770 -
Still have one for sale. PM me on the forums or send tell to @Beef Cake in game.
Just an update, 1 sold, still have 1 for sale.
As the title states, I'm selling 2 level 50 recipes for 2 billion each
You may PM me or contact me in game @Beef Cake. Please don't send any influence until I've contacted you to let you know if you're the buyer. -
Thanks for the replies guys/gals
I just didn't want to invest into these boosters if it was going to mess with my set bonuses when I exemplar
Thanks again! -
For anyone who may happen to know the answer...
If I have specific level enhancements in my power, such as a level 33 enhancements and I use the Enhancement Boosters to make them a 33+5. When I exemplar down to level 30, will I still be able to keep my set bonuses?
I fear that I will lose them as the enhancement level will be altered to level 38 hypothetically. Meaning if I exemplar to level 30 I will no longer be able to maintain the set bonus due to the 3 level rule.
Does anyone know if this applies to this or not? -
Both have been sold.
Thank you for the smooth transaction. Hope you enjoy!
Beef -
Just an update, I have 1 left to sell.
Quote:Yes, the last time I sold something on the boards, the person sent me influence without me contacting them. I could've been a meanie but I sent it back to themHas someone actually have done this to you?!?
I would have to keep the inf. just to teach them a lesson -
As the title states, I'm selling 2 level 50 recipes for 2.25b each
You may PM me or contact me in game @Beef Cake. Please don't send any influence until I've contacted you to let you know if you're the buyer. -
Quote:I think that's the point most people are trying to make, this fixed nothing for anyone, including people like yourself who feel it clutters up the AE mission list. This fix doesn't clear anything up, it only makes it worse. And on top of that, we'll see even more farm maps being created now, even more so than before. At least with what people had, they all used pretty much the same map. So now all of the farmers will be back at work throwing up trash missions to find a new farm to use.Fixing exploits is never totally pointless - but the problem with these AE fixes is that it leaves behind a pile of abandoned farm missions as the exploiters move on to the next exploit they've found, which just clutters up the AE mission list.
Me, I could care less, I don't use the AE to farm or PL my alts, I use normal missions, as I enjoy getting my purples and making loads of money from the people who buy them -
Just a FYI, you can go a slash command to find players global names who have a specific character name.
/getglobalname <character name>
Just don't be surprised when you see someone you know took your name, Exalted has been a name griefing server for the more popular names of your server.
Many people took other people's names just to be *******, you can try to get them back from them, just expect to pay billions of influence for it. -
Quote:Of course they will get the badge...lolWhile they may be able to get the costumes and powers from the Vet rewards, do they actually get the BADGE? I'm guessing no. So while someone may have the boxing outfit or samurai armor, they won't have the corresponding Vet badge.
What makes a badge any more or less important than a costume that is a vet costume? They both represent the same thing, they are a vet player. Still don't believe me I'll come back on it's launch date and say "I told ya so again" -
So my original thought of indirectly buying badges was correct
A New player can sign up to the site, purchase points thus earning Reward Tokens for each 1200 points they purchase, allowing them to use to unlock the Vet rewards and badges. So if the new member wanted to spend the money he/she can purchase enough Points to earn enough Reward Tokens to unlock all the Vet badges in the Tiered Tree. -
No, didn't you know by creating 13 different thread with different thread titles get's more attention. By having this msny threads titled differently, it makes it seem like there are a mass amount of people feeling the same way when in fact it's the same 30 people from the other 12 threads.
Quote:We'll now you are referring to a TF which is not meant for solo play. But yet you factor it into your solo path? TFs are meant for team play, they are not meant to be soloed, therefore you are doing something out of the solo path correct?BC, of all the hoarded shards you had, how many came from running the TFs that grant shard components? That's not soloing and that's not the topic of this thread.
But I can't answer how many shards I've gotten from TF content. I wouldn't say too many, I only run speed TFs just to get my notice and that's all. I never run TF for shard drops like most do. Running for shard drops on a 8 man team is counter productive imo.
A good solo arc of, say, 4 missions should drop 4-6 threads and a random component at arc completion, yes.
The time it would take to complete 4 mission to get the rewards you are asking for would totally be faster and easier than running a trial and it would defeat the purpose of a trial to being with. -
Quote:Because the shards are the introduction components for the Incarnate system, they are easy to get just by running standard TFs. Maybe the devs want it that way. I'm sure if they feel the shards are useless, they will change it. But I doubt it.From my experience...I still don't see the need for Shards anymore. I took three of my 50's who only had their T1 Alpha, each of them did one BAF and one Lambda and had their Tier 3 Alpha and Level Shift after it was over. Much quicker than when I took my Tank through all the shard grinding and doing TFs, even w/ the luck involved getting a rare drop from the trial reward table.
