Level 50: XP = Prestige?




earning prestige as a 50 blows, first of all i have 2 50's both of which i play alot, i do not play my other alts nor do i plan to, my sg's base sucks, we used all our inf to prestige, we still didnt get the initial 20k per member, we have nothing in there but 3 rooms , cant afford it, and at the rate i earn prestige, i got 12 prestige for defeating a 53 lt, that sucks, theres gotta be a better way to get prestige playing as a 50, otherwise theres no point to getting to 50, besides unlocking the kheldians. maybe it could be a 50/50 split between inf and prestige, honestly how do you expect us to make a base when we dont have prestige, and cant earn enough by doing missions?



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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And there the Devs go again, automatically assuming the worst possible outcome. I'm in an SG with about 15 lvl 50 chars while I play my lvl 39, 24, and 16 respectively. Here's what I've noticed:

* Only 3 or 4 of them are ever on at one time.
* Many are playing CoV or alternate characters.
* Even when they are on and playing in SG mode, they aren't earning a whole lot more prestige than I am at lvl 16. Maybe I just play more than them.
* A good portion of them are my friends in real life.

So no, I'm not worried about not being accepted into an SG because I'm a lowbie. I'm not worried about being kicked from my current SG because I'm not 50, and I'm sure as hell not looking foward to having no end-game content besides PvP (Which I have absolutely ZERO interest), which is why I play three different characters at once and have never gotten a toon to 50.

And by the way, thanks for the ability to earn Salvage that I can do absolutely zero with, since I refuse to shell out $50 for a game I'm not even going to play, just to get SG Base access. You guys are marketing geniuses. [read: know how to alienate your player base.]

I've tried to stay positive and take all these ridiculous dev responses with a grain of salt, but you guys are really starting to wear thin on my patience. I5 & I6 have done nothing but make the game much less enjoyable. Congratulations.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Why would you want 50's in you SG?
A low level guy will contribute more to the SG as they level up. than the 50 who has run out of content to explore.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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<ul type="square">[*]Because they're nice people[*]Because I have more than one character in the SG and only some of them are at 50[*]Because we'd find helping the SG get a good base as entertaining an end-game as a kheldian[*]Because I make choices of whose in my SG for reasons beyond "who can do the most for us in terms of making us the most uber-SG in the game"[/list]
Those are just the first few that came to mind.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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<ul type="square">[*]Because they're nice people[*]Because I have more than one character in the SG and only some of them are at 50[*]Because we'd find helping the SG get a good base as entertaining an end-game as a kheldian[*]Because I make choices of whose in my SG for reasons beyond "who can do the most for us in terms of making us the most uber-SG in the game"[/list]
Those are just the first few that came to mind.

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Nicely said Pilcrow. I guess this means that Positron's just an elitist snob.. who only would want people in an sg that could benefit him the most. Some hero...

w00t Radio



Because my small group of friends likes to put all our characters into our SG, to keep in contact more easily, and we enjoy playing more than just level 50 characters?



Either way you look at it, it's an insane amount of prestige that's needed. The Amazing Karmac predicts: "In an upcoming update, prices will go down"



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Well mainly so that the SG thirives and continues as the 50s drop. But another reason is that so you have someone of various level so that they can begin the TFs that the 50s want to do in order to get more prestige since the auto-exemp feature wont allow a group of 50s to actually start the TF. There are plenty of reasons to keep your SG with members of various levels and the majority of groups realize that. Sure there will be the few that say if we have all 50s we have more Prestige but I sincerely think they will be the minimum and it wont be a large group.

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Well, this as with everything else, is balanced around the min/max model. "What would the 5% l33t groups do?" That is what the devs have in mind, not "What would be a nice way to reward the regular 95% of the playerbase?".



i think extra prestige for a lvl 50 character is almost natural.

pres·tige ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-stzh, -stj)
The level of respect at which one is regarded by others; standing.
A person's high standing among others; honor or esteem.
Widely recognized prominence, distinction, or importance: a position of prestige in diplomatic circles.

so, wouldnt someone who has spent the time and effort to get to the highest rank possible be considered more prestigious than a lvl 10 person?

another idea, are there any prestige bonuses for the amount of badges u have? earning a lot of badges is a prestigious occurance, so common sense would say the hero/villain who has accomplished so much would be considered more prestigious than someone who hasnt.

i think bonuses for these kinds of things is an entire area the devs have ignored. i would rather have them do some kind of rewards system than just lowering the cost of things. of course, the lvl 50 bonus will definately not happen. this is not a high end game, and the devs have yet to do anything that makes anyone think differently.



