[u]Table of Contents for the Lazy Kids[u]
Worthless Praise of Ice Blast/Cold Domination Corruptors
Ice Blast, AKA the Section you Actually Should Read
Cold Domination, AKA the other Section you Actually Should Read
Power Pools
Hello, I'm Serps. You may know me from all of my awesomeness on the boards where I post a lot. You may know me as that annoying moron who won't stop making idiotic sarcastic parody threads of stupid people whining about things that no one cares about, such as getting their [censored] kicked in PvP by a FF/Archery Defender.
Still, I'm incredibly witty wether you want to believe it or not and now I'm going to teach you all how to play an Ice/Cold Corruptor. If you'd rather not take my advice and build yours by asking vague build questions every week or two as you level up and eventually getting frustated that people stop responding to them so that you end up making a horrible mistake in your build right after you respec or something alone those lines, be my guest. If you want to read this because A) You know how awesome I am and want build advice, B) You know how moronic I am and have nowhere else to turn to in realization that what I said above about the asking for help on the boards and making a huge mistake is actually very likely to happen and thus you pretend that someone else wrote this guide in order for you to be able to live with yourself, or C) You're incredibly bored and don't give a crap who I am or how cool/stupid I am.
Unneccesary rantings aside, here's the best part: The part when I pretend that I can change people's minds or make them by talking about how great the sets are for whatever and then give an example in some memory I have of a PuG where I saved everyone's [censored] and/or killed everything without getting hit once and use some of those smiley things (

) to make me sound funny to seal the deal. Hey, maybe now I can stop typing ridiculously long sentences.
[u]Worthless Praise of Ice Blast/Cold Domination Corruptors[u]
I chose these sets for one reason alone. I love the Ice Graphics. That's it. Really.
Then I realized, wow, this is actually good with or without the awesome graphics.
Then I realized, cool, I can do whatever I want with Cold Domination: Buff, Debuff, both, or take nothing but Infrigidate and leech off of teams all the way to 50 and fail at PvP because I don't have Benumb or Snow Storm or Heat Loss.
Ice Blast is also fairly diverse. It has two AOEs not counting the Nuke (Blizzard,) Frost Breath and Ice Storm. Three single target attacks, Ice Bolt, Ice Blast, and Bitter Ice Blast. Then it has two holds, Freeze Ray and Bitter Freeze Ray. And, like any good ranged set (Lolz, Dark Blast and Assault Rifle,) Aim.
The two sets have a wide range of roles you can play, from wannabee Controller to wannabee Blaster to wannabe Defender to Corruptor. I personally chose to become a Corruptor, with reasonable damage and reasonable (De)buffs, and I've yet to look back.
I love Cold Domination. Ice Blast is great too, but for Corruptors the Secondaries are the sets that usually define your playstyle. There's not a single power in it that one can label as crap, except for Benumb in PvE, and then that's only because it's situational. So I'd reccomend this set to anyone interested in a Corruptor or a ranged Archetype of any kind or a Buffing Archetype of any kind. Cold Domination simply wins.
[u]Ice Blast, AKA the Section you Actually Should Read[u]
Ice Blast
Damage: 26.69 Smashing Damage, 41.71 Cold Damage
Endurance: 8.5
Recharge: 8
Range: 80 ft
Secondary Effects: 20% Slow
Serp's Opinion:
**** (They're stars, okay?)
Comments: This is pretty much one power that you'll want to have to have a reasonably full attack chain, and I reccomend it for PvP and PvE.
Ice Bolt
Damage: 8.34 Smashing Damage, 33.37 Cold Damage
Endurance: 5.2
Recharge: 4
Range: 80
Secondary Effects: 20% Slow
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: This, like Ice Blast, is very important if you want a full attack chain. However, its damage is fairly low and overall I'd say that if you have Bitter Freeze Ray and Frost Breath this power isn't all that needed. However, I would greatly reccomend this for PvP, especially solo.
Frost Breath
Damage: 2 * 29.2 Cold Damage over 0.60 seconds
Endurance: 15.2
Recharge: 16
Range: 40
Secondary Effects: Cone, 20% Slow
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: This is the first power in Ice Blast with a notable animation. As the name suggests, you breath cold air in a cone in front of you. And it hurts. Just not braggably so. In PvE, it's great solo, and a -little- dangerous in teams, but if used when someone else has a secure hold of aggro then it's a nice bit of damage to take from a mob. In PvP, it's terrible. That's all I'll say. If you PvP, skip this power unless you somehow have room for nothing else. But the slow animation can be the end of you in PvP, especially since its damage is low.
Endurance: 5.2
Recharge: 90
Secondary Effects: 42.5% ToHit to Self for 10 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs], 42.5% Damage Buff (All) for 10 Seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs].
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: I die a little inside whenever I see someone without this power. I simply cannot say any more about this. Just take it, for all that is holy.
Freeze Ray
Damage: 4.17 Cold Damage (Less than Brawl, btw)
Endurance: 6.9
Recharge: 10
Range: 60
Secondary Effects: 9.536 second Held (magnitude 3) to Target if (PvE), 7.152 second Held (magnitude 3) to Target if (PvP)
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: Honestly, this power doesn't do much good. Not only does it fail to hold through Acrobatics in PvP, it can't perma-hold a Boss in PvE (In my experience.) I have it, but I'm considering respeccing out of it. It really isn't a great power without Bitter Freeze Ray with it, and I don't really find myself using it that much in any situation. If, however, you have both, I would reccomend this power.
Ice Storm
Damage: (?) Anyways, it's decent.
Endurance: 15.6
Recharge: 60
Range: 60
Secondary Effects: Location AOE, Slow (20% or more)
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: Apologies for the lack of information, but this is all that City of Data tells me: Summon "Pets Corruptor IceStorm" (15 seconds) (PL_StaticObject) at Target. Pretty much, you can summon an ice storm (Duh) at a location of your choice, and it does Lethal and Cold damage to anyone in it. Damage is decent if the enemies are in it for the entire duration, and for single targets Benumb makes it better by negating their Regeneration, which makes this power do piss-poor damage in PvP. It can reveal hidden foes in PvP and, like I said, with Benumb, its damage isn't terrible. I'd reccomend it for any playstyle, really, just watch out for aggro in PvE.
Bitter Ice Blast
Damage: 41.71 Smashing Damage, 53.39 Cold Damage
Endurance: 13
Recharge: 12
Range: 50
Secondary Effects: -10% ToHit to Target for 6 seconds, 20% Slow
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: See Aim
Bitter Freeze Ray
Damage: 55.05 Cold Damage
Endurance: 15.2
Recharge: 20
Secondary Effects: 20% Slow, -20% Recharge, 9.536 second Held (magnitude 3) to Target if (PvE), 7.152 second Held (magnitude 3) to Target if (PvP)
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: Alone, I would say this is a
horrible power and should not even be considered. With Freeze Ray, PvE and PvP, this is a very useful power. Just beware the 3.7 second Activation time. The Animation is actually quite good; like Thunderous Blast, you lift up your right arm and then your left, and thrust them forward, sending the freeze ray at your foe and then they're like in a block of ice like some sort of caveman or something.
Damage: ...Uh... *Runs*
Endurance: 21 (cough 100 >.>

