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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Being the target of an attack: 2s

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    Castle, can you elaborate on this please? Does this mean if I'm the target of a PvP attack, my movement suppresses whether I'm hit or not? Or does it suppress only if I'm hit? Or what happens?

    I hope I've read this wrong!

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    No, you read it correctly. Bring the target of attack initiates suppression on you. This is to prevent you from super speeding away while the attacker is stuck in his attack animation.

    EDIT: I should note that the new PVP Travel Suppression is not as slow as existing PVE Travel Suppression. In all cases, it reduces your speed to approximately "Sprint" speed.

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    So if I am reading this correctly, its lol if your a squishi

    * first after a red name*

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    Note the bit where the squishy ATs get a bonus to their resists, and note further that a complete lack of MEzz protection is no longer a death sentence. Presumably.
  2. Blood Ribbon - 51 days offline
    Metal Dragon - 16 days offline
    Nightmare Prince - 10 days offline
    Valentine Hunter - 8 days offline
    Primaeval - 4 days offline
    Stark Terror - 17 days offline
    Heartbreak Shin - 295 days offline
    Embercore - 88 days offline
    Agent Sinew - 75 days offline
    Mental Arrest - 142 days offline
    Rogue Weaver - 83 days offline

    It's not exactly hard, even if you play every day, to rack up lots of time on your alts. The way I see it, "patrol time" just meant it's a helluvalot easier to level alts.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    re: Web Grenade

    Can't you buy a temp power in Sirens' call that's Web Grenade? ((Sure pop some Yellows first))

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    Or don't, since you now have Targetting Drone

    Seriously, they didn't pick these willy nilly. They datamined first, and found everyone chased after FA from Body Mastery. Why not? It lets you see Stalkers and pound /SR characters.

    (I don't have much sympathy for this so called melee/ranged divide, since everytime I got pwned in PVP, it was by a super-speeding tank who zipped past me with a Stun and then zipped past me again to finish me off)

    Furthermore, you haven't even seen the PvP changes they've made to the game yet. And by god, they finally agreed to change the PPP. I don't want any griping to stop that, thankyouverymuch
  4. NPrince

    New Skirt? huh?

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    A little something I threw together.. hope I get to keep it somehow :P

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    Mever ever fails. No matter how stupid one might think a costume piece is, there's always someone who figures out how to make good use of it.

    I love this game.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Can we say Teacher's (Dev's) Pet?..., whatever happened to AT boundaries? Werent Blasters supposed to be all about damage? Whats with all this mostly unresisted Mezz stuff? Fear and Confuse? Cooome on!...and a Nuke and health/endurance recovery power in the secondary? If this isnt an April Fools joke I think I'll just urinate all over myself and retire from PvP right now.


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    Since I haven't seen this addressed:

    I suppose you mostly fight/play /em Blasters, so I guess this is understandable, but you do understand that most of the other blaster support sets have holds, immobs and various other ways to control or manipulate their targets, right? It's not Ranged damage/Melee damage, but Ranged Damage/Self-Support
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Without being overly negative, what possible downsides does this deal have?

    * Some staff may be unwilling or unable to move to the new office.
    * NC Soft bigwigs may usurp more creative control than is healthy for the long-run of the game.
    * A true sequel may be released, making upkeep and new content for the original a lower priority.

    Anybody else think of anything? Will my purely hypothetical guesses be debunked?

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    I don't think point 1 is a problem. From the sounds of things, this was hashed out a while ago.

    Point 2 is always a potential problem >.> So no disagreement there. NCSoft certainly knows MMOs, but their big seller is Lineage...

    Point 3 wouldn't bother me much. CoH 2 would presumably be like CoH 1, but BETTER! If we maintain the same quality of free issues, and they start charging us money for BETTER issues (ie, expansions), I won't shed a tear.
  7. My first thought was "DOOOOM!"

