205 -
Quote:Wow, that actually sounds pretty amazing, if done well. I love **** like that (Read that in Chris Rock's voice and you'll get the level of enthusiasm). Honestly, if you hadn't used this description, I probably wouldn't have given it a chance. If I were in front of you now, I'd shake that hand. I'd shake the **** out of that hand.The show is hilarious, but in a very subversively dark way. It pretends constantly to be a happy, bright show about singing and underdog victories, but it's really a show about the desperation of the common person once they realize their irrelevancy. The entire show is petty and small, which is the grim tragedy of it all: These characters don't matter. Not even in the world crafted for them.
Quote:Also, for Season 2 and the first half of Season 1, the music pretty much makes sense. It has a context, isn't abused, and actually adds to the story. I don't know what you mean by "Modern", but the show does music of almost all genres going back to the 80's. Showtunes, rock, rap, country, pop... you name it, they've done it. I admit that it's still a bit myopic to say "Popular music in the last two decades of American Culture", but they've explicitly stated an intention to open up their own horizons in Season 2. -
I didn't hate that. (And I hate a lot of things.)
So I guess this is the best place to ask if I should start watching this show. Before anyone answers, I'm not really a fan(institutionally speaking) of the directions modern music and television are going these days(Yeah, I'm one of those guys), but I have really liked a few of the covers I've heard from the show. I guess what I'm asking is, what is the main appeal of the show for you? A general "you", not directed at anyone in particular.
I can get my share of the music elsewhere, so if that's the best part about it, I'll probably pass. But I have heard the word that the show's really funny. Like "laugh out loud" funny, or that charming, feel good kind of funny? I hope what I'm trying to articulate there makes sense. -
Quote:While I may not necessarily agree with what was said, it was a good point. It's not like we know his true intentions. Maybe he was planning to backflip out the driver's door, jump through the incoming car's windshield, and knife the driver in the jugular (I mean, that's just what I would have done), which would have only been slightly less cool.You speak knowledge but not wisdom. I don't understand your apparent imperative to deprive people of a benign good will.
Whatever happened, dude saved lives. Mad props. -
Quote:No. Smoke responsibly.
Is Superman DCU's god?
It could work.
Quote:True.I rate it a spectacular accomplishment in filmography in terms of the massive rigs that were constructed to accomplish it. Nolan definately establishes himself as a director with huge cojones by pulling of what he did, and I seriously hope he gets an Oscar nom for it.
Quote:And to be honest, I personally don't feel the scenes being spoken of in Inception would be hard to top in terms of spectacularity, especially when dealing with superpowered characters.I would hope he'd look at Inception (which I haven't seen yet and am very mad at life right now for that) and instead of saying "OMG they did that already, I CAN'T do that!" I'd prefer he said "Hey they did an awesome job on that and now I need to put my spin on it and TOP it!"
Way I see it, Dan Aykroyd does a ****** Yogi Bear.
Quote:What you got against white people?I don't like their look. They look stupid with that much white on them...
Quote:I look at that Red Ranger and I think...
"Der de dur! I'ma red ranger. Da most specialist red ranger eva... hehe.... dur de dur.... "
Introducing... Power Rangers: Special Force! They're really special.
*Theme* Der Der, Power Rangers!
"Oops! I pooped myself!" -
Uninstalled Norton, no progress.
You're a pretty swell guy. Amirite? AMIRITE
(I don't care what anyone says, that joke has never been made, goddammit.) -
I just downloaded the free trial client on this new computer o' mine. When I click the updater, I get this, just blank nothingness that reflects the void once known as my soul.
Help. -
The first word I learned here.
Bee tee dubs, I'm 99.46% sure that the picture won't be finished by the time my account expires, so don't get surprised if I find one of youse on DeviantArt of Comic Shaven to post the pic.
<--Scans field
You! You look like a well-to-do young man...keep an eye out. (It miiiight be TA or Foo-bar. Just sayin'.) -
I try not to remember The Inferno. Thanks.
I joined like, a year ago. I just don't visit because I don't like you.
(It's Opposite Day. And not liking Foo is the opposite of forgetting your password...and possibly your username.) -
Oh and by the way, power description would be nice. It's not something I'd execute you slowly for, but you might get a odd/dirty look that makes you wonder if I really care(or like you)from me every time we converse. Just...puttin' that out there.