PvP SG Recruitment
my global is HOTMAN nuff said
looking for SG
xhiggy is the only sneaky hotman, sorry
1.@Hush is my live and test global.
2. I have a Emp/Rad def lvl 50 and Rad/Psy lvl 50.
3 I have done a variety of events on test and live in regards to pvp some organized by the devs others by the PVPEC. Alot of kickballs on Freedom server both heroes and villians. I've been pvping UJL vg for two years zone and test. Recently was in the tpvpl @Team Spain roster.
4. My schedule varies , but once I'm notified in advanced I can make room.
5. Wednedays and some tues.
6. Have both vent and teamspeak with a mic as well.
7. I like to have fun on whatever toons I play. Always willing to get advice and advance my pvp skill. Love to throw out ideas and speak my mind heh.
8 I like playing both my emp and rad, so defender AT would have to be my favorite.
Paragon Elite needs some people and especially we're shortest on reliable emps atm so if you're ok with something less established I'm sure we'd love to have you.
ok cool recieved a pm will be in contact
Form Fill-Out
1. Live Global, Test Global: @Kilaw Pilath
2. PvP Characters: None currently built as PvP characters, but respecs are handy, or character slots are avaliable across many servers to build new characters.
Edit: After suggested, characters I have that are level 50 (As in Signature for related server)
Hero: Controller Fire/Storm Summoning/Psy
Villian: Ninja/Poison/Soul
3. PvP Experience *If Any*: Light random PVP in Zones, but nothing serious due to previous computer issues, or lack in skill. I've also messed around with Gladiator arena PVPing a little here and there, but again nothing to serious previously.
4. Preferred Live, Test, or Both: Either Live or Test would be fine.
5. Time/Days Avaliable: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 6pm Eastern - 4am Eastern Wenesday times vary typically after 12am Eastern
6. Ventrilo/Teamspeak Mic/No Mic: No Mic, No Teamspeak, No Ventrilo. Edit: (To be more specific, I don't own a Mic, and I don't know anything about Ventrilo or Teamspeak)
7. Brief Bio: I have been playing city of heroes and city of villians for nearly 21 months now. I've read about various topics for PVP, I've seen things that happen in PVP zones, and after the most recient City Scoop article I've thought maybe I should get more involved in PVP. It sounds alot more fun when you cut out the extreme trash talking/rudeness I've sometimes seen going on in various channels or broadcast in the Zone areas. (Not that I'm saying I'm against Zone PVP )
On a side note, I am a rather rabid (though no where near insane) Alt-a-holic. I have majoritively tons of characters both Villian and Hero side, with new ideas for new toons showing up frequently. (Though for Missions and such I prefer some of the Villians' stories and alot of the mission contacts due to a different feel, such as the Television, the Radio, and the Slot machine)
I usually will ask alot of questions concerning builds, how I should level, and the like because I enjoy having that sort of help. I typically ask one friend for most of my advice with a few people here and there when I need something that he might know, or if all else fails the forums suffice for new Ideas that might pop up in my head. (IE: Me being an Alt-a-holic...)
I am also into Roleplaying, though still fairly new to the City of * environment as a whole, though not to Roleplaying in general.
And on a final note, I'm not very Bind/Macro savy. With the only one MAYBE being binding Teleport to left CTRL + left mouse...
8. Personal Best-Played Archetype:
I enjoy Various arch types in different ways. Typically Hero side I enjoy Controllers to a point, or Tanks. Defenders and Scrappers are toloerated mostly or enjoyed sligihtly depending on the build I'm playing though usually don't get quite as much play time.
Which leaves Blasters and Kheldians in the bottom of the list due to the seeming complexity of the characters. (At least I seem to have an eaiser time if I only have to worry about "Offensive" and "Defensive" power sets, and not the more mixed variaties of purely offensive, that blaster has, or the Massive offensive and odd defensive options Kheldians have avaliable to them.)
I feel I should also post my information concerning Villian Side, to save a second post with identical information. And on the villian side I favor Brutes and Masterminds, with Corruptors and Domiantors being the second two that I seem to enjoy with varying reasons but not to any high level success (with 1 exception being a level 30 Ice/Therm on Champion) and Stalkers being at the bottom since I'm not overly fond of the overly large community of PVP focus they get in addition to the majority being Ninjitsu and the feel that if I'm not Ninjitsu, I probobly suck.. >.<;
You sound like you have some learning to do young grasshoppa, but don't worry, hopefully you'll find a group that will help you climb the learning curve.
