proposed War Witch TF; shut down all rogue Longbow instilations and activities in the Etoile Islands, culminating in the sacking of the Nerva instillation and arrest of the Vindicators!

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



IMHO, Longbow only gets considered "good" because of good PR by Libs. I mean, excessive force ("That guy has a bat, shoot him and set him on fire!" - admittedly our heroes do that too, but still,) pretty much running roughshod everywhere, invading a sovereign nation...

Of course, my general opinion of Ms. Liberty isn't that great, either. As in hothead that never grew up. So it's no surprise that Longbow is the way it is. It is, as best, wildly vigilante. (Besides, look at the dialog they get redside, at least - they have no interest in "arresting" anyone or even considering someone's situation might put them into what they consider being a "villain." Nope. It's "I have no sympathy, they're all scum.") So I guess we can add zealotry to their description, as well.

At least Hero Corps is honest in that they're "doing it for the money." Never hear anything about them, though.



It would have been more interesting if they had made some of the incidental chatter in CoV missions a bit more conciliatory, wouldn't it? Either everyone really is out to get you or you're kicking the most virtuous puppy in the world in the face, nothing exists between those extremes. At least that's on its way out if more recent villain-ish content is any indication. It would also be great if WWD7 is a portent of things to come: I want more opportunities for heroes to go totally mental with no provocation!



I don't know and it got even more confusing in February when an "off duty, out of uniform" Ms Liberty sent my characters off on a mission to perform a ritual to revive the Red Widow.. a former flame of Lord Recluse. The ritual goes badly and Red Widow seems bent on killing Recluse.

Now granted most heroes try hard not to take any life even one as twisted and nasty as Recluse but it seems to me that simply allowing Red Widow to assasinate Recluse would throw Arachnos into a state of total confusion which would allow Longbow, the organization Ms. Liberty helped create, to attack and possibly even defeat the organization once and for all. Instead we take off and steal Cupid's Bow and Arrows and shoot Red Widow with them so she resumes her role as Recluse's girl friend.

Villain side this make perfect sense since the BOSS now owes you a huge favor for getting him back his favorite lady but on the BLUE side of the game.. why on earth are we playing Matchmaker for a evil mastermind bent on ruling the world?

So you see the problems at Longbow HQ start at the very top and go downward. No wonder so many Rogue cells exist.. obviously the general rule of thumb is .. do whatever you feel like .. just make sure your outfit is clean so you look good doing it Oh and always remember rule #1 .. when it doubt run away

Added: Oh almost forgot to add that the entire Valentine's Day mission takes place AFTER Statesman has died. Along with wondering exactly why Ms. Lib had me being essentially Recluse's pimp I couldn't help but wonder .. If we know a ritual that can bring back the dead why are we using it to bring back an Arachnos Widow instead of bringing back... STATESMAN? During the LRSF States assembles a huge group of signature heroes to seek revenge when we defeat Ms. Liberty but little Megan hates grandpap so bad she'd rather bring back a Villain than revive her own Grandfather? Mental note: Do not piss off Ms. Liberty EVER! hehehe

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Villain side this make perfect sense since the BOSS now owes you a huge favor for getting him back his favorite lady but on the BLUE side of the game.. why on earth are we playing Matchmaker for a evil mastermind bent on ruling the world?
Because guys often go wrong without a girl to guide them

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Because guys often go wrong without a girl to guide them
So who's the special girl in your life?



Longbow have always been bad guys, so nothing new there.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Longbow have always been bad guys, so nothing new there.
They've always been good guys - that's why red siders rage about them so much

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Longbow was going rogue (And rouge) before it was the cool thing to do.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Longbow are pretty much loose cannon vigilantes. They're intent is good, but they definitely take it into villain category. TBH, Wyvern's at least as bad. Just less prolific.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Longbow are pretty much loose cannon vigilantes. They're intent is good, but they definitely take it into villain category. TBH, Wyvern's at least as bad. Just less prolific.

Yeah but Wyvern is honest about being mercenary, they also try to be secretive about their operations in the Rogue Isles.

Back when CoV started ,Longbow was presented as the good guys but that was in presentation only. They were always on the edge of things and their presence in every area of the Isles except Nerva was always highly illegal.

Perhaps the most damning thing against Longbow is in the Villain side Clone arc. During one mission your character is fighting Ajax with the aid of your clones on Nerva. Throughout the mission are various Longbow groups and several Civilians that comment about how much they hate Longbow and wish Arachnos would come in and force Longbow out.


How Longbow can be held up as this pinancle of heroism still eludes me.



I don't know if they're good or evil. But they ARE jerks.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The ones Heroes fight are always rogue members of Longbow.

Like the ones in RWZ that were under direct orders from Liberty to take over Vanguards operations? Oh wait those couldn't be rogues then could they?



Longbow's main targets tend to be metahuman, and as such their methods can be prone to excessive force. After all, normal amounts of force just won't cut it against most villains. The result of this, of course, is that it becomes really, really easy for them to cross the line. It also makes them a bit frightening in the eyes of civilians... take for example the bio for the Longbow Flamethrower.

Harkening back to the days of flaming arrows are Longbow's flamethrowers. They typically try not to use these when the press is around—burning enemies alive plays poorly on the evening news for a "heroic" organisation.
(geez, it even has heroic in quotes and everything).

