"Moral Combat"




There has been a lot of talk about video games causing violence by people like Jack Thompson. Some people agree with his views and some people do not...I for one do not. Personal opinions aside, a documentary is being made called "Moral Combat" talking about the gaming industry's effect on society. Penny Arcade listed this link . Within this trailer they have a few screenshots of Statesman, as well as shots from other games. I'm not trying to start a flamewar about video game violence, but what I do ask is this: Do you think the CoX universe really falls under the same category as the rest of the games shown in 'Moral Combat'? Is there really a reason to put a game like ours under fire? Hope this makes sense, and thanks for reading my early morning rambling.



That trailer was so ridiculous, I didn't even get angry.



No reason for this game to be under fire given some of the others out there.

I think games can cause already inclined people to behave more badly but when I was a young un we ran around "shooting" at each other outside so maybe not.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I agree with you, but it still seems odd that they would add CoH to the mix. In games like this one we save people not kill them.



I "loved" the leap of logic when they said the 9/11 terrorists trained on flight sims so therefore a kid who plays GTA will go around killing cops.



I agree with you, but it still seems odd that they would add CoH to the mix. In games like this one we save people not kill them.

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Well we save those people by beating other ones into unconciousness. In fact, if we're arguing that line of reasoning, many of the games in that trailer (specifically the military themed ones) have you commiting violent acts "for the greater good"



It doesn't matter why we fight to those people. All they see is a scary violent world and they are trying to make others scared of it too.



I agree with you, but it still seems odd that they would add CoH to the mix. In games like this one we save people not kill them.

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Well we save those people by beating other ones into unconciousness. In fact, if we're arguing that line of reasoning, many of the games in that trailer (specifically the military themed ones) have you commiting violent acts "for the greater good"

[/ QUOTE ]True, hadn't thought of that.



It does seem out of place, but then consider the fact that it was just about 50 years ago that Wertham's book incited the public, led to a Senate hearing, and created the CCA. Seems like a good connection to draw. Show them one of the most controversial mediums our parents or grandparents lived through and link it with the most controversial one of today.

I "loved" the leap of logic when they said the 9/11 terrorists trained on flight sims so therefore a kid who plays GTA will go around killing cops.

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I thought they went to flight school in Oklahoma and Florida anyways. But, I always love the argument that you can learn something from playing a video game. Play GTA? You're going to start stealing cars and mowing down prostitutes. By that logic, they should be commending Cryptic. I mean, I just started stopping bank robbers and muggings just the other day!



I haven't even watched the trailer yet, but I already know one thing: the "Mortal Kombat" theme song will be stuck in my head for the remainder of the day.



Anything to shift the blame from the actual person who comitted the act hm? I mean c'mon

Now that I've watched it from a rational standpoint I question why people are going after these videogames and the like. People say todays day and age is more violent, more exposed, however I have some quandires with relation to videogames being the bane of all that's evil in America. Take into account the 1920's. Arguably the 1920's and Prohibition was something that lined the pockets and greased the wheels for the orginization that was noted as Organized Crime. I have a feeling those gentlemen may have had a few more deaths on there heads then the video game industry. Crusades, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Roman Conquest, Columbian Drug Wars. Violence in history and on a daily basis isn't something that is exclusive to this day and age and is not something that has suddenly sprung up with the gaming industry.

That said and most likely my examples not holding much due to the extremes on one side, vs. the extremes on the other side, how can this be resolved? I'm reminded of a case where a Grandmother bought her Grandson Grand Theft Auto and then sued the makers/publishers/store for not explaining the game to her. I also look at some of the people who have killed themselves after the time and devotion spent in a game, and then the others who say they killed a pet or an actual person due to a video game. That, in my opinion is just someone with a warped mind. I hate to sound cruel and un-caring but to me, with the way I've been raised and the outlook on life I have, what you do to someone else, what you do to yourself is responsible of only one person, the one who looks you in the mirror in the morning when you wake up.

All of a sudden it's TV and cartoons that cause all these problems. Have you watched old re-runs of Tom and Jerry, Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian, Hong Kong Fooey... I'm sorry but these cartoons were violent. They do things in those cartoons that... Well are quite painful to see lol. But that's the thing, the kids of the time didn't run out and drop an anvil on a classmate, they didn't plug the barrel of a shotgun with a finger and pull the trigger... Or if they did I don't hear much about it in these reports that the news and the like do.

The major problem I see is a lack of a defining line between fantasy and reality. From then to now somehow that line has degraded to the point where some children have issues telling one from the other. Why this has happened, well that's all theory on my part and it's stuff better left to a proffessional and someone not on this board simply because of the differing views and possible arguments it could raise. You can blame overmedication, new child rearing practices, lack of familial envolvement... Regardless something, somewhere, changed in the structure and we're seeing the fall out now.

