Devs, PLEASE change the Born in Battle accolade




What I'm asking to be changed about it, is the requirement of getting the Nigh Indestructible badge to get the accolade.

My corruptor is currently level 48, and the highest damage badge he has is the Ironman (1 million pts. of damage). My progress bar for the Unbreakable badge(10 million pts. of damage) is less than half full. Which means I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling him from 1 to 48.

In order to get the Nigh Indestructible badge, you have to take 100 million points of damage! Which means in order for me to get this accolade, I have to take more than 20 times the amount of damage I've taken in the entire time of leveling him to 48. This seems literally impossible.

If there is anything wrong with my argument, someone please correct me, because this does not seem fair.

If you agree with me please make a post so that this thread doesn't fade fast. This NEEDS to be changed.



My Regen Scrapper who's existed since the game launched does not have the equivalent Hero badge.

This means to me that you have one of two choices:

1) farm the badge, i.e. set yourself up to be healed and let a few minions wail on you for days.

2) Wait until you naturally get the badge in 2013.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



it's gotta be a bug. 5 bucks they didn't realize that Nigh Indestructible comes after Indestructible. They probably think that they flagged the 1 million damage badge.

whatever they screwed up, it needs a change.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Ha! It would take me till 2013 even if I WAS farming the badge the entire time!



I agree, please change the nigh invulnerability requirement because it is absurd...even though I "only" have 4 nights of afk-damage taking left to go. Having to farm for this badge is dumb!



I just took a peek. My regen scrapper is over half way to the 4th Tough badge(though I haven't played hero side since CoV).

My SR Stalker, who's been stuck at 40th level since Novermber, had *just* gotten the 3rd Tough badge right before I7. And, though I love the huge boost Defensive sets got in I7, it means my Stalker rarely ever gets hit.

The badge for Red Caps is way, way easier to get. Hell, I'll probably get Zookeeper on my Stalker before I get Nigh Industructable.



I think the wrong badge is listed. I saw a person with this accolade, and the farthest damage badge he had was the 4th one. He was a level 44 SM/inv brute.



I think they should keep the Nigh Indestructible requirement and change the requirements for the BADGE

Badges shouldn't be something you farm for days and days to get. That's pointless. Not what I consider fun. Sure, it's nice if you do that to be able to brag about it, but that's what the 6th level badge is for.

The problem isn't with Born in Battle requiring a first tier epic badge. The problem is with a first tier epic badge requiring a week of standing between a pain crystal/healing crystal while you sleep and do other stuff.



Having to farm for that badge at all is silly, requirement too high. Kthxbye.



Having to farm for that badge at all is silly, requirement too high. Kthxbye.



My biggest issue is that there is no hero equivilent requirement for an accolade. Even the hardest of badges to get (eg monkeys, illusionists, masks), can be farmed in a single night. This badge will require weeks of afk'ing. Not cool in my book.



While they're at it they should look at the other Accolades to. Like the Atlas Medallion to Marshal. You have to get the Annihilator Badge for Marshal which you get from Recluse's Strike force, but you don't even have to do a Task Force for the Atlas Medallion.



Even if they meant to put the 10,000,000 one (Unbreakable), that still seems rediculous. Like I said, in the entire time of leveling my corruptor to 48, he's taken less than 5 million pts of damage. To even get Unbreakable, I would have to farm damage for multiple weeks.

And it's not like I don't get hit... I already have the 5th debt badge. I really hope this was some mistake.



I figure to earn it they expected you to go afk resting on top a fire in mercy, or somewhere else with constant damage that wouldn't be able to kill you.

AFK accolades ftw. How i'm having to earn those 3 where the requirement is to spend all that time in PvP zones. Got my Warrior boss badge and not even halfway through Siren's Call. sigh...




The req's for the villian acclolades seem a tad MUCH vs. the hero ones.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



My biggest issue is that there is no hero equivilent requirement for an accolade. Even the hardest of badges to get (eg monkeys, illusionists, masks), can be farmed in a single night. This badge will require weeks of afk'ing. Not cool in my book.

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My biggest issue is that there is no hero equivilent requirement for an accolade. Even the hardest of badges to get (eg monkeys, illusionists, masks), can be farmed in a single night. This badge will require weeks of afk'ing. Not cool in my book.

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i agree, either make heroes have the same ridiculous(SP?) requirements for accolades or tone ours down



My fire / fire tank, about 2 years old, is half-way to the fourth damage badge.




I'm hoping it's just an error. But if Nigh Indestructable really is a requirement for any Accolade then it is very very discouraging.



Sent a PM to posi about this before it went live.

It was read.

No reply.

Granted I don't expect or believe I have a right to a reply, but to some extent it would have been nice to get a "Yeah we are rethinking this" or "Its not changing" or well. ...anything to know they care/consider or are keeping it as is.

Silence is often taken as affirmation. So no reply means to many, nothing changing.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



I have asked every brute I ran into two questions since BiB went live.

1. What damage badge do you have?
2. Have you done any afk farming for that badge.

Most answer they are halfway through the progress bar on the fourth badge (villians in the 40 to 50 range) and no, they haven't started (yet). So, the damage soakers I have spoken with don't even have the 4th damage badge yet for the most part, but somehow the rest of us are supposed to get the 5th badge through normal gameplay?

Or does afk farming now fit into the "vision"?



The badge for Red Caps is way, way easier to get. Hell, I'll probably get Zookeeper on my Stalker before I get Nigh Industructable.

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i think this statement is completly false. red caps took me twice maybe 3 times as long to get then afk caps is the hardest badge i have ever obtained. zookeeper is a cake walk with the right mission.

i do agree that the badge requirement is insanely high. you have to do what you have to do to get the badge i guess. they changed monkies this will change eventually when they get around to it. either farm it or wait till they get around to changing it.



I'm a /rad corruptor so most of the damage I get is burst damage and then nothing....I am lvl 33 now and I just now got Ironman...I'm not one to badge hunt and I'm certainly not going to farm for a badge unless I absolutely need it for an accolade, but I refuse to farm for the dmg badges....or the debt badges....or healing badges...So to me, making that a requirement for one accolade and the completion of the LRSF seems kinda retarded.



What I'm asking to be changed about it, is the requirement of getting the Nigh Indestructible badge to get the accolade.

My corruptor is currently level 48, and the highest damage badge he has is the Ironman (1 million pts. of damage). My progress bar for the Unbreakable badge(10 million pts. of damage) is less than half full. Which means I've taken less than 5 million points of damage in the entire time of leveling him from 1 to 48.

In order to get the Nigh Indestructible badge, you have to take 100 million points of damage! Which means in order for me to get this accolade, I have to take more than 20 times the amount of damage I've taken in the entire time of leveling him to 48. This seems literally impossible.

If there is anything wrong with my argument, someone please correct me, because this does not seem fair.

If you agree with me please make a post so that this thread doesn't fade fast. This NEEDS to be changed.

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my corr at lvl 41 has 3/4 of that bar... I love to die for debt... you can stand in a fire for debt or one of those pain fiels thingys.... or just play with an insane bruute all the time.

thats really not that hard to achieve if you play on relentless.