Longbow also has a problem with overstepping their bounds legally. The whole situation in the Rogue Isles being the main example. Their thinking seems to be along the lines of "These people are the BAD GUYS. We're the GOOD GUYS! We have to stop them, no matter what it takes!"... which is really the first good intention that paves the road the Hell...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They've always been good guys - that's why red siders rage about them so much
If being hated by redsiders makes a group "good", then I've been wrong about the Circle of Thorns all this time.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Yeah but Wyvern is honest about being mercenary, they also try to be secretive about their operations in the Rogue Isles.

Back when CoV started ,Longbow was presented as the good guys but that was in presentation only. They were always on the edge of things and their presence in every area of the Isles except Nerva was always highly illegal.

Perhaps the most damning thing against Longbow is in the Villain side Clone arc. During one mission your character is fighting Ajax with the aid of your clones on Nerva. Throughout the mission are various Longbow groups and several Civilians that comment about how much they hate Longbow and wish Arachnos would come in and force Longbow out.


How Longbow can be held up as this pinancle of heroism still eludes me.
If longbow invading the Rogue Isles is illegal, then all heroes do illegal things, as heroes go to the Isles at points in game as well.

Like to defeat Recluse in the STF!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
If longbow invading the Rogue Isles is illegal, then all heroes do illegal things, as heroes go to the Isles at points in game as well.

Like to defeat Recluse in the STF!
Thing is, Longbow goes as far as to establish a long-term military presence there, trying to enforce foreign law on sovereign soil. That's a LOT more than chasing down fugitives in strike-and-run operations.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
It is kind of funny how many rogue Longbow cells there are according to tip missions.
I figger "rogue" Longbow cells are probably fairly similar in operation to all those "rogue" Crey scientists.



Villain side this make perfect sense since the BOSS now owes you a huge favor for getting him back his favorite lady but on the BLUE side of the game.. why on earth are we playing Matchmaker for a evil mastermind bent on ruling the world?
Just as an aside, I happened to stumble upon that mission for the first time this year, right in the midst of Statesman dying. It's a bizarre premise for Blueside heroes anyway, but it accidentally takes on a really darkly funny/horrifying context with Statesman's death looming in the backdrop of Ms. Liberty's seemingly carefree briefing. I couldn't help but read into it something like this...

"Hi! You're probably wondering why I'm here in Pocket D cheerfully dressed up for a night on the town instead of locked in my room crying like I have been for the last week or so. Well, it's because I realized that we heroes aren't bound by the natural laws of life and death! And I'm going to test it out by bringing my grandfather's archenemy's old girlfriend back to life! And once I've proven those naysayers at the Midnight Squad who keep babbling about 'playing God' and 'zombie apocalypse' wrong, I'll bring my family back too! So, you wanna help me steal some books on black magic from the Circle of Thorns so we can get started? Great, you go grab those books and I'll start drawing the pentagram!"

It all suddenly made a disturbing amount of sense - and so I just backed nervously away from Ms. Liberty and snuck right back out of Pocket D as fast as I could!

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
Just as an aside, I happened to stumble upon that mission for the first time this year, right in the midst of Statesman dying. It's a bizarre premise for Blueside heroes anyway, but it accidentally takes on a really darkly funny/horrifying context with Statesman's death looming in the backdrop of Ms. Liberty's seemingly carefree briefing. I couldn't help but read into it something like this...

"Hi! You're probably wondering why I'm here in Pocket D cheerfully dressed up for a night on the town instead of locked in my room crying like I have been for the last week or so. Well, it's because I realized that we heroes aren't bound by the natural laws of life and death! And I'm going to test it out by bringing my grandfather's archenemy's old girlfriend back to life! And once I've proven those naysayers at the Midnight Squad who keep babbling about 'playing God' and 'zombie apocalypse' wrong, I'll bring my family back too! So, you wanna help me steal some books on black magic from the Circle of Thorns so we can get started? Great, you go grab those books and I'll start drawing the pentagram!"

It all suddenly made a disturbing amount of sense - and so I just backed nervously away from Ms. Liberty and snuck right back out of Pocket D as fast as I could!
We need vigilante missions like this.



I think some of what's gone on with the longbow is just the writers going along with what lots of players decided they were

Hero group stopping villains to the players became "OMG they're really badguys invading foriegn land" to lots of players.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
Just as an aside, I happened to stumble upon that mission for the first time this year, right in the midst of Statesman dying. It's a bizarre premise for Blueside heroes anyway, but it accidentally takes on a really darkly funny/horrifying context with Statesman's death looming in the backdrop of Ms. Liberty's seemingly carefree briefing. I couldn't help but read into it something like this...

"Hi! You're probably wondering why I'm here in Pocket D cheerfully dressed up for a night on the town instead of locked in my room crying like I have been for the last week or so. Well, it's because I realized that we heroes aren't bound by the natural laws of life and death! And I'm going to test it out by bringing my grandfather's archenemy's old girlfriend back to life! And once I've proven those naysayers at the Midnight Squad who keep babbling about 'playing God' and 'zombie apocalypse' wrong, I'll bring my family back too! So, you wanna help me steal some books on black magic from the Circle of Thorns so we can get started? Great, you go grab those books and I'll start drawing the pentagram!"

It all suddenly made a disturbing amount of sense - and so I just backed nervously away from Ms. Liberty and snuck right back out of Pocket D as fast as I could!
Where those missions even canon? I can swear some of the tip missions werent.

As for that...that's some really crappy writing.

Mind you I never did run them...I think part of me was scared of anyone in those club heels.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection