San Diego Comic-Con ~Discussion~




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It's that time of year again...when over a hundred thousand people start jumping into their most impressive character costumes and marching towards San Diego, CA to celebrate the pop-culture phenomena known as San Diego Comic-Con! This multi-genre fan convention spans the gambit of entertainment--from comics and movies to television, anime, toys, animation, video games and much, much more!

Will you be joining the masses this year? Well, we will be...and you're not going to want to miss the people and goodies we're bringing with us!

City of Heroes® will be strutting its stuff at booth number 5005 for the entirety of the convention - July 22nd through July 26th - and we'd love to meet you!

Come by and meet in person members of the City of Heroes® development and community relations teams! You will be able to seek Mission Architect advice and tips straight from the designers who created the system themselves - including Matt "Positron" Miller, Joe "Hero 1" Morrissey and Bruce Harlick. can take advantage of this unique opportunity to show them in real-time your already created story arc mission!

Thursday through Sunday you will have the chance to get your CoH character drawn by Paragon Studios conceptual artist, David Nakayama. Simply take a quality color screenshot of your hero or villain and bring it to the booth anytime. We'll put you in a grab bag with all the others submitted and if David reaches in and picks out yours, you'll be able to stop back at the end of the day and pick up your drawing!

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But there's a whole lot more...

Make sure to attend our City of Heroes® panel on Saturday evening (7/25) from 6:30-7:30pm in room 7AB entitled "City of Heroes® - 5 Years and going strong. How to keep your MMO Alive and Kickin!" Here's the description:

Sit down with Brian Clayton (GM/Executive Producer), Matt Miller (Lead Designer), Vince D'Amelio (Lead Engineer), and Joe Morrissey (Senior Designer) who are some of the masterminds behind the award winning MMO, City of Heroes®. Hear tales of frustration and success from their 5 year journey. Discover how your favorite content became part of the game. Uncover the secrets of how to keep an MMO vibrant in an ever-changing marketplace. Room 7AB

Our giveaways this year will include the Knives of Artemis character temp power costume code, so stop on by the booth to pick yours up! (One per person only, please!)

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You'll also have the opportunity to take pictures with Miss Liberty and a brand new soon-to-be-revealed Going Rogue character!

There's a whole lot going on, so don't miss out on all of the fun!

Remember - it's Booth #5005. We look forward to seeing you there!

**Not attending Comic-Con this time around? Don't despair - you'll have another chance to hang with us because we'll also be in attendance at PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) in Seattle, WA, September 4th-6th. Watch for more details coming soon!



Heh.. broken link.. Looks like fun though

edit: links are fixed now. Wish I could go..



No closed beta invite hand outs this year?

The eastern half of the united states is so frakked for these things.
On the other hand, y'all are stuck with California. =T



So maybe now it's time to start talking about the next CoX Con?

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



So maybe now it's time to start talking about the next CoX Con?

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There is a section devoted to Hero-Con if that is what you are looking for.



At least this year the costume code does not seem like it will be permanent; looks like it will be temporary like the Halloween costumes. Still it bites that us on the Eastern shore are pretty well out of luck for these. I know I can not afford a plane ticket and/maybe hotel costs for even one night to attend.



At least this year the costume code does not seem like it will be permanent; looks like it will be temporary like the Halloween costumes. Still it bites that us on the Eastern shore are pretty well out of luck for these. I know I can not afford a plane ticket and/maybe hotel costs for even one night to attend.

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The costume code functions just like the ones given out last year at the cons. It is a toggle power that you can turn on and off.



I've had my tickets since last October, so we'll see you there



At least this year the costume code does not seem like it will be permanent; looks like it will be temporary like the Halloween costumes. Still it bites that us on the Eastern shore are pretty well out of luck for these. I know I can not afford a plane ticket and/maybe hotel costs for even one night to attend.

[/ QUOTE ]Pretty much crap that it's only for those fortunate to live nearby.



You'll also have the opportunity to take pictures with Miss Liberty and a brand new soon-to-be-revealed Going Rogue character!

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At least this year the costume code does not seem like it will be permanent; looks like it will be temporary like the Halloween costumes. Still it bites that us on the Eastern shore are pretty well out of luck for these. I know I can not afford a plane ticket and/maybe hotel costs for even one night to attend.

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The costume code functions just like the ones given out last year at the cons. It is a toggle power that you can turn on and off.

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Aaaahhhhh; isn't there some way we can beg, plead, worship, or whatever for those of us less fortunate to still have a chance to get it?




At least this year the costume code does not seem like it will be permanent; looks like it will be temporary like the Halloween costumes. Still it bites that us on the Eastern shore are pretty well out of luck for these. I know I can not afford a plane ticket and/maybe hotel costs for even one night to attend.

[/ QUOTE ]Pretty much crap that it's only for those fortunate to live nearby.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty much.


Guess we are supposed to get used to it.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



To be fair, even if you're local, if you didn't purchase a pass months ago, you'd be hosed anyhow. Comic Con has been sold out for at least the past month or two It's a national event, so hundreds of thousands of passes have already been purchased. It's at capacity, and there are no tickets at the door. Passes are also non-transferable, so no scalped passes either.

