"Moral Combat"




I would say it's about generalization. People love to do it. White people can't dance, Asians love cameras, yada yada yada.
There is pretty high rates of crime in America.
If 5 of Americans commit violent crimes, and 50% of American's are gamers, 5% of those games commit violent crimes. If of those 5% of violent offenders 80% are gamers that looks liek a good stistic, unless you consider other factors. I bet of that 5% 99% watch TV, and at least 80% are religious. The fact that violent pooeple like violent images seems pretty solid. So it's not that gamers are often violent, it's that violent people are often gamers.



That trailer was so ridiculous, I didn't even get angry.

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I guess that's my main response as well. I did notice they only cited one "fact" throughout the video, and that was claiming that 50% of americans play video games. They also didn't cite a source for this "fact."



The thing that amazes me, is that this is all based on some clip on YouTube.
As yet, the movie has not been released... and I've googled, and Yahoo'd... searched on IMDb - nothing. Wiki (which can be notoriously fallacious) has a small section on it, with a disclaimer as to accuracy - the only entry is a quotation from Jack Emmert (taken directly from this thread!).
Let's just say that whilst I disagree with the premise that they *appear* to be pushing, I remain open-minded (in the hope that other issues - parenting? - are covered too!)...



I agree with you, but it still seems odd that they would add CoH to the mix. In games like this one we save people not kill them.

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I also completely agree that CoH should not be on that list but neither Does KOTOR, if thats too violent then they should have banned Starwars when it first came out way before i was born!!!



Watched that trailer.
There is a MASSIVE lie in it.
The pilots who flew into the trade center did NOT learn from a flight sim game. They went to school for it!
Yes, it's sick... but it wasn't the video game industry that equipped them for that function.



As an undergrad ethics students, I'll throw my unqualified two cents and a mixed metaphor into the arena:

The biggest and most influential moral change in the last century has not been the advent of TV, movies, video games or any other media. Nor do I think that parenting has suddenly become worse than ever before, or that society is now more fixated on violence etc. etc. etc. The biggest change has been ideological - we have slowly begun to accept and to teach the idea that there is no real moral "right" and "wrong." We brainwash our children into thinking that there is no such thing an immoral, heinous or unholy act. The inevitable result is that our children believe us and act accordingly, and we have the audacity to act surprised.

Ideas are the molds from which actions are formed.



We brainwash our children into thinking that there is no such thing an immoral, heinous or unholy act. .

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Well, there is no such thing as an "unholy" act. It's quite possible to be a perfectly moral person and lack any element of holiness. In fact, lumping "unholy" in with "heinous" is how you create issues you describe in the first place...in fact, some of the most heinous crimes ever committed have been in the name of "holiness"



*Is NOT going to mire this thread down with a non-theistic != amoral argument*

*takes a few breaths*

Minds are like parachutes. They do their best work when open.

*feels better*

*steps away from the thread*

"Player First / Villain Second" - Dr_Hetero

"The real pros will never trumpet their experience. They'll lead by example." - Primal



Ooooooo, zombie thread! But at the same time, Jackass Thompson is still spewing his same retarded nonsense.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



And still no 2-hour 'Movie' to be found anywhere in existence. Not at Theaters... Shopping Malls... WebSites... DVDs... YouToob... or 'Late Night with Conan.' It was all a bogus project to begin with. I win an Internets.



Holy Necro-Post Batman! Can't believe my post is still around. And yes, I found out after I originally posted this that the project was canceled. It's a shame that Jack Thompson still has his license and is spreading his ridiculous theories.



We brainwash our children into thinking that there is no such thing an immoral, heinous or unholy act. .

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Well, there is no such thing as an "unholy" act. It's quite possible to be a perfectly moral person and lack any element of holiness. In fact, lumping "unholy" in with "heinous" is how you create issues you describe in the first place...in fact, some of the most heinous crimes ever committed have been in the name of "holiness"

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Crusades ftw!