Discussion: Trial Account Restrictions
They cannot level past level 13
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Didn't that used to be 14? If they can't go to 14, they can't try out the main travel powers, outside of using temporary powers. That seems like a pretty severe restriction to me. Having the travel powers available would be better advertisement for the game to people who are used to a slow crawl in other games.
Wait, is this the abolition of RMT trail email puppets?
Wait, is this the abolition of RMT trail email puppets?
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No, that's been around for a while. Unless it's since gotten bugged, that means every spam email is coming from a paid account.
Which means it's important to /petition each one of those you get, assuming the name is still there.
Of course, somebody at "won't name the site but begins with G" thinks it's worth bothering with... <_<;;
Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
Which means it's important to /petition each one of those you get, assuming the name is still there.
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Agreed. Not only that but do it IMMEDIATELY as soon as you get a spam of any kind. Since they have to pay to do it, make sure you knock out that account right away. Don't let them spend any time spamming away for a day or two.
And that has me hoping they immediately investigate the reports and drop kick em fast.
Ive noticed a couple times when i report all those cruddy spam emails i get that it seems they get to sit around spamming emails for quite some time on a couple of those accounts.
Report fast ! And please NC stay on top of it
Over the hills and through the woods.
While you're at it, don't forget to shame anybody you think has been buying their wares. RMT spammers couldn't afford to keep buying new accounts unless someone was paying them big bank for all that inf.
This, incidentally, is the other reason the devs aren't too keen on farming missions. I'd wager they don't actually care that much about legitimate players farming like crazy, but it's the RMT people running farm missions 24 hours a day that create a problem.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
Wait, is this the abolition of RMT trail email puppets?
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No, that's been around for a while. Unless it's since gotten bugged, that means every spam email is coming from a paid account.
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Actually, it's more likely coming from a purchased copy of the game during the free month the games comes with. For $20 dollars they get up to a month to spam us with RMT emails.
The problem is that there isn't much NCSoft can do short of keeping records of the actual computer used to access the accounts (MAC addresses, hardware/software serial numbers, etc). Then after getting banned a couple of times, they could block that particular machine from the game. Unfortunately to do that, they would have to alter the Terms of Service so that the players have to agree to have their computer information scanned and uploaded to NCSoft. This will of course lead to some players getting upset and start whining about privacy and that they shouldn't have to hand over that kind of information in order to play the game. At which point the change won't happen and things stay the same.
Personally, I think the only way to get rid of the RMT people would involve hackers going after them directly (nuke their websites, hit them with DoS attacks, etc...). The problem is that it's kinda illegal to do that kind of stuff so I'm not suggesting that someone go and do that, but...
They may communicate with other players but cannot email other players and may only speak in the Local (/local), Help (/hc) or Team (/team) channels.
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If this is true, then why am I still receiving spam mail on a daily basis asking me to buy influence of Powerleveling?
I think you may want to check this out, because this portion is not working as you are describing.
[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
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[URL="http://net-warrior.mybrute.com/"][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]
They may communicate with other players but cannot email other players and may only speak in the Local (/local), Help (/hc) or Team (/team) channels.
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If this is true, then why am I still receiving spam mail on a daily basis asking me to buy influence of Powerleveling?
I think you may want to check this out, because this portion is not working as you are describing.
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The RMT'ers sending you that e-mail are undoubtedly just doing it from a "paid" account. They buy a copy of the game, make a new account, and use it to spam their junk. Yeah, they'll get shut down quick enough, but then they just have to buy another copy of the game and make a new account. It only costs $20 for a game code, which they can then use to make however much money it is they make by doing this.
Odd, this should be level 14, not 13. I had a friend try it out about two weeks ago I think and he couldn't go beyond 14, just after getting superspeed.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

They may communicate with other players but cannot email other players and may only speak in the Local (/local), Help (/hc) or Team (/team) channels.
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If this is true, then why am I still receiving spam mail on a daily basis asking me to buy influence of Powerleveling?
I think you may want to check this out, because this portion is not working as you are describing.
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The RMT'ers sending you that e-mail are undoubtedly just doing it from a "paid" account. They buy a copy of the game, make a new account, and use it to spam their junk. Yeah, they'll get shut down quick enough, but then they just have to buy another copy of the game and make a new account. It only costs $20 for a game code, which they can then use to make however much money it is they make by doing this.
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If this is the case, they are spending more money actiuvating accounts to use the email system more than they make.
I'm still getting about 10-15 spam mails on each character I have. Even characters that haven't been logged in for over 2 months!
More power to them I guess. I just can't see them spenind the money for time cards only to spam people and have the account terminated a hour later.
