"Moral Combat"




I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.



"Hold on a second, did you hear that Ambulance? I gotta go."

That's about all you need to know about Jack Thompson.

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I don't get it... What's that supose to mean

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Look up the term Ambulance Chaser sometime.



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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My jaw literally dropped open when I saw States in that trailer, especially right at the moment he was in. Couldn't believe it.



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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That's political silliness for ya. Even general laziness, if you want to trace all the way back to the people taking up this cause, who are likely just too 'busy' to raise their own flesh and blood.

I saw Statesman in that video, and I was expecting a counterargument at first about the -good- video games can illustrate. Sure, I may have to beat up a whole city block of criminals to save those hostages, but I don't feel good about beating them up. I feel good that clear wrongs were without-a-doubt righted, and that innocent people are going to be sleeping soundly for at least another night.



We'll always be dealing with these hysterical knee-jerk types, whether it's axe-wielding prohibitionists, the Hayes Code, the Comics Code, Rev. Wildmon going after Mighty Mouse, Tipper Gore's lyrics crusade...but then, my years of playing D&D have surely turned me into some sort of debbil-worshipping baby eater, according to Jack Chick, so what do I know?

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This is soooo true. I hope that one of these days we can stop worrying about these self-righteous vocal minorities who react against stereotypes and take action without gathering all of the facts. My children grew up around their old man playing video games, and, as teens, they play as well. As far as I know, they haven't killed anyone, they do well in school, and they have healthy social lives. The "video games are evil" crowd are no better than the examples that TheMaskedShrike gave above.

Level 50: Furlon the Grim, BS/Regen Scrapper, Virtue
Current creations:
Slaughterface, DB/Elec Brute
Captain Warhead, Rad/Rad Defender, Virtue
Capt. Scar, Arch/Ice Blaster

Global @ Capt. Scar



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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I truly feel for you. The imagery is unfair and the commentary with it out of context. Suffice to say you have my support and I hope you get to have any 'City of...' footage pulled from what is billed, essentially, as an anti-video-game propaganda movie.



It's pretty sick they did this. Sorry the trailer should have been showing horrible parenting, resulting in kids doing bad things.



I saw the video and was pretty shocked to see Statesman being put on the same level of those other games.

Bottom line...it is parents responisblity to regulate their children's multimedia activites. Most of those games shown are NOT for children and were never intended for children in the first place. Those games are for the gamers of the NES generation which grew from there...and most of us are towards our 30's now. The rating system helps a lot with parent's choices...provided they bother to look at it.

I used to sell video games, and have sold TONS of M rated games to children with their parent's permission. I even note to them the level of violence a game like "Grand Theft Auto 3" has and my warnings go ignored must of the time.

Any inapporiate exsposure to video games is the fault of the parents because that is easily regulated. Don't buy the game, and don't allow children in the houses of parents who allow 7 year olds to play "Conker's Bad Fur Day". Why does the government have to be invloved?

Do games promote violence in children? Sure they could, but no more than TV, comics, or books could. No more than boxing could. Parents just need to do their jobs.



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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Although I'm not prone to ranting, it's a problem with the culture clash. Throughout the history of this country, people on one side of the fence are always blaming something for the problems within the country. But really, it's a chicken-or-the-egg argument. Does playing video games make people violent, or do violent people enjoy video games?

However, given what the character Statesman represents, especially morally (he is against killing even the worst criminals), it's apparent that the extreme views representatives in this video clip show a gross misunderstanding of the vedio game genre in general, and is meant to demonize all video games, instead pointing out the "bad eggs".

Painting with such broad strokes is a bad way to represent a medium. Most video games don't depict the graphic violence depicted in this video.

Why do we need legislature to control video game sales? What happened to holding the store or the parents responsible for what is sold or given to children?



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

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Mr. Thompson should see what was said here, friggen nut job.
The worst part is CoH is by far one of the best not only message games out there (Save people and defend law), it is also one of the tamest in content among Mmo's!

I mean no blood at all, no "cutting" so to speak. Or wounds. Villains aren't killt, they's de-feat-ed!



