Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




So I had this idea pop into my mind today. I was thinking about how for some players the 32+ game starts to die down because you aren't getting powers as often and leveling is slower. I was looking at Arch Villains and Heroes and remembered each of them had their own signature power. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if Heroes (And villains) could create their own signature powers? Well, here was my idea:

The Basics

Starting at level 33, you earn "points" toward your signature power. You basically get one point per level all the way up to 50. Each point is spent in a tree that modifies the ability of the power. There is a special "lock" system in place so you cannot just focus all your points into one category. (IE, focusing all points into "Hold" so that the power is like mag 20)

Players could choose from various attributes

Teleport Self
Heal Self
Heal Other

A player could spread his points out creating a jack of all trades power master of none. They could chose to focus on certain categories but only to an extent. The various categories will work in a tree like system. The bottom of the tree would be:

Damage -- Heal Other -- Heal Self -- Buff (Speed, Recharge, +Damage, etc... only one of these) -- Hold -- Disorient -- Teleport

Focusing more points into a given category would enhance the effect. However, after X amount of points the category becomes maxed. Spending points in a certain category would unlock the next set.


AOE -- Range (5 is starting range or melee, more points enhances the range) -- Recharge Timer -- Etc

All signature powers start out very generic. They all just about have the same recharge (Which would be very long to begin with until points are spent), and have the same statistics. (Assuming players invested in the same area, IE, Heal vs Heal, Damage Vs Damage, etc)

The Initial Pick, Target Foe, Self Buff, or Target Player

This is the player's very first pick at level 33. They will chose what their signature power targets. Perhaps your defender's special power is a heal on a player. Maybe your Corruptor wants to decimate his foe with an attack. Perhaps your Tanker uses a special shield. Etc.

All signature powers start out with the same animation.

New Unlockable, Level 35

At level 40, players will unlock the animations. Here is where players can customize the animation of their signature power. There would be various animations to chose from. The animation would have an impact on what the power does. Basically, the animations would be split up into:

1 Second Animations
2 Second Animations
3 Second Animations
4 Second Animations

Basically, the shorter the animation time, the less effect the power does, and the longer (all the way to interruptable) the greater effect it does. Thus, a 1 second power receives no bonus but perhaps a 4 second animation power receives a 60% bonus. (Just an example)

By this point too, you are earning more points (One per level) to further customize your power.

Level 40 New Unlockable -- Effect

Here is the next custom option available. You are able to change the effect of what the power looks like. A player would have various choices from:

Explosion (Fire for instance)
Energy (Various range energy attacks)
Buff Effect (Maybe a shield)

Basically, a player is chosing the particle effects associated with the power. Up until this point, all signature powers used the same particle effect. (Something generic)

Level 45 New Unlockable -- Colors

At this level, you can now chose various colors for the power. You can customize the look and change various aspects of it. This will give it a more unique feel.

New Unlockable Level 50 -- Sharing your power with others!

Using the invention system, a player can share his signature power with other players. He is able to create a one use temporary power. There are limitations though:

1) A character can only have one "gifted" signature power at a time.

2) A character can only receive a "gifted" signature power once every 30 minutes.

Basically, this would be a cool way to show your friends "Hey look what I made, try it and tell me what you think"

The requirements to make the temporary power would be the same for all signature powers.

Naming your signature power

A player can name their signature power at level 33. (When they first get them) This name can be changed at anytime.

How enhancements work in signature powers

Signature Powers will not be effected by any kind of enhancement. Their accuracy, damage, heal, duration, etc is all determined by how a player spends their points. They also cannot be buffed or debuffed similar to how Veteran Rewards work. Thus, no outside powers can effect them.

How will they not be imbalanced?

My main balancing factor for these powers will be giving them long recharge times similar to accolades. Basically, these powers are not meant to be part of an attack chain or turn a Brute into a healer. They would mostly be used for tough fights (Such as an Arch Villain). There is a place to spend points to lower the recharge time.

What if I wanted to modify my power?

There would be a place to edit them similar to the way you can edit costumes. It would cost a infamy, influence, or maybe some salvage pieces.

The place would be like a training room or something in the university. The idea is you "train" into modifying your skill.




You know...This is actually a good idea...

A VERY good idea...

The only problems I can see with it being that...

A: This means squishies not MEANT to do insane amounts of damage now WILL be able to do so.


Petless masterminds will now be elevated from mostly cute and harmless to MODERATELY annoying.

And what about energy melee users?

Their damage potential will now be god-like. They will be able to go down from killing bosses in 5 seconds to killing bosses in 3 seconds.

PvP will become even more of a nightmare then it is now.

NPCs will start having their own signature powers, (more then they already have, I mean.)

But overall, I'd say this is an interesting idea...




You know...This is actually a good idea...

A VERY good idea...

The only problems I can see with it being that...

A: This means squishies not MEANT to do insane amounts of damage now WILL be able to do so.


Petless masterminds will now be elevated from mostly cute and harmless to MODERATELY annoying.

And what about energy melee users?

Their damage potential will now be god-like. They will be able to go down from killing bosses in 5 seconds to killing bosses in 3 seconds.

PvP will become even more of a nightmare then it is now.

NPCs will start having their own signature powers, (more then they already have, I mean.)

But overall, I'd say this is an interesting idea...

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I forgot to mention but they are more suppose to be a "fun-factor" rather then something that becomes part of an attack chain. They have long recharges (Similar to how Accolade powers are)

Make sense?

Edit: I updated the original post. They are suppose to be "fun" like costumes are fun. You can share them with other players and make them flashy if you wanted too. Maybe there would be signature powers contests?