[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL="http://www.vidiotmaps.com/"]Vidiotmaps.com[/URL] & [URL="http://www.badge-hunter.com/"]Badge-Hunter.com[/URL]
[URL="http://net-warrior.mybrute.com/"][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]
Keep in mind that a number of the RMT accounts are also created using stolen credit card info, so the cost to them is very low.
cannot email other players
[/ QUOTE ]If this is true, you need to do something about the RMTs paying for your service (likely with stolen CC numbers) in order to advertise their crap...
Or limit the number of emails that can be sent per minute or per X-block-of-time...
Or give us filtering options...
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
If this is the case, they are spending more money actiuvating accounts to use the email system more than they make.
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As others have said, some are probably using stolen credit cards so that wouldn't cost them anything. Besides, who knows how much these guys are raking in? If they're fast enough (and from what I've seen and heard, they can crank out the spam like crazy), even a sale or two would be more than enough to pay for the $20 game code.
I'm still getting about 10-15 spam mails on each character I have. Even characters that haven't been logged in for over 2 months!
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I must be lucky, I guess. I'm not saying there's not a problem, but I don't get anywhere near as many spam e-mails as I hear about others getting. My hidden characters get absolutely zero, but even my unhidden ones only get a couple a week.
Ok, on the matter of not being able to access the mission creator terminal, that is a terrible move. People who are curious about this ground breaking system want to try it out before they actually subscribe to the game. My solution to this is to simply allow them to create thier own missions, to give them a taste, HOWEVER, they cannot publish the missions, thus, supplanting any idea they may have of flooding the real mission bank full of farms and other crap.
[url="http://data.jsonline.com/sports/favre/"]Need some Favre info?[/url]
[url="http://www.packersnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage"]Some news maybe?[/url]
[url="http://www.packers.com/"]Packers stuff.[/url]
Ok, on the matter of not being able to access the mission creator terminal, that is a terrible move. People who are curious about this ground breaking system want to try it out before they actually subscribe to the game. My solution to this is to simply allow them to create thier own missions, to give them a taste, HOWEVER, they cannot publish the missions, thus, supplanting any idea they may have of flooding the real mission bank full of farms and other crap.
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Folks new to the game wont know how to create Farms and other crap.
If they want to try creating after seeing the results on a Team, they need to buy a Serial Code.
I'm all for this Dev's, good job.
Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow
Keep in mind that a number of the RMT accounts are also created using stolen credit card info, so the cost to them is very low.
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Also there's a chance they are using a key-gen program to create fake gameplay keys.
Either way, cost to spam = $0.
I'd like to reiterate about the trial: not letting trial players be able to start their own teams is inane. I know several players who started a trial together to see how CoH/V played these days, but couldn't team up so were majorly turned off.
I was just entering Atlas with my lvl 2 character, having just finished the tutorial. I was waiting for the countdown to clear when I received an email from an RMT spammer who happened to be standing right in front of me. I spamnoted the email and sent a petition. I noted the @global and shortly after this I noticed that the character in front of me, who had a random string of letters that was almost a name, changed not only his name, but his @global at the same time. (there was the notification of the @global change in chat as well). I noted this in a /petition. I then received another spam email from this character, that I spamnoted and petitioned. Shortly after this the character's name and @global changed again.
I thought that you could only change your @global once, and how is it that some spammer has the ability to change their character name without logging out and accessing the the change name feature?
I stayed for a while, just standing near the lvl 1 plain looking spammer and watched as he spammed, changed name and @global 4 more times! I worry that the spammers are doing more than just creating throw away accounts, I'm hoping they aren't hacking directly into the servers.
Keep in mind that a number of the RMT accounts are also created using stolen credit card info, so the cost to them is very low.
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Also there's a chance they are using a key-gen program to create fake gameplay keys.
Either way, cost to spam = $0.
I'd like to reiterate about the trial: not letting trial players be able to start their own teams is inane. I know several players who started a trial together to see how CoH/V played these days, but couldn't team up so were majorly turned off.
[/ QUOTE ]It's pre-emptive: when WoW cracked down on RMT, RMT started spamming group invites, spamming their spam, then disbanding the team. Apparently it was incredibly disruptive.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
That's extremely weird, have you petitioned a gm to look into THAT?
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
That's extremely weird, have you petitioned a gm to look into THAT?
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That's extremely weird, have you petitioned a gm to look into THAT?
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I think that is worthy of more than a petition. I would seriously recommend PM'ing one of the devs directly.
That's extremely weird, have you petitioned a gm to look into THAT?
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I think that is worthy of more than a petition. I would seriously recommend PM'ing one of the devs directly.
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Indeed. If what you're saying is true, it could be Bug Hunter worthy.
I stayed for a while, just standing near the lvl 1 plain looking spammer and watched as he spammed, changed name and @global 4 more times!
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That's a heck of a bug. Good catch! And I concur -- I'd PM a dev or two for sure.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Please use this thread for discussion about the Trial Account Restrictions announcement!
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