Thank you, Shrike. I had a sneaking suspicion that's how it would work. It takes a very, VERY specialised simulator to supply sensations even remotely similar to the real thing, be it driving, flying or what have you (let's stick to flying an aircraft for now), and even then it's just simply not the same. There's always more to real flying than there is to any simulator. And even if all the sensations and hardware could be simulated (which is not always possible), your mind and body will always, ALWAYS regard the real thing very differently. Simply because it's real.

Oh, one thing I'd like to comment on:

And yes, I have seen a guy walk into flight school and proclaim he was an expert Microsoft Flight Sim pilot and therefore would be an expert pilot...here, first learn how to steer with your feet and then we'll talk. Keep it on the centerline, babe!

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I just had to laugh at that

It never even occurs to me that operating most machines requires more than pressing buttons up until I sit at the controls. Then it dawns on me just how different the real thing is from a video game. Heck, if I tried to fire a gun, it'd probably shoot right out of my hands and smack me in the face

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Thank you, Shrike. I had a sneaking suspicion that's how it would work. It takes a very, VERY specialised simulator to supply sensations even remotely similar to the real thing, be it driving, flying or what have you (let's stick to flying an aircraft for now), and even then it's just simply not the same. There's always more to real flying than there is to any simulator. And even if all the sensations and hardware could be simulated (which is not always possible), your mind and body will always, ALWAYS regard the real thing very differently. Simply because it's real.

Oh, one thing I'd like to comment on:

And yes, I have seen a guy walk into flight school and proclaim he was an expert Microsoft Flight Sim pilot and therefore would be an expert pilot...here, first learn how to steer with your feet and then we'll talk. Keep it on the centerline, babe!

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I just had to laugh at that

It never even occurs to me that operating most machines requires more than pressing buttons up until I sit at the controls. Then it dawns on me just how different the real thing is from a video game. Heck, if I tried to fire a gun, it'd probably shoot right out of my hands and smack me in the face

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The internet is full of people smacking themselves with a shotgun they though would be easy to handle
I'm not even bothering try to shoot any shotguns until I get a few more years and a few more pounds of muscle. A .20 gauge is still painful in the shoulder!



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way.

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Those producers needed the actual footage (regardless of the game's true intent or purpose) for their silly propaganda tool. All such action-oriented video games (even the promotional materials) are fair-game to them. You can thank this partially upon the NCSoft-hired CGI promo-company for having created Statesman to be so charasmatic upon the screen.

It may also hint that there is an actual show-segment which displays more about their dealings with "City Of..." in the body of the program. But they make one flaw in their arguments up to this point: THIS is not some childrens' game. It is a game played by ALL Ages. And hence, the very 'parents' they will try to appeal to... can very well be part of the same audience they paint with a broad-brush. That... is the 'weapon' to be used against them here: parental-ignorance will not become an asset for them to exploit.



Well, since the man himself has spoken, I think we can all agree that at the very least the inclusion of City of Heroes and the Statesman in particular in these "violent games that corrupt our children" is uncalled for.

States, I'm really sorry you feel like that, but I look at it this way - it's a sign you've done something right. Your character has become famous enough for people to bother to try and discredit them. In my eyes, the people making this movie have no credibility. Their "evidence" is laughable, their conclusions based on alarmist gossip and their approach offensive for people who can actually think. I wouldn't concern myself with them discrediting one of my own characters. Simply, their actions will not work with the people that you have targetted your game at.

So consider it a compliment that you've made a character famous enough for him to fall under the attack of sensation seekers and alarmist propaganda. All famous people and characters usually are.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Any inapporiate exsposure to video games is the fault of the parents because that is easily regulated. Don't buy the game, and don't allow children in the houses of parents who allow 7 year olds to play "Conker's Bad Fur Day". Why does the government have to be invloved?

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The thing is, I could see how a parent could mistake "Conker's Bad fur day" for a children's game. Bright, colorful characters and the character Conker was in Diddy Kong Racing, a rather kiddy game indeed.

Perhaps it would behoove the video game retailers to have large posters by the check-out registers that explain the game rating system to uninformed parents; the ratings currently given to video games are fine, but some parents are irresponsible.

On a side-note: I agree the documentary is in poor taste, and was surprised that statesman was included in it. However, it was shown at a point when a bloke was talking about legislation, and the director may have decided the footage was appropriate at that moment because it looked like all-American Statesman was debating outside a capital-ish building.