    My second thought was "Wait, now MUO and CoH are actually in competition. NCSoft has a vested interest in making sure that CoH competes handily with MUO. This isn't the sign of a game being sidelines (like MxO was when it was pawned off onto Sony)"

    Maybe I'm being to optimistic, but I certainly see some cause for celebration...
  8. <QR>

    No new powersets? I thought we were supposed to see them in i9-i11 (pushed back to i10-i12 with Inventions getting its own issue). so the lack of them is dissappointing.

    Also, this seems small.

    All that out of the way, this is coming out fast! If they really have reason to start boosting this now, they're really kicking the issues out at a good pace. This is probably tied with my above disappointments: They seem to be favoring smaller, quicker releases over gargantuan, way-past-deadline issues like i7, and I can definitly appreciate that.

    And Metaplot? FINALLY! I've been... away for a while, and this has alread piqued my interest. Perhaps I should get my Stalker up to a point where he can participate. Perhaps indeed... *muses*
  9. I just want to throw in my two cents

    First, personally, I think there should be an "infinitely precise" system. Rather than rolling a twenty sided die and always declaring a 20 to be a hit and a 1 to be a miss ALWAYS, I think there should be a different sort of system where no matter how high your defense, there's always a vanishingly small chance to be hit (and you can further and further increase this to get it closer and closer to zero, but never quite) and vica versa.

    However, if we're going to stick with a "cut-off" point like we have now, I think Inspirations should be allowed to get around this. If I pop an Insight, by god, I should not miss (assuming my accuracy is now capped). Likewise, if I can cap my defense with a Luck, I should be unhittable.

    This should only be a result of using a resource like an inspiration, though. It should not be an inherent aspect of the game, ie, a Super Reflex character shouldn't innately be unhittable and a superb archer with Tactics and a Targetting device can still miss.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I try to read/listen to peoples' concerns, ideas, suggestions, problems, etc with an open mind and heart. I don't discount that people have their issues with the game and "vent" on the devs.

    I will say, though, that I agree with you in that for the most part...this is one HECK of a game.

    So, don't panic...I'll /sign it...even if you do get flamed hard by some others.

    *Gets popcorn*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whether the game is good or not is irrelevant. You shouldn't run around and call people names. There is no call to accuse States and the rest of lying and conspiring against the players and refering to them as impolite bodyparts.

    Look, I don't much like WoW. I think the game is too repetitive, that you can't alt for crap, there's far too much walking, and loot-raiding drags everything down. I think, for starters, they should add a racial talent tree, so that at least an orc warrior will play differently than a human warrior.

    See? Lots of complaints, criticisms and suggestions, and not once did I call a single Blizzard employee a name. It's not hard.

    You don't have to LOVE a game to be civil. Hate CoH. I don't care. Have nothing but bad thoughts about it. Post them here. But be civil about it.
  11. NPrince

    Cryptic article.

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    I wonder how long CoX will last after MUO starts. Only time will tell...

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    If I might play devil's advocate for a second, in the presence of EQ 2, how well is EQ doing?

    And yes, that's a rhetorical question.

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    According to which hasn't been updated since June, EQ1 subs are falling while EQ2 Subs are rising. They're basically converging.

    However, given the genre, you really have to consider the WoW factor in declining numbers for EQ1.

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    Well, and I don't see how it's relevant. Better to ask how EQ is doing after DAoC. Similar genre, different games.

    EQ vs EQ2 would be more akin to CoH vs CoH2, which MUO is not.
  12. NPrince

    "Moral Combat"

    Reactor, don't drag your politics into this. Joe's a lefty, not a "neocon." Nor is Hillary Clinton or Tipper Gore a bunch of Bush-supporters.

    I'm not saying the right's hands are clean (the "theocons" as you put it, are quite the type to support this), but the left "Morther Government knows best!" types tear after video games just as hard.

    Be pissed off at the neocons and those elements in the right for what they do that you don't like. Don't ascribe everything you hate to them.
  13. NPrince

    "Moral Combat"

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    While I appreciate the shock of seeing that picture included with the other game footage--none of those games should be used in the same sentence as Columbine. Connecting any of those games to real life violence is insane. It's just more insane in the case of CoH/CoV.

