"Moral Combat"




I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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So stop being disappointed and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You won't allow the radical Christians/conservatives etc. to sander your creation without responding with your own comments on how flawed their logic is, will you? Not to mention, do they EVEN have the RIGHT to show your COH images? The Moral Police, with their recreational and sex panic have been gaining steam ever since the mid 90's. I would be SORELY disappointed if Cryptic didn't investigate this further, so that they could either a) create their own rebuttal to show that COH is NOT to be linked with other games (cough, GTA, God of War etc). or b) sue, sue, sue.

Edited for redundancy

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't just blame conservatives. Both parties are equally to blame for stupidity, as shown in Hillary Clinton's Family Entertainment Protection Act.




The trailer says that half of America plays video games. Why are 150 million people sitting on their [censored] while some no-nothing, knee-jerk reactionaries tell us how we should enjoy our hobbies?

[/ QUOTE ]

For the same reason that so many less than honorable, less than honest, less than forthright and less than loyal humans are promoted into places of power.

Humans are lazy and selfish. Unless something occurs that is a clear and present danger, humans tend to do nothing about it.

When we awaken one day to find our freedoms taken from us, some pretend that the freedom never existed in the first place (the lazy) and some simply ignore the rules and do as they wish anyway.

I'm in the latter group. If violent video games become illegal, then I'll illegally own them. There will still be coders out there that will do it purely out of spite to the lawmakers, even if it's us becoming the coders.

EDIT: Good catch, Blue. Which is why everyone in office generally gets the full blunt of my ire. Some simply deserve more of it because they're MORE stupid and MORE dishonest and thus are deserving of MORE hatred.

Be well, people of CoH.



Don't just blame conservatives. Both parties are equally to blame for stupidity, as shown in Hillary Clinton's Family Entertainment Protection Act.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not quite true. Conservatives come across as stupider for promoting censorship because they have more to lose from it.

Look at it this way: if you own no property, you can advocate burning the entire country to the ground and starting over without sounding insane. The more property you own, the less sense it makes to do that. You're bound to lose more than you gain back.

Similarly, anyone who really and truly doesn't give a rat's tail about free speech, cultural heritage, or anything else can advocate censorship to their heart's content. Conservatism almost by definition involves preserving our heritage and free speech is necessary to do that. Works of art are about all we have with which to remember the past and communicate with others, so our ability to make art needs to be as unrestricted as possible. More to the point, free speech is part of our heritage and I'm never sure what conservatives in this part of the world think they're conserving if it isn't that.

The reason Christians come off worse than anyone else is because they are the guiding force behind many of the attacks on popular culture that leave the Bible's sanctity open to debate. Christians regularly argue against "sex and violence" in works of art knowing full well that the Bible has a good measure of both. This means that Christians' most important holy book is more at risk from a consistently applied system of censorship than any other book. An atheist who advocates any kind of censorship that could impact a book like the Bible may be unwise and imprudent, but a Christian who does so is downright foolish.



Doesn't that apply for almost any religious combatant of sex and violence in the media?



The reason Christians come off worse than anyone else is because they are the guiding force behind many of the attacks on popular culture that leave the Bible's sanctity open to debate. Christians regularly argue against "sex and violence" in works of art knowing full well that the Bible has a good measure of both. This means that Christians' most important holy book is more at risk from a consistently applied system of censorship than any other book. An atheist who advocates any kind of censorship that could impact a book like the Bible may be unwise and imprudent, but a Christian who does so is downright foolish.

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The only reason we don't hear from the Hebrew or Islamic side of the sex and violence debate is that they're too busy fighting their own battles. Their nutjobs are just as worse off as the Christian nutjobs that are often decried.

EDIT : Both main parties in the US are total idiots anyway.



Don't write this off just yet.

Yes, it's framing a battle on gaming violence, but it seems some game developers and scholars that are GAME ADVOCATES appear to have participated in this.

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"Participated" =/= "Agree with what the filmmakers are saying."

Anyone can get an interview with a game designer, sit there for an hour or so, and get them to say all sorts of things in response to specific leading questions. Then you can use clever editing to take comments out of context and throw in dramatic sounding music to make it appear that the person interviewed is saying something very different from what they actually believe.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Don't write this off just yet.

Yes, it's framing a battle on gaming violence, but it seems some game developers and scholars that are GAME ADVOCATES appear to have participated in this.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Participated" =/= "Agree with what the filmmakers are saying."

Anyone can get an interview with a game designer, sit there for an hour or so, and get them to say all sorts of things in response to specific leading questions. Then you can use clever editing to take comments out of context and throw in dramatic sounding music to make it appear that the person interviewed is saying something very different from what they actually believe.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. See: any local news station interview between candidates in a particularly heated local election. Or cable news channels for that matter. Sound bytes be damned.




The trailer says that half of America plays video games. Why are 150 million people sitting on their [censored] while some no-nothing, knee-jerk reactionaries tell us how we should enjoy our hobbies?

[/ QUOTE ]

For the same reason that so many less than honorable, less than honest, less than forthright and less than loyal humans are promoted into places of power.

Humans are lazy and selfish. Unless something occurs that is a clear and present danger, humans tend to do nothing about it.

When we awaken one day to find our freedoms taken from us, some pretend that the freedom never existed in the first place (the lazy) and some simply ignore the rules and do as they wish anyway.

I'm in the latter group. If violent video games become illegal, then I'll illegally own them. There will still be coders out there that will do it purely out of spite to the lawmakers, even if it's us becoming the coders.

EDIT: Good catch, Blue. Which is why everyone in office generally gets the full blunt of my ire. Some simply deserve more of it because they're MORE stupid and MORE dishonest and thus are deserving of MORE hatred.

