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  1. Congrats, War Witch!

    I hope you remembered to visit a trainer when you got promoted
  2. Then there's the problem of someone pulling out the server power cord so they can plug in the coffee machine...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
    Release Notes for 19.20090918.3T

    Thursday, September 24, 2009


    • Credit for the Untouchable badge should now be correctly earned for defeating all levels of Family Consiglieres in the Rogue Isles.
    Yay! I have a character that went to Nerva Archapelago (sp?) and worked the CoH Family badge, and he wasn't going anywhere. Tg it's fixed
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Nobody ever dies for real in comics.
    They could make a great storyline out of bumping off Statesman, then bring him back in the next issue or something.
    It has to be a Summer Event, with multiple cross-overs about the Death of Statesman, the Reign the Statesmen, and the Return of Statesman. Also, it should spawn a couple (at least) spin-off series, such as States and Statesboy.
  5. Oh, sorry! I thought you meant 'Kick Me!'
  6. Captain_Intrepid

    Statements Only

    I fell overboard, oops.
  7. Captain_Intrepid


    I'm thinking that the 5th Column's going to make a full return in I17, but don't quote me on this (because, personally, I really want them to come back).
  8. Congrats on being a Legend (in your own mind, or is it?)
  9. Hi

    It's interesting that the old log in names are different. Is the use of User Names to make logging in more streamlined so we wouldn't have to remember an extra layer of names/passwords?
  10. I can't wait test it out (if I get the chance to *crosses fingers for luck*).

    I wonder if the AE interface will be modified as well to allow colour/theme costumization for AE critters?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    On a somewhat unrelated note, I just want to take a second to thank you guys for being so positive and excited about this feature that's consumed so much of my life for so long. It's been a very long haul and tremendous amount of work from many people on the team. Your excitement about this feature is making it so much easier for me to continue to be excited about it, and that's making it a lot nicer to get through the final stretches of finishing this issue up and into your hands. I can't speak for the other people who've done a tremendous amount of work on this feature as well, but for me's a huge deal.

    The handful of non-glowing responses I've seen have been very reasonable and more in the realm of disappointed but still understanding. For that I'm exceedingly grateful.

    So thanks for staying positive and constructive, it makes reading the forums so much easier and working on this game so much more rewarding.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, it's been a quite the wait, and I'm glad that everyone involved was able to get it in motion

    Now I can finally change my dreaded pink pom-poms of doom into blue pom-poms of doom!
  12. Captain_Intrepid

    The Devs Hate...

    [ QUOTE ]
    You want to know what I hate? I'll tell you!

    <ul type="square">[*] People who feel entitled to abuse others, simply because they can.[*] Bad ideas -- especially when they are mine![*] Embarrassing Situations in Sitcoms -- I literally have to change the channel or leave the room to avoid seeing the characters humiliated at times.[/list]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same here
  13. I like, I like!

    It's kind of fustrating to remember where all of the things are, when it's been a while since you've travelled places as you concentrated on leveling up with one or two characters

    As for the extra recipe, invention salvage, and auction slots, jolly good show!
  14. Captain_Intrepid

    I16 and MA

    [ QUOTE ]
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    Apart from Spines being able to use the geometry from Thorns, and Thorns being able to use the geometry from Spines (both of which can be colored), there will be at least one other set of alternate geometry/FX.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is that the steel-y spines that whats-her-face uses? Uh, Silver Mantis? I always thought that'd be a keen look for a spiky hero and/or villain...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. It never occurred to me that Silver mantis had spines. The ones I made are very basic, conical, metal spikes.

    I am not a hotshot modeler/texture artist, so I prefer to work on the basic looking stuff that can accept a broad range of character concepts being projected on to it. My opinion is that the more specific and detailed you get with something like this, the more narrow it's potential for fitting a lot of character concepts become.

    Similiar sort of philosophy for all of the shields and weapons I personally modeled. Except for the Rularuu stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Scary thought of the day: Rularuu Spines/Thorns....
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You guys can probably blame me for these sets. I specifically asked them to proliferate sets that wouldn't require new animations or VFX, as we're already swamped with supporting power customization. We had to make one new animation for Broadsword Stalkers, but other than that they were able to directly port everything over or at least pull powers and visuals from existing powersets.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That still doesn't explain why Doms got Earth Assault instead of Illusion. I'd think that Illusion would be easier actually.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Illusion powerset: Primary
    Earth Assault: Secondary.

