72 -
A stick jawa would be fine with me.
Good luck, and I can't wait to see all the results. -
This is good but this sucks too>_< it shouldve been friday the 13th or today, that wouldve been better
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What? Oh please!
More Equine Dentistry.
Whaaa this $100 bill is wrinkled! Take it back!
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I don't think anyone is truly whining (at least i hope not)
I do agree that Friday the 13th would have been a cool day to start it, but I'm happy regardless and double happy because it's likely to run for a few weeks -
One thing that I've always found to be an interesting challenge, is to only play with the enhancements that drop for you.
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That's an interesting idea, plus you could rack up prestige.
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Yeah, I played this way with my blaster since I was always teamed, and frequently those teams had one or more Kin defenders, so the need for optimal slotting was reduced and I was able to get to almost level 30 before I wanted to buy SOs, and then I had plenty of cash on my own to do that. -
One thing that I've always found to be an interesting challenge, is to only play with the enhancements that drop for you. You could throw trading with the other teammates and possibly pick your origins to maximize chances of getting something useful, but otherwise, no buying enhancements of any kind. It makes the way you slot your characters interesting, because you often don't have the enhancements to optimally slot everything, so you need to pick the best setup. Plus you can get a lot more use out of the secondary effects that don't get used as often.
Is it bad form to hope that TR fails so that you'll come back to us?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You will be sorely missed Cuppa!
Hope you'll come back and visit now and again. -
Cool cool. If the baby cooperates and let me play at all, I may be able to get a good push on getting my main to 50. Or maybe I'll just powerlevel my Illusion/Kin controller to 18 and finally get Phantom Army after 2 years. Or maybe I'll get my new Mastermind enough influence to afford some DOs.
Oh the possibilities. Too bad I probably won't get much of a chance to play -
My favorite had to be in Siren's Call when I was grabbing presents on my level 37 Katana/Regen scrapper. There were only a few villains in the area and I was pretty casually flying around with my jingle jet and I got jumped a couple times by a certain MM and his cronies. Well, the second time he got me with TP Foe and his brute pummeled me before I had a chance to react. Obviously he figured I was an easy target, because a little while later he tried the same thing again.
This time, though, he was alone and I knew what to expect. As soon as I got ported, he web grenaded me and dropped caltrops, but he didn't know I had Teleport. I hit Dull Pain and Instant healing the instant I appeared and then proceeded to TP next to him hi build up and dropped him like a stone with Soaring Dragon. I had a pretty good laugh over the thing as I flew away. -
This thing is nuts!!
I love it!1
If this were true, I believe JackZodiac would finally make his 10,000th post saying a big thank you to the devs.
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I was wondering why I haven't seen him around.
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Yup, he's permenantly stuck at 9,999 posts and refuses to make another.
I just wonder if he has a second account out there that we don't know about. -
I completely concur. It's a shame the devs seem to have an issue with giving male toons a shorts or bare leg option of any kind, especially with this toga deal. I dunno about you but I've never seen a toga over tights, pants or anything else other than bare legs.
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Toga over tights? What kind of bizarre Con costumery was that? Toga over tights? That's just way too sick. Of course, there's no need to complain, since the costume piece in question is not and in no way at all resembles a toga. It's a tunica or a chiton.
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Yes, you've made that abundantly clear. And even more amazingly, you weren't the first one to point that out. -
What about the "other" unlockable costume pieces...no one has mentioned those yet.
You will see...soon enough.
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Heart boxers?
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I'd laugh if this was true.
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If this were true, I believe JackZodiac would finally make his 10,000th post saying a big thank you to the devs. -
Ok, I guess I never really associated togas with valentines day, but whatever, it's cool!
Now, can you wear the "skirt" part with a different top or the top with a different bottom?
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Eros = erotic.
The toga was a one piece item on my female. I don't know if it's the same on males.
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Damn, I was hoping to us it as a kilt
Oh, and Awry replied to me!! YAY!! -
This is very cool.
But I have to ask... Why?
Am I missing some Roman holiday that would warrant a toga/tunic/dress? Or is it just because?
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Valentines day -> Cupid.
Cupid - > Roman name for Eros.
Eros - > Greek godling of Love (son of Aphrodite/Venus).
Cupid is sometimes depicted as a youth in a toga with bow and arrow, not always as a flying cherub.
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Ok, I guess I never really associated togas with valentines day, but whatever, it's cool!
Now, can you wear the "skirt" part with a different top or the top with a different bottom? -
This is very cool.
But I have to ask... Why?
Am I missing some Roman holiday that would warrant a toga/tunic/dress? Or is it just because? -
If I were to take the first 10 tracks off of WMP right now, I would get the first ten tracks off the Firefly Soundtrack CD
Face Stab!
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Very Very nice.
Now you must make White mage as a empathy/stone melee (for the hammer of course) defender. -
I'm going to have to play around with this when I am home for the next week.
This is from my list at work, which is a tiny sliver of what I have at home:
1. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lot of Love
2. Incubus - Talk Shows on Mute
2. Slipknot - Vermillion
4. NIN - Closer
5. Green Day - Longview
6. Juno Reactor - Samurai
7. Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly
8. Led Zeppelin - Been a long Time
9. Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain
10. Led Zeppelin - The Battle of Evermore
Yes I like Led Zeppelin. -
Beautiful! Just beautiful!
May a wonderful pyramid in monument to this thread's greatness be built!
I'm just kidding. Don't hurt me -
In regards to crafting...
The thing that always seems to go wrong with crafting in MMOs isn't inherent in the system of crafting, but in the balance of making crafting useful without making it necessary.
You have people who want to craft in MMOs, and those who do not like it. So you have to balance the items that can be crafted in such a way as to make them useful for those who want to craft, otherwise they will complain that crafting is pointless. But not overly powerful, because then those who dislike crafting will complain that they are being forced into it.
That, and of course, the inevitable economy that springs up from crafting. Some players are born merchants. I know a few people who enjoyed crafting and selling to the exclusion of all other activities in SWG and EQ. They would collect things from hunters, make expensive items, and sell them for a profit. Never setting foot out of the city where they had established their trade. While I cannot understand how this is fun, I accept that this is the way that some people enjoy playing.
When these obsessive personalities become involved, even items that are supposed to be rarely crafted start showing up regularly in the market. Prices start bouncing up and down, and players who do not craft may again feel cheated or at least left out.
Personally, I enjoy CoH for its combat and fast paced action. I have no need for a crafting system to make the game more fun. Others might disagree, but I'd rather avoid the hassle that implementing such a system and balancing it would inevitably bring...
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I'm not a "crafter" per say, but I do enjoy creating things for my own personal enjoyment. I think a system where creating custom costume options would be neat. Maybe tie the "power customization" into crafting somehow.
Or even make it so that the players can create their own enhancements that are similar to Hami O's but weaker. Like an enhancement that gives a 20% boost to Damage and Accuracy. That way, a play could have 5 of those in a power and get the same results as having 3 damage and 3 accuracy and then they'd basically have the ability to slot one extra enhancement in that power. -
Yep, enjoy it while you can, scrappers and some tanks use to be like that...
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Last time I checked my Scrapper was still fun.
And last time I checked, Brutes are not gods. They can be defeated quite easily if you make a mistake or miss a crucial hit. If I take on more than 4-5 even cons, it's a good chance that I will be pretty hurt after the fight, especially if it's a group of guys like Arachnos or Goldbrickers that do more than just Smashing/Lethal.