Best Sig Powers Suggestion Ever! Noy my MA/Regen can have more Martial Art attacks! You have done the impossible for to make something so complex be so easy and fun. This is the best suggestion since Lady Jade's power suggestion thread. Dev's listen to Ultimus.

You have one my Forum User of the Month award.



I like it as well. It seems you really thought out your ideas, and I agree with you. I always tend to get burned out in the 30s since you don't get new powers often. I hope your idea turns into something!



Hmm... I actually like this idea as well.

Would add a bit more customization options for our characters.
Yeah... I wouldn't mind seeing something like this actually make it into the game.



I like this idea, needs fleshing out a bit the the basics are sound, send it off to Statesman and Positron!



I like this idea, needs fleshing out a bit the the basics are sound, send it off to Statesman and Positron!

[/ QUOTE ] I mean hey, I pm'd to States when I first registired about vet rewards and look now. (I like to think I helped )

Edited due to typo



That's actually quite impressive.



I like this idea, needs fleshing out a bit the the basics are sound, send it off to Statesman and Positron!

[/ QUOTE ] I mean hey, I posted to States when I first registired about vet rewards and look now. (I like to think I helped )

[/ QUOTE ]

A lot of ideas come from players. I believe Statesman said ED (Although many disliked it) was created by a player. Ironically, there is a post dating April 2005 Or March 2005 by Pilcrow that is very similar to the idea of ED. Wonder if that was it?



Go ahead! Send this to Posi or States!

This is radical!



I like this idea, needs fleshing out a bit the the basics are sound, send it off to Statesman and Positron!

[/ QUOTE ] I mean hey, I posted to States when I first registired about vet rewards and look now. (I like to think I helped )

[/ QUOTE ]

A lot of ideas come from players. I believe Statesman said ED (Although many disliked it) was created by a player. Ironically, there is a post dating April 2005 Or March 2005 by Pilcrow that is very similar to the idea of ED. Wonder if that was it?

[/ QUOTE ]
There were a fair number of posts suggesting some sort of scaling mechanism for enhancements, where the bonus for subsequent enhancements of the same type would decrease. IIRC, virtually all of them were set up so that a power six-slotted with one enhancement type would have the same bonus that it did pre-ED, with the enhancement effect being higher than normal for the first enhancements of a type and sliding off until the sixth one gave the lowest benefit. I don't recall ever seeing a post advocating a mechanic for reduced effect where the fourth and subsequent SOs of a type in a power would be virtually useless.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



I like this idea, needs fleshing out a bit the the basics are sound, send it off to Statesman and Positron!

[/ QUOTE ] I mean hey, I posted to States when I first registired about vet rewards and look now. (I like to think I helped )

[/ QUOTE ]

A lot of ideas come from players. I believe Statesman said ED (Although many disliked it) was created by a player. Ironically, there is a post dating April 2005 Or March 2005 by Pilcrow that is very similar to the idea of ED. Wonder if that was it?

[/ QUOTE ]
There were a fair number of posts suggesting some sort of scaling mechanism for enhancements, where the bonus for subsequent enhancements of the same type would decrease. IIRC, virtually all of them were set up so that a power six-slotted with one enhancement type would have the same bonus that it did pre-ED, with the enhancement effect being higher than normal for the first enhancements of a type and sliding off until the sixth one gave the lowest benefit. I don't recall ever seeing a post advocating a mechanic for reduced effect where the fourth and subsequent SOs of a type in a power would be virtually useless.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I didn't mean one idea thought up the whole entire thing. It was a collaboration. Anyways so what do you think of this idea?

Thanks all for the replies so far



I've been thinking on something like this too!

I think the animation should be based on your powersets if so desired. Like, a Broadsword Scrapper like Sabre Justice gets a flashy signature sword move.

This obviously has a basis in slightly cheesy superhero and anime cartoons, like a lot of cool things. Your signature move, in most cases, wouldn't be a regular attack but a trump card saved up for mission Bosses and the like (something that would be very appreciated).

This needs to be moved to Suggestions.



I like it. It's a very simple and fun idea. You should definitely submit it.





now send this to the devs! (and post it in the suggestions forum :P )



I assume our "signature" powers would be named after ourselves like how they appear in the Signature Heroes/Villains power lists, if so I wonder if it would be possible to rename the actual powers themselves?



It would need to bake for a long while to make sure there's no stupidly abusive combinations, but letting us have custom signature powers in the same vein as the NPC heroes would be a great idea. Heck, I'd be happy if it was just a glorified way to rename/reskin the existing epic pools.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Hmm... just a thought, but wouldn't this easily tie into Inventions?



Your idea is fantastic Ultimus. I merely glanced through as busy now but really like where you are going with it.

Hope it can happen in game.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Well thought out and, if coded right, doesn't look unbalancing.

Very nice, bud. And it doesn't require respecing into it, as the power's given automatically at 30 (if I read this right) and doesn't accept slots. Nice one.



It'd be good if you could have the choice of naming your signature power set itself as well as the powers in it, I've already got a few names for them.



Hmm... just a thought, but wouldn't this easily tie into Inventions?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah it could -- I also had a special idea in how it could tie in too. It is in the post.



Thanks for moving this if that was you Lighthouse.



Hmmm... Sig powers, well thought out, with checks and balances added WOULD require a new UI piece, some new code(especially on the animation changing; the activation times have to juuuuust about match the anim, and IIRC, there's NO way to change an animation on a power sans a server patch at the moment), but...if it can be done, wow. Very flexible, very cool, and given the points-buy system you can have a double-check system involved; either hardcap points spent in any category, or add a heavy diminishing returns on high investment...or both.

I like it.