54 -
All of your answers are moot, Vent Crew is known by people not even playing City of Heroes, not even playing MMOs.
Oh, I've just never played a Dom to a high enough level with major knockdown - and knockdown is my absolute favorite ability in the game. Using it fills me with a kind of childlike glee, but knockback is bad and pisses off teams, so I needed to know before I roll an Elec/Stone: AoE knockdown, this is thy name.
I've heard conflicting reports that Domination does and doesn't increase the knockdown in Electric Control to Knockback - is this the case, or not? It seems an important distinction...
Asking me to chose between quasi-bondage hentai and a miss America competition is almost unfair.
The real, serious reasons have been discussed better by other posters, but my vote is for Shia. -
I despite powers with a PERCENTAGE CHANCE for knockBACK. Because you can't rely on them to be effective mitigation, and they'll generally knock the mobs around precisely when you don't want them to. It's more of a detriment than a bonus. If a power is supposed to mitigate through knockback it needs a 100% chance, like Power Thrust. If it's just something added to the power, make it knock down so it has a percentage chance to be awesome, instead of a percentage chance to fling your mob somewhere you don't want.
I would kill a lot of heroes for Ice/Ice brutes.
Of course, I'd kill a lot of heroes regardless, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT.
The new fury changes make our not getting Ice ridiculous. -
I am lucky enough to hold the name Offense for a brute on Virtue, and I'll say I went with Super Strength/Fire for my idea of the Brute the epitomizes the AT and that name. I have other brutes of various powersets, but when I play Offense I really feel the power behind it.
A brute's job is not to hold aggro for other people, it is to charge in and SMASH! everything that even thinks about getting in his way. Mobs crowd around to take him down and he SLAMS his fist down into the ground, knocking them all down so he can LIGHT HIS OWN HANDS ON FIRE AND DRAW ON PURE RAGE to give a shoryuken uppercut so powerful the enemy goes up and has CEASED TO EXIST before they hit the ground. Defense? What's that? I AM ON FIRE AND ANGRY AND THAT IS MY DEFENSE.
Also, ninjas can't catch you if you're on fire. -
I wish you could turn a power pick into more slots. Even just one more slot. There are a lot of powers on my WS build I took just because I had to take a power, but adding a slot somewhere else would be preferred.
Regarding the thread topic of Stamina, though, WS Stygian Circle solves stamina, except in AV fights, where there's nothing to drain, so I'll be looking forward to Stamina for that. -
I would kill a whole lot of Malta/Carnies/Knives for inf if there was an IO that REDUCED power knockback to a nice 0.67.
I like big AoEs, I dislike targeted AoEs because they are very hard to shoot off in the heat of battle and not piss off your tank. I find myself blasting away in Nova form form less often because to do high damage I need my AoE and my cone, and my AoE screws everything up by hurling mobs in 360 degrees of direction. Changing the Detonations to knockdown would be a fantastic start. -
So wait, because one side got shafted everyone needs to get shafted?
VEATs should've gotten Epics, and Khelds should've gotten epics and patron powers. End of story.
My kheld build has piles of powers taken that never get any slots devoted to them because I will never use them, and two of them are post 40. -
It's funny, I've known PratzStrike for years and he's never felt the need to take all of MY stuff and laugh at me.
But then again, I'm not... well, you guys. -
Quote:You're the one being self-righteous. You got screwed, you're butthurt, and you're trying to call him out on it as if that'll help anything. You deserve it, and you deserve my mocking. Enjoy. Because I certainly am.And then proceeds to act self-righteous about it, claiming it as "severance ....
Treat people like dirt, and then whine when someone does the same to you?
Tsk tsk. Let me call the whaaambulance.
See, I had heard the Sentinal was dissapointing, but that was back when, nothing of its recent performance. I liked the idea of the Sent because Mind is the only one to not get a pet. That and the WHEE UNCONTROLLED M30-GRENADE TYPE knockback on Thunderstrike, I had heard, really brought it down as a set.
I think I'm going to spin Psi with my Ice dom for a Ice/Psi "you cannot haz power recharge" combo, so doing it again with mind is iffy. -
I am looking at playing a Mind Dominator, now that Dominators don't need to be in Domination to actually deal more damage than a wet paper towel.
The problem is, I have no idea what secondary to take. I like to blast, but I like to be able to walk up and punch people hard when necessary. I do a lot of teaming, but generally with very high damage builds so mezzing minions beyond the alpha is a waste (as they'll die soon anyways, hence the Mind Domination primary - lots of single target controls for irritating LTs.)
A lot of my work in these teams, from my experience, revolves around firing a blast or two off as my controls recharge, and occasionally running up to finish off a minion.
Just coming back from a long time absence, I have no idea what the relative strengths and weaknesses of the retooled Dominator secondaries are - I mean, Psychic Shockwave isn't the only decent power for Psi anymore? What planet are we on? -
I'll be honest, I'd like to see the meow-50's completly zeroed out. No money, no items, no slotted enhancements, sent back to level one.
Punishments aside, the real problem with these new farms is that unlike old farms, which were a way for experienced players to skip content they'd already completed, these new farms are open and easy access for player's who've just bought the recently released retail box, and so they'll have the entire leveling system completed a day after buying the game and wonder what the $#@% is going on.
I've seen it happen already (50 brute in Grandville joining a LRSF team and then asking what Enhancements were.) and that is very bad for the health of the game.
This new brand is also substantially faster than the older brand. Zero effort for massive reward. And everyone who is not new knows this is a drastic change from that rate, even of the best fire/kin mindlessly farming family in a loaded mission.
