Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




Don't let this topic die, people.



If it ever does ill revive it









hey, dont worry.

I had to remove the top line of text in my sig (my m.o.t.d.)

this thread won't die as long as that top row of text is missing =P



I'm with you, PK. Signature Powers for all, and to all a good time

I'll tack on one more Sig, just to see if I can spark more people to see how this system could be really fun.

Garlanus - Incendiary Motion - Leaves a Burn Line from the beginning to the end point of his teleport, which has a shorter range than normal teleportation. From a story standpoint, Garlanus is a wraith-sorceror who happens to be an assassin. He was able to teleport over long distances (like the normal Teleport travel power), but in order to keep down energy costs on his in-battle teleportation, he would only partially unphase with reality when moving faster than sound from one point to another, creating a tremendous amount of friction and igniting the area around himself.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



This is actually a really good suggestion. I can see some pretty cool powers I could come up with. Dunno how easy this would be to implement, but since they HAVEN'T FIGURED OUT HOW MAKE INVULNERABILITY SOUNDS FADE (for Tankers) this should easy.


Also on Steam



Thanks guys for adding this to your signatures and your support



I'll add mine again, just to remind you all I'm still around.









And since I'm such a nice guy too, I'll add on what I have.
Iceciro (Ice/Kin Tech Corruptor)
Go away!
Raises hands like a Dominator's Block of Ice anim, massive icicles raise out of the ground (or could just surround the enemy's feet for a moment like when hit by Chiblain), Player-based AOE, Moderate damage, HIGH knockback, -slow -rech.

I think this would be an awesome OH SNAP power, and it would suit him soooo well.
I would totally turn it into a macro that had him scream GO AWAY when he used it. Plus I dont have enough knockback in his powers (knockback good.)



This sounds great! I think this should really be the next step in MMORPGs, if not in City of Heroes --customization. City of Heroes did that incredibly well with the character creator. By allowing us to create signature powers players heroes and villains would be elevated to the status of signature characters, something that I and many others long to be.

It doesn't matter if these things are extremely powerful or very underwhelming in terms of usefulness or destruction. What matters is that these are unique, just like your character. You're set a part. You're different. In Paragon City, YOU are the hero. YOU have your own outfit. YOU have your own powers. YOU have an investment in the game.

I think this would be a success, because, unlike bases (despite how much I love them), it is personal. It follows suite after your character, and your design.

I fully support, and endorse this suggestion.

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"




I'll put a few of mine.

Serpental - Growth of Scende - Moment Of Glory animation with vines crawling down from the fist, covering the area around him. A carnivorus plant will grow that will cast Vines and Roots for 1 minute until it dissapears. It cannot move. It also creates its own creeper-vine-like pets that do Giant Flytrap damage, and has a PBAOE minor toxic Damage over Time. From a story-line point of view... Serpental uses plants.

Serpentines - Blade of Scende - Sword in hand, he does a Eagle's Claw-like flip (with the kick that is only animation, no damage) and goes into a ripper animation. Superior damage in a cone with knockdown/back and -def.

Serpentosen - I don't even play this character.

I'll come up with more later.




over and over again




This is actually a good idea. Reminds me of Titan Quest or Dungeon Siege 2 with skill trees and such.

Implementation would take some work if you're thinking about a completely new power for signature power. As well, it makes the game more complicated for many. It'll be fun for me. However, for the crowd that CoX is designed for, it might be too difficult. If you noticed that we have no attributes, inventory limited to 10 items, enhancements that are easy to learn, auto targeting (no need to aim), etc. It is made to be an easy to learn action orientated game.

I was thinking more of an upgrade to your pre-existing power, 10% bonus to dmg or whatever to a power of your choice. You can have one or more such boosts depending on your level - maybe once per 10 levels.



I like this idea very much.

Players can come up with awesome ideas.
Great Job Ultimus.



and for the sake of good consumer/devs relation appearance... some mod could at least ad a replay here with: "thnak you very much for posting we are forwarding this for the team in charge" or any kind of generic answer, but that would at least show they see it...

btw: /SIGNED again




It doesn't matter if these things are extremely powerful or very underwhelming in terms of usefulness or destruction. What matters is that these are unique, just like your character. You're set a part. You're different. In Paragon City, YOU are the hero. YOU have your own outfit. YOU have your own powers. YOU have an investment in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Word! I know I already said this, but I love this idea... I think adding this, a personal nemesis, and the crafting stuff for i9 would really make for an outstanding RPG aspect to this game.

My ideas for powers, Ice "armor" added ice damage for my scrapper Claymore Frost, and something like Power Build Up + Some Hasten action for Imagikan to make those emp powers even more uber.



/signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed,
/signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /signed, /SIGNED



oh yes /signed.



Heck they could even make a box set out of this. I agree with this totally. Give us something else to shoot for. Make the game more fun



Anybody ever play Freedom Force? Anybody think this sounds a lot like their "Design your heroes powers" bit?

Which, btw, is a fantastically good thing :P

I really do love this idea, but then, I've yearned for power customisation from the beginning - CHOICES ARE GOOD

Oh, and my signiture powers (since I've enjoyed reading other peoples):

Ebon Angel: Vampiric Soul - PBAoE, minor DoT, immob, -acc, +regen for each hit enemy. Black Tentacles (ala Tenebrous Tentacles) erupt out of the ground around her, draining the enemies' health and adding to hers.

Harlequinne: Chaos - Targetted AoE, minor DoT, confuse, 25% low mag disorient. Harlequinne disappears, while random copies of the enemies within the AoE appear, attack a friend, and disappear.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



My new Brute (SS/Electrict)
Thundersmash - Fury of the Storm - Double High Damage (1 Smashing 1 Energy), very long recharge ST attack/hold.
Knockout blow animation starts, dealing the first "tick" of damage as the poor target soars into the air, followed by a Whirling Hands (without the energy pom poms) animation, hitting them with sparks about the same time most mobs hit the ground, for the electric damage. Limited duration minion mag disorient once they get up.

Wow, typing these out is almost too much fun in and of themselves, oh man if I could put this in now.



I thought you weren't letting this idea slip! tsk, tsk



I had a thought about this idea a minute ago. What would the collected gallery here think about perhaps something like this:

If the character is awarded points, but opts not to use them all in one power, they can use the remaining points to create another power. Say, for example, the player decides only to put 8 points into Signature Power A, they can then, at a doubled cost for startup (two points to create, instead of one, then the number returns to one point per increase in effect), Signature Power B.


Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



Anybody ever play Freedom Force? Anybody think this sounds a lot like their "Design your heroes powers" bit?

Which, btw, is a fantastically good thing :P

[/ QUOTE ]

The creators of that game did a really outstanding job with that game. Developing your own heroes and their powers from scratch is really neat. That build a power engine is really neat and well done. Would probably be way to exploitable in a game like this... :-P