Shoulders and Hips




Something that I've noticed crop up from time to time is that lots of people have no clue how the human body is put together. The character creator, for the most part, keeps people from creating oddly distorted characters. (This is in my opinion, a negative thing, since I think players *SHOULD* be able to create characters that run the gamut of beautiful to deformed.) However, there are some common mistakes that people make when adjusting proportions. For example, I can't count the number of female characters I've seen that have very broad shoulders and very narrow hips.

I am a VERY amateur artist, so I thought that I'd share some of the things I've learned:

It's important to remember that males and females have differently shaped skeletons. If you're trying to create a certain appearance, it helps to keep in mind that what makes a man look one way does not necessarily make a woman look the same.

Take a look at the following Wikipedia pages. (Note: These pages contain images from certain classical artwork pieces that might get the viewer in trouble in very puritan situations.)

You'll note that, in general, men have shoulders that are somewhat broader than their hips. Women generally have hips that are somewhat broader than their shoulders. Musculature, bodyfat ratio, and total weight don't really do a lot to change those proportions.

If you're trying to make a very lean male character, you should consider keeping his shoulders a bit wider than his hips.

If you want to make an exaggeratedly muscular male character, minimize hip size and broaden the shoulders in addition to boosting the physique slider.

If you want to make a very muscular female character, do your best to keep her hips larger than her shoulders, and add muscle solely with the physique slider.

If you're working with a very feminine character, boost her hip size and minimize her shoulder size. You can do a lot to visually indicate femininity this way, even if you have the chest slider minimized. Read about "Hartman Hips" for an example of how some artists use this to indicate femininity and even motherly-ness.

You can also use these ratios to make characters that suggest cross-dressing or transgender appearances. A female model that has shoulders that are wider than her hips is perceived as more masculine.

Just a few thoughts. Share your variations if you have them.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
For example, I can't count the number of female characters I've seen that have very broad shoulders and very narrow hips.
*glances at characters* Eh, hip slider is generally either the first or second thing I adjust but that's just me.



The margin that I always went by was this:

Women: Hips are equal to shoulders
Men: Shoulders are about half to 3/4ths an arms width larger than hips.

But I don't let those margins restrain me fully. For women, wider shoulders means a more masculine build, wider hips goes for older builds, and for one of my characters I actually designed her to be overly masculine and quite ugly.

For men, I only pay attention to the most basic dimensions, like how "wide" they are and how tall they are or if they are supposed to be stocky or lanky.

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I tend to increase physique on my female characters at least a little, increase shoulder width a bit at least, and increase hip width substantially.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I tend to Timmverse my male characters; max shoulders, min waist and hips. Female characters I try to go more realistic than comic book (yes I mean the boobie slider).

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On my male characters, I tend to increase the physique a fair amount, then reduce shoulder width and chest a lot, and hips a little. To make 'em buff, without the Sponge Bob proportions.

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Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
You'll note that, in general, men have shoulders that are somewhat broader than their hips. Women generally have hips that are somewhat broader than their shoulders. Musculature, bodyfat ratio, and total weight don't really do a lot to change those proportions.
"In general." Deviating from the norm doesn't make a character wrong or even weird. Take a look at anything to do with Lisa Cross [Link Removed due to inappropriate content. ~Mod13] and you'll see what I mean. And she's hardly the only woman in the world who looks like this.

Human body shapes are staggeringly diverse and deviant from the "averages" that you see given out like concrete data. Check this for reference. You'll almost never see people that actually fit those averages outside of cartoons where artists specifically draw those averages and give everyone the same body shape, or possibly when dealing with photoshoot models who are often chosen based on body type and physique.

As for the actual game, JUST increasing the female "muscle" slider is a horrible idea, because it doesn't increase muscles at all. It gives women a bigger butt and a bigger rack, but does nothing for their actual physique, aside from possibly making them more Rubenesque. Crucially, it does next to nothing to give women largerarms, it does not control hand and foot size and it does very little to the waist. Moreover, there's practically NO way to give female characters here a larger rib cage, as shoulders aren't spaced farther apart by being drawn out of the body but rather because "the shoulders," i.e. the upper back, is wider because of a wider rib cage. There's virtually no way to give women a waist that's not only wider side-to-side, but also wider front-to-back, nor make their rib cages look less shallow and compressed.