And by the way, thanks for the ability to earn Salvage that I can do absolutely zero with, since I refuse to shell out $50 for a game I'm not even going to play, just to get SG Base access. You guys are marketing geniuses. [read: know how to alienate your player base.]

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On a quick aside - just because you don't want that salvage, doesn't mean someone else won't. It takes up no room - and eventually you'll be able to trade that to someone, or sell it to another player. It's not hurting you being in the game, after all.

And to keep this on Topic - Pos, don't you and the Dev's WANT players building bases and having Fun little Base Raids? Sure, you don't want to give them everything in the game right away, but make it possible for them to at least START using those new features.

But just plain screwing 35+ level characters? That's just wrong.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Looking back over this thread, and putting the prestige and inf* acquisition under the microscope, I wonder if this is a hamfisted attempt to introduce economy into the game.

Inf has been in overabundance for quite some time, so simply using inf for the currency with bases would have been disastrous.

But bases aren't quite the only commodity. Enhancements and costume options have been, up until bases, the only thing of any substantial inf cost in the game.

So now you have a choice when you're level 35+. You can continue to try and earn inf, so you can maintain your enhancements, OR, you can gain prestige, so that you can work on bases. The ludicrous exchange rate between inf and prestige ensures that you won't do both at the same time.

Basically, level 50s are really the only ones not hurt by gaining prestige over influence, so the system is already in place to have 50s run in SG mode exclusively. Level 35+, on the other hand, could find themselves in the precarious position of having shiny base objects, but not enough inf to upgrade their enhancements when they reach certain levels.

For now, the solution is to continue to farm inf off of level 50s. I wonder how long that will last?

* I'm going to refer to influence and infamy as just inf throughout the message.



Looking back over this thread, and putting the prestige and inf* acquisition under the microscope, I wonder if this is a hamfisted attempt to introduce economy into the game.

Inf has been in overabundance for quite some time, so simply using inf for the currency with bases would have been disastrous.

But bases aren't quite the only commodity. Enhancements and costume options have been, up until bases, the only thing of any substantial inf cost in the game.

So now you have a choice when you're level 35+. You can continue to try and earn inf, so you can maintain your enhancements, OR, you can gain prestige, so that you can work on bases. The ludicrous exchange rate between inf and prestige ensures that you won't do both at the same time.

Basically, level 50s are really the only ones not hurt by gaining prestige over influence, so the system is already in place to have 50s run in SG mode exclusively. Level 35+, on the other hand, could find themselves in the precarious position of having shiny base objects, but not enough inf to upgrade their enhancements when they reach certain levels.

For now, the solution is to continue to farm inf off of level 50s. I wonder how long that will last?

* I'm going to refer to influence and infamy as just inf throughout the message.

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good post darrien. i used to never run around in SG mode, so i was missing the part about only gaining prestige and not influence. i thought i was getting both. so that does kind of come off as a positive for lvl 50s. glad u brought that up.



Inf has been in overabundance for quite some time, so simply using inf for the currency with bases would have been disastrous.

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Lets not get carried away now. Disastrous? Hardly. Would it have allowed people to actually be able to afford to build bases and pay the rent? Sure, but letting people actually get a chance to experience bases is hardly disastrous. It seems more like a lame attempt to create an end game type activity. Go, Hunt, Farm Prestige.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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You could face reality and say that the ridiculously low limitation of 75 members per SG means that even smaller SGs are forced to have a SG entirely for their lvl 50s so they can continue to play their "still advancing" characters with the rest of their group.

How about you just take away the stupid 75 member thing instead? and then lvl 50s COULD earn more prestige for their group, and playing them would be worth more than levelling other people.



While you can't trade XP for Prestige, you can trade Influence for Prestige. The conversion ratio is something horrid like 1,000,000 Influence for 2,000 Prestige.

- TurboNerd

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And here endeth the famed Costume Contests :-) Now that Influence is gunna start getting in short demand! lol




A full team of 75 level 50 characters should have a bit more than a tiny PvE base.

Not to mention, my tiny SG with less than 10 members will take a year just to get the prestige to make a functional PvE base.

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You get a quite a bit of prestige just for your first 15 members and you earn prestige pretty quick if you play most of the time in SG mode.

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He said he has less than ten members, so I'm inclined to agree with his estimate. My justification is below (I've rounded some things up and down, as you can only estimate these things roughly anyway).

We'll assume he's using an 8x8 plot, and wants five small rooms. We'll simplify and call them 150000 each. Mainframe for 150000 and generator for 225000. 200000 for extra bits like crafting tables. I don't have the costs to hand. The bonus for new members will cover any missed expenses, so we won't worry about that. That adds up to 1325000.

