"Moral Combat"




Okay, what the [censored] is wrong with our children?!

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Nothing that Natural Selection won't cure.

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Eugenics for the win.

Myself I'm not bothering to watch it. From what everyone has even said: it IS sensationalizing something. I wonder when it'll be shown and where, because depending on its eventual locale and time, you could really do damage *in already weak markets* to the video game industry in general. People work that way - they fear instead of finding out the truth. And they believe whatever they're told: if they're told, "hey watch this it's got great information about why GTA is ruining our kids" that is how they'll view it. If they're told, "hey watch this idiot dig a hole for himself logically and not present good arguments for his side of the debate" that's how you'll see it.

It is odd that GTA and COH would ever be placed in even remotely the same category of games, if that's the case. But then the people usually doing 'documentaries' about video game violence *do* have an agenda, and it's usually *not* a good one.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Rap is ruining our children! That's not music and they shouldn't try and teach them that it is. *frowny face*

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____ is ruining our children! That's <arbitrary negative and very subjective value judgement on the subject at hand>. *frowny face*

Please fill in the blank with one of the below:

1) Rap music
2) Rock and Roll Music
3) Movies
4) TV
5) Heavy Metal Music
6) Dungeons and Dragons
7) Video games
8) Sex ed in schools
9) Power Rangers



Hey you forgot Gummy Bears!



Sorry but it's called crappy parents. Stupid trailer.



Okay, what the [censored] is wrong with our children?!

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Nothing that Natural Selection won't cure.

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Yeah well...unfortunately we've pretty much removed ourselves from natural selection. Idiots have virtually the same chance of passing on their genes as do the intelligent.



Gonna see it if i get the chance, but from what i see in the trailer... It´s "Oh noes! RPG´s are dangerous! Sitting around with paper and pens, not to mention rolling dices, is teaching our children to use black magic and worship satan!!" all over again.



Now that the 'House' has shifted its balance of power, expect to see more of these horrid propaganda-projects getting government funding and 'The Green Light' in the coming days.

"It's a Win-Win...for the children..."

Yeah, when they frag your sorry *ss back to Boston or Kalamazoo, it will be!



Belief that an 8-year-old who plays an M-rated game then does something stupid has been wronged by the game developers should be sufficient justification for involuntary sterilization and referrals for any surviving offspring to a public guardian. Someone with that approach to parenting simply shouldn't be allowed to be a parent...it's not fair to their children to be raised by someone who won't take responsibility for them.

List this opinion among the dozen reasons why I can never be elected to public office.



Here's a couple of factoids about this subject:

Number of studies that have proved a causative effects between violent media and actual violence: 0

Number of laws that have restricted violent content from consumption that survived challenges in court: 0

Amount youth violence has decreased in the USA since the release of Grand Theft Auto III on PS2: 50%. (Note: I'm not saying that one caused the other, but it's curious that according to the so-called "experts" you'd expect the opposite to be true.)

All said though, I'm curious to see this movie. I put very little stock into the "the violent game made me do it" defensive reasoning as I believe that those with violent tendencies are more liable to seek out violent content instead of the violent content making someone into a mindless killing machine. And I don't think City of Heroes/Villains falls under these games. The ire of the Jack Thompsons of the world seems to be aimed at Grand Theft Auto, Postal and Bully.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Rap is ruining our children! That's not music and they shouldn't try and teach them that it is. *frowny face*

[/ QUOTE ]

____ is ruining our children! That's <arbitrary negative and very subjective value judgement on the subject at hand>. *frowny face*

Please fill in the blank with one of the below:

1) Rap music
2) Rock and Roll Music
3) Movies
4) TV
5) Heavy Metal Music
6) Dungeons and Dragons
7) Video games
8) Sex ed in schools
9) Power Rangers

[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot:

10) Printed words
11) The Waltz
12) Comic books

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



I just really have to laugh at including CoH in there... I mean it's a game where you save people as a superhero! God help our children!



Especially all those avenging angel characters that go around smiting evildoers. That's totally against what the Bible teaches!



Correct me if I'm wrong, but was that Riven or maybe Myst 3: Exile at 0:56-0:58?



There has been a lot of talk about video games causing violence by people like Jack Thompson. Some people agree with his views and some people do not...I for one do not. Personal opinions aside, a documentary is being made called "Moral Combat" talking about the gaming industry's effect on society. Penny Arcade listed this link . Within this trailer they have a few screenshots of Statesman, as well as shots from other games. I'm not trying to start a flamewar about video game violence, but what I do ask is this: Do you think the CoX universe really falls under the same category as the rest of the games shown in 'Moral Combat'? Is there really a reason to put a game like ours under fire? Hope this makes sense, and thanks for reading my early morning rambling.