Recharge: 360
Secondary Effects: -1000% Recovery to Self for 20 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs], -100% Endurance to Self [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs], some amount of slow.
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: Wether or not this power is for you really depends greatly on what you plan to do with your Corruptor. if you Solo or PvP a lot, don't take this power. I only have this power as a PvPer because I kick enough [censored] to know how to use it (Not hard to kill 3 squishies at once with this, all you need is Sleet to go with it.) If you want to team a lot for PvE, this power is great, even if used totally irresponsably on a mob that is hardly aggroed to anything. It will simply make almost everything die a slow, painful, frustrating (Imagine being stuck in a heavy blizzard only a few meters wide and not being able to get out of it because you're being repeatedly knocked on your [censored], muhuhaha) death. Pretty damn evil power right here. Even if there are any survivors, the team can pretty much brawl them to death if they so please, or perhaps even have the
Stalker or
Dominator do it. Bwahahahaa, I'm such a comedian.
[u]Cold Domination, AKA the other Section you Actually Should Read[u]
Endurance: 10.4
Recharge: 15
Range: 80
Secondary Effects: 70% Slow (Yes, 70%, [censored],) -70% Recharge, -25% Defense, -30% Damage (Fire)
Serps' Opinion: Lolz, it doesn't matter, you HAVE to take this... Ah well.
Comments: This power is one of, if not the most powerful slow in the game, the only one that could possibly be better being Heat Loss, also from this set, which debuffs the movement speed less and the recharge much more. Anyways, this is a pretty standard "I'm too cool for Immobolizes, so I'll just floor your run speed, defense, and put a large dent in whatever fire damage you may or may not have," power, with a pretty fast recharge and a great animation, even though the small sphere of ice that you shoot out of your hand with this power travels very slowly, thus making this power best to use when fairly close. I don't care if you PvE or PvP or whatever, take this power. I dare you not to...
Ice Shield
Endurance: 7.8
Recharge: 2 (ya rly)
Range: 80
Secondary Effects: 11.25% Defense to Melee, Smashing, and Lethal, 9.375% Resistance to Cold, 7.5% Resistance to Fire (None of this stacks by the same caster, bwahahahahaaaa)
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: Turn your friends into Jack Frosts except with crappy costumes that they came up with! Ah, it's never bad to have a power that can make a squishie crunchy or a Brute even harder.

