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  1. The polys have the wrong wind order, I.E. the are facing inside-out
  2. Not going to vote on this as my option would be "No massive bitmaps it a massive resource hog!" but that aside I'd say that Penny looks really janky in both of those. I like her as a character, I think her new outfit is too busy but I can deal with it, but both of those images are... not something I'd like to be forced to look at for any length of time, though #2 is much worse than #1

    Big blue looks fine in both of them.
  3. These are some _very_ nice multi-purpose pieces. nice high-ish leg boots, just bulky enough. Ans some nice tech backpacks that we are really lacking.

    And in that lies the problem, these aren't "premium" pieces, these are useful general-purpose pieces that fill a hole in COX's costume range.

    If I hadn't hit Tier-9 at the freedom launch I'd be pretty miffed.

    Y'see that chain-mail? _That_ is a "premium" set, it's nice, useful, but ultimately just an improvement on what we already have (Like the hearts and excess plus patterns), anyone who has a "fantasy" idea that could use it could make do without it, the Mecha pieces, not so much if you want to build an armour/robot-looking character you're stuck with the clockwork pieces (And the huge boots set I can never remember the name of) and some of the Ascendant pieces.
  4. The unpleasant/nice people ratio goes _way_ up the second you place people in conflict for any reason IRL or in-game.

    With minimal additional plot/story, casting the flaws of the game in _stark_ contrast and an increased likelihood of undesirables. Why would I ever spend my recreation time volunteering for this?
  5. I would remove the repeated use of "purchasing" given that selecting a power at a trainer is radically different to paying Paragon Points for something, and you really don't want to mix your message there.
  6. I loved taking my favourite +3 incarnate through the story.

    Contact: "If you do these mission beforehand it will weaken the..."

    Talismancy: "Nah, it's fine just point me at the bad guys"

    *Smash, Crash, Break, Gouge*

    Contact: "Did you forget something? you've only been gone for 5 minutes?"

    Talismancy: "Nope, it's all dealt with, Mot's back in his box, man I'm hungry, fancy a pizza?"

    Contact: "..."
  7. Serva_Obscura

    The Sash

    Just to add that I would be prepared to pay the +40 point for a male+huge version of the sash, surely that would be worth the porting time? You already have the texture and mesh, and a male scaled version of the mesh.

    Plox, pretty plox?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BYiro View Post
    And you can't use the Carnival sash with anything but the skintightiest of bottoms. No skirts, no pants, it is unconscionable.
    Um, I'm using the sash with the pleated miniskirt, looks nice. Though I'd prefer the drape to be a little further out to accommodate the Valkyrie/Roman skirts.

    But on-topic: Yes, detail2 is the _wrong_ place for those masks, detail2 is for lower jaw and neck covering items and there is no reason for those masks to be kept out of the hats category.

    IMHO I'd prefer: Masks in detail1 and the current carnie detail1 items moved to ears (Along with other detail1 ear covers, like the winter earmuffs) I admit that my suggestion isn't ideal but I believe its much better than the current arrangement.

    What I'd like to know is why do half helmets get an extra item slot? "Helmet Detail 1" replaces "Ears" but where did the slot for "Helmet detail 2" come from? and why can't we re-use this slot in the other head types? If we could reuse this slot we could have a dedicated "Detail 3" that covers the forehead and thereabouts details (like the carnie asymmetric-spike-thing).

    That said, if I had my way I'd have all the face details in all of the categories, that is (IMHO) a much better plan, clipping be damned
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Kwandu lemmah kandish eemahnee drabu krahandu?
    I don't play any other MMO's at the moment, could someone give me a non-in-joke hint? Is this long-long-LONG ago in a galaxy far, far away(Yet everything is the same 3000 years later)?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    First of all the raids aren't Hard.
    In general I didn't see many people stating that they were "hard" I saw plenty of people saying they we're not fun. For reasons such as:
    1. Having to hang around for >20min <1hr before the league was ready/full enough
    2. Greatly incentivising specific incarnate powers (Rebirth, Clarion)
    3. The increased likelihood of ...difficult... people when forced to team with ~16 others
    4. Poor UI given the choice of mechanics (Someone on the league failing to find/use temp powers)
    5. Crashing/Lag
    6. Poor use of scale (Civilians throwing rock that take out incarnates)
    7. Poor content planning (Forcing a +4 trial at the ends of the "new incarnate" solo arc)
    8. Getting minimal reward through no fault of your own (Idiots failing Lambda by emoting behind Marauder)
    9. Making AT primaries redundant (Controllers in BAF, somewhat fixed now)
    10. Mass death you can't control (Keyes timestop+obliteration beam)
    I saw very little "This is too hard for me" and much more "This is not something I want to do with my free time"
  11. So, given I didn't do SSA #6 straight away people have beat me to starting this thread, Here's how I would have titled my verson of this thread