On another side note: Jack Thompson is an idiot.



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sue them! We're completely behind you on this one!

Meet my characters: Marqaha's Managerie
Adversity/Animosity: Strength through Diversity. Respect and Fun.



So consider it a compliment that you've made a character famous enough for him to fall under the attack of sensation seekers and alarmist propaganda. All famous people and characters usually are.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right on, Sam. Right on. Ultimately, these alarmists will be the losers in all of this... but sadly, the battlefield will be left with fresh scars which may never fully heal.



Now they lost me at the start... the quote goes something like this.

"Violence was considered a vice not a virtue"...

My [censored]...

Violence is our prime way of solving problems... No matter how much we try to look "advanced"... We bang stuff when it does not work, we hit or threaten to hit people who invade our private zone... ("removed by me as it could be considerd flamebait.")

Yes... Go on your little crusade... ride your high horses... *shakes head* animals, without though or understanding... only fear.



I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

[/ QUOTE ]

So stop being disappointed and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You won't allow the radical Christians/conservatives etc. to sander your creation without responding with your own comments on how flawed their logic is, will you? Not to mention, do they EVEN have the RIGHT to show your COH images? The Moral Police, with their recreational and sex panic have been gaining steam ever since the mid 90's. I would be SORELY disappointed if Cryptic didn't investigate this further, so that they could either a) create their own rebuttal to show that COH is NOT to be linked with other games (cough, GTA, God of War etc). or b) sue, sue, sue.

Edited for redundancy



This just once again goes to show how quickly and easily people can jump off of the deep end. Including City of Heroes and Statesman's image (The hero in this game who has gone thru the most tragety and diversity as well as turning his life around from criminal roots (Which arnt shown in the game)) along with games like Hitman and several militaristic types of games is just baffling.

That's like putting together a video about the most horrible and evil men in civilization, including pictures of Ted Bundy, other serial killers, Adopt Hilter, and Abraham Lincoln. It just doesnt fit. It only goes to show that the makers of that video honestly have little clue about what they are talking about.

I for one think that Cryptic, NCsoft, and Jack himself have excellent cause to sue to get this corrected. This is nothing short of slander against a game that may have violence in it. But has also gone out of it's way to regulate the image it puts forth.

Even on the villain side we do not kill people. we defeat them. Now what defeat means is left to the imagination of each and every person who plays the game. With a little thought you can make up your own reasoning that any advanced socety that can put up the war walls and have a instant teleportation system for when you get defeated (Once again, you dont get killed. Death is pretty final) can just as easily have the same system for when NPCs are defeated.

I for one imagine they are teleported away to the police station (Which is a HUGE building) are healed and recovered from injurys. And get a 15 second trial before spending 3 minutes in the Ziggi and escaping to get back on the streets (LOL) Death doesnt factor into that anywhere.

There is also no blood in the game, anywhere. It's been asked for by the playerbase and the devs have flat out said NO.

So this video is pure crap put out by uninformed people who are overexaggerating about a problem that may or may not exist. I still think that NCsoft/PlayNC should give them a good reaming about the use of Statesman's image.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



Now they lost me at the start... the quote goes something like this.

"Violence was considered a vice not a virtue"...

My [censored]...

Violence is our prime way of solving problems... No matter how much we try to look "advanced"... We bang stuff when it does not work, we hit or threaten to hit people who invade our private zone... And don't get me started on religion and violence... Thou shalt not kill.. yeah right.. try you shall try very hard not to kill unless the person prays to the wrong invisible man in clouds.

Yes... Go on your little crusade... ride your high horses... *shakes head* animals, without though or understanding... only fear.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey watch the religion bashing there

But you are right, threats work where words fail. However this has nothing to do with games. It's why presidents like Regan who took actions instead of consulting others and talking were better then those like Carter. In my opinion off course.

But once again, unrelated to video games.



In my eyes, the people making this movie have no credibility. Their "evidence" is laughable, their conclusions based on alarmist gossip and their approach offensive for people who can actually think. I wouldn't concern myself with them discrediting one of my own characters. Simply, their actions will not work with the people that you have targeted your game at.

[/ QUOTE ]



Quote from the clip

"We are what we pretend to be..."

