The Sash




Since the devs felt the need to close the thread just as the sash was being reasonably discussed, I am starting a new one.

I want the item for my martial arts characters. I want it bad. I don't want it swept under the rug that it has been a much requested costume item for YEARS and yet it was only given to one of the three player models.

In a word.. it sucks. So, I would like to discuss why others want this item, just as we were about to do when the devs decided close the other thread.

On a personal level, I found out last week that I have cancer, this week I found out that to remove it I would lose my vocal cords. So I am more likely to be passionate about certain issues this week. I would REALLY like to know why the other thread was closed with out even a note from the mods.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Since the devs felt the need to close the thread just as the sash was being reasonably discussed, I am starting a new one.
Yeah, sorry about that. I got a stern warning, too. Been a while since I got one of those...

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I want the item for my martial arts characters. I want it bad. I don't want it swept under the rug that it has been a much requested costume item for YEARS and yet it was only given to one of the three player models.
When I said I don't get the desire for the sash, I didn't mean to criticise the costume part itself. It looks reasonably good and I get that it's a great fit for Kheldians who want to approximate Sunstorm and Shadow Star's belts. All I meant was I'm surprised that particular costume request has persisted for so long when it seems so minor.

On the other hand, if it's persisted for so long, clearly it's a widely-desired costume piece, so I'm in full agreement with you on that one. Let there be sash! Considering it's one costume piece and shouldn't be THAT complicated, I believe an addition is in order.

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
On a personal level, I found out last week that I have cancer, this week I found out that to remove it I would lose my vocal cords. So I am more likely to be passionate about certain issues this week. I would REALLY like to know why the other thread was closed with out even a note from the mods.
The other thread was closed because I got out of line, so sorry about that. And I'm sorry to hear about your health. I hope this thread goes better, and I promise to behave. You should be in the clear with remaking this thread since the other one wasn't closed because of the sash.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I really don't see why men cannot have some version of a sash, since men have been wearing 'em for thousands of years. Its a pretty neutral thing, its not like people asking to let men wear RHPS-esque corsets or something like that.

But otherwise, get well soon Zyphoid. Losing your vocal cords is no walk in the park, but the goal to keep in mind is saving your life. Which I know you know, just trying to make you feel a little better or something. Yikes.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
So, I would like to discuss why others want this item, just as we were about to do when the devs decided close the other thread.
I'm Guy Perfect and I approve the availability of male sashes.

In fact, nuts to the Carnival of Light belt; we need the actual Kheldian sash, which should have been available since Kheldians were introduced. It already works on Male and Female models, though I'm sure "time and resources" are an issue, even though they're "aware of the request."

Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I would REALLY like to know why the other thread was closed with out even a note from the mods.
Unfortunately, we're not allowed to talk about that here on the boards. If you're concerned, contact a community rep about it. Not the mods, though, since I'm not convinced they actually have souls.



Aw, jeez. I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems.

And I echo your want for a dude-sash, because my boy khelds need to be 'official' too.

That and it looks wicked cool.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Not the mods, though, since I'm not convinced they actually have souls.
...Am very tempted to sig that. Because I do wonder...

On topic; yeah, I'd like for Kheldians (and everyone, actually) to have access to a sash of some kind.
And, while we're on the Kheld topic, can we not get the PB/WS eye auras from the powers as an all the time aura? Sunstorm and the others have them, so....why can't we? It looks a little weird to have a totally different eye aura all the time on my Nictus.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



been wanting the Kheld sash for a long time as well

would be nice if we could wear the sashes w/ certain coats as well, like the wedding tux

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
And, while we're on the Kheld topic, can we not get the PB/WS eye auras from the powers as an all the time aura? Sunstorm and the others have them, so....why can't we? It looks a little weird to have a totally different eye aura all the time on my Nictus.
/signed if we can change them as well

I personally don't like the eye aura for Warshades...I hate the beady eyes and would rather switch them out for the PB version.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Unfortunately, we're not allowed to talk about that here on the boards. If you're concerned, contact a community rep about it. Not the mods, though, since I'm not convinced they actually have souls.
I did send Zwill a PM.

Types of Swords
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I want the sash for a male ninja/pirate hybrid! Please Paragon studios pretty please?



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I'm Guy Perfect and I approve the availability of male sashes.

In fact, nuts to the Carnival of Light belt; we need the actual Kheldian sash, which should have been available since Kheldians were introduced. It already works on Male and Female models, though I'm sure "time and resources" are an issue, even though they're "aware of the request."
The Carnival of Shadows use the same exact sash as the Kheldians and PPD Khelds. The new Carnival of Light sash looks the exact same, only is higher definition, since it was actually designed for players and not a few NPCs.

The Kheldian Sash is not unique from the Carnie sash. It is not special. It's just a sash.

And yes, I would also like to see a proper sash available to males. Would look great for martial artists.



As I said in the other thread, I want that sash very, very badly for my two PPD-affiliated male Peacebringers... Their Awakened costumes (which are approximations anyway, due to the patterns used in the originals-) will never look "right" without them, and that makes me a little sad.