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    I found this fascinating book on the history of Marvel comics in my library once and enjoyed the sit-down. I'll never forget their discussion of the era when comics were looked at in a skeptical, dangerous light. First of all, it was nothing compared to now. Second of all, it came about because a Jack Thompson-like fellow pointed out that nearly all delinquent children read comic books. He failed to note that nearly all children read comic books, so one would expect a similar ratio of delinquents to read them.

    Archie does not make you a killer, and neither does Super Mario Brothers. Or Myst.

    Like the trailer said: Half of all Americans play video games. Assuming this, and assuming you could tie video games to violence, one would expect violence to have risen during the rising consumption of video games. But it hasn't. It's dropped over the past 20 years or so.

    I'm not saying video games eliminate violence (though I have seen some interesting arguments to that effect) as I think other factors are involved, but just to point out the inherent fallacy of suggesting violent video games cause violence. There's just no correlation.
  14. NPrince

    "Moral Combat"

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    That trailer was so ridiculous, I didn't even get angry.

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    I'm just going to skip everything to chime in and agree that this trailer is such complete [censored] that it's not even funny.

    Fact check:

    Humanity has NOT always seen violence as a "vice." We don't even see it as a vice now. Look at our myths: Loaded with violence. Do you think Hercules TALKED the Nemean Lion out of his skin? Look at the bible: Maybe Samson used that jawbone to make soup? Look at our history: some of our greatest presidents began as war heroes or defined themselves as war presidents. Look at our modern story-telling: movies, comics, television shows are rife with confrontation and violence.

    This is just pacifist nonsense. Humans fight. They struggle with adversity, they slog it out despite pain, suffering and intimidation, and they take down the bad guy. This is not something, inherently, to condemn. You only condemn violence when it is used inproperly.

    Or do you think our soldiers are bad people? Didn' think so.

    Furthermore: the Al Queda terrorists did NOT sit down with a flight simulator and learn to crash the towers. They went to flight schools to do that. Honest-to-god flight schools. Those may have used flight simulators, but those aren't teh sort of things you can go down to Wal-Mart and pick up for your computer. They require a heckuva lot more than a mouse.

    The trailer is just nonsense.

    But frankly, I'm not worried about it. Like they say: Half of America plays video games. That's a big, honking voting half. Gamers aren't children. Most gamers are teen to twenties young men. Furthermore, there are plenty of non-gamers that decry this sort of blatant censorship on both sides of the aisle: liberterians on the righty side and UCLA-civil righters on the left side (to be fair, the censor people come from both sides of the aisle too).

    So I think it'll be ok.

    But yeah, why the heck was Statesman in there? But then, alot of those video game characters were just PRETTY looking, and at least a few "violent" scenes weren't violent at all, just unusual and strange (like the guy being empowerd by that purple lightning)
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    i briefly tried it and too thought it was a bit unweildy. Would've much prefered the jump pack from villains. But this seems to be tailored for superspeeders and SJers in Grandville and not new heroes.

    I was also a bit disappointed in the costume extras. Didn't seem to be that many that I found. Justice/Sinister shoulder, boot, glove option and a new pattern on bottoms. Did I miss anything else?

    Hopefully the tiki lounge will make this purchase a little more worthwhile.

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    Note that the gloves and boots have two different versions: With Plate, and standard. I'm assuming from your lack of enthusiasm, you haven't found the w/ Plate version, as it's sweet as hell looking (at least Sinister is). Note that Sinister and Justice have their own patterns as well, like Chaos Leather or Buckled leather.

    And the Jump Jet gives me continual jump for 30 seconds. You can touch the roof of the world with it.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    I think we can sum up our collective feelings and frustrations in two words: "this sucks"

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    The people at NCSoft and Cryptic are super nice people with great intentions, but have managed to bumble the execution of pretty much most of the releases with dates, codes, conflicts (raise your hand if you had CoV issues)

    My 2 influence, until they slot and buy accuracy SOs for their Operations team, they should stop pre-announcing stuff, including releases, until they are on the shelf or on the test server. They mean well trying to pump us up, but the bigger let down when the bumble, which they historically do, causes a bigger ill will and unhappiness over all.