I hope to be able to master imps soon so I can PWN the world.

/em boggles

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



In my opinion this argument is being put forward by people who know nothing about the genre of gaming. Of course there are games which even I as a liberal minded person find a little too near the mark as far as bad taste goes but CoH is one of the most gentle games aimed at all ages that I can think of.

OK so we do "arrest" bad guys but it's in a comic book style, we're hardly driving around in stolen cars, killing cops and [censored] prostitutes in the rear seat.

I'm all for responsible attitudes in EVERY aspect of the multi-media world we live in today but gaming seems to be singled out more and more.

I'd like to see parents being more responsible for their children and for those who complain about society to stop using TV or computers and consoles as a baby sitting subsitute. If they want to be in control of what their kids do, then maybe if their child is not trust-worthy enough not to buy games that are too old for them or watch TV that is too mature for them or even downloading porn, then these parents need to be monitoring their kids more.

If this means that if a kid isn't trusted not to buy a game that is too violent for them then the parent needs to be in control of that child's pocket money.

In my opinion the TRUE cause of most of today's violence and crime amongst younger people is not what media they watch or take part in but the fact that comercialism is so great today.

By this I mean there are crimes of theft and robberies from other youngsters because one of them has something the other one doesn't. Many children nowadays have personal property which runs into hundreds, if not thousands of pounds (or dollars) and there will always be those who have less. This in my opinion causes jealousy and greed. Those without these expensive things will be tempted to take, steal or bully off of those kids who have the expensive items.

When most of my generation were in their early teens or younger, the most expensive personal property that many of us had was a bike. And remember how less we heard of violent crimes amongst youngsters when the everyday stuff they had was not expensive things like iPods, computers and PSPs etc...?

Remember all those crimes of theft (many were also violent) when trainers became a status symbol for the first time and were hundreds of pounds (dollars)? Kids were coming home bare foot because many were stolen off of their feet.

Another point to remember is that whenever a new type of media is developed, there are people who cry out that this new thing will be the cause of trouble or crime or violence. Before games it was computers and before that it was videos/dvds and before that it was TV. When radio was first developed it had the same things said against it and believe it or not, way back when books were first made available to all, there were many people who said that they would cause the public to be more dangerous and violent.

All through history the same arguments get repeated each time a new thing is made available to the public and usually it turns out that the doomsayers were wrong.

I'm sorry for not being succinct and letting my arguments go off in loads of directions but that is partly because the causes of todays violence is also caused by MULTIPLE factors and not just 1 or 2. Society is many faceted and so are its problems.

Of course we do need producers of media to be responsibe for what they produce but at the same time we need consuumers to be responsible for the media they buy too. If a person is too young to be able to make that informed decision then their parents need to make the decision for them. I'm fed up of being limited in what I may and may not do because of other members of society not taking their responsiblities seriously enough. If you have children in todays World then you need to know what they are doing 24 hours a day, sorry about that but that's what you signed up for when you decided to have a family.

I'm not attaking all parents because there are many parents who do take part in the children's upbringing but there are many who seem to think that society is responsible for their child's behaviour.

Violence is abhorent and I detest it but we need to remember that if someone does a bad thing it must of been in them to do that. A good person would not be driven to kill or be violent under ANY circumstances even if they played a game with a violent element to it or watched a horror movie.

It kind of scares me sometimes because I can see a kind of witchhunt happening in the media industry which could result in inappropriate censorship of games and films/TV.

I wouldn't allow my child to play out if I didn't know who they were with or the kind of person they were with, the same rule applies with anything that takes place in the outside World. The internet is the OUTSIDE World and because of that I want to know what my child uses the net for and if it's appropriate for them.

And please don't take this as an attack on all parents, it isn't. I know it's a tough job but it's also a joyous one and many of you do a great job but you have to suffer for those parents who don't attempt to raise their children properly. Those badly raised kids interact with our kids and pass on their influences, it's our job to give our childrent the knowledge and strength to make the right decisions with the skills WE give them.

Rant over

Infamy, infamy, they've all got it infamy!!!



Okay, what the [censored] is wrong with our children?!

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Nothing that Natural Selection won't cure.

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I agree. Kid wants to imitate hanging: gets hanged. Sounds to me like the system is working as intended.

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