It's not a terribly complex piece from the look of it, so I guess I just don't understand why it's never been done in spite of players pretty much begging the devs for it for so many years. Is there someone in the art department who's just dead-set against it for some reason? Who doesn't think PC Kheldian characters "deserve" it, somehow?

I don't know. It just seems strange that after so long our guys still can't have the thing... Not even after a character-friendly version was obviously added to the game.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I've long desired a sash (for males and usable with robes!) for various martial artist concepts. I don't recall what my namesake is wearing, but it isn't what I really wanted but rather what I had to settle for.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Aw heck, I'll sign for this worthy cause.



First off, since this request has persisted for so long, it should absolutely be done (I mean, it's just a sash belt, not a Moon Zone or a Big Red Ball or a Pony!).
They've proven they can make a player-usable sash via the Carnival Of Light pack and it is just rather clumsy that no one noticed the obvious disappointment releasing it for female-only would create.

That being said... I feel pretty optimistic about the chances of the art team making the time to port that piece over for males. Maybe just because it seems like something that should happen, and -for the amount of work- it would provide a rather positive boost among the community that desires the belt (and their brethren who're sick of seeing them ask for it... I mean... Want to see them happy!).

So, while I actually don't have a use for the sash right now, that I can think of, I feel rather strongly that it'd be a great addition for the costume creator! And I'm pretty sure I'd find some uses for it... Maybe it'd get me to finally make my PB!!

Two other things...
I must have missed further replies in that other thread, but I'd imagine it was likely closed because the topic had actually reached a conclusion. David was looking to discuss the topic in order for the team to come up with a policy that seemed good... and that was done. It being a subject that easily and often veers off course, I was surprised to see it still around, honestly.

Anyway, no harm in closing it. This topic really deserves its own thread and I'm glad to see you started it.

Lastly, I'm really sorry to hear about the health issues. Keep strong, seek the best doctors and opinions (seriously), do whatever it takes and fight through it with a positive attitude. No matter how bad it ever gets, odds can be overcome.

Best of luck and keep us informed.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'm all for the carnie sash being ported.

Aaaand, while we're on the topic of costume pieces from the carnie pack that should be ported to males, I just want to throw the Carnie masks in there as well. My guys have wanted proper masks since, well, before I saw my first Carnie!

So. Here's hoping for a lunch-drought at Paragon Studios so Dink will have more spare time to work on this!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




sashes definitely would be nice, and has been asked for for a long time. That said, I have faith it will happen, they found space in the production schedule for porting the jackets to women, sashes, as well as masks, mask details and night widow waist capes would be next on her list.

one thing, is the hang down absolutely needed? because the cot belt is pretty close to a sash, just without the loose cloth at the end.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
sashes definitely would be nice, and has been asked for for a long time. That said, I have faith it will happen, they found space in the production schedule for porting the jackets to women, sashes, as well as masks, mask details and night widow waist capes would be next on her list.

one thing, is the hang down absolutely needed? because the cot belt is pretty close to a sash, just without the loose cloth at the end.
The loose cloth is fairly essential to me. I don't really care how "loose" it actually is, mind, as long as it's tied to the side with two decent hangy bits.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
one thing, is the hang down absolutely needed? because the cot belt is pretty close to a sash, just without the loose cloth at the end.
I'd think so as the Sashes you see on the NPC kheldians all have the little hanging bit if I remember correctly (and indeed are basically the carnival sash in a single colour).

And yeah; I would love to have access to the sash for my own peacebringer.

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I don't particularly want a sash.

That said, I also don't not want one, and since it's been requested over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over on a near-constant basis for the last seven years or so, I don't understand why we still don't have one. Seriously, devs, what gives? The people obviously want a sash, and it's so simple there's no good reason at all not to cough it up already. I promise it'll sell better than a Pilgrim hat or fireman's helmet, at any rate.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
On a personal level, I found out last week that I have cancer, this week I found out that to remove it I would lose my vocal cords. So I am more likely to be passionate about certain issues this week. I would REALLY like to know why the other thread was closed with out even a note from the mods.
Damn Zyph, sorry to hear about your health issues. I sincerely hope things turn out for the best and you don't have any further issues with the big C.

C'mon Devs give the guy a gorram Sash.



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
I don't particularly want a sash.

That said, I also don't not want one, and since it's been requested over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over on a near-constant basis for the last seven years or so, I don't understand why we still don't have one. Seriously, devs, what gives? The people obviously want a sash, and it's so simple there's no good reason at all not to cough it up already. I promise it'll sell better than a Pilgrim hat or fireman's helmet, at any rate.
They have to keep something back for super packs.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Just to add that I would be prepared to pay the +40 point for a male+huge version of the sash, surely that would be worth the porting time? You already have the texture and mesh, and a male scaled version of the mesh.

Plox, pretty plox?



Yeah I don't get why this costume piece hasn't been done already.

I also don't get how no one could see that porting it only to females when it's been asked for, for years, would be not well received.

Really confused.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!