Attacks on Developers and Moderators
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I try to read/listen to peoples' concerns, ideas, suggestions, problems, etc with an open mind and heart. I don't discount that people have their issues with the game and "vent" on the devs.
I will say, though, that I agree with you in that for the most part...this is one HECK of a game.
So, don't panic...I'll /sign it...even if you do get flamed hard by some others.
*Gets popcorn*
Main servers: Victory and Justice. Main account: @Justice29 Secondary account: @Clever One
I have always had the same sentiments. They tend to get lost in the uproar though.
I don't pretend to know why people do that sort of thing, but I know it has to be frustrating for those with the Red/Orange names.
I don't '/sign' things, but I am in agreement.
Human nature. Most people remember the bad stuff more than the good stuff. I remember something from some weird psychology class or something how it takes 10 complaints to destroy one complaint but one complaint can wipe out ten compliments... something like that. Anyway, people remember the bad more often, it sticks in their craw so to speak. It's easier to complain and some folks only came to the forums because they have a problem.
Devs and mods know that. They're ok. Granted, complaining about something with facts will get someone more folks who listen, but sometimes, it doesn't matter what you say or how say it, there's people who will disagree. Also, we all have our own 'hot buttons', things that really irritate us. Mine happens to be crashing. No, I don't post a lot of details about my crashes, I go to the support center and submit a support ticket, sending as much info as I can to the QA people who are fixing stuff, not reading the forums.
So, that's why I get get snarky about the crashing. I don't see the forums as the most efficient way to get the information needed to the right people. I see the support center as that. It's the same as filing a /petition in-game. As for others, I can't speak for them but I'm willing to bet some are using the support center and see the forums as just a place to hang out and chat with other players and some just like being negative and there's probably others too with their own reasons. Just like life and people and all. It takes all kinds.
I see tons more posters bashing posters on a personal basis than people bashing the devs.
It's an unhappy time around here of late.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
People wll always find something to complain about. And as you've seen, they have no qualms about voicing their complaints loudly and keeping their compliments quiet. I love the game and am grateful for all the work all the folks at Cryptic do to keep it fun.
Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!
Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?
People are pissed about DCing every 10 minutes and the Invention system being a higher priority than new content and powersets.
And Inbalance.
I see tons more posters bashing posters on a personal basis than people bashing the devs.
It's an unhappy time around here of late.
[/ QUOTE ]
and quad-druplastically signed on the last line.
I took Gravity for Wormhole and Propel.
Nothing says Lovin' like hitting 'em with an oven. -AddamsFamily
It's the nature of the internet, unfortunately. Anonymity + audience ... well, you know the rest.
There's just something about the 'net that makes people quick to abandon reason and common sense, and to take things a lot more personally than they really should if it means they can argue and complain more.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Oh... I saw the title of your thread and I thought it was a new themed Sg... NOw I am disapointed...
But, seriously, it is true that people have been complaining more in the past few months. I really don't know why...
People may be complaing more because they may be genuinely dissatisfied with the game.
People may be complaing more because they may be genuinely dissatisfied with the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
I haven't personally really seen a whole lot of complaining about the game recently, compared to some time periods (like, say, around Issue 4's release, both before and after, and obviously Issue 5's GDF and Issue 6's ED).
I have seen quite a bit of people-bashing. The difference, in my eyes, is that complaining about the game is saying something like "I don't like the decisions made here, and I don't think they are good for the game", while complaining about the people is saying something like "So-and-so is (insert insult that would likely get me word-filtered)".
I don't think many people have that much of a problem with complaints about the game, but when there's a direct and personal attack against a developer, mod, or player, that's when it crosses the line.
Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue
Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
I think the problem is most people don't know what its like to be a developer on any project. Like you can just wave your magic code wand and have new ATs and powersets just fall to the floor. If they had any idea what it was really like, then they would have a little sympathy.
Following up on Frostbiter's comment, if I had a dollar for every "I'm no programmer, but it shouldn't be too hard to do" comment... PROFIT!
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
You guys do a great job on this game and deserve kudos, no doubt. Sure it has it's issues, but what game doesn't?