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Violence existed way before the advent of video game, TV,and movies. In fact, society as a whole is much more civilized than 2000 years ago, or during the Dark Ages, or even 1950s. Hence, any attempt to link violence with new inventions, is ultimately illogical.

Having said that, I do think that violence on TV and video games can DESENSITIZE a person to violence. But it certainly does not cause or promote violence.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



Hence, any attempt to link violence with new inventions, is ultimately illogical.

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Off-topic: Throw in the clause about how new inventions can increase the effectiveness of violence (it's hard to compare a flint axe with a rocket-propelled grenade), and I'd agree.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Correct me if I'm wrong, but was that Riven or maybe Myst 3: Exile at 0:56-0:58?

[/ QUOTE ]

That was my thought, also. Obviously, this was the worst of the violent games they're worried about. *rolls eyes*

These movies that charade around as documentaries, but only play on emotions and (mis)quotes and (mis)facts worry me. Too many people seem to actually fall for them.

"Player First / Villain Second" - Dr_Hetero

"The real pros will never trumpet their experience. They'll lead by example." - Primal



Hence, any attempt to link violence with new inventions, is ultimately illogical.

[/ QUOTE ]

Off-topic: Throw in the clause about how new inventions can increase the effectiveness of violence (it's hard to compare a flint axe with a rocket-propelled grenade), and I'd agree.

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Yes, it was a bit off topic, and if I may say so kinda irrelevant to this particular discussion.

If a person poses an argument to support a particular point of view, just because a second person attempts to insert other "requirements", relevant or not, into the pre-stated conditions, it does not suddenly invalid the original argument. This is like someone saying "I am sweating, so I think today is too hot.", then have someone else comes along and declares "If you also throw in 'sweating causes your body to lose salt' then I'll agree."

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.




We are what we pretend to be...

[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet! *shoots electricity from his hands and runs off to stop a bank robbery*

[/ QUOTE ]


ME: Hey Jimmy, this new movie says that my name really *is* the True Marksman! And guess what? This means my archery skills are unbeatable!

JIMMY: Really?

ME: Here, let me show you! Put this apple on top of you head!

*Ka-thunk!* Jimmy runs around screaming, having been shot in the face.

ME: Oh god, Jack Thompson is going to have my head for this... (Ba-dum *cymbals crash*). At least some guy with eight mechanical spider legs on his back will send his troops free me from prison though.



As long as the ESRB exists why do these stupid politicians even try to brain wash us....



"Hold on a second, did you hear that Ambulance? I gotta go."

That's about all you need to know about Jack Thompson.



"Hold on a second, did you hear that Ambulance? I gotta go."

That's about all you need to know about Jack Thompson.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't get it... What's that supose to mean



Samuel Tow says:
It's pretty silly to compare video games to flight simulators. I wish we could hear from an actual pilot that has trained on a flight simulator, but even then I'll bet my piggy bank that it wasn't just like the real thing and they did have to do some adjusting and adaptation to the real thing. An that's the US Army's simulator that has your seat rolling all over the place, not an office chair and a 17'' flatscreen.

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Well, I'm not an airline pilot, but I am a pilot (COMM/ASEL with an instrument rating). I can tell you that I CANNOT fly computer flight sims. I've tried. There's no 'seat of the pants' feel, no peripheral vision, no sounds, heck, no smells. Flying is a lot more than just what shows up on the monitor. (And yes, I have seen a guy walk into flight school and proclaim he was an expert Microsoft Flight Sim pilot and therefore would be an expert pilot...here, first learn how to steer with your feet and then we'll talk. Keep it on the centerline, babe!)

Yes, I have trained on a typical static instrument flight simulator (which we, wits that we are, call the 'stimulator'), which is useful for learning and practicing various approaches and procedures. It's great because it will record your 'flights' and print out your flight path. When 'under the hood' or flying 'in actual', you don't want to trust the 'feel', just your instruments. Your body can and will lie to you. But even then, there's nothing like the real thing, baby.

We'll always be dealing with hysterical knee-jerk types, whether it's axe-wielding prohibitionists, the Hayes Code, the Comics Code, Rev. Wildmon going after Mighty Mouse, Tipper Gore's lyrics crusade...but then, my years of playing D&D have surely turned me into some sort of debbil-worshipping baby eater, according to Jack Chick, so what do I know?

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic