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  1. Aren't all three of those bases variants on the brain-in-a-jar base?
  2. Marking one as glowing is kind of cheating. You know players are going to jump on glowing over not-glowing. It's almost a false choice.

    I vote suit A, with optional glowy lights.
  3. Just finished the first two arcs for Dr. Graves and...

    Good gravy my villain is an idiot. A stupefying, mouth-breathing idiot. Never mind the whole little fish in a big pond bit, it's unbelievable that he'll ever be a scheming mastermind on the same level as Doctor Doom when he's dumber than a bag of hammers. Hurr durr, Dean Yu isn't jerking me around at all, I'll go shoot the Luddites and the obviously fake mind bomb will be disarmed!

    And what's with this "cooperate under pain of death" crap from Scirocco? Where's the option to betray this clown at the first possible opportunity? Oh right, thirty levels away, woo. He could have struck a deal, help cheat my way to victory in exchange for my spying services. That's some classic villainy. But that would put too much agency in my villain's hands, I guess. I'm not seeing much to convince John Q. Newbie that being evil is going to be very fun.

    Also, after clearing Omnicore's death trap, what does Scirocco mean by her using "forbidden tech"? Exactly what tech is forbidden? The whole reason Crey has so many offices in the Rogue Isles is the lack of oversight. And even if the tech is forbidden, villain. Breaking the law is what villains DO.

    All this makes me wonder why my villain is in the Rogue Isles in the first place. If I constantly have The Man breathing down my neck, drafting me into government work and making sure I obey the law, I'm not really a villain any more, am I? Might as well go back to Paragon City, where I'll only have Longbow gunning for me, and the super dudes just throw you in jail instead of carrying out on-the-spot executions.
  4. I discovered another issue, too. Female/Jacket/Sleeves/Classic Steampunk 01 ignores the chest pattern, and just uses bare skin for the rest of the arm. Why is this a problem? Observe:

    Don't tell me to just use the other sleeves, this should totally be a valid option.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    The beautification tonic is a one shot temp power for each character that buffs your character... With a higher detailed, resolution, and polycount version of all their costumes.
    Okay, I'm going to complain about that. You shouldn't make people pay for texture upgrades, not unless it's a full expansion or something.

    Nevertheless, the other costume bits are nice. I'm not really all into the steampunk stuff like some other people are, but I do like the guns and backpacks. I'll probably get some use out of that steam burst emote, too. But good grief do I hate the goggles on hats thing. It just looks dumb.
  6. The parts all look neat, but you're going to have to revisit the necks on these heads at some point. There's entirely too much clipping going on. The bird head is especially ugly about the clipping, which drastically limits costume options.
  7. What is a Zombie Man? A miserable little pile of secrets!
  8. Ninjitsu's Danger Sense has a buggy flying animation on female (all?) body types. When you activate Danger Sense in flight, instead of the normal animation, it plays the Dragon Tail roundhouse kick animation from Martial Arts instead. This has the annoying side effect of rooting the character during activation.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by milks View Post
    You guys don't seem to understand that by giving Stalkers more AoE, they would have to bring single target DPS down. More AoE isn't going to improve Stalkers. I think you should probably just play a scrapper or a brute if you want to do more AoE.
    Not really. I'm going to hold up Spines here, for comparison. Stalkers only lose Quills, and about 4% damage, compared to the Scrapper set. Otherwise, it has just as much AoE as any other Stalker melee set, and it hasn't broken the game yet.

    This is also in the context of stalkers being unable to use their full single target damage anyway. They often get tagged on teams before they can squeeze of Assassin's Strike, it's difficult to successfully squeeze off a Placate-AS combo in the middle of a team brawl, and the Placate bug further compounds AS woes. Restoring the AoE to stalker sets would at least let them dish out more conventional damage.

    Of course, the big question is how you get those AoE powers back into the sets. Making Assassin's Strike or Placate inherent would be a good idea for reasons totally unrelated to this. Or heck, don't you break all the rules with Kheldians and Arachnos anyway? Bam, now Stalkers are special and get 10 powers in their primary.
  10. So, at this point you pretty much have to rewire all the AI scripts to attack stalkers absolutely last on the list, huh?

    I have to wonder why stalkers can't have more AoE, though. Letting them throw out The Lotus Drops would help team contribution a lot, I'd think.
  11. I wonder if these Incarnate slots are all going to apply a level shift? This looks suspiciously like World of Warcraft's gear-based advancement at the level cap.

    The Judgement slot amuses me, though. So that why Statesman gets to have that stupidly overpowered lightning attack.
  12. Masterminds these days. Back in MY day, we had to resummon and reupgrade our henchmen every single time we entered a mission. Had to pop back outside for something? Bam, they're all dead, and you have to call them up all over again. New mission? Resummon. Street sweeping? Resummon again. And we LIKED it!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I actually PM'd David this very idea during the contest. After the fact, I realized that part of the challenge is to capture the entire zone's essence in a single image. Still, looking at so many great entries...
    A lot of zones (particularly in the Rogue Isles) have multiple landmarks that are iconic for that area. Take the Hollows, for example. One of the winning submissions doesn't even include the actual "hollowing" area, but those spooky floating rocks over by the Circle of Thorns area are pretty thematic, too. I'd really like to see multiple screens for each zone, giving a quick overview of all the area's major landmarks, rather than just the three you can cram into one screen.
  14. Fixing the in-game keybinds didn't work, so it looks like a driver issue. Even though it's a Microsoft mouse, and I thought I just installed the most up-to-date drivers. And here I was starting to warm up to Windows again, too.
  15. I recently changed over to Windows 7. After getting everything reinstalled, I'm finding that I'm no longer able to use the mouse scroll wheel to change the camera distance from my character. I used to be able to scroll back and forth from 1st person view out to maximum camera distance, but now it's not doing anything other than scrolling the chat windows.

    The mouse in question is a Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 3000. I got the Intellipoint software reinstalled, but it didn't help. Am I missing some drivers, or is there a setting in CoX I need to set up again?
  16. It's an oversight. Ranged attacks from the Stalker PPPs crit, and there doesn't seem to be any real reason the Stalker APPs shouldn't get crits, either. Seems to be low priority, sadly.
  17. Well, everyone's wishing for the moon anyway. But if it was up to me, here's my preferences:

    PPD Hard Suit pieces. I know they're not all going to work on a player model, but that's still some sweet power armor. I can't ever get enough mech bits for my characters.

    Freedom Corp/Longbow chest logo and tights pattern. If there was a way I could get the Stealth chest piece and the logo together to fully recreate a Longbow suit, that'd be rad.

    Wyvern helmet, gloves, and boots. I've seen some of these parts recycled elsewhere, so really it's just the bows and drab coloration that's signature for them.

    The Crey Armor shoulders/backpack seen on Crey Juggernauts and others. I think the in-game enemies use the mysterious "backpack" slot for those, but surely they could occupy the shoulder slot as well? Maybe the helmet too, but you can pretty much reconstruct it using existing parts.

    Pieces off the Imperial Defense Force guy you showed off at the New York Comic Con. Specifically, the gloves. I want those gloves.

    It looks like the Sky Raiders are just wearing the Patent Leather top and Baggy Pants bottom, with some extra harness bits added to the texture. Would those be too much to ask for?

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and the Resistance guns. Assault Rifle/Dual Pistols/Mercs/Thugs totally need in on that action, even if you have to unlock them with a badge.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Last I checked, a 2 to 1 "majority" is not terribly significant, especially when a fair number of people stand to be pretty pissed off, as I've seen in the past. In fact, David is demonstrating tremendous presence of mind in recognising the problem and subsequently looking for an alternate solution.

    Furthermore, the character customization UI is and has always been in need of a serious update. The smart thing to do is to enact this update before clutter and inefficiency becomes a serious problem. This needs to be done. The sooner it is done, the better.
    Honestly, clutter is my chief objection to option 2. The costume creator's greatest strength has become its greatest weakness as well; there's too much junk in those drop-down menus. The old textures are ugly and I question why it's so important to keep them, but it's not like people will magically stop making hideous costumes if all we have are shiny new textures.

    Y'know, the editor needs another UI overhaul anyway to accomodate power pool customization. Why not kill two birds with one stone, if you have to get a programmer to look at it?
  19. I'm going to go with option 1, myself. The older parts are ugly, and the costume editor is a mite cluttered as it is. We don't need to double the options with all those old legacy textures. All the faces were altered slightly for City of Villains, and although people complained, in practice I just have not seen a practical difference.

    Really, the only problem with some of the revisions have been when the new costume piece is significantly different than the old version. The old suit jackets had a different "build" to the body than the new jackets, and people still miss the old thigh-high boots. If the textures are going to look exactly the same, just with higher resolution, by all means, replace.

    We need some matte versions of the new reflective textures, though, especially the ones that are extremely reflective. I had at least one costume go wierd on me, because Tech Sleek went from mildly metallic-looking to ZOMG SHINY. That would be an example of the new pieces being noticeably different from the old ones.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    Your Gunslinger example definitely sounds silly, but I don't think there is anything wrong with Tsoo Sorcerers. Teleporting all over the area (I've never seen them go too far) and healing/debuffing is what makes them interesting. They're usually still close enough to hit with ranged attacks after a few steps, and if not, you can get one of their buddies down to half health and they'll teleport right back in. It does add some difficulty, but I think it's way better than just cranking up Hp/Def/Res/Damage/debuffs.

    I think the Tsoo are one of the best designed groups in the game, and I think Sorcerer AI is half of what makes them so great. I think the Yellow Ink Men could spam controls a little less often, and Ancestral Spirits should not get Knockout Blow, but the variety and behavior differences in the mobs make them great.
    Gunslingers are unexpectedly cowardly sometimes, but Sky Raiders and Tsoo are fine. I agree that the Sorcerers blipping in and out makes those fights much more interesting, although the tohit debuff on their Hurricane is a bit much. Likewise with Sky Raiders, where it seems (by design) impossible for tankers to herd them up into nice neat balls, with guys porting and flying all over the place.

    The difference there, of course, is that Sorcerers and Porters will actually come back. Blinking around is part of their combat script, versus running clear across the map for no real reason.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    This happens a ton on the ITF. I remember when all the ambushes used to come at you, but now 2/3rds of them run away before they even see you.
    Oh yeah. I've been seeing that too. Not as bad as this, but I've had some three-man ambushes turn into two-man ambushes because one guy decided to just stop running.

    As an aside, there's a separate bug (now fixed?) where flying enemies will get pathfinding issues while trying to ambush you, and sort of float back and forth in the hallway without making any progress. This isn't that bug. Members of the ambush team just plain stop coming, even if his friends have seen and aggroed onto you.

    Also, Castle, if you want another example of completely irrational running, look up Splice's mission "Test the Device", where you're fighting broken Clockwork at an instance of the BAF. Every time I've done this mission, two live characters and one in beta, the last Clockwork in the first three minion spawn heads for the hills and never looks back. Try it with a stalker. The guy won't turn around even to shoot back at you.
  22. Enemies with no melee attacks feel "helpless" a lot faster than more balanced foes, it seems. Hellion Buckshots and Mook Hitmen fall into this category (especially Mook Hitmen), and Praetorian Clockwork likewise have very low morale. Presumably, enemies also look at their "real numbers" when deciding if they're helpless, since debuffs do indeed break their morale faster. Bad guys hate being the Darkest Night anchor.

    Also, you might want to look into Praetorian Clockwork defending destructible objects. I believe it was Neuron's "Steal the Brain" mission; I had an easy time blowing away some guarded objectives because the Clocks would take off running all over the place after one ranged attack. They just straight out refused to come fight me.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Again, like I said above, in many games you wouldn't even get the cues you get here. Personally, I don't think it's new players we're helping so much.

    The mission tells you to pick flowers. I'm not even convinced you need to have the locations on the map. I certainly don't use them with the fact that the frikken things GLOW and MAKE NOISE.
    Yeah, those games that don't give you proper cues? We call that bad game design. Early video game developers were still trying to figure out what made a good game, and as we've learned over the past 20 years or so, throwing the player to the wolves with no guidance or instructions is not a virtue in game design.

    I should point out that the game picks random rose bushes to be the "zowies" each time you do the mission, and if there are no glowing bushes immediately in the vicinity of the flower vendor (which has happened to me a few times), a new player is going to see nothing but non-interactive world objects and wonder which flowers the game is talking about.

    So, sorry. "Lrn2play noob" is a discredited philosophy. Everyone else would much rather have clear instructions while they're recreating.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    What sort of impact does all of this have on players who were mid-arc when the changes were made? Are the existing clues updated? Do they remain the same and get mixed in with new clues until the arc is completed and the summary is only the new stuff? Is Chimera the father of Nightstar's cyborg baby? Will Dominatrix leave the convent? Who is that mysterious guy with the eye-patch who looks exactly like Neuron, and what is he plotting?
    You're locked into the old story arc until completion. The Praetorians will be sporting their new duds and bios, but you'll still be fighting the old Blue/Silver Clockwork and Praetorian baddies.
  25. Huh, when did that get changed? At one point in beta, it was impossible to die in the tutorial. You'd hover around 1 HP, but never actually expire. Self Destruct couldn't kill you, either. I thought it was a good idea, myself.