Discussion: Castle Talks on w00t Studios Podcast!
Busted link Castle!
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
And when is the podcast going to be?
Yeah I just noticed that.. its weird, bare with me one moment. The link should be right. The link does work but for some reason in certain uses its not working.
If you go to w00t Studios main page (www.w00tstudios.net) you can get to it by clicking on the Jester's Court menu choice on the right hand side of the screen.
I'm working on fixing this error in the meantime.
UPDATED: OK its fixed. There was a weird timestamp issue on the article.
w00t Radio
Someone post the details please.
*Hands doctors note excusing me for having ADD*
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
And when is the podcast going to be?
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We recorded it earlier this evening and its now available for download.
w00t Radio
temp protection also has recharge protection o.0
i wish i could get an updated list on what temp protection actually protects against.
Busted link Castle!
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Why blame Castle for the busted link?
He didn't post it. Lighthouse did.
Lighthouse got it from Jester.
Jester blames a bad timestamp.
I smell a Nemesis plot.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Huh... Khelds are getting even more changes:
Cosmic Balance/Dark Sustenance - Each VEAT/Kheld you team with gives you 10% Recharge Resistance.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

10% Slow Resists from Veats/Heats on your team.
Radius limitations on Team-Link is technical. I wonder if they toyed with just removing that cludgey mechanic and just looking at what's on your team-list?
Status Protection, Combat Flights and shapeshifting forms won't be suppressed, but everything else pretty much will suppress.
Still here, even after all this time!

No mentions of Trick Arrows anywhere in this! Hrumph!
Nice interview, anyway!
[u]Topic: PvE Power Changes.[u]
[u]Why Kheldian changes?[u]
1. Power disparity v. VEATs.
2. Are VEATs popular? Yes.
3. HEATs are hard (to learn) and will still be hard. But some QoL: e.g., AT inherent buffs will remain on all forms, so, no worrying about those buffs dropping; multi-builds will help in having two different builds that can specialize the forms.
4. Range of the AT inherent buff isn't changing because how intensive the server needs to work to check on buffs.
5. Kheldian damage increase is because VEAT damage was higher and because of data mining.
6. Kheldian tanking? Can cap out Resistance, but no stacking defense and no pool powers for defense... so, not really Tanks.
7. Kheldian inherent new info: 10% resist to recharge slows for every H/VEAT on the team.
8. Other Kheldian details being saved for Hero Con
[u]Power Toggles Not Detoggling Anymore[u]
1. Since I4 Castle had been looking for a coding change to allow an end to Toggle dropping. Unbeknownst to him, Shannon Pozniewski (a cryptic programmer) added it in. Castle only recently found documentation on that, so, now it's in.
2. Bigger effect for squishie ATs that are more easily mezzed.
3. What is suppressed during a mez: Anything that is not a status protection will get suppressed. Exception: Kheldian flight will still fly, but speed is suppressed. Kheldian forms don't drop. Suppressed team buffs are suppressed for teammates.
[Chat on what happens if a Group Flier is mezzed... everyone loses the buff and drops. <laugh, laugh> (But they forget that would happen anyway if a Group Flier is mezzed <shrug>.]
4. Effect on Power Toggle and game play: In internal tests, no more having to pay attention to toggles. But that could lead to not noticing a power that is detoggled for some other reason. It will be a significant change for PvPers.
5. No more powers that detoggle a foe in PvP.
6. Critters will not get the same toggle protection -- the few that have toggles can be detoggled.
[u]Most Negative Feedback? Barrage.[u]
1. Because it effects low level tankers who don't have an attack chain yet.
2. What about Vet Reward powers? Doesn't effect newbies!
3. Why long recharge? To give it more damage to fit in an attack chain (but, again, that hurts low level toons).
4. Castle is still 'looking at it'. He's been reading the forums about it.
[u]Movement (and now Recharge!) Protection for Temperature Protection[u]
1. Did it for kicks, seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.
1. Perceived weakness (but wasn't that weak).
2. So, removed Defense Debuff.
3. Tried to make each power as good as the others.
[u]Energy Aura[u]
1. The work of one of Castle's minion. Keep a look at it during beta. If too weak, other stuff they can do.
2. Eventually proliferated to Heroes, no timetable.
[u]War Mace[u]
1. Has been under performing. Has been getting buffs over time. Looking to see if the current change went too far.
2. Clobber changed from stun-only power to partial damage power.
3. If the updated War Mace overperforms, Castle thinks it'll more likely be because of Crowd Control's max number of targets, and not because of the change to Clobber.
[u]Midnight Grasp[u]
1. DOT was too long. Most critters die before it's finished. So, more damage (2.2 damage scale) upfront, and shorter DOT (.6 damage scale),
[u]Patron Pools and APP[u]
1. They all got looked at by Posi, Castle, and minion. Datamined which ones were taken and which were ignored. Buffs, nerfs, and power replacements!
2. If powers are replaced, when you log in, you'll have the new power. No grandfathering.
3. About 20% of the A/EPPs were replaced.
4. As one example of the Epic/Patron changes, Castle mentions that Weapon Mastery for Scrappers will now include Focused Accuracy. If his memory is correct.
[u]Mission Architect[u]
1. Repeat the reason why it's delayed: Players wanted customizable bosses. So, Castle sees himself writing AI scripts non-stop.
[u]Toxic Damage[u]
1. Why no Defense? Originally, it was untyped. When it became typed, they added resistance, but forgot to retrofit Defense. And then it became a lack of time issue in order to code it in.
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I wonder if Castle is going to be standardizing DOTs? Right now, that's probably the one biggest reason I won't play Dark Blast any more.
Still here, even after all this time!

