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  1. Weeeeeeeell...I'm sure that they know what they're doing. I only worry because Lucasfilm has a terrible track record of suing over ridiculous things.
  2. I don't want to state something that may be obvious but...Maybe we shouldn't get too attached to these.
  3. Love PVP Online. I haz this.

  4. Expensive, ugly, and mostly useless. No thank you.
  5. Did anyone else not get any temp powers on logging in?
  6. Moiread

    Comic Relief

    Throwing my support behind the towel cape (with optional 42 pattern) and the Board With A Nail In It for TW.


    -shoulder parrot
    -shoulder raven
    -big chunky clocks (think less Steampunk, more Flava Flav)
    -turtle shell shield
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I'm not buying the Gunslinger and Prostitute Pack.

    To Second Measure and Brian Clayton: Your art department is out of control.
    • They don't check in with the patch note process (e.g., beneficial changes to the character creator never got advertised in the patch notes nor advertised as an Issue feature... so, Marketing should be pretty ticked off about that).
    • When they interact with the players on the boards, they simply defend the way things are instead of bringing that feedback to the whole team. Complaints of sexism ain't new here. If anyone at Paragon Studios is surprised at this reaction, then there are some serious gaps with your player-communications. And there is just as much anger over the pre-tinting issue as with the sexism issue.
    • Jay approaches costuming like a frat boy ("Bunny tails ain't for guys!"). David still thinks he's drawing for 14 year old boys and not for a more diverse audience. Don't know why the women on the art team aren't championing a change the sexism being denounced here. And Positron, who used to have a say over the art department, is still harping on female henches as harems, despite the fact that we already have female 'pets' (Fortunatas, Seers, and the harloty harlequins) and YOU GAVE US A PROSTITUTE COSTUME FOR PLAYERS.

    Not happy with this. I hope everyone boycotts this set until there's a real female gunslinger costume added to it.
    Signed in triplicate. Someone reign these guys in, please. Where's War Witch when you need her?
  8. I can only hope that there are fixes coming down the pipeline for these pieces. They are pretty bad right now.
  9. Moiread

    Convert a DFBer!

    I run DFB until 22, or until I can get on a good team. Granted, I've been here six years and know what I'm doing. I haven't run into any of the behavior mentioned by the OP. Everyone is nice, polite, and always make attempts to get the badges if someone needs them.
  10. What the...I don't even.

    This is just...babytown frolics.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    Precisely - it's the same reason (allegedly) hot dogs come in packs of ten and buns in packs of eight.
    This has ALWAYS made me boggle, because I have never seen that ever. They both come in packs of 12 where I live.
  12. Moiread

    Hello, Virtue!

    Thanks so much guys! I've got some prospects and some contacts to check out now. I appreciate it a lot!

    Hopefully today when the store comes up I can purchase some transfers and start moving in.
  13. Moiread

    Hello, Virtue!

    Hi everyone! I'm a long time player coming back from an extended absence to find that all of the people I used to play/RP with on Guardian have moved on. I've started moving my RP characters over to Virtue, and I'm now having a bit of a difficult time finding a home for them.

    The question I have to put to you is this: How does one go about finding an RP based SG? I scanned through the recruiting board, but so far none of the people advertising there have been online to talk to.

    If anyone can recommend or suggest a fairly active blueside group, I would really appreciate it!

    Thanks everyone. Good luck and happy hunting!
  14. I had to do pretty much this exact thing in 10th grade English. I went with the, er, dolphin trainer bit from Ace Ventura.
  15. Today? Happy Birthday to you then.

    Edit: Hmmm. New forums have no cake? Where did the cake go?
  16. Did I see a pool cue in there?
  17. I hate you so very very much, Cel, for reminding me of the horror that Children's Week is going to be. >_<
  18. Moiread

    I'm back

    Originally Posted by MistressNoire View Post
    Don't forget the pineapple

    And welcome back sorry don't remember you either

    But ya population isn't as lively as 2004-2006 after CoV things pretty much went down hill, I hope GR does something or my 6 yr career with CoH/V might come to a end & quickly
    Why are you obsessed with pineapple!?
  19. Moiread

    Hello Guardian

    I was following along quite well until I came face to face with the horror. >_<

    It took 19 years to get Step By Step out of my head. You are a horrible person, Sav.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Good bacon, yes. When I first "met" you in Guardian, I thought there was something wrong with you. I was right. And that's why I like you!!

    Seriosuly, though, I thought that you didn't like me, and that I'd pissed you off. I was very glad to find out I was wrong.

    It's funny what words the forums won't censor...
    I like you, ya' lunatic.
  21. Generally my first impression of people I've just met is that I don't bloody like them, but what the hell, eh?

    @Moiread, @Moiread2 (currently inactive)

    I'm on Guardian and Level 50. 63 month vet. I'm anti-social to people I don't know and if I'm in the game, I'm probably on vent with my SG. Also, bacon.
  22. I can't open any thread that has more than 200 posts. Never have been able to. Er...I don't suppose any one knows how to fix that?

    Never on the new boards I mean.
  23. I made one in a bad suit with glasses once, called Crushing Your Head...