    Come on guys - time to get some Ops people who have some real experience - seriously.

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    As much of a fan of the game as I am, this is QFT.

    I work with the Ops people at my job quite a bit, and they are always the most organized and "in-touch" people at the company. The team at NCSoft just seems to drop the ball often. Especially for a company that has a fairly limited release schedule in America.

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    They SHOULD pump us up, get us excited. We like previews, we crave more material, and we delight in being excited. We're geeks. C'mon. And hyping stuff up is good for business.

    They just need to get their crap together and deliver on time. It's hard, yeah, but it's worth it. If everything had been working as it should have been, NCSoft and Walmart would have made a pretty penny off of all this. As it stands right now, the cash flow is an uncertain trickle and I'm sure a few have decided not to buy it at all.

    Not saying it's a disaster, doom, NCSoft is going to go under, but that if they had done things right, they would have made more money than doing it this way
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    From all the interviews I read, it all starts in I8. Assuming the 50+ content is in I8, then I'd say the story starts in I8. I might be forgetting something, but IIRC, I9 was supposed to feature the rebuilding of Faultline (according to the Boomtown interview.)

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    Posi was pretty specific on what portion of the 50+ content was going to make it into I8: Inventions. They've since stated it would be delayed.

    Note also that there's no information about 50+ content listed on the Features Update (or Game Update, or wherever they give info on the next Issue). I'd say it's safe to assume that if it isn't listed there, it's not coming out.

    I suspect we'll see 50+ content trickled in from I9-I11.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    Oh really? New storyline starting in i8? Nice, ws thinking that i8 was gonna be a "meh nothing to see here" patch from a look at it, but hey, if they're starting a new issues-long storyline, at least it won't ALL be like "...another patch with not much new in it. >_>"

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    I thought that the new story was supposed to start with Issue 9
    But then, we're seeing the Faultline revamp THIS issue, aren't we? That might be the begining of our nifty metaplot...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I really hope they come out with one of these EAT's by i9, i might explode if they delay any longer. although, of course, i have no problem with them taking time to get it right .

    that "deep" water pool outside the Grandeville wall SURE is encouraging though. But who knows, even if they get the pool and such figured out the devs might not have coralax out until i12. thats just the way they work =p

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    The Coralax could be cancelled for all I know, but one thing official we do know is that the Nictus EAT or the evil Kheldians EAT will be coming out "ASAP." Although, the devs were planning on releasing an EAT in the expansion box. The expansion box now became I10 and I11, and they said they changed some things around.

    Now, an EAT isn't something you can just slip in and no one notice, like a powerset or something. It's a game-wide event and it WILL be noticed by many players, especially story-wise. Another thing to remember is that I8-I11 is one big story, so the EAT has to be involved with the I8-I11 story somehow, and I doubt the devs can remove something that big that quick. It's not that I'm pushing for the idea of a new EAT (AFTER the Nictus) sometime between I9 and I11, it's just that something as big as a 4 issue story just can't be re-written.

    So, if the devs did include a new EAT in the expansion box, it was most likely tied in with the I8-I11 story, which means it will probably still be in I9, I10, or I11. That is, IF it was a relevant part of the story. If not, then I guess not.

    Disclaimer: Speculation (just for fun.)

    For which EAT it would be, the Incarnates are already ruled out because Positron said it didn't fit in with the storyline. Wings in I8, so maybe Avilans, but it's very very unlikely because they're not even in the game yet, but hey, you never know. Coralax is another possibility because they're the furthest in being implemented in the game as far as having a cameo at all. Blood of the Black Stream will be the second in the running since they have some history in the game already, just like the Coralax.