You missed two points, Zombie:
1) If the updated War Mace overperforms, Castle thinks it'll more likely be because of Crowd Control's max number of targets, and not because of the change to Clobber.
2) As one example of the Epic/Patron changes, Castle mentions that Weapon Mastery for Scrappers will now include Focused Accuracy. If his memory is correct.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Sweet, that kinda takes care of one of the things i wanted which was slow resists for dwarf.
You missed two points, Zombie:
1) If the updated War Mace overperforms, Castle thinks it'll more likely be because of Crowd Control's max number of targets, and not because of the change to Clobber.
2) As one example of the Epic/Patron changes, Castle mentions that Weapon Mastery for Scrappers will now include Focused Accuracy. If his memory is correct.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks. Updated the post.
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Busted link Castle!
[/ QUOTE ]
Why blame Castle for the busted link?
He didn't post it. Lighthouse did.
Lighthouse got it from Jester.
Jester blames a bad timestamp.
I smell a Nemesis plot.
[/ QUOTE ]
I wonder what the timestamp will blame.
Holy crap--Poz left us a going away present?
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
They all got looked at by Posi, Castle, [u]and minion. [u]
[/ QUOTE ]
Poor nameless minion. I hope he gets promoted to a named Lt. at some point.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
All I can say is this issue will be interesting especially for the villain side. I cant wait to see what the patron pools get changed into.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

[u]Topic: PvE Power Changes.[u]
[u]Patron Pools and APP[u]
1. They all got looked at by Posi, Castle, and minion. Datamined which ones were taken and which were ignored. Buffs, nerfs, and power replacements!
2. If powers are replaced, when you log in, you'll have the new power. No grandfathering.
3. About 20% of the A/EPPs were replaced.
4. As one example of the Epic/Patron changes, Castle mentions that Weapon Mastery for Scrappers will now include Focused Accuracy. If his memory is correct.
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Hmmm. No 'grandfathering'? I remember hearing that term, but I'll need a quick refresher course.
I wonder if this'll mean that if we don't like the replacements, we'll have to 'respec' them. Would be nice if this means we'll get a free 'spec with this update.
I wonder if this'll mean that if we don't like the replacements, we'll have to 'respec' them. Would be nice if this means we'll get a free 'spec with this update.
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I believe we probably will. Its been standard practice in the past when major changes were done to powers / powersets.
w00t Radio
[u]Topic: PvE Power Changes.[u]
[u]Patron Pools and APP[u]
1. They all got looked at by Posi, Castle, and minion. Datamined which ones were taken and which were ignored. Buffs, nerfs, and power replacements!
2. If powers are replaced, when you log in, you'll have the new power. No grandfathering.
3. About 20% of the A/EPPs were replaced.
4. As one example of the Epic/Patron changes, Castle mentions that Weapon Mastery for Scrappers will now include Focused Accuracy. If his memory is correct.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm. No 'grandfathering'? I remember hearing that term, but I'll need a quick refresher course.
I wonder if this'll mean that if we don't like the replacements, we'll have to 'respec' them. Would be nice if this means we'll get a free 'spec with this update.
[/ QUOTE ]This means they are getting rid of caltrops and possibly conserver power just so they can sanitize ninjutsu and energy aura before being ported to scrappers.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

[u]Topic: PvE Power Changes.[u]
[u]Patron Pools and APP[u]
1. They all got looked at by Posi, Castle, and minion. Datamined which ones were taken and which were ignored. Buffs, nerfs, and power replacements!
2. If powers are replaced, when you log in, you'll have the new power. No grandfathering.
3. About 20% of the A/EPPs were replaced.
4. As one example of the Epic/Patron changes, Castle mentions that Weapon Mastery for Scrappers will now include Focused Accuracy. If his memory is correct.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm. No 'grandfathering'? I remember hearing that term, but I'll need a quick refresher course.
I wonder if this'll mean that if we don't like the replacements, we'll have to 'respec' them. Would be nice if this means we'll get a free 'spec with this update.
[/ QUOTE ]This means they are getting rid of caltrops and possibly conserver power just so they can sanitize ninjutsu and energy aura before being ported to scrappers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Makes sense. Was thinking that it would be shuriken that gets the axe. As long as we get to keep web grenade.
Wow... I hope the patron pets (Mu, Widows, etc) don't get axed. I really love them.
Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement
Last week Senior Designer Floyd "Castle" Grubb described what's going into testing as part of Issue 13: Power and Responsibility in the article Issue 13 PvE Powers Changes.
Now, Castle talks on the Jester's Court Podcast about these changes! It's a 41 minute podcast, but if you are interested in these changes, it's well worth the listen!
Click here to visit w00t studios and listen to the podcast!
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