I see tons more posters bashing posters on a personal basis than people bashing the devs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Honey was my yearly subscriptions which you wont be getting anymore. Its month to month from now on for me how do you like that vinegar?
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Honey was my yearly subscriptions which you wont be getting anymore. Its month to month from now on for me how do you like that vinegar.
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that paying them more money?
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Keep in mind, some of us know, we just want to vent a little too. I can't make up percentages but I'm willing to bet that some 'gripe posts' are just venting and some are honest complaints and some are just for the sake of stirring the pot.
I'm venting.
Also, CoH was my very first MMO. There's some loyalty there. So, ya'll get a couple more free passes.
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Honey was my yearly subscriptions which you wont be getting anymore. Its month to month from now on for me how do you like that vinegar?
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that paying them more money?
[/ QUOTE ]
No because now I can cancel and come back when I feel like paying.
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Honey was my yearly subscriptions which you wont be getting anymore. Its month to month from now on for me how do you like that vinegar.
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that paying them more money?
[/ QUOTE ]
No because now I can cancel and come back when I feel like paying.
[/ QUOTE ]
Did you know you get a discount when you buy larger chunks of time? So, if you're paying monthly, you are paying more per month than when you pay yearly.
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Honey was my yearly subscriptions which you wont be getting anymore. Its month to month from now on for me how do you like that vinegar?
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that paying them more money?
[/ QUOTE ]
No because now I can cancel and come back when I feel like paying.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's like a sweet and sour dish, then...
*Shrug* I suspect States to be the kind of people that enjoy chinese cuisine...
Thanks for the support!
To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Honey was my yearly subscriptions which you wont be getting anymore. Its month to month from now on for me how do you like that vinegar.
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that paying them more money?
[/ QUOTE ]
No because now I can cancel and come back when I feel like paying.
[/ QUOTE ]
Did you know you get a discount when you buy larger chunks of time? So, if you're paying monthly, you are paying more per month than when you pay yearly.
[/ QUOTE ]
$14.99 a month
$143.40= $11.95 a month
$36 difference
Yes I do but as I see it now , I wont need to pay for at least 6 months out of the year. Ill just play every other month , since it takes at least 4 months for any new content to come out. And if its nothing I like I can wait till the next issue.
So I'm sure I'm like many and the first thing I do when logging into the Forums is check the Developers Corner's Community and Dev Digest. I often see Lighthouse and others responding to the criticism and blatant attacks on their peers. Of course, they also take time to add to some great topics adding some wisdom or to the topic.
What I don't get it is why people feel that a personal attack or name calling is going to get results. I do realize in some business worlds attacks against a company or complaining till your red in the face can get you something. However, this is a game and you can always quit if you hate it so much.
I understand the developers give us a bit of fire by giving hints of what to come, but have they ever given a true exact date?
I know from experience providing customer service is NO easy job. Often you do have to give out some bad news with the good and some customers will act rudely. However, in my eyes all the crying and complaining gets you is a bad reputation.
So, I'm not sure how often this is said but to Lighthouse and the rest of the Moderators.... Keep up the GOOD JOB!
Developers same thing Keep up the GOOD JOB!
I for one am excited about what I9 is going to bring us. I'm not one that will be chomping at the bit for inventions but still can't wait for the content.
I thank the moderators for being BRAVE and SECURE enough in their jobs to do what must be done. It can't be easy to sit their reading post after post of people ripping apart your co-workers and the company you work for. Being the one who has to stop a great forum as its way off topic and even you may have wanted to add to the conversation but due to your job stop it.
I'm in NO WAY brown nosing here as I've had an issue with a Moderator in the past making a deal to show up for an Event and never show. I could have been like so many others brought it to the forums pasted the comments and demanded to know why there was a No-SHOW. Instead, I understand they have a job and a life and sometimes a deal can't be kept.
So, with that said let the negative posts begin as I'm sure there will be people flaming me over this as I'm standing up for the Moderators and Developers. I'm also hoping their will be those doing /sign to this thread. Well, here goes....(pushes submit)