Power Rangers Rebought by Saban
Good Lord, eighteenth season?!
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
The first "Morphing" Sentai was in the 1970's, as well as the first instance of a 5-man color-coded superhero team.
Power Ranger's 18th season has NOTHING on the genre itself.
That's kind of old news.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Please, Super Sentai, the Japanese Series whose combat footage is taken from to make Power Rangers, has a total of 35 seasons. America was late to the game, Super Sentai was already 15 seasons old when the deal for Power Rangers was made, and even then Powerangers SKIPPED an entire season, they only used footage for the white ranger from that season, and used footage from another to do the whole 'Alien Rangers' bit that showed up when the Power Rangers were turned into kids.
However, Super Sentai wasn't the 'original' Tokusatsu Hero series. It had an older brother, Kamen Rider. However, Super Sentai has a longer season count than Kamen Rider because the Kamen Rider seasons were longer, and for ten years (the 1990s) Kamen Rider wasn't aired.
you have no idea how long Super Sentai has been going do you... Try since the 1950's: http://sentai.rovang.org/origins.htm
The first "Morphing" Sentai was in the 1970's, as well as the first instance of a 5-man color-coded superhero team. Power Ranger's 18th season has NOTHING on the genre itself. |
Alrighty then, excuuuse me for being somewhat shocked that a show that was on when I was all of 4 years old, is still kicking new episodes out 18 years later.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
It's always good news whenever anything is wrested out of the hands of the evil Disney Corporation.
wow, what deal with Mephisto did Saban make to get it from freakin' Disney?
Please, Super Sentai, the Japanese Series whose combat footage is taken from to make Power Rangers, has a total of 35 seasons. America was late to the game, Super Sentai was already 15 seasons old when the deal for Power Rangers was made, and even then Powerangers SKIPPED an entire season, they only used footage for the white ranger from that season, and used footage from another to do the whole 'Alien Rangers' bit that showed up when the Power Rangers were turned into kids.
However, Super Sentai wasn't the 'original' Tokusatsu Hero series. It had an older brother, Kamen Rider. However, Super Sentai has a longer season count than Kamen Rider because the Kamen Rider seasons were longer, and for ten years (the 1990s) Kamen Rider wasn't aired. |
NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations
Disney got Power Rangers when they bought the Fox Family Network. Saban was actually the guy Disney bought the network from. Nine years later and Disney is willing to part with it. It's not like they've been doing much with it (besides the restoration of the original series).
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
im looking forward to it. id like them to bring back Ron Wasserman to do the music for the Shinkenger-themed season, just to bring it full circle. I know when it airs next year on nick, ill be there.
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For those of you who were unaware, about seven seasons ago, Disney bought the rights to Power Rangers. Well, On May 12, 2010, it was announced that Saban Brands bought the Power Rangers franchise rights BACK from Disney and the new eighteenth season will be aired on Nickelodeon in Spring 2011, with ALL previous seasons being aired on NickToons. So not only will we see new Power Rangers, we get to see all of the old ones as well. WOOT! We get to see Tommy kick *** again!
Continuing the discussion. I believe that Disney made a big mistake. Not only are they losing the rights to a popular franchise with millions of children watching, and with the reairing of the old series, hundreds of old fans, the show will no longer be aired on their channels, instead it will be aired on the channels of their long time rivals at Nickelodeon. It's like Saban pretty much added insult to injury. Feel free to discuss. |
I loved PR, even In Space. I barely liked Galaxy and then after that I hated them. Same setup, same things, different names, slightly different costumes.
The first 3 or 4 seasons had progression... passing the torch stuff and whatnot.
I now wonder if it was because Disney took over. Perhaps with Saban taking over again, they will stop rotating the cast uniformly, have character progression and go back to a passing of the torch type style they once had.
Hopefully.... I am surprised though because I thought Disney was canceling the show and going with an animated series...
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Introductions, Obey,
Well, if you paid attention. About one or two episodes of each series has the power rangers from the previous series aiding the ones from the current series.
I'd love to see seems taken from the 'VS' Super Sentai movies used to connect a series together, but the movies are normally made late in a series when all the rangers and 'zords' are already revealed.
Well, if you paid attention. About one or two episodes of each series has the power rangers from the previous series aiding the ones from the current series.
I'd love to see seems taken from the 'VS' Super Sentai movies used to connect a series together, but the movies are normally made late in a series when all the rangers and 'zords' are already revealed. |
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Introductions, Obey,
Disney was canceling the series all together... they were for a moment thinking of doing an animated series and then decided against it and so it was at that point completely canceled.
Disney was canceling the series all together... they were for a moment thinking of doing an animated series and then decided against it and so it was at that point completely canceled.
Looks like Disney can join the ranks of Rita and Z and the machine empire... they all tried to kill the rangers but failed. :P
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Introductions, Obey,
Well, we're going to be getting Shinkenger (Samurai themed Power Rangers) next, and after that one we'll be getting a series with one of the best looking costumes so far in my opinion, Goseiger. We'll be roughly a series or two behind Japan.
Kinda reminds me of the older series of Power Rangers/Super Sentai. Also, at least in Super Sentai, these heroes are angels. However, I doubt it'll be like that in Power Rangers, seeing as how mentioning something even remotely related to Christian believes isn't politically correct anymore.
Now, the only thing I want know is for Saban to bring Kamen Rider to America and NOT mess it up like Kamen Rider Dragon Knight messed up Kamen Rider Ryuki.
For those of you who were unaware, about seven seasons ago, Disney bought the rights to Power Rangers. Well, On May 12, 2010, it was announced that Saban Brands bought the Power Rangers franchise rights BACK from Disney and the new eighteenth season will be aired on Nickelodeon in Spring 2011, with ALL previous seasons being aired on NickToons. So not only will we see new Power Rangers, we get to see all of the old ones as well. WOOT! We get to see Tommy kick *** again!
Continuing the discussion. I believe that Disney made a big mistake. Not only are they losing the rights to a popular franchise with millions of children watching, and with the reairing of the old series, hundreds of old fans, the show will no longer be aired on their channels, instead it will be aired on the channels of their long time rivals at Nickelodeon. It's like Saban pretty much added insult to injury.
Feel free to discuss.