Er, that's not what I meant. This power doesn't make you hard. So don't take it for that. Also, I don't reccomend this for solo PvE or PvP. If you can't figure out why, go to some corner somewhere and stay there until you're cured of idiocy. kthx
Snow Storm
Endurance: 0.26 (Per Second)
Recharge: 10
Range: 80
Secondary Effects: 50% Slow, -50% Recharge, -Fly
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: Uhh, hello? Toggle AOE -50% Speed and Recharge debuff, what's not to love? If that isn't enough, the animation on this power (Since the recent fix, anyways) is awesome. Especially compared to the old one which was practically invisible on the highest possible graphics settings ever. Srsly.
Glacial Shield
Secondary Effects: Same amount of defense except to Energy, Negative, AOE, and Ranged, and some cold resistance too (Also same amount)
Comments: Christ, just look at Ice Shield, it's all the same
Endurance: 14.6
Recharge: 60
Range: 80
Secondary Effects: 471.194 Max HitPoints to Target for 120 seconds [Non-resistable] (Sorry, City of Data is stupid, it actually buffs by %, which I assume is 25%, but I don't know. Sorry, folks,) 15% Toxic Resistance. Neither effects stack from same caster, rawr
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: Honestly, I can't blame people for looking at this power, saying to themselves, "Oh, awesome, a Dull Pain I can use on TWO teammates at once!" and taking it in a heartbeat. I did the same. And it took quite a while for me to realize my folly. Follierer than Crey's Folly, since if they really were Folly-y then their zone would have been pwnd by the PPD or the Freedumb Phalanx by now, but it's just a ghost-town with the occasional team to slap Jurrasik in the face to keep him from rampaging through a hazard zone causing no real damage. See, I figure it this way: If you're taking damage at a steady rate, what's stopping you from dying? H3alz? A Dom that you didn't invite to the team who's Wormhole or SoC or AoE Hold or whatever just recharged? Lets face it; this power has too many requirements for it to be useful. You need A) You, B) Someone actually willing to tank, which I find rare, C) Either a Healor or a Dominator who knows what he/she is doing, and D) A mob strong enough to prove a threat to someone who is able to tank with an Ice/Cold Corruptor, a Heal0rz, and a well-played Dominator backing him or her up. Seriously. Think about that. This power, says I, is only worthwhile in team PvP. Wanna fight about it?
Arctic Fog
Endurance: 0.26 (Per Second)
Recharge: 15
Secondary Effects: 40-foot-radius Stealth, 3.75 Defense to All, 15% Resistance to Fire, Cold, and Energy, 60% Resistance to Slow and -Recharge (You can resist -Recharge?

Serps' Opinion:
Comments: It's hard to say no to a power that Resists Slows, Fire, Cold, and Energy, AND gives you Stealth. By the way, you AND your team gets this. For extra fun, put in a Knockback protection IO and it'll be all like "ha I resist Slows AND Knockback AND Fire AND Cold AND Energy and I'm a squishy so take that" except anyone stupid enough to say that to someone is, well, stupid.
Endurance: 13
Recharge: 120
Secondary Effects: Are you ready for this? You sure? Okay. -50% Damage (All, even Psionic, what now?) -500% Regeneration (I R kill Regin!!) -6.92 Regeneration to Target for 30 seconds if (target = player) [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs] (Or not...

) -55.9% to... Well, secondary effects, so anti-powerboost. Seriously.
Serps' Opinion:
** (Ya rly)
Comments: If you PvP regularly, take away those two stars and add five more. This is your main tool for survival in PvP, simply because this is one kick [censored] debuff. In PvE? Sure, it's sweet against EBs and AVs and Heroes. But other than that... Dude, single target, 120 second recharge. Not very useful. About the animation: At first I was very dissapointed until I noticed that the effect actually had something to it that was different from the Ice Blast attacks and Infrigidate: The affected target
is dripping in water zomg! Of course, this is very hard to see, and it's not really that impressive, but it reminded me of this one time when I fought this /Fire corr and he like kept pwning me with Heat Exhaustion on my Dominator and I was distracted ooo-ing at the effect it had on me. I noticed a similar water effect on Benumb when someone used it on me in PvP. Ever since then, Benumb has been so non-generic that I only yawn at it once every time I use it. Instead of once every time I use it. So... Yeah. Benumb doesn't look very good.
Damage: Blagh, sorry again. /e smack City of Data. It's a little less than Ice Storm.
Endurance: 18.2
Recharge: 60
Range: 60
Secondary Effects: Sorry again, but I'll simply post what I've been told. -30% Resitance (All except MAYBE Psionics, I have no clue,) -30% Resistance (Same,) Knockdown, Slow and -Recharge of some amount.
Serps' Opinion:
Comments: See Aim and Bitter Ice Blast. Also: This power kicks [censored]! But Serps! What about PvP! I don't have room for both of the holds, so how can I nail someone in PvP with this power? Well, my worried little no one who isn't actually a person, who is actually just me asking myself a question similar to what the rest of you may possibly be thinking to yourself as a rhetorical quesiton, but I'll answer it anyways because I don't give a crap if you want me to. Use your slows! You've been generously handed the most powerful slows in the game, yet you don't even turn to them to help you keep someone moving at 1 MPH while you hit the Sleet Icon and drop it on them, slowing them even more and knocking them down occasionally? You disgrace me. Leave my sight. Right after I continue talking about how awesome Sleet is. It's awesome. It's up every mob with a couple recharge SOs in it and it makes the team hit more and hit harder. See Aim and Bitter Ice Blast again for emphasis. EMPHASIS!!!
Heat Loss
Endurance: 15.6, but who cares?
Recharge: 360