Assume 10 members. Each has time to run one mission a day. This is about right, as people tend to mission more at the weekends, less during the week. We're talking average people, not powergamer people here. They'll earn around 800 prestige per mission. That's 8000 a day for the supergroup.

Divide 1325000 by 8000 and you get around 165 days. This is approximately 5 months, assuming that none of the sg members give up with their mission a day by that point, none of them go on holiday, none of them play other characters, none of them have any personal crisis that might stop them playing and none of them have exams or anything to do during the year.

Therefore, for a supergroup that has less than ten members, that are not hardcore powergamers, and that will have things that stop them playing at times, a year seems a reasonably accurate estimate.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Is it possible for you to run metrics on exactly what kind of characters a player has, what kind of character they are currently playing, and what levels they have?

I got my first level 50 two or three weeks ago. The last time I played him was about 10 minutes after the COV head start went live. I've been building up villains ever since.

I think that would be a fairly typical case right now.

And if I don't play my hero for a couple weeks, they'll remove him from the sg.

If COV wasn't out yet, I might have removed my 50 from my sg and put an alt in it. But since I'm not there much anymore, keeping my 50 around doesn't do anything for them.

And I'm sure a lot of people who've gotten to 50 and aren't interested in COV are no longer playing the game.

So, in many cases, an SG wouldn't want level 50s in it. We'd just be taking up space.



Inf has been in overabundance for quite some time, so simply using inf for the currency with bases would have been disastrous.

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Lets not get carried away now. Disastrous? Hardly. Would it have allowed people to actually be able to afford to build bases and pay the rent? Sure, but letting people actually get a chance to experience bases is hardly disastrous. It seems more like a lame attempt to create an end game type activity. Go, Hunt, Farm Prestige.

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In their eyes, it'd be disastrous, in the same way that everyone slotting their powers the same was "disastrous".

Also, some people don't have access to level 50s, either their own character's or their SGs, so for many players, it'd be another variation of the haves versus the have-nots. We still might be in that boat, but having a whole new currency (prestige) is a step towards having everyone start at the same level.

I don't really have a problem with bases maturing over time. I actually think that it will make it more interesting than having maxed out bases the day after bases become available.

If anything, I'm concerned that players have to choose whether or not to maintain their characters or maintain their bases. What I'm afraid of is that someday in the future, we'll see some restrictions put on trading influence, and that will make the late 30/40+ game unnecessarily more difficult.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Umm.. because that's what the players have for charecters.

A SG with alot of 50s would have a nicer base than one without, but you know really, shouldn't they ?




I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Because.......we like our members regardless of rank......because they play alts????? And we dont require them to be 50.

Will there be groups that exploit that? sure....... But the majority will not. Its just like herding.

Dont punish the MAJORITY that doesnt do it.

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my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Cause most people dont keep playing their 50s they move on to other characters.

The Kronos has a hold n00b!



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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All I can say is thanks to the Devs for thinking of this.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Why would a Level 50 not play an alt if they get no incentive to play their 50?

Why woudln't you want all 50's now? If you actually get a ok base you want the most powerful to defend it.

Why would a dev team design somthing that takes years to make any good?

Why would players actually want to stay around when they can't use the feature of building a base even though they been here for a year and a half?

The only ones that can build or go in a base are the ones that bought COV, so why play COH to make a base whens its easier to just go in cov and do it?

Why stay in SG mode if you can't go in a base?

These are the real questions you should be asking not that garbage.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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I thought you were a developer, Posi.

Seriously, is this a real question?

Well, the reason you want heroes who aren't level 50 in your group is because CoH has nothing for an SG to do once you hit 50 and run out of missions.

Do I need to elaborate or is that pretty clear?



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Wow that is a really bad response from a dev, but let me explain it to you.

1. Most lvl 50s already in a SG, and most people have ties within that SG (ie friends)

2. CoH is a game not a business(well atleast to us) and people wont make 50 only SGs just to make the most prestigue they would stay with what SG is the most fun

3. People have always wanted lvl 50s, but that doesnt mean they would turn about 30s 20s either, these people still contribute, so it wouldnt make sense to limit recruiting. What SG would get more prestige 5 lvl 50s, or 5 lvl 50s and a 20.

4. Its stupid to think/say everyone adds an equal amount to a SG. Thats saying Booster Gold added the same amount to Superman in the JLU. Its just dumb, higher lvl u are the more power you become, hence generating more prestige, its only natural.

5. The current system in communistic and we all know what happens to things that are communistic, they fail.