There are quite a few tricks to making a female character appear big, and all of them involve abusing the editor to trick people's perception into seeing a character as bigger than she actually is. Shoulders are one of those tricks.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
If you're working with a very feminine character, boost her hip size and minimize her shoulder size. You can do a lot to visually indicate femininity this way, even if you have the chest slider minimized. Read about "Hartman Hips" for an example of how some artists use this to indicate femininity and even motherly-ness.
Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Except don't minimize the shoulders, because then the arms sink into the chest and look like they are attached directly to the spine.
Yeah I understand what AmazingMOO is saying about how artistically speaking wider shoulders make women appear more masculine. But the minimum settings this game allows make them look somehow borderline physically deformed or at the very least unnatural somehow.

What this means that no matter what kind of female character I'm trying to make (unless she's suppose to be less than 10 years old or over 100) I will always set her shoulder slider upward to be at least as wide as her hips. It's the only way they look "normal" to me.

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The Hip slider does not work how it should.

It should scale the whole "brief area" but it doesn't.

Currently, it just adjusts 'leg spacing'. So you can scale it down and it'll look OK in a front view, but from the side you'll a have a massive butt in proportion.

In fact, you really have very little control over butt size. Much like arm and leg thickness, it's governed by the overall Physique slider. So trying to adjust for it results in a freakishly proportioned monstrosity with a massive trunk, spindly arms and legs and even tinier hands and feet.

It's bad enough the base male model has wonky proportions to start with. Tiny hands and feet, big thunder thighs, waist much smaller in profile, weird chest. Yes, I know it's not supposed to be 'realistic.' Super heroic proportions are one thing, but our base model is pretty Liefeldian.




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I tend to Timmverse my male characters; max shoulders, min waist and hips. Female characters I try to go more realistic than comic book (yes I mean the boobie slider).
They come in all different shape and sizes. Or do you mean "I don't max them out"?

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This'd be one of those times we should grumble about getting the character creator updated, yeah?


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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Take a look at anything to do with Lisa Cross [Link Removed due to inappropriate content. ~Mod13] and you'll see what I mean. And she's hardly the only woman in the world who looks like this.
ACK that is disturbing. I don't think men who look like that are any better looking either.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
ACK that is disturbing. I don't think men who look like that are any better looking either.
To each his own, and that's not really the point. Not all women have shoulders narrower than their hips. Lisa Cross is hardly the only "big" woman out there, she's just the only one I could think to name by name.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



First I should point out that all NSFW images have to be secondary linked. Forum rules (from the Fan Art and Multimedia area) specifies that you cannot link directly to such images.

As for the sliders, I look at them depending on what the character is. Does the character have wings? What kind? Generally, those with wings get wider than normal shoulders to make up for the additional skeletal and muscular deviations.

People really do come in all shapes and sizes. I have one character I min/maxed on the sliders as I was making an alien. For her, it works. On others, it really all depends on what the image is in my mind on how they look.

For the most part, yes, I do have shoulders and hips at about the same size, but it's all in the eye of the beholder. Make the character however you want to design it. I'll make mine as I want.

The beauty of this game is choice. We aren't fixed into a "perfect" model and can alter them as the CC allows however we chose. There really is no right or wrong.

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Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
ACK that is disturbing. I don't think men who look like that are any better looking either.
Here's a less extreme but still worthwhile example.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I tend to Timmverse my male characters; max shoulders, min waist and hips. Female characters I try to go more realistic than comic book (yes I mean the boobie slider).
I do that [max shoulders, min waist and hips] will all my toons, male or female. Well, recently I have been leaving the male waist slider alone, so thats not quite true.

I reduce the bust-slider to half-strength or less.... I used to leave it alone, but then I decided smaller was more elegant.



