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  1. He doesn't appear to have been killed. Seriously injured. If he was dead the clockwork wouldn't have fetched him and took his brain out. He has to power them after all. Synaspe tf ending does indicate why you don't see any clockwork after 20. In the game storyline you ended the clockwork threat. It's why you get that mission intro text expressing disbelief at hearing the sounds of the clockwork when you first enter the mission with the portal clockwork king mission.
  2. He was clearly unhinged by his powers and the portal clockwork king even more confirms that.
  3. It was the unique hellions boss with his own unique bio. He is actually one of the cool hellions. Has an interesting head aura. It's in Mr. Bocor's story arc.

    Now there are groups of lost warming themselves by the fires. You hear them say"sure is cold tonight" When you agro them they say "We don't share!"

    Makes me lose all sympthany for the plight of the homeless. It's why you shouldn't feel pity for beating the snot out of the Lost.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    A week after i put THIS and THIS on my Equinox HC page this comes up? Coincidence? Or VILLAIN CONSPIRACY? Don't look at them heroes! IT'S A TRAP!

    EDIT: And also i don't get the point in ruining the story of the villains groups. I suggest redoing the article on The Lost and adding in that they are infact changed by The Rikti and are serving them. So much for nobody knowing who controls the clockwork, evidently they don't read the paper.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah dude did you even pay attention to what the people in the game say about the clockwork? The article doesn't say who the person was it says unidentified young man. All they know is that some unknown person is the clockwork king. So they don't know who controls the clockwork. And yes they do reference the article in the game.
  5. The old article is actually referenced in the game by several contacts. One of your anti-clockwork contacts was in fact a Hero who lost one of his legs fighting the clockwork king.
  6. No wonder the clockwork king was pissed at heroes. Getting beaten to a pulp having your body taking from Boomtown to galaxy city or atlas and then having your robots take your brain out and put in a glass jar along with your connected eyes must make you incredibly angry.
  7. Doesn't the pve mission guy sell insps?

    I though there was an inspiration seller at the bases.
  8. Same thing happens for missions if you are solo. Most people won't lag or disconnect in the hour it takes to get the meteors or launch code. If you honestly have that much of a problem look into what is making you disconnect. Odds are it is on your end.
  9. Are the bugs in certain gladiator badges going to be looked at?

    For instance Abomination states "The banished pantheon fears you" This is a vhazliok unit not banished pantheon. Also supposedly the synsape tf badge gives it but shouldn't that be Positron tf? Synsaspe is fully clockwork.

    Also for those gladiator badges that tied to defeat say 300 bladegrass can we get a progress bar for them?

    Also some badges when you look at the unit say the Badge for the Omega Wolf why would the Silver Bullet badge give a praetorian unit instead of a council unit or a generic werewolf like the halloween event?

    Also the Wraith unit shouldn't be a Diabloque faction unit it should be one the croatoa ghost bosses or a whole new bio and unit look.
  10. Don't look to gain xp. Also anyone with any sense knows that their first alt is going to run into a lot of bugs and miss a lot of content.
  11. Ah dude everyone in the base raid is the same level. Trust me a group of 15s can kick a group of 50s [censored] in that situation. Seen it happen in the pvp zones.
  12. Yeah I think Nozy just drove his friends away or they play on alts. He also apparently never figured out how to use the Find member tool.
  13. Here is the thing. Don't wait more then ten minutes with your lfg on. Use find member to find people your level in teams and then send them a tell. Don't wait. Also make sure it is on. It never occurs to most people spamming lft in broadcast that it never gets them a team and a they have to click team and make sure the arrow is at the right course.

    Also no matter what in issue 2 and so on it often takes up to 30 minutes and about 100 tells to get a team for it. Longest ever amount waiting was for the shard tfs.

    If I cannot get a trial or tf in 30 minutes I go do something else.

    People teams don't come looking for you if you are lfg. They know to go for people not in teams and send them a tell.

    Most people who solo don't mind teaming but guess what they don't flag themselves as looking for team.
  14. I play a tanker. With good teams I never die and I keep the team alive. Invicible was meant for the best of the best. And I no longer fall asleep on invicible. It's actually exciting to be in danger.
  15. Fire can easily take out tsoo sorcereres. Seen them do it many times. And as a blaster without a stun or a ranged hold at those levels I easily dispatched sorceres. I often wonder what the hell the fuss is about them.

    They port randomly. Heck they will port to the same place time after time.

    It's easy to dispatch them.
  16. Since the blaster secondaries are not meant as a frontline attack why wouldn't it make sense?

    Blaster Blaster!! Repeat blast not smack. You are a Blaster not a Smacker!

    If you don't want to use range attacks for a range designed AT and primary powerset then pay the price.

    Blaster melee powers were meant to be used as last ditch or tacticaly. Not as your first choice of weapons.

    You are artillery. Meaning you stay back from combat.

    Archers don't brawl with things unless it is a last resort.

    Every role in life has reasons and pentalities for going against the role.

    The blappers remind of those people that put on bullet proof vests thinking they will be protected from knives or being hit by blunt objects.
  17. Yeah blaster wasn't meant to be your only source of attack as a blaster. Heck you may in the future find blasppers extinct because they will finally retune the secondaries to be like devices.

