Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




I like this idea too.

I've always wondered why we didn't have signature powers.



Awesome idea, Ultimus... you put a lot of thought into it.

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It looks cool to me. Sounds like a lot of programming though, since it is a type of power customization which they said we should not see for a bit...but still pretty cool idea.



i like this idea. i want an AOE super shotgun that shoots ninjas with lasers out.



I like this idea as well. I think it would go along with the upcoming invention system to help make characters stand out.



i like this idea. i want an AOE super shotgun that shoots ninjas with lasers out.

[/ QUOTE ]

We all want that my Monkey friend. We all want that...




I think this is also one of the best ideas for a new cool system to be suggested to the game in a long while. I'd give my support to having it put into the game.

Thanks for the well thought idea!




I love this idea. When looking at the COH TCG and seeing their sig powers i knew we had to have this. I even have an idea already for one my Ill/TA Tricky Bow. "Tricky Shot" It's an anchor toggle that decreases the defence of everyone around the target. The idea is, Tricky Bow creates a rain of illusionary arrows and while the bad guys try to dodge the fake arrows he can get them right wherer he wants them. It would use the rain of arrrows animation. It's not a God mode power but a flavor thing, and thats what these need to be.



I'm a nut for customizing things for my characters so this idea, if properly implemented, would rock.

Part of the initial pick could include a weapon animation as a base (Ninja Sword, Broadsword, whatever) if that's what the player wants as his sig power. Almost like a sig manuver for martial arts (We are the only school that teaches the heart-destroying shovel kick!) but available for everyone.

The temp power idea is also very cool and almost a whole new power. I'm hoping that inventions will enable Mages (a new AT maybe?) to make one-shot powers to give to others on a limited basis.

"Okay, we're all about to go into combat with the Giant Space Monster. MentalMan, since this one is robotic your Deceive won't work very well and the five extra slots you'de dropped on it will be useless. You can still support the rest of us but your main attacks will be ineffective. Here, I hereby lend you a small fraction of my power so that, in a dire circumstance and only once, you can fire off this mega-blast."

Very cool both as a way to let friends and teammates test the powers but also as a one-time aid or weapon to someone. Yes, this means that Blasters might have a defense (finally...grumble grumble...) or Tankers a ranged attack but if you can only do it once, and for one teammate, then I don't think abuse will be a problem. Heck, after I got Flight I wanted to give someone else my half-full Raptor Pack...

A great idea all around...

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



I like it a lot. Looks pretty balanced as is, and could be tweaked easily with the choices we're given.



Oh wow! I've always wanted to have custome made powers in this game. Awesome, awesome, awesome idea!



Great Idea hope a Developer sees this one

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Great idea!

&lt;goes off to plan his signature power&gt; :P



I like MOSt of this idea, although I do have an idea I'd like to tag on. First off, I don't like the idea on making your signature power something you can make a temp power for another player. I understand the reasoning behind it...showing off all your hard work and all...but I'm just uncomfortable with the idea. I'm afraid someone will find an exploit and be able to pass it along to everyone. Besides, it's supposed to be YOUR signature power - your trademark. Why give that to anyone? Just my thought on the matter.

Aside from that, I love the structure of it...the point system and all, but since I'm hungry for new content, I think if this was implemented, there needs to be a trial and badge to unlock it. Nothing so bland as your cape and aura missions, but rather something truly worthy of the reward you get at the end. Upon finishing the trial, you get an accolade, which would be your signature power, and it would account for the long recharge (like most of the accolade powers). Anyway, that's my thought on the matter...I'd still love to see it even without this addendum



I love the idea.




cud be some work making the new particle effects and animations for the powers, but then again they could just let you choose from the animations that allready exist

and on a more important note...





Where's my pen, I need to sign this!



What about for people already level 50? Do they lose out on all the fun because they cant get anymore points? Or will they automatically have every point from lvl 33-50? And how will they make their power? Will there be an NPC that allows them to make it? There should be, because it means current level 50s won't be able to get one of its a "level only" thing

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



I really like the potential this suggestion has. At the very least, it's worth a perusal by the developers. You at least know that Lighthouse saw it, so if he liked it, he can always relay what he thought.

Nice work!



Top 5 suggestions EVAR. Do this now devs. I commandith you.

I like virtually all of the idea. Maybe rahter than animation time boosting effects, shorter animation times could cost more points that longer ones. That in essence achieves the same effect in that you'll have less points to spend elsewhere if you choose a short animation, so your other effects of the power would be less powerful. Opposite if you choose a long animation.

That just seems to make more sense with your current system, but it could just be me.

/signed several hundred times.

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Bengal Fist (SS/EA) - Thirt3en (Time/Elec) - Aussi (Elec/Shield) - Potamoi (Water/Time) - Parkr (Staff/Ela)



What about for people already level 50? Do they lose out on all the fun because they cant get anymore points? Or will they automatically have every point from lvl 33-50? And how will they make their power? Will there be an NPC that allows them to make it? There should be, because it means current level 50s won't be able to get one of its a "level only" thing

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Of course not they wouldn't miss out. Think of the game currently works, if you don't train for a few levels, you don't lose the powers. Basically, it would be as if they never spent the points.



Really cool idea bro. Hopefully in the future......8)



This would be fun indeed. I like's it. Even if it's not something you can use often, having you're own unique power would be very cool.



I hope it happens

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