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  1. Makes me wonder when we get to do the Cuppa Jo Task Force.
  2. Lokana

    Top Issues 8.10

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    I have faith in you folks to fix these issues, but please be more straight-forward with us players. Don't try to hide things.

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    Saying that Cryptic is intentionally trying to hide their bugs is just plain silly. With as honest as Statesman, Positron, and the others are in admitting when they goof up, claiming some kind of conspiracy rather than simple human error is counter productive.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    New Design: During the 21 days you hold the Item, you are not susceptible to losing your Item of Power.

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    Not susceptible to losing them because raids are not enabled yet?

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    Losing your IoP's in PvP combat is an integral part of the design and of bases (otherwise, what good are secure plots and defense items).

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    Keep in mind. Some of us wish we could have Items of Power *without* opening up our base to raids, much the same way we collect Accolaid powers even though a +5% Endurance boost really doesn't help much.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    So nothing has changed but the 5 days changed to 7 days?

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    What's changed is that for a limited time only, you'll be able to get IoPs without worrying about people raiding you.

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    And no where does Cricket say that.
  5. Cricket, so you're saying that it will be different from originally planned. Instead of it being a PvE trial like it originally was, it will now be a PvE trial. And instead of an IoP gained that will allow other people to raid you like it originally was, it will now be an IoP gained that will allow other people to raid you.

    Oh, and now the trial is open for 7 days instead of 5.

    Sorry, don't mean to be mean, but I thought your post was a little confusing. So nothing has changed but the 5 days changed to 7 days?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    though I8 may be slanted somewhat towards the heroic side.

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    Granted, I only play villain side now, but I have to say that doing the same handful of villain missions over and over is really getting old. Hero side has 3 times as many zones. I think they're done. Villains need way, way more stuff to do.

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    Man, I hope that is sarcasm. Those extra zones in CoH are content-void hazard zones. Zones are not content. They're just boxes with mobs in them.

    By I8's arrival it will have been nearly a year since CoH had a PvE content update. It needs an update, stagnation does not a growing subscriber base make.

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    eh? Did you not think this post out before you hit send? So the following is not content in your mind: The Eden Trial, The Cave of Transendance from the Hollows, the 4 contacts worth of story arcs from the Hollows, The Moonfire TF from Striga, The Burkholder TF from Striga, the 4 contacts worth of story arcs from Striga, the Hamidon from The Hive, the Hydra Sewer Trial from the Abandoned Sewers, the 4 TFs from the Shard Realms, the 4 contacts worth of story arcs from the Shard Realms.

    That's empty boxes with no content? You know how many Task forces heroes have? I count 12. Villains(now with I7) get 4. Other than respecs, heroes get 2 trials too. Villains: zero.

    You know what it's like badge hunting villainside? Pick a mob and heroes will have 2-5 zones where they can find that mob. Villains have 2-5 spawn points in one zone where they can go, and that's if the mob even spawns at all anywhere on the map.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    As someone with several controllers, and several more doms, I can't do anything but completely disagree with you, at least in my case. I'd despise it if my Dom was saddled with a support secondary. The best day my controller ever had was the one where she had Fire Sword as a temp power.

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    It depends on if you're a Controller who mostly solos and doesn't(yet) have a damaging pet. If my Fire/Storm Controller was given Dom attacks as a bonus, I'd never use them. I'm too busy healing my Imps and keeping the mobs held and debuffed as my Imps tear through them.

    I'd imagine a lot of other Controller fans feel the same way. Which is why Controllers are fairly common and Doms rather rare.
  8. I'd *much* rather have Support for a secondary than Assault. I think Doms would give their left mouse button for Dark Miasma or Thermal Radiation as a secondary long, long before a Controller would ever ask for any Assault set instead. I have several Controllers, and though the 1-31 levels are slow, post pets turned my Controller into a solo'er.

    Instead of comparing the two, let's compare Doms with Brutes. This isn't so weird since Tanks and Controllers share the same role(though with different methods). These are the ATs that keep mobs from attacking the team.

    On a big team, a Tanker should be able to draw and keep about half the aggro of the spawn. A Controller should be able to hold/sleep/mez half the spawn. A Tanker can do decent damage. A Controller can do about the same(depending on which pets they have). A Tanker has the best health and damage protection in the game. A Controller has low health and little protection, but can heal, debuff mobs, and buff teammates, making their team shine.

    On a big team, a Brute should be able to draw and keep about half the aggro of the spawn. A Dom should be able to hold/sleep/mez half the spawn. A Brute can do very impressive damage. A Dom, not so much. A Brute has the best villainside health and damage protection. A Dom, the worst.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    though I8 may be slanted somewhat towards the heroic side.

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    Granted, I only play villain side now, but I have to say that doing the same handful of villain missions over and over is really getting old. Hero side has 3 times as many zones. I think they're done. Villains need way, way more stuff to do.
  10. I just took a peek. My regen scrapper is over half way to the 4th Tough badge(though I haven't played hero side since CoV).

    My SR Stalker, who's been stuck at 40th level since Novermber, had *just* gotten the 3rd Tough badge right before I7. And, though I love the huge boost Defensive sets got in I7, it means my Stalker rarely ever gets hit.

    The badge for Red Caps is way, way easier to get. Hell, I'll probably get Zookeeper on my Stalker before I get Nigh Industructable.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    For females the skin tones between the head and the body don't match when using any top that doesn't cover the neck.