However, the same codes given out at previous events have been made available through various CoX contests by some of the third party sites. There's still chances to get them even if you cannot get into Comic Con.



whoo hoo, i'll be there!

"When Eric Estrada looked me in the eyes, I thought I would feel different..." Michael Perry

The Frat and the Furious - MA ID 27145
Town of Super People - MA ID 59106



Niviene, any after party this year? I'll be happy either way, just want to get some planning arranged.



What kinda info will you release about ROGUE? An approx. date for going live maybe?



Yeah I really hope that there's a party like last year's. It was full of awesome geeks.

And to those suffering from the "too bad it's local" you don't seem to realize that if you have the time and money you CAN attend, but you do have to pay attention to the sellout level of the tickets. They have indeed been sold out completely for at least a full month, and 4 day passes sold out quite some time ago. This is the biggest convention of its kind, and like Freedom on a double xp weekend, it's capped and closed.

But there are people from literally all walks of life, and all nations of the world, attending. It's exactly as expensive to *attend*, even if it costs more to *arrive* for some than others. This year will be my 28th, and it just keeps getting better and better.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I want that Knives of Artemis costume power so badly.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Pretty much crap that it's only for those fortunate to live nearby.

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Except for the fact that these are being given out at the San Diego Comic Con, which people fly in from all over the world to attend. It's not like they're going to be running around the streets giving this out to random San Diegans solely because they live there. You want the code? Attend the Con. That's your hoop. Jump through it.

What I want to know is who all from NCsoft is going to be there? Just developers? Or will there be any communty peeps or GMs there too?



Zek, I think the problem people have with the codes is that of the 3 that have been given out or announced, they were/will be ALL available only in the Pacific time zone. So yeah, if you wanted more than one of these codes and you lived in, say, L.A., you'd have to pay to drive to and attend SDCC and HeroCon, and it would maybe cost you several hundred to a thousand dollars to get four of the five of them. If you live in NYC, or worse yet, Sydney, it would probably cost you that much to get ONE of them.

If the 3 codes announced, or already in exsistence, had been given out in say, San Diego, San Jose (HeroCon), New York, Chicago, and Atlanta, instead of San Diego, San Jose, Seattle, San Diego and San Jose, I think there would be a lot less sour grapes about the whole thing; or at least a lot les justifiable sour grapes. Aside from the non-North American players who would still pretty much be hosed.

Don't get me wrong, I like that these are exclusive items that reward people who attend the convetions, and I'm very lucky to have two of these codes so far, and to be getting another one in October, but I'm the exception to the rule as east coasters go - single and able to budget to regularly attend west coast conventions. However, if these codes been given out instead in say Pittsburgh, NYC and Atlanta the last two years, I'd probably have gotten all five while spending less than what I will have spent getting three of them, and it's a safe bet there'd be a fair amount of grief coming from the west coast.

My point is, it's not so much that THIS code is being given out on the west coast, it's that ALL the codes have been, or will be, given out on the west coast.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



If the company decides it's worth their effort, money and time to fly the people out away from their easily-reached work area, to those other cons, then that's their business.

As it is, the San Diego con is *the most important* convention of its kind as well, and it's not to diss people who can't show up to get a trinket, it's to *expose their product to a hundred thousand people* who would otherwise not see it *at all*.

The convention is here. Every single year. It's up to anyone who wants to attend it, to come here to do so. I don't get a "you live in San Diego you can come in for free" pass, you know. It's just as expensive to attend for me, as it would be for you.

Make the effort, get the goodie. This was the same argument as last time. It's what has to get done in order to reward a few people with a silly trinket. Want it? Come get it. Otherwise, discuss it with NC's people about why they aren't sending their employees at fairly high expense to other cons farther away from Paragon.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



It's just as expensive to attend for me, as it would be for you.

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C'mon now. Yes, anyone who wants to attend Comicon as a fan, pays $X for a pass (I can't even recall what a four day adult pass costs anymore - $75?).

Beyond that, someone who lives in San Diego maybe pays to park or take a cab/bus/train to the CC each day. On the other hand, someone who lives in New York has to pay hundreds of dollars to drive, fly, train, whatever to California, and then pay hundreds more dollars to stay in a hotel for four or five nights. Not even close to equal.

If players who lived in New York, Atlanta, London or Sydney could simply pay for a four day pass to SDCC and show proof of payment to NCSoft to get the goody without actually attending the con, then your arguement would hold water. But that's not the way it works, so for you to say it costs you as much to attend SDCC as it does me, or anyone else on the east coast or outside of North America is just downright disingenuous.

Have NCSoft set up a booth at multiple east coast shows every year? No that's probably not financially feasible. Pay to fly one NCSoft PR person to NY Comicon, Dragon*Con, or Wizard World Chicago and put them up in a hotel for a night or two each year so they can host a panel, talk about the game, answer questions and meet with fans, and during or after which players of the game could be given the costume code goodies? Should be very feasible IMO.

SDCC may be the biggest con of its kind and people from all over the world come to it, but a LOT of people who attend these other cons DON'T go to San Diego, so combined, NCSoft is probably missing out on reaching as many people by not sending someone to these cons as they are reaching by going to SDCC.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



There better be pictures aplenty of whoever is portraying Miss Liberty and of whoever the new Going Rogue character is. Stupid unemployment keeps me from attending this year