Range: 70
Secondary Effects: What the hell? How is Heat Loss a pet-- Well, screw you, City of Data. I'll have to do it all myself based on word from other forumers that may or may not be accurate. Some amount of Slow, probably less than 50%, 500% -Recharge, which I refuse to believe, but I'm not complaining, +50% Recovery for each icon you see in your power tray, some amount of +End for each target affected, another -30% Resistance Debuff to all targets affected, Rararar
Serps' Opinion:
****** I know that's six, shut up.
Comments: See Sleet, Bitter Ice Blast, and Aim. Not only does this power deliver an ungodly powerful Debuff to the mob, it can potentially make you and your team literally unable to run out of Endurance for a minute. That's about 1/3rd of the time with 3 recharges in it. It also drains some endurance from the enemies, but I have no clue how much it is. PvP, PvE, take it, you'll need it. And, as a special bonus, Heat Loss is my favorite animation/effect
in the game. Screw Assassin's Blade, screw Thunderous Blast, screw all of Spines repeatedly, as it is the most ugly set in the game along with AR (Feel free to disagree

) Heat Loss is absolutely amazing. Like, seriously. Blarg.
Bah, do what you want. I don't have time to install CoH HeroBuilder, I can't get it to update anyways. With IOs pretty much eliminating the need for any skill in correct slotting and a tiny bit of thinking and experience needed to correctly or even decently slot in SOs, I don't think I need to tell anyone.
[u]Power Pools[u]
In no particular order:
* Honestly, I'm generous for giving this pool one star. You already have a Stealth power that can't stack with this pool, not to mention Stealth IOs. The only power you can really use in this set is Phase Shift, which is hardly useful anymore.
Fighting: You don't need any more defense or resistance, especially not if you have to take one of those two crappy attacks to get it.
*** PvE: Break a leg. PvP: You probably will break much more. So don't take it for PvP.
* I can't imagine why you would want a Taunt, and the Fear isn't really your style. You have some sick debuffs anyways, and the taunt is just a power you can remove from your tray and pretend you don't have it.
*** I don't like having this power in PvP. You don't really have trip mines or poison traps or anything of that nature, and it's really inconvenient using this power to travel. In PvE, you only have to use it to get to places. In PvP you have to use it to survive. Thus I would not suggest it.
**** Four stars! Not only can this turn you into a he4l0r like all Corruptors should be in PvE (lol), you can reduce your down-time with Aid Self. I would greatly reccomend this for PvP, simply because you'll take a few hits before laying down your debuffs on some poor fool, and it's nice to get that HP back before they get close to you.
Fitness: Do you -REALLY- need to ask? Take take take.
*** This is the ideal travel pool (always) for PvP. Simply for Acrobatics, the unsurpressed movement and air control of Combat Jumping, and the high speed and good vertical movement of Super Jump. These things are not as important in PvE, but I'd say that this is a great choice for either.
** In CoH, this power gets a 3-star-rating like the other travel sets. In CoV? Good luck up in Grandville. In PvP this travel power is only good paired with Super Jump, in which case you'll be all over the place. Hasten is always a good power pick sometimes.
* I really don't reccomend this for anything, but at least it's not full of wasted powers like Concealment.
If I missed any Pools, just tell me. I think I've gotten them all, though. Or at least the important ones.
I'm right and you're wrong.
NOTE: All numbers are from http://cov.redtomax.com/powersets/powersets.php If they're wrong, bite me.
ALSO: Report any mistakes, typos, opinions, etc via PM or just post them here so that this thread doesn't get buried/pruned within the hour. Thank you