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    I first noticed this in Issue 4. It didn't used to do that. It's really annoying. Atleast now there's the neck chain option that can kind of hide this problem.
  12. If Ghost Widow's Moonbeam was a fast as regular Moonbeam, no problem. I have 2 Interupt reducers in mine, but I see no difference.
  13. I really, really, really hate the unreasonably long animation of Moonbeam. How would this ever be useful to a Stalker? Atleast free respecs are coming.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    FYI: Melee AT Patron Power Pool Ranged attacks which cause damage will be changed to using the Melee damage scale.

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    Does this mean Stalkers with Build Up and crits can do much more damage with Moonbeam now? I forsee Stalker snipers hunting in pairs in RV.

    Of course, it might be the *only* thing Stalkers can do in RV, but that's another story.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    I have a raelly bad bug for you... when I use my gravity powers on LOWLY 5hp Civilians... they don't get crushed into little balls of bloody fleshy goo.

    Nor do they burst into screaming flames when my dedicated partner a flame/flame brute attacks or gets near them.

    Nor do they collapse into a pile of shattered bones when my singularity lifts them...

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    Nor do they change the rating of the game by allowing players to kill helpless civilians.

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    I recommend this for next year's funniest Dev comment.

    I'm actually glad you can't kill civilians. It's not something I want to do, even in a game. And this coming from the overlord of a group called the Serial Killers.
  16. As long as it works on Stormies, I'm cool with it having a duration of only 1 second.

    em evillaugh
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    The Outbreak mobs do spawn in RV, saw it myself.

    But so far only in the Tram...

    and one at a time...

    oh boy

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    I wonder if this is the chance for Isolator. So if the villains are winning, does that mean RV will spawn stuff like Outcast and Troll bossed, Fake Nems, or stuff that's hard for villains to get?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    You get Taskforce Commander for doing all of the Freedom Phanalx TFs

    TF's that count.

    TF's that don't count.
    Croatoa,Shadow Shard,ect

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    grrr that is so unfortunate...those early levels are hard, having to get 2 almost useless powers (swift/hurdle) and your travel power starter...makes for that a lame task force and I have all the others. I actually don't mind Sister psyche's lasting 6 hours because its fun and you have a decent amount of powers... I'm so sad I have to go back and do stupid positron!
    oh well it will be good for prestige I guess.

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    Positron is lvl 10-15 which means if you're over 15th, you get exemp'd down to 15th. If you got your travel power at lvl 14 like more people... no problem.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    All MMs were told they would receive a slight buff with i7, aimed at PVP but useful in PVE also. Does anyone on test know what this buff is?

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    Actually, it's not aimed at PvP -- it's a general change. Useful equally everywhere.

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    Here's my wild guess--the more pets you have out, the better your damage mitigation.
  20. Lokana

    Placate Nerf

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    Stalkers are so far above any other AT in Kill Count vs Death Count that it isn't even funny.

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    I think this has less to do with "Stalkers are so Uber," and more to do with the fact Stalkers are far more common in PvP zones. Considering Blasters can one shot MMs, and Doms, as well as hover snipe most Brutes and out damage Corruptors, most villains bring in their Stalker for the Hide ability. Stalkers are also much better at hit and run/guerrilla style fighting than any other AT. On a one on one fight, Stalkers aren't nearly as good.
  21. I was hoping Ghost Widow would give Phase Shift, but looks like I'll just have to get it on my own. Well, I'll I need for my Stalker is a Snipe and a Hold.
  22. I was pretty happy to hear about Storage bins, but now I'm figuring out that they're not just for personal use. Any way we can have it so each SG member has their 10 slots to put their Presents, HOs, etc, that no one else can touch? And if that person gets kicked/quits, they could join a different SG with a storage bin and get their items back(not realistic, but cool).

    Otherwise, I can't really see why I'd want to share Insp and Enhancement stuff with my SG Mates that I couldn't just meet with them and give it to them. Salvage, yeah, but that's it.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    A nice alternative would be:
    15 (or whatever) minutes from when you activate it

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    I think that would be a bad idea, cause of how that would affect PvP. I've never, ever lost with my Stalker in PvP with 1v1, and I've killed dozens and dozens of heroes, sometimes fighting more than one at a time and still beating them all.

    I've used temp powers, including Nukes from Warburg(which only take 5 mins of easy work for a Stalker to get), to win. Keeping Empowerment to 15 mins after crafting ensures that temp powers don't make PvP even more unbalanced.
  24. Serial Killers

    You can read our background and history on our website www.KillersOfVirtue.com We're a role player *only* group. No exceptions. Our theme is a generic, catch all theme. We love extreme personalities. My favorite role player is the type where you have to try and figure out why they're acting weird so it becomes a mystery. We have several "mystery origin" types in the group now. We're very friendly to new role players, as long as you're trying, you don't have to be good at it

    We have a 10 day inactivity policy, but we sometimes let people slide a little past that if they've been in the group a long time, are a good Role Player, or have let one of the leaders know they're going to be gone for a while.

    We generally have team ups every night and the occassional SF/Trial. We do the occassional base raid, so PvP fans are welcome, but we have enough PvP'ers in the group that we don't need more to do raids, so if PvP isn't your thing, that's cool.

    If you're good at organizing team ups and/or getting and keeping a good RP conversation going, you'll eventually get promoted to the higher ranks(eventually getting Base Editing privilege).

    We're a top 100 group. I checked today and we're ranked 55th, but we're slowly climbing(I think we're only 300k away from being in the top 50).

    We have Coalitions with about half a dozen other smaller Role Playing VGs. If you're a member of one of our allies, we would rather not steal you from them(they're good groups too, which is why they're our allies!). If interested, send me a PM or a tell/in game email ( to Lurker ).