[/ QUOTE ]
While I'm not going to argue with your (rather cynical) assessment of humankind... I would like to point out that government regulation can only hurt the video games industry. Legislation might satisfy the uninformed parents and politicians, but it will hurt game publishers, designers, and most importantly, gamers themselves.

(And really, what right do you have to be a parent if you can't be bothered to keep track of what your own child does with his free time?)




On the topic I just saw on the news a thing about kids stealing video games. They interviewed a six year old asking him the games that he was going to buy. He said Halo and doom. Im really wondering where these kids parents are.



You won't allow the radical Christians/conservatives etc. to sander your creation without responding with your own comments on how flawed their logic is, will you? Not to mention, do they EVEN have the RIGHT to show your COH images? The Moral Police, with their recreational and sex panic have been gaining steam ever since the mid 90's. I would be SORELY disappointed if Cryptic didn't investigate this further, so that they could either a) create their own rebuttal to show that COH is NOT to be linked with other games (cough, GTA, God of War etc). or b) sue, sue, sue.

Edited for redundancy

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Don't just blame conservatives. Both parties are equally to blame for stupidity, as shown in Hillary Clinton's Family Entertainment Protection Act.

[/ QUOTE ]

Double ditto Blue. That statement is a strong representation of irony at it's best. Just as CoX was lumped in with all violent video games, I guess being conservative, Christian or, God forbid, both, automatically makes you anti-video game. In the words of Doc, "(My) hipocracy knows no bounds."



Me? Cynical?

(And really, what right do you have to be a parent if you can't be bothered to keep track of what your own child does with his free time?)

[/ QUOTE ]

I completely agree with your sentiment here.

Unfortunately for us all, you don't have to get a license or take an IQ test in order to breed.

And to make matters even worse, the lower your IQ, the more children you'll probably have.

It's sick, sad, but true.

Be well, people of CoH.



Even if video games affected the urge for violence as muchas these folks say, it's not just parents buying for children(Well, not always). It's uninformed buyers buying inappropriate games for uninformed users who haven't been judged as being able to handle the content of the game by the buyer. Whether the judgment is correct or not is another story. Hell, some of the people allowed to buy the games on their own aren't mature enough.



Me? Cynical?

(And really, what right do you have to be a parent if you can't be bothered to keep track of what your own child does with his free time?)

[/ QUOTE ]

I completely agree with your sentiment here.

Unfortunately for us all, you don't have to get a license or take an IQ test in order to breed.

And to make matters even worse, the lower your IQ, the more children you'll probably have.

It's sick, sad, but true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mua ha ha ha!

But yeah, I do agree with you thier Bill.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

[/ QUOTE ]

dont they have to get permissions to use any game footage from city of heroes i doubt anyone would want to be associated with such a slanderous documentry

"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."





On the topic I just saw on the news a thing about kids stealing video games. They interviewed a six year old asking him the games that he was going to buy. He said Halo and doom. Im really wondering where these kids parents are.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well any kid who plays any kind of games know what those games are. Of course they want them. Doesn't mean the parents buy them or condone them.

Sometimes I saw a child beg for a game like Doom or Halo, and they refused to buy it for them. I remember one kid trying to convince his parents that "Grand Theft Auto III" was not a bad game. They were certainly wise enough to ask me about it. I lost a sale and pissed off a kid, but oh well



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seeing Statesman in that footage just left me cold. This person obviously did no research or even a simple fact-check. Cryptic has made a game that IS about justice, we're the HEROES stopping crime and righting wrongs (well, we also have CoV, but even that is cartoon-level evil.)

That this man would use Statesman as an image, especially as a backdrop for what was being said at the time, is just disgusting. Absurd, outrageous, and several other phrases that can't be repeated on these boards also came to mind when I saw it...

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



We should bad punching bags because they teach you how to hit things. We should ban paintball, waterguns, and penises, because they teach you how to "aim".



We should bad punching bags because they teach you how to hit things. We should ban paintball, waterguns, and penises, because they teach you how to "aim".

[/ QUOTE ]

I am SO tempted to sig this.

Be well, people of CoH.



i would make a comment here, but im to busy crying from that dramatic background music



Actually, we should just strap down all children, deafened and blindfolded, until they're 18.



I wonder if NCSoft will take legal action over the unauthorized use of CoH properties for a comercial product?



I wonder if NCSoft will take legal action over the unauthorized use of CoH properties for a comercial product?

[/ QUOTE ]

They should, they can really use the money.

We should bad punching bags because they teach you how to hit things. We should ban paintball, waterguns, and penises, because they teach you how to "aim".

[/ QUOTE ]

Shoot, I'll sig it.



Is this an upcoming Al Gore movie trailer or something?

What the hell is this?

I can just see it now. "City of Heroes is a game about being a hero. What kind of hero runs around and beats up innocent people? Look at this friendly looking thug in a mask. Why are these "heroes" beating him up? One even has a gun! If these are heroes, pass me the villains, please."

$20 says it's a less exaggerated version of that, if this is a trailer for some kind of movie.



How about instead, we ask "Why are parents letting a nine year old play a game he isn't old enough to play?"

First it was jazz, then it was movies, then heavy metal, then rap, now it's video games that is ruining our children. I think it is parents that are ruining our children. It's harder to adopt a pet from a shelter than it is to become a parent. That alone should point out the core issues.

[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. Well said. This is one issue where I fully share in Mr. Emmert's shock & disappointment at this "clip". I hope there is something legal (copyright-related, maybe?) that can be done to remove the image of Statesman from this propaganda.



"We are what we pretend to be."

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Last time I checked, pretend was PRETEND.