    Anyway, the first clue just might be in I8, so everyone keep your eyes peeled. Supposedly there's a new villain group or enemy group (for us villains.) I8 is supposedly linked with this big story, so we should learn soon enough, that and/or an enemy group is supposed to be getting an upgrade, we don't know anymore though. Maybe that's the new enemy, or maybe they will be an addition, who knows.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really really want the Coralax to be the next EAT, but I seem to remember Positron saying that the Incarnates were next (the "first new EAT" they wanted to do), but that it didn't fit in the current storyline.

    If I'm reading that correctly, that means Incarnates aroudnd, what, I11, I12? And any further EATs delayed beyond that.


    I hope I'm wrong.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    A robot "kheldian" or werewolf "peacebringer" is pretty stupid too.

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    Well, in comparison to Coralax, Kheldians can possess bodies or stay in hosts because they're energy beings, not really having a natural form. Are they stupid? I don't mind for them, but they certainly do make sense as far as Kheldians go. So unless the Coralax can possess hosts just like the Kheldians (which would be frowned upon if they recycle that feature), I wouldn't really expect to be able to use all costumes in the costume generator unless the devs have an explanation behind it.

    The Kheldians' reason to be able to dress as freely as they like differs widely compared to the reason as to why the Coralax has to look a certain way. I'm not really defending it, it's just the way it is.

    As far as costume sets being limited not being done before, it's mainly because there hasn't been a situation where the devs had to limit the clothing. I'm not pushing for limited costume sets, but it just wouldn't make sense is all I'm saying. As far as we know, the Coralax are one race, and the Coralax-Hybrids are humans infected with magical coral. Maybe if we're able to revert back to human form, we can access most of the universal costumes, but if not, like I said, it really wouldn't make sense.

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    Given that mobile pieces of rock exhibit the powers of Merulina's coral (as I understand it), it's not entirely improbable to have a coral-powered android or a were-creature infused with the power of the sea.

    Maybe they're a "race," and if they were a very specific race, I could see it. Just as if they were to, hypothetically, include the "elf" Archtype, you wouldn't see any robot-looking elves.

    But I don't think they're a race, or we wouldn't be seeing hybrids running all over the place. It's about infusion of coral power, which leaves the door open.

    And the Devs haven't had call to limit costumes because they DIDN'T take that call up, not because they had no reason too. I can make a robot with the magic origin. I can have a midget, natural school-girl with Super Strength and Invulnerability. There's lots of illegitmate costume choices out there, but Cryptic doesn't employ any fashion police.

    I'm also trying to figure out HOW they would do it. Basing it on your account I can see, but limiting your costume choices when you choose a specific AT? How would they implement that? Seems more work than it's worth to me.

    That's my take anyway. This is all irrelevant speculation in a thread that's supposed to be about learning more about the EATs. Sorry about the derail.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    I expect we'll see some new, water-related costume pieces come out, but I doubt we'll be limited to it. I suspect any "enforced" looks will come from the powersets manifestations on your person. Some Coralax will look stupid as a result of this, but some will look totally cool

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    It depends on the story, really. It would be so silly if you're a pure-blooded Coralax or even a Coralax-Hybrid and you're able to dress up like a Werewolf or a Robot. That wouldn't make sense at all. A limited and/or small set only for the Coralax is a solution, along with letting us use some of the appropriate costume pieces that are available to everyone else, stuff like Plant hair, Plant shoulders, Hoods, Trenchcoats maybe, are appropriate IMO. I can't think of anything else right now though.

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    A robot "kheldian" or werewolf "peacebringer" is pretty stupid too. Yet they allow it. Why? Because you can already think of uses of individual costume pieces that others would see as "silly" and probably make them work. I'm always really surprised by how people can put a look together, even by using inappropriate stuff.

    Moreover, it's not like Cryptic to put us on a track with CoH. It's alot more interesting to play a hero "Powered with the Legacy of Atlantis", with the specifics left to us, than it is to play an Altantean when all Atlanteans look like THIS and fight like THAT.