I sugest you save your post above, so that you can laugh at yourself in a year or so, about how green of a n00blet you were when you first started.
It would help if you post a list of all your lvl 50 PvP worthy characters like ill/kin controller, or emp/psi defender, etc.
Best of luck, and welcome to test server PvP. Always good to see new blood coming in.
6. Ventrilo/Teamspeak Mic/No Mic: No Mic, No Teamspeak, No Ventrilo.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would suggest that you get ventrilo and a mic, pretty much a requirement for team PvP.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
You sound like you have some learning to do young grasshoppa, but don't worry, hopefully you'll find a group that will help you climb the learning curve.
I sugest you save your post above, so that you can laugh at yourself in a year or so, about how green of a n00blet you were when you first started.
It would help if you post a list of all your lvl 50 PvP worthy characters like ill/kin controller, or emp/psi defender, etc.
Best of luck, and welcome to test server PvP. Always good to see new blood coming in.
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post deleted.
This is the PvP SG recruitment thread...
What heroes do you have to offer?
lol woops didnt see 2 of them, ill take care of it, i hate heros so i dont have any really. my bad.
6. Ventrilo/Teamspeak Mic/No Mic: No Mic, No Teamspeak, No Ventrilo.
[/ QUOTE ] I would suggest that you get ventrilo and a mic, pretty much a requirement for team PvP.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bee Ess
You sound like you have some learning to do young grasshoppa, but don't worry, hopefully you'll find a group that will help you climb the learning curve.
I sugest you save your post above, so that you can laugh at yourself in a year or so, about how green of a n00blet you were when you first started.
It would help if you post a list of all your lvl 50 PvP worthy characters like ill/kin controller, or emp/psi defender, etc.
Best of luck, and welcome to test server PvP. Always good to see new blood coming in.
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Yeah I am pretty green when it comes to PEEVEEPEE
But it's an area I'd like to learn and try to enjoy.
As far as Ventrilo or Team Speak, I'd be willing to get the programs, though I know with out the Mic it would be pointless. Used to have a Mic, but it got thrown out a year or so ago, and haven't really gotten a new one. Maybe if I see a cheap one I'll buy it.
Actually getting them even if you dont have a mic is NOT useless.
Common misconception of those who dont have one.
Even without a mic you'll still be able to hear what your team mates are saying in the match, what stratagies they want everyone to employ, who the debuff/spike/cage target is, who needs what buff...
Trust me, in a real match noone has the time to type all that sh*t out, and keybinds will only take you so far.
Hell for what it's worth when my team is in a match unless the one person on our team without a mic is in it, I never even keep my chat window open.
I was in OS for probably like a month w/o a mic then had a mic for a month then it broke and I didn't have one from like..February last year until June..and I played blaster..w/o a mic lol..but mostly emp
yep agree with Kilo and cinder so let me re-phrase, vent=pretty required so you can know target etc, mic not 100% required but would be nice.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
I was in OS for probably like a month w/o a mic then had a mic for a month then it broke and I didn't have one from like..February last year until June..and I played with Strike..w/o a mic lol..but mostly with myself
[/ QUOTE ] fixt
Just an update, I downloaded and installed both Team Speak and Ventrillo. How ever I do not yet have a microphone. (Wasn't Edit the application I posted so I had to reply ))
1. Live: @Stone Durge Test: @Reaver Dirge
2. Fire/em blaster, Kin/elec defender (not completely finished) ill/emp (still 48)
3. VORI kin (Skiathos Chill)
4. Both
5. Tuesday nights, thursday nights, sunday nights (tentatively)
6. Vent + mic
Edit: joined TEAM WEB
o dang u'd be a nice pickup for my new SG the Heroes of Rhode Island
its a good thing you didn't say Rogue Island, srsly
I'll give you a contract Reaver, and the signing bonus is 10 internets.
Pft can't beat that im there
Welcome to the PvP SG Recruitment Thread!
This is where Freelance PvPers can come to advertise themselves in search of a PvP Super Group.
Form Fill-Out
1. Live Global, Test Global
2. PvP Characters
3. PvP Experience *If Any*
4. Preferred Live, Test, or Both
5. Time/Days Avaliable
6. Ventrilo/Teamspeak Mic/No Mic
7. Brief Bio
8. Personal Best-Played Archetype
*Recommended* After being Recruited, Edit your post to say that you've been Recruited into a SG.
Good Luck!