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Does your new computer have Vista?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.






I believe there is a thread in the technical section on common Vista problems. The first thing is even though you have a new computer I have often found in the past they don't have up to date drivers so be certain you have them.

I'd also recommend you find BillZBubba's explanation on how to copy City to a new computer because you really won't want to wait many hours for it to download and such. It may still be in his signature or it is in the tech forum also.

Good luck.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Scratch part of my reply. Bill doesn't have how to transfer in his signature any more.

The basics are make a backup of the City folder on the one computer and copy it to the new one. When you do get the updater to work tell it "no" to installing to the default directory and just point it to the new one.

This won't help you until you can get the updater to respond though. You should also check your firewall, anti-virus and the UAC setting.

The following site explains how to setup the CoH updater (once you have it working) to bypass the UAC:


total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



You're a pretty swell guy. Amirite? AMIRITE

(I don't care what anyone says, that joke has never been made, goddammit.)



I wish I knew more about Vista but I just got my machine a couple weeks ago and it worked properly out of the box and the only things I have put on it are City, iTunes, MS Office and MS Visual Studio.

With Win7 coming, I didn't see much reason to learn more about Vista.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
I doubt it's a Vista issue, since it's having problems connecting. I'd check your firewall's settings to make sure it's allowed to connect to the internet.
/this. Especially with *norton,* the royal PITA that it is.

(I dont' like Norton. I do, however, find your wallpaper amusing.)



SwellGuy - Use search and, in the "Search Tags" field, "Test Server" and "Install".

Tagged it with those a while back, usually last post in the search results.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
/this. Especially with *norton,* the royal PITA that it is.

(I dont' like Norton. I do, however, find your wallpaper amusing.)
Since I had already turned off Windows Firewall, how would one adjust his Norton settings?



Originally Posted by Ghostman_NA View Post
Since I had already turned off Windows Firewall, how would one adjust his Norton settings?
This is for XP, but there should be something like it for Vista. Go into Control Panel, find Add or Remove Programs, start it up, then search for anything from Norton or Symantec on the list. For every single one of them, click Remove. Then find Avast or AVG or one of the other free anti-virus programs that is good.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
This is for XP, but there should be something like it for Vista. Go into Control Panel, find Add or Remove Programs, start it up, then search for anything from Norton or Symantec on the list. For every single one of them, click Remove. Then find Avast or AVG or one of the other free anti-virus programs that is good.
That would definitely remove the firewall problem

Norton, unfortunately, seems to change their interrface with *every single version* they come out with. Generally, it's going to be down in the system tray by the clock. Either left or right click, and there should be something dealing with settings for internet protection, firewall, or whatever they call it this week. Temporarily disable it - some have you disable it completely, others give you a timer - and see if it works. If so, see if there's an exceptions list, and add COHUpdater.exe (and City of Heroes) to it.



Worst part is, it wouldn't remove all of the Norton's stuff from the machine. They are pretty notorious for leaving stuff behind when uninstalling. I ended up going through my registry by hand once, removing everything from them I could find, because it wouldn't allow me to install something else. The program was gone, but it left behind a registry entry that said it was still installed.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Your KISS wallpaper is awesome.

That doesn't help with your predicament, but I thought you should know.



Uninstalled Norton, no progress.



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
Worst part is, it wouldn't remove all of the Norton's stuff from the machine. They are pretty notorious for leaving stuff behind when uninstalling. I ended up going through my registry by hand once, removing everything from them I could find, because it wouldn't allow me to install something else. The program was gone, but it left behind a registry entry that said it was still installed.
On their website they have a REAL uninstaller buried somewhere... I've had to use it on more than one occasion (damn OEM installs...). It's really pathetic what Symanetec has turned Norton into... Norton used to be the best of the best, but now people will instantly tell you to uninstall it, and anything related to it.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!