The CoX Duel Ladder Thread
I'm rather impressed with this. Kudos to you for putting it together. I think I have a few folks that will try their hand at this.
I signed up already with my 2 regular characters. Is this ok, or do I have to just pick one?
I duel on test with my rad/psi and my ice/cold regularly.
Thanks Fury! We'll see how it works out. I encourage you to help spread the word and get other folks who like to duel to join the ladder.
I signed up already with my 2 regular characters. Is this ok?
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Yes. There is no limit to the number of characters that one player can have on the ladder. Of course, a player should never report a loss to another one of his own characters.
I threw a thread up on Infinity for this Terp, might interest some (nod nod)
Looks like we got a few good duelists already, looks like this is gonna be fun. Maybe I didnt read about it but in respect to Tier3 insperations and different builds Id hope there are rules to these. I wouldnt have much fun if everyone that showed up for this all of sudden had TP foe when fighting my MM. Just as most controllers wouldnt have fun if everyone use SOW and tier3s.
Thanks Kitten!
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Only store bought inspirations should be used unless the two opponents agree to something else.
I cant enforce this though, so its up to players to monitor. If you dont know your opponent, you might want to arrange an inspiration exchange before the match. Or, you can agree that only store bought insps will be used, and if you suspect that they broke the rules during the match you can arrange an exchange before your next fight with that player. When youre facing a highly rated player and/or one with a good reputation, I wouldnt expect this to be a problem. Using Tier 3's when the expectation is only store bought insps could lead to a poor reputation pretty quick, especially among a relatively small group such as this.
Good question though. Ive never really used anything other than store bought insps in a duel, so I just naturally expect others to do the same. I realize some people can get pretty cut throat and will do anything to win, but fair fights are more fun so we want everyone to be on an equal playing field inspiration wise. So, stick to the store-bought insps
Using Different Builds for Certain Opponents
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Players use whatever build they think is best for the match.
In tournaments and other organized events, you may not be allowed to switch builds between matches, but in regular play you can use whatever build you think gives you the best chance of achieving victory.
I feel as though its just the nature of the Test server to try different builds, and have multiple builds that you might want to use based on the situation. As someone whos been dueling since the introduction of the arena, this has always been the case for me. You find a build that you like, and works well for you, and then someone beats you so you try to come up with a solution that allows you to counter the tactics they used to defeat you. Sometimes this requires you to change your build in ways that negatively impact your performance against others. Then, you find yourself with multiple builds...
Players will only fight each other so many times if the outcome is always the same, so players need to be able to adjust their build so that they can hope to change the outcome of a match thats been fought before.
I do understand your plight as a MM and not wanting every opponent you face to have TP Foe, but I think that you have to expect that others may adjust their build in hopes of having a better chance to defeat you. They will surely do the same against all other ATs as well.
Anyway, thats my two cents on Inspirations and Build Switching.
Im glad to see the responses and interest Ive seen so far. Id like to see some matches and see someone take control of the #1 spot. I hope to respec one of my toons tonight so I can duel someone
Let me know if you have any more questions.
I signed up with my dom and i might use my brute as well. Im all new and not that good at pvp but im gona give it a shot lol
@Hoey Moey - Retired
Congratulations to Cruel Ownage for becoming the first player to occupy the #1 Spot
Congratulations to Cruel Ownage for becoming the first player to occupy the #1 Spot
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Taking bets on how long he stays at #1. PST.
I'm pretty impressed with this system, unfortunately I'm still leveling my dom so not much time for test yet. And then I have to IO him out... so you can expect me to get involved in about 4 monthes . Either that or I just break down and use the EM/Regen
/e plot
AKA: Ath BS/SD Brute (Hero)
"The Fall and Rise of Athanatos" Arc ID: 521712
Outcast Cooler - "Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't."
You can expect me in a month or two if i break my altitis.
2 Questions about the system? One I know you stated a person can put more than one toon into the ladder system, so does that mean each toon put in will have its own ranking (Ex My mind.sonic could be number 5 while my gimped kat/sr would be slotted at 675) or will the ranking be player based (My mind/rad,mind/sonic,kat/sr are kept under one ranking and when Im challenged I play what I choose, while when I challenge someone I say what Im bringing and they pick what they will play from their toons.
I think I saw on the website ties dont affect the rankings, but in the recent duels their have been a number of 0-0 ties after ten minutes. Is their a rule like you holding in your tourney that if theirs a tie (maybe if its just a 0-0 tie) then the next match become last man standing to decide a winner.
A person can put more than one toon into the ladder system, so does that mean each toon put in will have its own ranking (Ex My mind.sonic could be number 5 while my gimped kat/sr would be slotted at 675) or will the ranking be player based (i.e., My mind/rad,mind/sonic,kat/sr are kept under one ranking and when Im challenged I play what I choose)
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Each character will have its own ladder ranking.
