
  • Posts

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I saw this coming. After ir0x0r continually took down Felonious in the area. GL/HF and come back for badges.

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    LoL badges gave this up so long agos, lol so the reason Im leaving is all those fights my nerfed to craptastistic bubbler lost to your dom so long ago that i left came back, and am sort of leaving again cause of it. Srsly though you should duel some of my new toons it willbe fun, wheres your dom, still Victory?
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    can ihave your stuff?

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    No cause, I stripped all the toons of valuable stuff and moved it to the few toons on the other account.
  3. Retire @Felonious2, plz k thx.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    On a follow up castle (and also thank you for responding to my post), has there been a starting idea for how long the suppresion will last? I think 5 minutes is fair, but I also hate how cage has evolved recent test pvp so i'm biased.

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    5 minutes suppression, so two 15 second cages for a ten minute match. Thats funny.
  5. Since your busy at work nerfing/changing things for PvP. How about some slow suppression?

    Even better how about you make an actual contribution to pvp in this game and let us have selectable arena maps. Heck Id settle with you just removing the stupid pocket D cage map. Im probably asking for something way too brainbusting for you to accomplish though.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Princess P will give her stuff to me?

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  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Posting just became 99% less fun.

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    Fixt that in regards to me, with no long drawn out ridiculous Putz, Psypunk, or Alarys posts to poke and prod. I'll have to just think of something else to post about in my last 50 or so posts.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Hey guys.. I am such a noob when it comes to navigating where I can sign up... but I am interested in a Test server pvp sg. Care to help a noob like me find my home?

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    I'm not one to call out but, hey look who it is, Zmobie the bear. Aren't you that person from TIG who acts like Sir's [censored]? Aren't you that person who insults Integrity but yet wants to join them?

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    I think you just called out
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    They can still be handled with precision and skill, The other day when I was in the LL tournament on Infinity, between rounds I dueled a dual phased fire/em blaster IOed who went to the finals to team with killobot. I think Fire Assailant was his name, I dueled him with my storm/psy which while it has alot of IOs isnt completely purped out the way i would have it on test. Anyways I got up 1-0 around the 6 minute mark and held the lead till with 2 minutes left I got sloppy and with got stunned while i had 4 breaks still in my tray. Point is I wasnt blown out by him, quite frankly he was the fortunate one to tie it up at the end. ive beaten other blasters with my ice/kin and likewise have gotten [censored] by the better blasters on it who can stay away from my PB transfusion. I also beat a fire/em on Infinity with my WP/EM tank whether he was any good I dunno, I wouldn't say Im good on my tank though. Theirs a variety of builds that can handle dual phased IOed blasters. Not all of them are fotms, but none of them are gimped builds any pvper would think about bringing.

    I think you have tunnel vision, in that something you dueled with was once viable against these blasters isnt anymore. Well let be tell a quick parable. When I used to duel with my mind/FF troller back in the good old days I could kill a regen with IH up and or dual phased ice tank by popping some reds. Then came the triple containment nerf to just double with no debuffs/pet to make the damage I was unable to scratch out my 1-0 victories I used too. IOs and all the plus recharge came out and exacerbated the problem even more. Same with Doms, I used to beat the shi*t out of Iroxor on his fire/fire dom with my mind/bub like scores would be 8-0, boom Doms get their mez/repel buff and the matches turn into the same score just he has the 8 and I have the 0 I also know the same dominator will fall to any rad played decently.

    I don't buy a mediocre player on a dual phased IOed out blaster can destroy 99% of the people/builds out there on . They can just destroy your poison mm which you said you squeaked by on before.

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    Do use perma tk snowstorm?

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    Try keeping perma tk/snowstorm up with everything else needed to keep up without an outside end buff/or geas running then get back to me on how far your attack chain goes. I do use perma steamy mist, its so hax, mitigating the fire dmg that way.
  10. They can still be handled with precision and skill, The other day when I was in the LL tournament on Infinity, between rounds I dueled a dual phased fire/em blaster IOed who went to the finals to team with killobot. I think Fire Assailant was his name, I dueled him with my storm/psy which while it has alot of IOs isnt completely purped out the way i would have it on test. Anyways I got up 1-0 around the 6 minute mark and held the lead till with 2 minutes left I got sloppy and with got stunned while i had 4 breaks still in my tray. Point is I wasnt blown out by him, quite frankly he was the fortunate one to tie it up at the end. ive beaten other blasters with my ice/kin and likewise have gotten [censored] by the better blasters on it who can stay away from my PB transfusion. I also beat a fire/em on Infinity with my WP/EM tank whether he was any good I dunno, I wouldn't say Im good on my tank though. Theirs a variety of builds that can handle dual phased IOed blasters. Not all of them are fotms, but none of them are gimped builds any pvper would think about bringing.