Ratings for games with restrictions from age? Good start IMO, My 8 year old cousin can walk into a place and buy Grand Theft Auto if she wanted. However there should still be someone, somewhere, saying "well my son is 13 but isn't mature enough for that yet"

I just dunno, there needs to be a middle ground somewhere, but all I hear is "don't restrict us" or "ban them all" and both sides seem to be feeding off of false information



Notice how they did not show DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION ? There is nothing more dangerous and evil than teaching white kids that they can dance! ! !



pfft everyone knows that it is Dungeon & Dragons that causes violence in children.....and that is why you all will have to DIE!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha



[/There is nothing more dangerous and evil than teaching white kids that they can dance! ! !

QFT! Hey wait a minute, I'm white.



Just like when they tryed to kill Comic Books so long ago.



I "loved" the leap of logic when they said the 9/11 terrorists trained on flight sims so therefore a kid who plays GTA will go around killing cops.

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How about instead, we ask "Why are parents letting a nine year old play a game he isn't old enough to play?"

First it was jazz, then it was movies, then heavy metal, then rap, now it's video games that is ruining our children. I think it is parents that are ruining our children. It's harder to adopt a pet from a shelter than it is to become a parent. That alone should point out the core issues.



I haven't even watched the trailer yet, but I already know one thing: the "Mortal Kombat" theme song will be stuck in my head for the remainder of the day.

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Most of the time, the people that argue for blaming REAL life violence, on movies and video games, weren't taught by their parents how to tell real life from fantasy. I have been watching R movies since I was very young, like 5 or so, and playing "violent" video games ever since Space invaders let me blast invading space aliens back to were they came from, but in real life I am about as non-violent as you can get. But then again my parents made sure I knew real life had nothing what so ever to do with most TV, movies, and all video games. This is just one more step in convincing people that they aren't reasonable for their actions and that the government needs to take care of them or protect them.



You know, not once did I see any thing about this video discuss the how Galaga isn't bad. Cmon, it makes me want to jump into an alien spaceship and go kill some bugs with some Raid bombs!



All I know is - the title doesn't sound nearly as good shouted.

The T sound makes it.

<. .>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Just another witch hunt, by simpleton Crusader's



I "loved" the leap of logic when they said the 9/11 terrorists trained on flight sims so therefore a kid who plays GTA will go around killing cops.

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How about instead, we ask "Why are parents letting a nine year old play a game he isn't old enough to play?"

First it was jazz, then it was movies, then heavy metal, then rap, now it's video games that is ruining our children. I think it is parents that are ruining our children. It's harder to adopt a pet from a shelter than it is to become a parent. That alone should point out the core issues.

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Just another witch hunt, by simpleton Crusader's

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Don't write this off just yet.

Yes, it's framing a battle on gaming violence, but it seems some game developers and scholars that are GAME ADVOCATES appear to have participated in this.

The trailer does seem to portray the idea that "yes, game violence can lead to real violence" but that doesn't mean that the entire message is automatically slanted. You often prepare a documentary trailer slanted to the people that most need to really THINK ABOUT the issue, not those well informed in the issue.



In the words of a classmate of mine- A movie/videogame/song/etc may put an idea into your head, but YOU are the one who decides to act on it.
Heck, people do stupid things after seeing stuff on the news- do we ban news reports? Do we restrict news reports to text-only, or narration, so that nobody gets a visual of something and tries it?

I think parents are a huge part of the problem in some cases- they don't check or care to read video game info and ratings, they don't talk to their kids, or monitor what their kids are reading, listening to, playing, or watching. I'm not blaming all parents- I know there are some out there who do their best to teach their kids right from wrong, and reality from fantasy. But sadly, some can't be arsed. Then their unsupervised, poorly parented kids do something stupid, cries for censorship are heard, and the responsible ones among us suffer.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



My opinion on the whole "blurring the line between fantasy and reality" thing is this. I think it's just a line used to make the point. My opinion is that unless the kid is unstable to begin with any kid can tell what is real and not.

Like someone said about Looney Toons, they do insane stuff in those. I have little doubt a child or 6-10 who watches that might try something like that but that's what being a kid is about, learning what is real and cannot be done. I mean how many people HAVEN'T jumped off the couch trying to fly?

The game ratings do work just are being ignored by dumb parents. If a 6-10 year old gets a game made for them then they will be doing Bugs Bunny like stuff. It's safe for them to do this in general because nothing is too grotesque. They quickly learn, "Oh hey, I CAN"T run off the edge of the stairs and stand on the air until I look down. That's good information to know."

So by the time they become a teenager they should already know what isn't real.

In short I find this whole debate about video games as nothing more than some people being afraid of something new and blaming it for all evil.

Actually I may even be wrong about the whole bad parenting thing. I wouldn't be suprised if parents are just as good now as they have been for all of history. It's probably just a new ratings system that they have to get used to. Or I could be wrong about this.

So I've rambled enough.