Simply, if you don't know that this is out of place, even for farming, and wrong, you really don't have much common sense. -
You know, I would go there if it was enforced.
Restricted EULA, restricted entry, heavy moderation?
No leetards and farmers and people ooc?
Sold. Right now. -
Maybe to you, but not to everybody.
Maybe if the farmers went into some channel and tried not to actively change the feel of the game for those of us who have been here longer and do have roleplaying, character IMMERSION and choose to play heroes and villians not grinders and farmers.
Sure, we're being inconsiderate. But the farmers are being inconsiderate too. Why should we have to go out of our way to ignore you when you don't go out of your way not to change the way we play the game?
Will I have the ability to /ignore or opt out of the way the market is going to be shattered when people making absurd amounts of tickets destroy it?
Will I be able to pretend the MA mobs or loot or tickets haven't been nerfed once they become so? Will I be able to ignore this wonderful contribution you've made to my gameplay, a game I haven't touched because it's so full of Farmers that only appeared once they had to invest no effort?
You guys aren't going out of your way to avoid bothering me, so when I come to the forums or speak to a dev on test or whatever, I will not go out of the way to avoid voicing my dissaproval and hoping that Posi's "harsh action" is so severe some of you cancel your accounts.
Want to know how farming damages this game? I know of three canceled accounts due to it, and I wont think of inviting any of my gamer friends to City until it is handled. That's 45 bucks a month they aren't seeing, plus potential new boxes and their fees. -
Attitudes like that have driven more people away from MMO's than anything else short of game shut down. Thank god I never came across you when I was new to the game or I would never have gotten past the free month from purchase.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, you think I shot him down? I explained to him what they were and told him to run the tutorial, and showed him how to use Help.
But I sure would've not expected that from a 50 brute in Gville.
The mobs you fight in Grandville are not designed to introduce you to your AT, and neither is the LRSF. My problem is seeing these people in Grandville, trying to join LRSFs. There's a place and a time for newbie questions about enhancements. It isn't an LRSF team. It isn't Grandville. Someone who has farmed a farm mission for 50 levels is not going to know how to handle themselves in a 50 mission with most mobs, much less Knives, Malta, or some of the really fun things the real MA designers are coming up with that challenge oldschool players.
Not only is it bad for the teams these people join, it's bad for the players themselves. Would you want to go up against Malta or /Electric Anything mobs at 50 without Stamina, unenhanced? Is that your idea of fun, especially as a newbie?
This is bad for the long term growth of the game. Really, really bad. People will get to 50, play there, get decimated, confused, and unsubscribe. Or just stay in farm missions until they get bored and unsubscribe. Neither of these are preferable to getting new, long term players and community members.
Also, as a sidenote, knockback is fantastic when directed properly. I have an Energy/Storm corrupter who can prove that to anybody. As long as you're "Pushing Mobs into Walls together" and not "hurling mobs throughout the map" its a great tool. (Though playing ping-pong with mobs when solo is hillarious and I engage in it often.) -
I was against, but not vocally against, farming.
That changed recently, when a friend of mine who does farm occasionally told me that in an eight man team, only himself and the mission leader had veteran badges of any stripe.
This means there are newbies that have never seen anything but the inside of an AE building and massive farm teams.
Two points:
I had a level 42 corruptor, a Radition Blast/Kinetics, in a mission ask me "What do u mean SB?" and "What's Fulcrum Shift?"
I had a level 50 Brute ask me what these enhancement things that were dropping actually did.
He didn't have Stamina, but he did have Flurry, Jump Kick, and the ENTIRE Presence power pool.
Previously these things were rare and hillarious, now they are common and sad... This is what farming brings to the game, any real player's frickin' nightmare. People who step out of the AE and grab a mission full of KoA and have no idea what to do to not die repeatedly.
It's not acting as a tool for experienced players to bypass content they've already played like the farming of the standard missions was. This is a travesty, not just an exploit. -
The only real way to stop them is to stop buying their services. If we all boycott the for-pay PLers and influence peddlers, they will dry up and blow away.
[/ QUOTE ]This will never happen because you cannot control other players. People will buy influence even under a boycott. Because people are dumb and impatient.
[/ QUOTE ]
The fact that people would pay money instead of expend slight effort to get money should be obvious when you walk into atlas park or Cap Au these days and see eight thousand farmers shortcutting the game in other ways. -
This guide is made of kittens and win. Even for someone who knows a lot about the game, there's a great deal of insight and information here.
What's the sound for the pocket D loop?
Name: Refuge
Currently Recruiting: Villains who wish to get on the ground level of a RP-oriented supergroup - mature people who can play IC and be fun!
RP Level: RP-heavy. SG chat is usually IC, but mistakes happen. Not against OOC chat as long as it's desginated.
Theme/Concept: Refuge is a home for villains who have no other home at it's lower levels, and higher up it becomes a self-supporting entity, a group of villains who can call on each other for allies and for schemes that are too grand for one or two to complete!
IC, Refuge is, on a more nefarious level, designed to support Iceciro and his machinations on a more grand scale. OOC however, the group itself exists to bring all players into RP situations and develop all characters in a fun and villainous way.
Activity: Active players, recruitment is by request now, while we get things set up.
Requirements for Membership: Once-weekly activity is required, as is engaging in RP of some sort. We are, after all, an RP-based VG.
Leadership: Iceciro
In-Game Contact(s): @Iceciro
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Iceciro on the Virtue Forums. ME!
URL: Will be up soon... I hope.
Coalition(s): Ascension Foundation, a random nightclub ;-)
Other Details: Our base is growing every day, as prestige allows us. We have a fully operational Workshop with vault and empowerment station, and invention table.