    I think you have tunnel vision, in that something you dueled with was once viable against these blasters isnt anymore. Well let be tell a quick parable. When I used to duel with my mind/FF troller back in the good old days I could kill a regen with IH up and or dual phased ice tank by popping some reds. Then came the triple containment nerf to just double with no debuffs/pet to make the damage I was unable to scratch out my 1-0 victories I used too. IOs and all the plus recharge came out and exacerbated the problem even more. Same with Doms, I used to beat the shi*t out of Iroxor on his fire/fire dom with my mind/bub like scores would be 8-0, boom Doms get their mez/repel buff and the matches turn into the same score just he has the 8 and I have the 0 I also know the same dominator will fall to any rad played decently.

    I don't buy a mediocre player on a dual phased IOed out blaster can destroy 99% of the people/builds out there on . They can just destroy your poison mm which you said you squeaked by on before.
  11. Theirs plenty of top end dueling builds. I disagree with some of the people who think dual phased blasters are ridiculously hard to be beat, Ive beaten them with a few of the different builds I have, from my ice/kin to my storm/psy- neither of which would be considered the top tier of dueling builds, they wouldn't be considered gimp.

    Theirs only two builds and one situation, I see as a pointless duel. A dual phased ice tank, take an idiot not to draw out a tie against the majority of opponents. Any stalker poses a problem with the large number of archtypes which cannot see them with out popping yellows which just is not a viable option, really the same problem fighting an ice tank poses, a monkey at the keyboard can at worst get a draw. Finally a melee toon with no repel resistance against anything with tk is pointless duel.

    Other than those situations or builds, I don't see the need for this thumbed down ladder. As someone stated by eliminating somethings, other sets all of sudden take their place of being unbeatable. If anyone ever wants to duel hit me up @Felonious1 on live, Im on Infinity can do live duels there. Think I have a dueler or two on test not sure what.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    thanks kurg

    also, woot, our thread is on fire!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your welcome, this one was free, next one will cost ya.
  13. If the tinfoil hat kids cant get a meeting in to talk about Waiveable rules and non-waiveable rules before the upcoming match, here's the solution- Have omega/whoever else use a rename token to appear as one of your eligible members- don't worry I wont tell anyone or just have him play someone else's account. There problem solved, no worries Putz wont know we are making a mockery of the ladder rules, cause she got me on ignore, unless of course VR's flunkies go squealing.

    Keeping people from playing a pixelated video game is serious business.
  14. Shock drinks girly beer!----- Fact

    Robocop wants fire plz!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Personally I would love to see the new members play in the official. Its always good to have the extra challenge and I do not really see what harm it would do. Since it is an odd care and their is not an official ruling imo the sg leaders from both sgs should decide what should happen. Pluss this rule was set in place to prevent people from switching sgs every week to play in officials. Vel has retired so its not like they are jumping from an sg for no reason. IMO the rules we have set in place now should be more of guidelines an that the two sgs fighting should actually get to decide what they want an do not want. Just my opinion an obviously I do not speak for OS so would have to talk with shocker or strike.

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  16. Grats Team Haterade! Look Lab a productive post!

    ***On a sidenote, not like it matters, their were a few other test leagues before this, Im not sure what season this would actually be.
  17. Im going to log 3 accounts into Freedom, tomorrow and go RP in my one room base, earning no xp but adding to cap. So, you all, can cry......some......moar.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ownage, Hell will Freeze over with Space Monkies, Psypunk will stop rocking out with his band, and Ill start being a nice person before they go to FOL. Nice attempt though .

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    I stopped rocking out with my band months ago, so the first prophecy in the book of Revelations has come to pass...

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    I'm calling you on that one Psypunk. I saw a You Tube Video the other day with you, your mom, a toothless working gal, and two other mullet wearing rednecks going wild playing Enter Sandman on Rock Band for the 360. Quite frankly I was horrified. As soon as I find the link your lies willbe exposed .

