Giving the Players what they want: Solo Incarnate Content
I would like to see a non-team incarnate progression path that takes under quadruple the total time team-based progress takes. I'm doing the trial currently but I rarely enjoy it. The current progression path is somewhere in the region of 50:1 solo time:team time ratio
It's been six, nearly seven MONTHS since the live introduction of the Incarnate system. This request has not been fulfilled in any meaningful way despite the HUGE development timeframe.
i.e. Even if PS decided to implement a solo or small team Incarnate path six, nearly seven MONTHS ago they may not have been in a position to move staff onto it straight away and it may take more than six, nearly seven MONTHS to design and implement once resources are available and commited.
And I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't drop everyone off all other content/development to 'fix' this ASAP.
What we are seeing now was in internal test over a year ago. They may have missed something that you want but they're better doing it right than just putting in a quick fix that may just end up annoying as the current situation.
Of course, they may already have something planned and in testing - maybe even for the past year or so...
But as ever in software development (and many other pursuits): Cheap. Fast. Right. Pick any two.
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Is NCSoft no longer in the business of giving the players what they want? |
You can wait a few more months.
Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser
King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast
Yeah I like the trials and don't really solo much. THis is an MMO so yeah...
Having said that, I am tired of these trials/raids and hope they come to their senses and give us iXP via Tin Mage and Apex TFs. I am sure they will be giving alternate paths to obtain incarnate powers. I think the trick is to make them multi-purposed; something a regular 50 and incarnate can play so it isn't as isolated.
It would also be nice if we could stop adding Praetorian stuff. It has been done to death.
The whole point of the incarnate content is to encourage TF's and Leagues.
People who avoid teams have incarnate progression options, but I would tend to agree those options are too limited.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Be well, people of CoH.

Don't take this the wrong way, I am very much Anti-iTrial but isn't the problem of not getting a release time of any alternative Incarnate content from the Devs, and being pelted by Pro iTrialers with rotten fruit, simply because we are asking for solo content in the game when there has never been solo content made in it's history?
I know you can solo in the game a lot if you have a toon build that can, I do myself if I am not offering TF's on sals global channel. However I was under the belief that all content created was made with teaming in mind.
Is is possible that we might get a better response to our requests/frustrations if we did not use the phrase "Solo Content"? What will make me log back into the game after all this time offline and ensure I renew my subs when Freedom comes round is viable Incarnate progression without needing to take part in the iTrials. But might as well build content in the mind set that they did before, i.e. built with traditional teaming in mind and if we choose to solo it, then so be it, its possible to do so.
Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar
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Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"
I know you can solo in the game a lot if you have a toon build that can, I do myself if I am not offering TF's on sals global channel. However I was under the belief that all content created was made with teaming in mind. |
And now there are missions in game that you have to solo, aren't there? In Praetoria? Or am I misremembering that?
Be well, people of CoH.

You might get a greater response if your argument was based in reality.
The "Players want solo content, not raids" mentality is proven false every single night in Pocket D and RWZ by the masses lining up to still do Lambda and BAFs as well as Keyes.
The "This game has become a raiding game" mentality is being proven false by issues including non-raiding content as well. Even the issue that gave us the first raids included Mortimer SFs and Sutter TFs. We already know with VIP membership we get a signature story arc every month... which is more solo-able content than we ever got with issues that may have included 2-3 of them after 8 months of development.
And finally, maybe this whole anti-raid outcry would look a little better if it were isolated to one place. Spreading it out amongst dozens of threads just makes it plainly obvious that the outcry is just being magnified through quantity of spammed rants by a handful of people.
Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser
King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
You might get a greater response if your argument was based in reality.
The "Players want solo content, not raids" mentality is proven false every single night in Pocket D and RWZ by the masses lining up to still do Lambda and BAFs as well as Keyes. |
Why are people "lining up to do Lambdas and bafs" still? Because that's the ONLY way to get the incarnate rewards. Which now go beyond powers into costume pieces/auras and emotes.
If the ONLY way to, say, get food was to stand in line to have someone deliver multiple punches/slaps/kicks to random parts of your anatomy, would you say "People want a way to get food without getting hurt" would be false? Because that's what you're doing here.
It's also where a fair part of the teaming is... because of that very thing. Yes, I can get teams elsewhere, but a good chunk of the population is still grinding these out. Which means if you want to play with others, you... go to where they are. Where they're grinding out trials for stuff that can only be gotten through trials.
The trials aren't popular because they're so incredibly wonderful. The trials are popular because they're the only way of getting *multiple* classes of rewards.
you know moo, this could not have been in one of the other threads already on this topic? you are just too special to contain this particular comment to one of the several other threads already discussing this?
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THis is an MMO so yeah... |
On the other hand, scientific studies* have shown that in a game about superpowered individuals, teams above 4 members are kind of lame.
*fancy way to say "in my opinion"
You might get a greater response if your argument was based in reality.
The "Players want solo content, not raids" mentality is proven false every single night in Pocket D and RWZ by the masses lining up to still do Lambda and BAFs as well as Keyes. |
Well, fancy that! Clearly there can't be people who dislike that and simply don't show up there!

