Convert a DFBer!
Man I wish those LFM people would just queue up already.
I totally focused on the wrong message again, didn't I?
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Very cool we need more people like you on freedom

The one-eyed man might be king in the kingdom of the blind, but it's hard to have much respect for someone that stabs his own eye for that very purpose.
We dont have this problem on Union, we always fill PuGs and TFs Union is awesome . . . . you should join us!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I recently joined a DFB with a new tank I wanted to get a jumpstart on. 3 other teammates were above level FORTY (including the leader). They were complaining about the slow speed of leveling now. So I asked them why they don't move on and go to the higher zones and run the TFs there?
I was first told "No, that's what DFB is for- to level easy." I tried to explain that the other TFs were just as easy etc. I was then greeted with silence. They then moved on to complain that they cannot use all their powers and were trashing the game and the devs for blocking their powers....
I finally said that is why there are other zones and TFs, so you can level up with the game, and they are just as fun...
Know what the response was? I was kicked.. almost immediately.
I've reluctantly come to the conclusion that DFB is the WORST addition to the game and helps the type of player we don't need in this game. They want PLing, Thats it.
I think I've finally realized why for the past 2 weeks all of a sudden Liberty cannot complete a BAF or a LAM- why the leaders (all new players I haven't seen before) do NOT listen to any advice and just try the same bullrush tactic over and over again and ***** when it fails. I can't believe I am, but I really am thinking of moving all my toons to Exalted if these new players are this ignorant and frankly.. dumb.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
DFB offers more XP per time invested than Posi and Synapse. Other than that great story.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
I've been doing the same for about the past 2 weeks on Pinnacle, mainly because I still feel indebted to those players that showed me certain parts of the game for the first time.
This game is HUGE, and for a new player it is hard to find the courage to just go find whatever is out there, especially when most of your peers seem to be playing the same Trial over and over, and that gives worthwhile rewards. Taking these types of players away from DFB will almost certainly give them a new view of the game. Not only will they be able to use the full spectrum of their powers, but they'll see the wealth of content available and be more willing to venture out to new paths. They just need someone to give them the first steps.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

I used to keep my globals on the same middle tab as the help channel so I could easily hide or reveal them as needed. But Help has been so annoying lately that I've either removed it from the tab or moved the globals to another tab. The Op makes me a little ashamed of that move. I should probably reach out more too.
Sorry.. but if you're running DFB past 15-20(and that's really pushing it).. you're wasting your time. The TF was designed for new toons up to level 8-10, that's it... anything past say 20 at most and either the player is too lazy to do anything else or just wants to rush to 50 for all the shinies- and that type of 50 I don't want anywhere near me on a Trial.
People don't want to hunt for groups. In fact, I often think that many pro-solo people would be more group friendly if getting groups were easier.
Every TF in the game should be easily accessed in an obvious way from the LFG system at the appropriate levels. Then people would do them more. As long as DFB is the only "in your face" thing to do aside from incarnate trials, then that's all people will do.
A better way to do it might be to simply pick one TF/SF in each level range each week and make that the only one available for people in that range for the week through the LFG system. You could still join others by going to the contact, but the "easy" grouping would just focus on one arc per level range at a time.
Sorry.. but if you're running DFB past 15-20(and that's really pushing it).. you're wasting your time. The TF was designed for new toons up to level 8-10, that's it... anything past say 20 at most and either the player is too lazy to do anything else or just wants to rush to 50 for all the shinies- and that type of 50 I don't want anywhere near me on a Trial.
And even at level 27 or so, with Patrol XP a DfB run can be the majority of a level's worth of XP. Hardly a waste of time. And unlike most TFs I've had the displeasure of being on, the DfB is pretty short which makes it better for me. I wish there were other missions to LFG into at higher levels, but until there is I'll continue to queue up for DfB when the invites aren't coming.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Some DfBers are here just to hit max level at max speed.
But there are also those that NEED to be converted for their own good and the good of the game:
- those that will enjoy the story and lore of the game, and their own personal journey.
- those that will convert to VIP and support the game once they realize that it amounts to more than one raid.
- those that came here from other games to get away from raiding.
- those that came here from other games to enjoy 7 years worth of content.
...and many more.
Find them, and love them (in a T-rated way).
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
I think I've finally realized why for the past 2 weeks all of a sudden Liberty cannot complete a BAF or a LAM- why the leaders (all new players I haven't seen before) do NOT listen to any advice and just try the same bullrush tactic over and over again and ***** when it fails. I can't believe I am, but I really am thinking of moving all my toons to Exalted if these new players are this ignorant and frankly.. dumb.
Maybe it's new or returning players who don't know the trials by rote yet. Maybe it's the more casual people just now getting in on the trials instead of leaving them to the usual suspects from the badger crew. Or maybe it really is all PL-ed AE and DfB babies... But, for what-ever reason, we're back to a situation similar in some respects to the "early days" of trialing, when no one had shifts and as a result the trials were a lot harder to complete.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
That may explain some of it Bright, but not all. I've been seeing a lot of new leaders recently and none of them know how to listen or take advice from people who've done a BAF. When a 24 man league fails the escapee phase in UNDER a minute because no one is listening and just doing their own thing (which I've sadly been on more than once) it's not just the absense of Level shifts.
I'm actually very impatient for 21.5 now- at least I know I can get a bunch of TPNs and Keyes in with Vets to get my Threads because I don't see this new crop of 50s learning any time soon. (If that sounds snobbish oh well, I'm really tired of the attitude I keep seeing among.. new players)

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
I run DFB until 22, or until I can get on a good team. Granted, I've been here six years and know what I'm doing. I haven't run into any of the behavior mentioned by the OP. Everyone is nice, polite, and always make attempts to get the badges if someone needs them.
Random/helpchatter 1: DFB LFM
Random/helpchatter 1: DFB LF6M
Random/helpchatter 2: Does anyone do anything in this game BESIDES DFB any more?
Me: Positron and Synapse offer a lot more experience, really.
F2PDarkDefender: Yeah, that's what I heard, but then when I tried to get a team for them, everyone told me, 'You want DFB'.
Me: Yeah. Anyway... Hero tips team in Atlas lfm.
Random/helpchatter 1: DFB LF6M
Random/helpchatter 1: DFB LF5M
Random/helpchatter 1: DFB LF5M
F2PDarkDefender: Really? Will you take along a noob?
Me: Why yes. Yes I will.
I recruited in Victory Badges and /help for a few seconds more and got about five more folks together to run three hero tip missions at level 49. We spent about 45 minutes bapping Council, Carnies, and DE. I had the privilege of explaining the Carnies' and DEs' unique mechanisms to my new friend, F2PDarkDefender. He leveled from 14 to 16, I think. He also got to use Tar Patch for the first time and was wowed by its effectiveness.
Me: So, F2PDarkDefender: So, what'd you think? Better exp than DFB?
F2PDarkDefender: Yeah, and the missions are something different! LOL!
Me: These are kinda generic missions, honestly. The morality missions are much better, and the taskforces offer all kinds of unique goodies. Except Citadel. Citadel just has you fighting Council in caves for an hour and a half.
F2PDarkDefender: If you ever need a healer again, let me know!
So... the next time you do missions... pick up a DFBer or two and show them what the rest of the game is like. You'll really be glad you did.
Also, no, I did not so much as chuckle about a dark defender being a 'Healer'.