    When I make my Peacebringer, he won't look anything like the Ascendant PPD, and I doubt my deep-sea character will be a carbon copy of the Coralax hybrids we see in the game. I'm sure they'll offer some partial justification for this, but given that they've NEVER limited costume pieces before (except due to realities, such as the infeasibility, both technically and economically, of giving ALL heroes access to villain costume pieces, with or without the expansion), I doubt they'd limit it here.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, Ocean. Thanks for linking to that it's easy to see the true concept for some of the costume pieces (plants, insectoid, etc). I really hope that guy isn't a fake...though I can easily believe that he is a designer. The Coralax-Hybrids are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Too bad CoX's colors aren't that vivid...the ingame hybrids would look MUCH better.

    BTW, there haven't been any Virtean Coralax-Hybrids have there?

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    The Coralax in the game don't really look much different from that. The biggest difference is posture: the ones in the photo have their chest stand up and stand with a refined, powerful stance. They look like warriors or dancers or... whatever. They look cool.

    The ones in the game plod along all hunched over. Like monkeys. While playing monkeys are fun, they don't jump out at you as "hero" material.

    But personally, I'd be surprised it Cryptic stuck us with a single "look" for our characters. No other group in the game has that. Tehcno origin characters can decorate themselves in medieval armor and magical symbology. Kheldian-merged humans can look alot like walking man-bats.

    I expect we'll see some new, water-related costume pieces come out, but I doubt we'll be limited to it. I suspect any "enforced" looks will come from the powersets manifestations on your person. Some Coralax will look stupid as a result of this, but some will look totally cool
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    More stupid ideas, what if BotBS attacks involve single part morphing? Turning your arms into squid tentacles for a second to lash at the enemy, aligator head to bite, panther claws to scratch. Stuff like that. Instantaneous short lived body part morphing to execute powers/attacks. Also prepared to have this idea shot down lol. =p

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You wouldn't need an AT to do that. That would be akin to a "drawing" animation you could apply to any AT. You could have a "shape shifting" Scrapper set if that's all it was.

    If Kheldians are any guide, the Epic ATs will represent something they could not do simply by creating a new powerset for existing ATs.
  24. Just for fun, I worked out the averages on every column. It's a bit stilted, as people care more about Minion resists than a specific, one-time AV resist, but I still think it gives an overall picture.

    Smashing: .94
    Lethal: .92
    Fire: .97
    Cold: .97
    Energy: .97
    Neg Energy: .97
    Psi: .94
    Tox: .92

    The common line about Psi being "the least resisted" is wrong, but alot of people knew that. I AM surprised to see that Lethal is MORE resisted than Smashing. Must be all those robots. And I'm surprised to see how resisted Toxic damage is.

    That Fire/Cold/Energy/Neg Energy equal out surprises me a little as well. I assumed energy and neg energy would be less resisted, but they all look pretty equally viable to me.

    Note that this analysis is straight, including doors and objects and such.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll update as news comes in. So far, there's nothing really.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll post something. Just something I noticed regarding Incarnates and the Infected.

    *spoilers, by the way*

    In Story Arc "Wierd Science" with Doctor Creed, you investigate the "source of the cesspool contamination that powers the Infected," which your informant reveals that it's caused by "some sort of biological project... led by Doctor Geist."

    So, naturally, you investigate further and discover "meta-human hybrids called Arachnoids were being studied in the lab after being shipped from a place called Grandville."

    This leads us to a much later tie-in involving Arachnoids, Project Fury, where you discover that the "intent (of the project) was to create a new breed of soldier made in the image of Lord Recluse by injecting them with venom produced from Lord Recluse himself. It was meant to simulate the abilities granted by the Well of the Furies..."

    Which, as we all know, is where Incarnates get their power.

    Thus the Infected SEEM to be getting their power from Lord Recluse, in a very indirect (three steps removed from the Well of the Furies) manner, but yet a few have managed to develop real powers (I think the one infected hero was Bioluminescence).

    It's not much, but it's a nifty tie-in to Incaranates, a bit of lore you guys might not have connected yet