For example, I respec'd my ice/thermal into a dueling build, and added him to the ladder. If he never beats anyone (entirely possible), he will remain unranked. If I later add my rad/psy to the ladder and win some matches, the rad/psy's ranking will go up while my ice/thermal will remain unranked.
I saw on the website ties dont affect the rankings, but in the recent duels their have been a number of 0-0 ties after ten minutes. Is their a rule like you holding in your tourney that if theirs a tie (maybe if its just a 0-0 tie) then the next match become last man standing to decide a winner.
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No. Tournaments can be set up using the rules established by the tournament creator in order to ensure that a winner is crowned, but for normal matches the terms of the match are decided by the two players involved.
If two players fight to a tie, and then both agree to a rematch under different parameters (i.e. last man standing, 20 min, no insp's, etc
) that's fine, but it's not required.
I should (and will) add a couple points to the tourney rules regarding ties. If the players fight to a tie and both players agree that even the first rematch would be pointless, they can skip right to the rock/paper/scissors. And, if a match is decided on rock/paper/scissors it WILL NOT EFFECT ladder rankings (e.g., it won't result in one player receiving a loss and the other a win, or a change in ladder rank)
Gratz to Fire-E on his 9 - 0 win against me
@Hoey Moey - Retired
Meloncholy Heart -em/regin
i put my cookies on ajax
Meloncholy Heart -em/regin
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Myk, please sign up on the ladder site and enter your info including global handle. Or, if this is information for Stasis, ask him to enter the info on the ladder site. Once that's been done, I'll slot you/him in the 8th and final spot for tonight's tourney. Thanks.
So far, 19 players have joined and added 33 characters to the ladder.
i suppose it can't hurt to join in on my storm/sonic. i registered with the ladder site.
Cumulonimbus lvl 50 storm/sonic
So far, 19 players have joined and added 33 characters to the ladder.
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So many people to kill me lol
@Hoey Moey - Retired
So far, 19 players have joined and added 33 characters to the ladder.
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So many people to kill me lol
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You bringing the dom? Good luck, can't wait to try out dom arena 1v1 once I IO out my Mind/Ice
So far, 19 players have joined and added 33 characters to the ladder.
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So many people to kill me lol
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You bringing the dom? Good luck, can't wait to try out dom arena 1v1 once I IO out my Mind/Ice
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Yea im trying my dom but its not IO'd out or anything yet. Still working on the IO's lol.
@Hoey Moey - Retired
I am attempting to start a ladder
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Attempt, nothin. You done started it.
This looks really fun. Thanks for putting the work into it.
For all the duelists out there, I am attempting to start a ladder that will rank you against all others. If you are interested in the ladder a CoX Duel Ladder Web Site has been created with links to Rules and such.

I'm not makin' any guarantees here, but I've wanted to do this for a long time and think it could only be fun.
You can contact me with questions by PM or sending me a tell @TerpMan
[u]Join the Ladder here:[u]
Enter your Info to join the Ladder Here
<ul type="square">[*]Enter your character information and send a request to join the "guild"[/list]Make sure you Read the Ladder Rules before you join.
[u]Ladder Rankings[u]
You can view the Current Ladder Rankings here
Ranking System
[u]Reporting Losses[u]
To make the ladder work, the loser of each ladder match needs to report the loss:
Report Losses Here or Here (for folks who have not yet been added to the ladder by an Admin)
<ul type="square">[*]If you have submitted your info to join the ladder (i.e., posted in the Join the Ladder Here Forum and requested to join the guild), but have not yet been added to the Ladder, you can begin fighting immediately. However, you will need to Report your Losses Here (for folks who have not yet been added to the ladder by an Admin) until you are officially added to the ladder by an Admin[/list]Ladder matches can take place on ANY server but all ladder players should be willing to go to the Test server to fight players from other servers.
Players will be added to the ladder and ladder rankings will be updated by an Admin ASAP. Depending on ladder activity and admin availability, this may occur multiple times a day or once every few days.
[u]Good Sportsmanship[u]
Good Sportsmanship is encouraged among all ladder participants. Ladder matches are designed to encourage fun competition in the CoX Arena. Dont be an @$$!
If you have a problem with another player, you can Report Problems to a Ladder Admin if absolutely needed.
Im not sure how many of you are interested, but I guess well see. The best players who fight the most will occupy the top of the rankings, but I encourage all of you who are interested in some quality fighting to join. Ultimately, it should help people match up against those of similar rank for some really fun matches.
Ladder Tournaments coming soon...