Slightly off topic, but am I the only one bothered by the shin/calf area on females in the game? That area just seems to be way too long.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
Slightly off topic, but am I the only one bothered by the shin/calf area on females in the game? That area just seems to be way too long.
I think that's because of the way the high heels work in this game - they don't actually lift our heels, they just remove the bottom the the shin and replace it with a foot with a heel, so the extra long shins are probably meant to allow for losing the end to heels.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The Hip slider does not work how it should.

It should scale the whole "brief area" but it doesn't.

Currently, it just adjusts 'leg spacing'. So you can scale it down and it'll look OK in a front view, but from the side you'll a have a massive butt in proportion.

In fact, you really have very little control over butt size. Much like arm and leg thickness, it's governed by the overall Physique slider. So trying to adjust for it results in a freakishly proportioned monstrosity with a massive trunk, spindly arms and legs and even tinier hands and feet.

It's bad enough the base male model has wonky proportions to start with. Tiny hands and feet, big thunder thighs, waist much smaller in profile, weird chest. Yes, I know it's not supposed to be 'realistic.' Super heroic proportions are one thing, but our base model is pretty Liefeldian.

I feel like this deserves more attention. I've always been glad to have the sliders; they are very helpful in creating different looks. However, if they actually affected the whole area they are said to govern, I would be much happier with them. The hips slider is a problem with both genders; it really does just affect leg spacing, it doesn't actually widen the top of the hips or affect the buttocks. The chest slider for females is really just a "boob slider". The male chest slider affects chest circumference whilst the female slider really just affects cup size. This one was probably a compromise since we'd really need two sliders here since it's possible to have a 32A bustline or a 38A or a 32C or a 36DDD or whatever other measurement you want to come up with. Unlikely that any of this would ever be adjusted at this point in the game's lifespan, but hopefully it'll be something they consider with future products.

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I guess I should be the one to point out the obvious here:

Take a look at the anatomy of characters from any comic book, cartoon, manga, or anime* over the past 10-20 years. Now come back and try to argue that people shouldn't make unrealistically proportioned characters. Look at this man's chest and shoulders. Holy crap, that's not natural. And when I was a kid, I didn't care because it made him look strong and stylish.

Conclusion: Anatomical distortion is older than the comic book. Why are we even having this discussion?

* ZOMG He said anime! He must be sacrificed to keep our All-American animation styles pure and untainted by scary foreign influences!

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A practical tip for making a more muscular looking women's arms:

Use the Witch gloves set to black and the Barbarian Leather shoulder piece also set to black. The end result looks like a woman with solid biceps wearing black opera gloves.

Lighter colours tend to reveal the trick you're using, which limits your costume options, but this can work if you really dont wan't the default skinny girl arms.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Yeah I understand what AmazingMOO is saying about how artistically speaking wider shoulders make women appear more masculine. But the minimum settings this game allows make them look somehow borderline physically deformed or at the very least unnatural somehow.

What this means that no matter what kind of female character I'm trying to make (unless she's suppose to be less than 10 years old or over 100) I will always set her shoulder slider upward to be at least as wide as her hips. It's the only way they look "normal" to me.
I do this too. I don't really like making the shoulders smaller on my characters because they do not look right. I don't particularly mind if my characters look a bit masculine, but I don't think increasing shoulder width particularly achieves that effect as uniformly as was suggested.

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Gonna go ahead and point out that in googling what the heck you all were even talking about I stumbled upon loads of compromising pictures, seemingly intentionally distributed, of the young lady in question. So before you go impugning GG for criticizing, you might want to rethink who it is you're defending. Right now you sort of look desperate for a fight.
Wait, so it's okay to be sexist towards someone so long as they're the sort of person we as a people have decided we don't like?

Glad we got that sorted out.

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All my female characters get max shoulder slider, max waist slider, min chest/breast slider. The whole wasp waist thing looks stupid as hell, especially on people who are meant to be powerful. Also, this game does an absolutely horrible job of modeling breasts on women.