    SSA 1 #6 Was so bad I'm not doing any more, I don't care about the easy A Merits, I am done

    Seriously? SERIOUSLY? this is how we follow the (frankly pretty weak but could have been worse) death of Statesman? With a scripted STUPID death that I could do nothing about while sending me on yet another series of unrelated nonsense mission objectives. No build-up, no emotion, no involvement, no investiture whatsoever.

    This one was _so_ bad I no longer care how it ends. I'd rather do tip missions, they are more engaging.
  12. I would love the client code people to take another look at the female slider rigging.

    Firstly I'm not suggesting the bones themselves be re-rigged that would involve editing every single female mesh item, and we all know that is never going to happen.

    But, its obvious that there are "inflate" bones present in the current female rig and there is a _code_ link between a slider value and which inflate bones get triggered and by how much.

    I'd like to see the following mapping changes (on the female model) (and I really thing these are possible without significant work)
    • Physique: less effect on the thighs and more on the arms, (there are inflaters on the female arm bones right? because at the moment they are barely used) Is there an inflater on the neck? It could do with being used
    • Hips: a little less of the leg spacing and add a little of the upper leg/bum inflater
    • Shoulders: Given that there probably still needs to be a dedicated "boob" slider I'd suggest that the ribcage inflater (I assume there is one, the male rig has one) be partially tied to the shoulder slider so that the ribcage grows a little to meet the shoulders

    Major changes to the CC have been made with the simple addition of a costume token (per costume) even when it breaks existing costumes.

    Now if we had carte-blanche to redo the sliders I'd love to see a separate slider per inflater so you could inflate the arms/legs/other separately. But this is (IMHO) more work as it involves more slider values stored per character.
  13. Quote:
    They say that now it's hunting through space for the "Blue Maiden" - which is hinted to be Earth and the human Well.
    Bluh... the Lady of the lake _is_ the Well of the Furies, Excalibur, Hero-One, I can't believe I haven't seen that before. Prometheus does say that the Well is/was a person who has chosen to represent the connection of the race in question to a "Higher power"

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    and why the Rikti would be under threat too, as they could still be attached to the human Well in some way.
    Isn't it possible that the Riktification process ties them to their benefactors well? Their outlook, society, physical form and powers are much more coherent, while we don't know what their benefactors were like it those seem like they could be symptoms of being tied to another Well.

    Maybe that's why the Rikti beat their Batallion, due to not having a "local" Well to be drained, having some remote race that protects it for them. Maybe that's what the Rikti's benefactors were trying to do, spread the power and harmony of their Well far and wide to act as a buffer against the Batallion?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
    *giant hammer connects with head of minion*





    It seems to happen when the attack is in momentum mode. The sound effect seems to come based upon the standard mode animation time, a second or two later.
    Its not just this, the delay is variable at the server side. I have managed to get a sequantial whirling smash and titan sweep to knock an even con boss back rather than down (running solo) this means the server itself must have delayed the whirling smash hit such that it ran at precicely the same time as my next attack, thus stacking the kb
  15. Personally I think that each of the power sets (that have distinctive VFX) should have a costume change emote. For exampel the "Evil laugh emote is ok, but we could really do with a full "flame on!" style VFX

    Before you say "Ok, but that's a lot of work" What I'm suggesting is take the most iconic VFX from each set (Often the nuke on blast sets) and simply add the body covering glow/whiteout that many of the existing CCE's use.

    More importantly how about making the VFX for future powers while thinking about what you could reuse for a CCE such that you get a CCE with the powerset when you buy it (if it's for sale) For example the Time Stop target-VFX would make a great CCE for Time Manipulation.