    MM's been getting secondary sets only, so unless they slip in Illusion or something else, it looks like Dominators are getting the same amount as the MM's.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    No, I'm not because whatever the definition of the term, "Rube Goldberg-like" only has to invoke the illustrations of Rube Goldberg. The design of the powers system/animation system interface does. But its not especially complex. Although some Rube Goldberg systems are highly complex, not all are: the defining characteristic of Rube Goldberg systems are that they are more complex than they need to be. That doesn't mean they are very complex as such.

    (Example: this is from the Rube Goldberg site in which sitting on a cushion forces air through a tube which blows an ice boat to a lighted cigar butt popping a balloon which causes a dictator to think he's been shot and fall over backward onto shutter bulb. That's characteristicly ridiculously more complex than necessary, but not very complex to understand in general).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I wouldn't consider the animation systems to be more complicated than they need to be. I'd consider them to very uncomplicated, but because of the sheer number of animations that have to be wrangled, that simplicity makes the task extremely complicated and fragile.

    The best analogy I can think of is to think of how the internet would work if URLs didn't exist, and instead all web pages were accessed using search tags. Defining an address for "The Official Beekeepers Society" web site would be pretty simple. "Bee" "Keeper" "Society".

    However, the first thousand web pages were created using only 100 tags. Then they upgraded the web because there was only so many combinations where you could use "Bee" that made sense anymore, and they allowed for any number of tags to be defined and used. Then added about 5000 more pages into the mixture of old tags, new tags, recycled tags, massively overused tags, innapropriately used tags, etc...and the simplicity of the system makes it complex.

    Tags as words isn't a very accurate concept either. Tags being keys that you would have to hold down simultaneously would be a more accurate analogy. So holding down "B", "K", and "S" would take you to "The Official Beekeeper Society." website, while holding down "B", "K", "S", and "L" would take you to the "Barbecued Steak &amp; K'Bobs Lovers" website (great deal on aprons right now).

    Then add in a half dozen or so cats who like to pounce on your keyboard while you try to surf the web, and you've got a pretty accurate picture of how our system decides what animation to play and why it's so damn tricky to keep everything working.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But Captain! The engine cannae take it much longer! Any second now, and she's gonna blow!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you click on a non-editable segment of the UI, any keyboard entries you made at that point would be stored in the buffer. Then, when you attempted to chat, that buffer would be placed in front of whatever test you were attempting to enter as soon as you hit enter to send the message.

    The key bit that allowed us to fix it was the "non-editable" part of the statement.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wonder, will a fix for this also fix the same bug that occurs with the Password when logging out to log back in with another character?
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    I can't wait for the I16 info this week! (Hope it is this afternoon!!)

    I'm betting that they will have a PP demo at comic con to show how to customize powers. Or if we are REAL lucky, a small GR demo!

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    PP, GR?

    PeePee and Grim Reaper demo?
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Technically, July 31st, 11:58 PM is still in July.

    However, I would expect more juicy details by no later than Comi-con.

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    Hmmm, I wonder where I put the Issue bib at?

    I don't mind juicy info, but sometimes it can be a bit messy
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Greek goddess of War/Honorable Combat and Wisdom.

    Since Arcanaville is a female, Apollo would not be that appropriate.

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    Don't forget, Athena's the godess of Crafting, namesake and protector of Athens, and doesn't go for traditional childbirths.... I could say she likes taking long walks along beaches, but then again, that's part of how she was born.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    this year will be my first!

    I'm so excited

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    You're in for a major treat. There's a LOT of stuff to do, so prepare to be overwhelmed... in a good way.

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    'It hurts! But it's a good kind of hurt!'
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    I think the Titans always had those powers, they just didn't work properly before.

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    The tinkering with AI that we've been doing has caused some powers that previously NEVER got used to start showing up in the attack rotations.

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    See, there's nothing wrong with tinkering
  23. Captain_Intrepid


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    I miss pohsyb. I never see him on anymore.

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    He's busy having NERF gun fights with his shotgun against Graham

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    Actually I found out this morning that he's been away for 3 weeks on his honeymoon. So you guys should start a thread for that or something.

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    Please congratulate him for us, BackAlleyBrawler