
  • Posts

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [u]The Sexy eThugs:[u]
    1. @Skin
    2. @Psoma
    3. @skittler, @Game-Over
    4. @Knight Shayd
    5. @Knight Shayd's Mom
    6. @Hot Broccoli, @Cold Broccoli
    7. @Knox
    8. @Skrongstar

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Removing myself due to retirement. Thanks for the fun Sexy eThugs, cheaaaaa Losty

    Best of luck <3
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    @Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet
    @Tox @I Eat Babies Yo - Contact Guy

    Also Leaders:
    @Meldash @Mel Dash
    @tOOn @t00n
    @Fred @mwghost
    @Flaming Forestor2 @Psyhead
    @poisen havok @poisen havok2
    @the Tactician
    @m a s k i n @klesk
    @Life Sux
    @F U E L7

    Better than Mediocre:
    @Colonel Jasmine

    Kid's table:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just throwing this on the boards since I was asked to :s

    added @F U E L7 , spawn camping JAL blasters

    [/ QUOTE ]

    cleaned it up a bit

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Removing @Silent Method, retiring. Best of luck, and thanks
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, you'd think someone at some point would be seen running around with it. I don't think I've encountered a hero or villain with the name, Mal, but the minute I do I will get their global name for you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Was just flipping through this thread out of boredom, 90% of the posts here could use a healthy dose of in-game /getglobalname to contact someone who's holding a toon name you want (if they indeed still play and get your global tell).
  4. Hmm, perma elude + phase scrapper vs scrapper that not even fire/ems have enough raw damage to kill. Sensing a draw here...
  5. Just phase every time he hits Aim, Fortunatas get real mad when you do that and then 2-shot them with proc'd out impale after you've burned out their phase. Also go afk during the 4 min 30 sec of the match that you have Instant Healing running.

  6. Not to blast the whole process or anything, since more PvP and dueling is a good thing, but isn't the concept of a ladder for it kind of silly? Considering you could take a player of equal skill and dethrone any given #1 toon with one of that toon's multiple weak matchups...
  7. Yeah, I've had pretty good luck against stormies on my regins.
  8. no u didn't ;P

    My AR/fire's actually fairly well IO'd on Live. Very important build, that.
  9. Don't fight any good spines/regens
  10. Hoping his schedule will allow him to be on Test regularly (:
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    spawn camping JAL blasters

    [/ QUOTE ]
    quit putting my corpse on follow and total focusing it you mean net bullies!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True story, I tried blasting once but got perma-benched on it because I couldn't control+click my powers before our target respawned.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    @Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet
    @Tox @I Eat Babies Yo - Contact Guy

    Also Leaders:
    @Meldash @Mel Dash
    @tOOn @t00n
    @Fred @mwghost
    @Flaming Forestor2 @Psyhead
    @poisen havok @poisen havok2
    @the Tactician
    @m a s k i n @klesk
    @omega medic
    @Silent Method
    @Life Sux
    @F U E L7

    Better than Mediocre:
    @Colonel Jasmine

    Kid's table:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just throwing this on the boards since I was asked to :s

    added @F U E L7 , spawn camping JAL blasters
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    My big "they really need to fix that" right now is confuse being on its own suppression cycle. It breaks the pattern of all other mez effects and is just plain illogicaal.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I've been plastering that bug all over the forums for quite some time now too. No response... yet.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Broadsword's knockback not suppressing is a long-standing bug that's become more prominent post i12.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not just Broadsword. Several other powersets either entirely or in several powers, have issues like this -- not least of which is Storm.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The "map not available" for the seige tower arena map was also forgotten.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hate that >.o

    But seriously, it'd be nice to get some legit feedback on self-teleportation while TK'd. It's a crippling bug, particularly in duels, and exploitation of it is probably one of the main reasons the power is still worth taking. Vengeance stacking received feedback in the form of (paraphrasing) "It's part of how the power works and we can't really fix it in the near future"... I'd like to know if there's some form of hope for the TK issue.

    I have yet to test whether making a macro to do "/sync" will fix the display issue, but that shouldn't be a hoop players need to jump through. Hell, I'm still hesitant to duel players who make liberal use of TK, since Jaunt Initializer is one of the only defenses against it in dueling scenarios -- and that defense would work properly if not for the graphic glitch. As it stands now, anyone who benefits from their TK'd target trying to teleport and getting graphic bugged, is effectively making use of an exploit, whether by intent or not.
  14. TK self-teleportation glitch please (for the... 80th time?).
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Hello PERC, Please be aware that there is a Hero gone rogue plotting something big in Pinnacle. He goes by the name Captain Croatia and until recently was an upstanding member of the hero community. Details at this point are sketchy but my sources tell me that he has been acting as a liaison to various villian groups in the Rogue Isles. As a former freind and SG mate I feel some what responsible for his fall from grace. As I come across more information I'll forwad it to PERC so you can be aware of the situation as it develops.


    [/ QUOTE ]

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, if anyone has Seth or Set, I want it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /getglobalname Seth
    /getglobalname Set

    /t @Resulting Global, Hi, can we discuss your usage of the character named Set(h)?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Who has Nor'Easter?

    Please? Wants it...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /getglobalname Nor'Easter

    Also I'd like to thank Rhasi for taking awesome names such as "Wisconsin", "Thanks", "Okay", and of course "No u"
  18. Yay Losty :>

    She may have another global to add, I forget whether she uses toons from it on Test.