    A generic gadget animation could service all the projectile weapon powersets. And a "holding your weapon in front of you" type animation would server for most of the melee weaponsets (Which isn't VFX I admit but I was just completing the thought)

    Also, I understand changing all the current Auras to support two colours is unlikely but that doesn't mean that the aura slot shouldn't allow two colours at all... it would make porting power VFX much easier and make future auras much nicer so please badger your code monkey(s) on our behalf.
  16. Is there a reason that you wouldn't reply to the GM with:

    "Is there any information you need that I haven't already included in the petition?"

    And if a specific question was asked that I'd already answered

    "That information is already in the petition"

    That's what I'd do
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Which is why, apparently, the Battalion are so powerful; they conquer other races, and feed the
    What what what what? Where did this come from? Have I missed some mass lore slip somewhere?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Guisling View Post
    Or just use Union Taskforce, which I don't believe is full and covers all the bases already.
    If it wasn't then it is now. I just moved over to Union from Guardian I could certainly use a non-full global channel to meet people and team up.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xarybdis View Post
    I did respec finally and got to do some experimenting after slotting most of my powers, and while things seem a bit better, I can reliably do 0x4 now with running in, Mire, Dwarf, Mire, and use Judgement and Lore when they're up. I don't seem to have enough time to Eclipse first, because either I don't get to Dwarf fast enough, or my HP is so low by the time that I've changed that I fall pretty quickly.
    Personally I have never had a problem with simply running in and kicking off eclipse->mire->novaform, I'm generally done before half of eclipse is done, but the next spawn my mire is back up, by the spawn after that eclipse is back up and I'm ready to start again. If a boss get cheeky I drop to dwarf to finish him off. (This is +0x8)

    If the group is mez heavy I use Shadow Cloak and superpeed and maybe Gravitic Emanation or after Incarnate stuff I have t4 Clarion on perma
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    But from a business standpoint, people should realize that the appeal for guys having high heels and corsets is a very small minority and would not pay for its development time. It's not that practical to ask the dev team to spend time giving guys purely women's clothes.
    Sure, I wan't advocating trans clothing options, just expressing anger at the suggestion that were they to exist they would be unsuitable for viewing by children.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    However, the bustier is not appropriate in a teen rated game for male.
    I can not tell you how strongly I disagree with this. regradless of the context this kind of "not suitable for children" mentality for trans dressing is...

    ... well, it angers me.
  22. Serva_Obscura

    Grapple Swing

    It seem fairly obvious to me that the "spreadsheet devs" would would usually be generating new powers cannot implement anything like what has been suggested. Hence this would be up to a combination of the server and client coders, I don't know how many they have, but I'll bet it's not many.

    It's also pretty obvious that there is no mechanism for a power to move a player in any way other than instantaneously to a pre-defined point or to a reticule.

    It's pretty obvious that movement is a special case in the code (Its one of the few places that animations have their rate altered, along with character height) and that gravity is a special case. Hence I don't think it's a stretch to say that even Cryptic's-other-game-style grappling into nothing would be tough-to-the-point-of-monopolising-most-of-their-time simple due to the inverse parabola and collision issues.


  23. Serva_Obscura

    Grapple Swing

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    TPN seems to be having one of these now. Start guessing.
    The instance ID associated with the "Rejoin Trial" action is cleared and recycled (or just corrupted due to a half-write) on the instance server but not on the players/league who suffered through the zone/instance crash, that's my guess? You could try and find out if all the missions that crashed trials ended up in were started after the trial crash (hence recycling of the instance ID's) or if they were started before you'd probably need more internal information about where and how the instance IDs were created. Certainly not easy to do as a black box.

    My guess is that most of the server-side bugs come down to optimised but not "safe" memory handling. Which is very common in older games.

    That said I _am_ a professional programmer and yet knowing how a bug happens vs identifying where to fix it in old legacy code are two completely different things so I don't begrudge them the delay in fixing.
  24. I like the costume set, don't care about the ATIO's nor the consumable filler. Would buy the costume set outright, will not buy gamble-packs.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
    Ok, Dink, you are freaking awesome.

    If you're still looking at this thread tomorrow and see this, is there any way you could maybe also fix the Gunslinger bows sometime? They're all taking the transparency from the veil and just look really, really awful. *cough* Maybe make some no-veil options too. *cough*

    Again, though, Dink, you are really making yourself everyone's favorite dev lol.
    To add to this, the poly's are actually inverted (facing inward) I've had this happen myself when exporting from 3DS Max to various game engines

    Additionally: Than you _so_ much for porting these pieces, really, really makes me happy