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Fel, The song they're playing IS NOT Enter Sandman! lrn2knwurMetallicaplskthanx

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I stand corrected, even I am fallible every few years or so.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ownage, Hell will Freeze over with Space Monkies, Psypunk will stop rocking out with his band, and Ill start being a nice person before they go to FOL. Nice attempt though .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I stopped rocking out with my band months ago, so the first prophecy in the book of Revelations has come to pass...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm calling you on that one Psypunk. I saw a You Tube Video the other day with you, your mom, a toothless working gal, and two other mullet wearing rednecks going wild playing Enter Sandman on Rock Band for the 360. Quite frankly I was horrified. As soon as I find the link your lies willbe exposed .
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Please remove
    @Killer Phantom


    [/ QUOTE ]

    FoL is recruiting >.<

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ownage, Hell will Freeze over with Space Monkies, Psypunk will stop rocking out with his band, and Ill start being a nice person before they go to FOL. Nice attempt though .
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'd honestly be disappointed if this became a case of the outspoken minority getting some change as a result of, as stated before, a knee-jerk reaction to being caged.

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    You stating that your opinion is in the majority is even shakier than the pseudo-polling Putz did. At least she attempted to solicit feedback and track numbers. You are just stating opinion as fact and calling it a day. What numbers do you have to back up your assertion?

    Knee-jerk? Caging has been around for 2+ years, you can hardly call the situation "knee-jerk".

    I've already said what I wanted to say regarding the issue, I'm just calling you on your blatant BS tactics since you seem to want to influence the debate with nothing more than that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whining has been around since the beginning of mankind and some of you have it down to a science .

    [/ QUOTE ]
    My dad can beat up your dad.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yea, but my two moms can beat up your dad.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd honestly be disappointed if this became a case of the outspoken minority getting some change as a result of, as stated before, a knee-jerk reaction to being caged.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You stating that your opinion is in the majority is even shakier than the pseudo-polling Putz did. At least she attempted to solicit feedback and track numbers. You are just stating opinion as fact and calling it a day. What numbers do you have to back up your assertion?

    Knee-jerk? Caging has been around for 2+ years, you can hardly call the situation "knee-jerk".

    I've already said what I wanted to say regarding the issue, I'm just calling you on your blatant BS tactics since you seem to want to influence the debate with nothing more than that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whining has been around since the beginning of mankind and some of you have it down to a science .
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    I don't think asking a question is nerf herding. Putz is putting a lot of work into determining the top priorities for PvPers, and I'd guess she's just looking for people's thoughts on the subject. Obviously people don't agree on it - which is probably why she asked.

    People need to stop this knee-jerk crap, state their opinion, and chill out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If that was the case, where are all the threads on 30% unresisted blaster dmg, unresisted defender debuffs, slow suppression, Brute Fury, villain epic pools made by Miss Putz- Countess of PVP, Lady of Wishlisting posts, Eater of the Triple Thunderthigh chocolate birthday cake, ruler of VR nation, and founder of the tinfoil hat brigade!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fel, really, if tossing out insults means a lot to you, why don't you write me a mean PM or start a new thread about it or something. The insults are really adding nothing to this thread and nothing to your argument.

    But to answer your question, if you check out the PvP Wishlist thread you might see:

    [ QUOTE ]

    2. Fury does not build as intended.
    1. Hero and villain combat is not balanced, especially in the 40+ game. The most popular suggestion is to open up a set of APP for villains and allow them to respec out of their patron pools to get those.

    2. Many people feel that the balance of irresistible effects in PvP needs to be reconsidered. Changing irresistible effects might be another way of balancing heroes and villains.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Everything you mentioned but slow suppression is on it. Bring up slow suppression, maybe people will agree with you that it's needed. If it is I can add it to the list.

    So, basically your point there's not valid.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Except, I said the following two days ago in response to a Goldie post in this very thread.

    "Riight, no one is going to the Devs but yet I only see a specific wishlist aimed at Caging in this forums. Where is all the wishlists for all the stuff which actually needs to be addressed, their clumped into one big thread. Like I said previously in a post- You all have had no problem banning powersets, pool powers, and enforcing some ridiculous rules in your ladder. Why change your MO now and just ban caging or limit it to one cager per a match. It can't be cause Im the one suggesting this course of action or is it."

    Its on page 16 for all to read. So why does cage get its a thread all by itself when everything else is clumped in one nerfherder? Anyways, I don't have any more time to spend on this tonight, hope this post doesnt get caged out of the thread like my previous two did .