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I agree with the premise that more options for Incarnate advancement is good for this game-- particularly smaller task forces and praetorian-like zone events. What I don't agree with is the degree to which people suggest increasing rewards for soloable content.
And as we exist in a world with finite resources, sometimes there have to be trade offs. Sometimes one person gets what they want, while another doesn't.
BZZT. Wrong again. Many players are only doing the itrials because there is no viable path outside of said trials. I was one of them and will be again.
Be well, people of CoH.

Be well, people of CoH.

Allow me to play Devil's Advocate for a moment... the pay is good and the benefits package is out of this world!
The Retirement plan sucks, tho'...
We must consider Players as a limited resource. Right now the only way to get Incarnate hoobie-joobs (remember I have never played Incarnate content so am unfamiliar with the jargon) is to play through the trials. So, we find a glut of people hanging around Pocket D and begging like a teen ager for weekend car priveleges.
The Devs are happy with this. "We have created a NEED!" they say and pat each other on the back. Then a slowly growing portion of the community starts screaming "We don't want to play (this) Trial(s)! We want (more Trials/solo content)!"
This is a problem.
Trials, by their nature, require a LOT of players to get through. The Devs have dug themselves a hole and may now begin to realize they didn't bring a ladder down into it with them to climb back out. By creating MORE avenues by which the player base can gain the means to earn credit towards Incarnate powers, they are... in effect... spreading the player base out among all the options, ending up with less players per option which is a problem when you need several full teams to accomplish a Trial.
If that wasn't bad enough... CoH Freedom will allow players to play for free which will certainly tempt a fair number of players over to the Dark Side. Free Players do NOT have access to Incarnate Powers and so there is the potential of a dip in Incarnate seeking player population. Likely this would only be temporary, since a good number of new Free players will likely want to go VIP.
The long and the short of my argument is that... eventually... the Devs will HAVE to create a system by which solo or "normal" sized teams can more quickly ascend the Incarnate ladder. The infusion of Trials into the game will practically guarantee it.
Yes, that's right folks... Entropy is at work for YOU!
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
You're getting a little too preachy on this subject Moo. I would just like to point out that soloers are a sizable and very vocal portion of the forums, but a rather small portion of the overall community and the market that MMOs appeal to. |
There's a reason you have to add better rewards for people to have enough incentive to team.
I'd prefer small to regular team content that just might be soloable by really dedicated people. I may structure the rewards in such content so that stuff is rewarded as you play, so that even if you fail repeatedly, at least you can make some reasonable progress.
OTOH, a lot of people seem to have taken well to the trials. More than I expected or hoped (which at least makes forming the trials reasonably easy most of the time). It may not be in the best interest of the game to introduce much in the way of Incarnate rewards outside of the trials. I hope that is not true, as I prefer 6 to 8 man teams over 8 to 16 man teams over 16-48 man teams.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Some time ago, NCsoft made the statement that a major goal of Paragon Studios was to give the players what they wanted, within reason.
Right now, there is a significant demand for solo Incarnate Content that can be completed on a schedule that at least gives a fraction of the progression offered by trials.
Right now, that is not in the game, despite the fact that it has been repeatedly requested by a wide array of players from before day one of the introduction of the incarnate system.
It's been six, nearly seven MONTHS since the live introduction of the Incarnate system. This request has not been fulfilled in any meaningful way despite the HUGE development timeframe. The only available solo path can leave a player grinding for literally years for what a trial player can achieve in days. Right now it serves mostly as an arguing point rather than being any kind of utility for the players.
Is NCSoft no longer in the business of giving the players what they want?
If not, why has there been such a huge delay on this? A number of fairly simple solutions requiring minimal development work have been suggested. Are any of these under consideration? Is there any consideration at all being given to this very common player want?