Quote:But 2/3 of a year, constant, for a single t4 is silly right?
Quote:So you teamed, doing, TF's and you're suggesting this is a valid solo advancement path?
Quote:That said I was never under the impression that shards were meant to be "The solo path" I though they were supposed to be the "gateway" reward, something to get you up to the baseline (+1) during normal content, without being useful during incarnate progression proper. -
Quote:Maybe that's the difference in our play styles, you want to earn the best for the least amount of game time. I on he other hand work for my rewards. I play a lot, but I can afford to since I own my own business and that gives me more time to play. Unlike you who works for someone else and only has weekends to play. I don't know, that just an assumption of course. But I think the speed of the solo path is a little slow and could be increased a tad, but not by much. If you want the good lewt at a fast pace, then run the trials. Run each trial once per day and before ya know it combined with the other content you run, you will have your slots unlocked and be on your way to new abilities instead of coming here to the forums hours on end complaining about it"run a few TFs"?
a few TFs?
Haha my immediate reaction was to type 'Beef, it's like you and I are playing completely different games!'.
A little reflection allows me to say that I'm glad that the game is varied enough to be able to produce such different impressions.
There's no way I could cram all that into a weekend, let alone a single session
And I don't think I'd want to, either.
Adopting your playstyle would give me conniption fits, Beef, but if you like it, more power to you.
But easymode for me, please!
And NCSoft? I'll happily pay for that, too!
Eco -
What a lot of people fail to understand is the Incarnate system isn't there to be completed in a matter of a day or two. It's meant to last a good duration giving us something to work toward. I see a lot of people saying it'll take years to slot their character. What a load of crap, I'm sorry to say that, but it's true.
Bill, I mentioned in another thread I had my Dominator who has never touched a trial and yet I have my 4 slots unlocked and slotted with Incarnate Abilities in 3 of them. I've been building up salvage since the release of Issue 19 back in November last year, it's now been almost 7 months since you could earn shards. So I've been stock piling them since then even after I slotted my T4 Alpha. I've been stock piling Notice of the Wells. At the time I couldn't use them, but now I can. You can break them down into 40 threads each. I have 22 of them saved, do the math it adds up pretty fast
All my incarnate slots are slotted with an ability and it's only been 7 months since the release of Incarnate salvage. But yet your math shows it will take you to the year 2013...lol I guess my math is different because I just proved yours incorrect by having 4 of my 5 Incarnate slots slotted with abilities ranging from T1-T4 of course the only T4 I have is the alpha. And it took me a lot less time to do, than you show in your math above. Of course I think your math is showing a T4 in every slot. Sorry but if you want a T4 in every slot it should take a long time. I personally don't need a T4 in every slot.
And for the devs to throw out the Incarnate Shards, it isn't going to happen. Each salvage we have is different for each of the slots we have. Shards and components are for the Alpha, then a new salvage for the next 4 slots, and when the next slots open up, I'm sure we will all get new salvage for the new slots. Why? because the devs doesn't want us to use salvage that we've been hoarding up for the past 7+ months because then we could just have every new slot unlocked and slotted in the first day. Again, the Incarnate system was meant to be earned over time, not in a day.
And honestly how much faster do you expect the solo path to be? Do you expect to run a mission, and get 4-6 astrals and a component at the end of each mission? Or 1 astral and 1 thread at the end of each mission? Do you honestly think a solo path will be as quick as running the trials? What would the speed of the solo path have to be to make you satisfied? -
Quote:It's not a grind when you are doing multiple things. You run your tips for the day, run a few TFs, and if your still wanting to play, run a farm map if you have one. Run the weekly strike target, earn the Notice of the Well, convert it to 40 threads. It's that simple.I'm not convinced that grinding TFs is a welcome alternative to grinding iTrials for those 'who prefer to solo' lol. I can't comment on the tip farming, though.
I never said it is as fast as running trials, and even if they added solo content to get the components, I hope you don't think it would be any faster. I doubt the devs would let you run a Incarnate mission to get a component reward at the end of each mission. So even that would probably require multiple mission and take just as long. -
Quote:Well said Tony! and btw, Skiing is the devil. That's all kthxbyeI'm sorry, but I really, really, really do not see the problem here. I understand that some people don't like trials, I really do. I understand that some people who want the rewards quickly find it "grindy," I really do. But it all boils down to a very, very simple concept:
If you want x, you must do y.
That's it, end of story. Maybe someday they'll tweak exactly what y is; in fact, based on history, I can almost guarantee it. But that doesn't change the fact that in the here and now, you're stuck with the y we have. This has always been true. No matter how you slice it, no matter how you dice it, always. Either do y, or wait until they make it easier.