    You were meant to be blapper. You were meant to be blaster.

    Stop whining. You went against the design and intention of the AT so you don't have right to complain if that bites you in the butt.
  18. Sigh tanks have more resists then brutes. Brutes cannot hold agro as well as a tank. Brutes in a fight with tanks often the brute goes down while the tank remains standing.

    The villian inherents actually are quite weak. Supremecy isn't all that is cracked up to be. It is a pbaoe meaning aoes on the minions get to you.

    Domination has to be built up to be active and has a long recharge.

    Assaination you have to be hidden. Once you fight or are attacked you are very weak.

    scourge? 20% health on mobs to be active reliably. And no buildup. Blasters eat corrupters. And the corrupter isn't any more soloable then a defender.

    Sorry the villian inherents are very weak when you examine them.
  19. Okay here is a suggestion to negate one of the types of griefing.

    If a player takes 99% of a player's life by their powers then the person gets killed by a npc no debt is awarded since a player did the vast majority of the damage.

    For players killing a player damaged mostly by npcs the player doesn't get any debt since a npc didn't do most of the damage nor do the killing blow.

    As for drones make the drones just teleport them to the hospital and make the player unable to get to the hero or villian base for ten minutes in which they got zapped by a drone. Make them be yanked by the emergency teleport system as a preventive measure or add a field preventing teleports from taking place in the bases so villians or heroes cannot port in. This of course would negate teleport foe and recall friend.
  20. The only part of coh/cov pvp I have disliked is the camping in warburg.

    There is no real story in the pvp zones. Heck you can repeat the same missions over and over again. There is no story arc no real thing.

    You can fly through the zone on a non event day and not see a single opposing player.

    Listen avatar of a kid who wanted a bb gun and whom nearly shot his eye out if you want those things such as badges in a pvp zone you gotta fess up to it. Those things are to entice people into the zone. Pvp without purpose is boring. Also name one instace of a person being griefed in the manner you described didn't happen to me.

    Now being teleport foed to a police drone by a hero was very low and certaintly those drones shouldn't give debt that way. Odds are teleport foe will be changed so a hero or villian cannot drop people into mobs or drones.

    They have addressed most of what people hate.

    Also in Bloody Bay the villians owned the heroes. We found the heroes to be cowards who wouldn't face us.

    Any person in a pvp zone who doesn't have a travel power is meat.

    If you want to be safe in a pvp zone while traveling fly at the ceiling. Even superjumpers won't be able to get you.

    Every hero I killed in bloody bay was alone.

    And let's face it to team for pvp is a minor price to pay to get an Elite Boss as a five use summoned pet.

    Or have a nuclear bomb be your temp power.
  21. Well Matla does have superheroes in it's employ. Usually they are brainwashed, blackmailed, threatended, or paid to work for them.
  22. Why would the newspaper missions have nonvillians? Newspaper you just read the newspaper and see what is going on. And villians always get the newspaper mentions after all unless they get beaten by the heroes. But this is the Rouge Isles newspaper only mention of heroes is if they get killed and they are called vigilantes. I have no problem with the newspapers not having any heroes at all. They are short missions just used to gain stature with your broker who then gives you a contact that sets you off on your real work.

    Nonvillians should only be from the contacts after all. You have to have story reasons for going after the nonvillians.

    You clearly didn't listen to what I said about contacts. Certain contacts have nothing but good guys to fight. Others are 50/50.

    No one contact did have missions where I fought nonvillians to steal something they were safeguarding then fight villians to plant them to try use against heroes in Paragon City.

    Now the one story arc this contact had nothing but villians except one mission but the story arc who was so damn cool it didn't matter to me.

    Another contact had me fight villians all the time because that was part of his backstory that he wanted to see the Council destroyed. Another had me go after the Mooks then the family because they seeked to double cross me and the contact. I was cool with that. Gang wars are pretty villianous to get involved with.
  23. Lacking non villian groups early on. FUnny from level ten to fifteen I regulary wracked legacy chain. 15-20 I battled tons of longbow, wyvern, legacy chain and luddites. Yes Luddites are non-villians. Also I battled tons of security guards protecting banks.

    No it isn't lacking in non villian groups. Certain contacts are full of missions where you battle these guys. Other contacts are about 50/50. Other contacts zip nada on fighting non villian groups.
  24. A level 15-20 cov contact has you take a mission in a crey lab in Paragon city. There are two new crey boss types. A chief plasma scientist and a cheif scientist.

    Yes two new boss types.

    There are a bunch of new mob units. The blue ink men bio info is bugged however. It mentions the wrong ink and no real clue as to what they do. Didn't notice any difference.

    Also tsoo do spawn at 15 in cov. Had a mission with them in it.
  25. Maria Jenkins aka Maiden Justice's own bio says she aged slowly. So yeah she could have waited till her 50s. Heck it says she is over 100 years but isn't biologicaly much older then her fifties. Paraphrasing here. Look at her ask about contact next time you are in PI. Some of her missions about Hero's Hero arc due clue in her near immoralitity.

    Also their was a Sister Psyche from the 1950s. Guess what the current Sister Psyche hasn't been mentioned as living during that time. And the comic book cleary mentioned she was mortal.