Want to get to level 50? You have to first get to level 49. You can do it quickly via lots of teaming, or you can do it slowly via soloing, taking time to read all of the mission text, role-playing and doing various other non-experience-gaining activities. There's no way around it. At some point, you're going to have to buckle down, go out there, and defeat some enemies. You can't get to level 50 just by exploration badge experience. You can't get there by dancing in Pocket D. It's going to require some time and effort on your part.
About the best analogy I can think of are purple recipes. Some people hate dealing with the market. Seriously, they despise it. Do you have any idea how long it would take to get a character completely kitted out with purple recipes without engaging in some marketeering? I'm not even sure it's possible, it's that long. Sure, you can do it through A-merits, but my god, man, even that would take forever. Assuming you collect them as quickly as possible, one every two to three days, it takes, what, 30 or 35 of them to get just one specific purple recipe? So that would be two to three month's worth of work just to get one recipe. Now multiply that by 30 or so powers and umpteen slots, if you've made up your mind that you're never going to use the market, it would probably take you decades to kit out one single character.
That's what I feel like when people say stuff that boils down to, "This is so unfair! I'll never be able to get all of this incarnate stuff!" First of all, you're not supposed to. Do you really need every single aura, every single emote, every single costume piece, every single everything? That's like saying, "I have to have all of my characters completely kitted out with all purples!" Sure, you can do it, but that was never the intention of putting this stuff out there. You're supposed to figure out the stuff you really want and get it quickly. Then figure out the stuff that would be kind of cool, and collect it over the course of several weeks. In the coming months, you'll still be collecting stuff just because you've got the merits and it's silly to let them sit there collecting dust, and some day, you'll find that you've pretty much got it all.
Second of all, I've said it before and I'll say it again, these are long-term rewards. That means that you're not going to have all of the cool stuff today. You're not going to have it all tomorrow. Issue 21 is still probably a few months out, and Issue 22 will probably be four to six months after that. If you had it all today, what would you do tomorrow? People really used to vehemently insist that purple rewards were too hard to get and that they would never have a full set. Over the course of time, the hubbub subsided as people figured out that yes, it is indeed possible--nay, likely!--that they actually will be able to obtain these things, given enough time. This is no different.
So instead of thinking, "ZOMG I'll never be able to get everything!!!" and refusing to do trials and coming here and grousing constantly because you're so miserable, the devs are so unfair, everyone must love grinding crap over and over, and talking about how this game has become [insert other game here] and that's not what City of Heroes is about, try this instead.
Pick one thing you like. I suggest an aura or an emote because they're relatively cheap. Now go get it. It's not that hard; it won't take you more than a night or two max. That wasn't so hard, now, was it? Stop thinking so much about what your character doesn't have and focus on what he or she does have, and what he or she wants next.
Do people do this in real life? Holy crap, if I want to go skiing, I'm going to have to request vacation from work, gas up the car, buy some food for the road trip, save up some money for a hotel or lodge, pack a suitcase, drive there, find a place to stay, buy or rent ski supplies, maybe take some lessons to keep from busting my butt, and--oh, crap, I just realized, it's summer! Skiing is time-gated and I have to wait another four to six months before I can go or else spend insane amounts of money to fly to South America or something! This is so unfair, I'm NEVER going to go skiing again, EVER! Skiing SUCKS! People who like skiing must just really like grinding away at menial tasks like driving and scheduling stuff! I'm entitled to some alternate path to skiing besides doing all that work!
Yeesh. -
Quote:Same can be said about badge collecting by many players who hated the thought of PvP and still to this day hate PvP. But the devs added badges into the PvP zones and yet many people complained they were forced to enter and PvP to get badges, but look at it now, everything seems to have worked out.Enter the Trials and the content (costumes, auras, etc.) now locked behind their Merits. If you want this stuff, there is only one way to get it, and it is going to take a LOT longer than 30 seconds. The player is left with one option of game-play-mechanic by which to get this new stuff: play the trials. Suddenly, the player's experience has been diminished; to get what they want, they can no longer choose what avenue of game-play they wish to pursue. Thus, you have your "force."
If you want the rewards, then do the trials, you want the badges then enter a PvP zone, plain and simple. If you don't like the fact you need to do these things to get the rewards, then by all means don't do it.
Hell at least with the Incarnate rewards you have another path you can travel to get the rewards. When the badges were brought to PvP there was no other path for obtaining them -
I say bring us more iTrials on each issue. I love them and it's been a long time coming for us to get some true end game content. Regular Task Forces and Strike Forces are not end game content, but the iTrials seem to be filling that void that we've been asking for.
No matter what the devs bring us, it won't please anyone. I'm not a RP'er therefore Pocket D to me was a complete waste of time. But yet I continued to pay my monthly sub as I know some things I will not like nor use. So the Anit-iTrial players out there will just have to deal with it as I and many others have