Cannot change camera distance with mouse scroll wheel




I recently changed over to Windows 7. After getting everything reinstalled, I'm finding that I'm no longer able to use the mouse scroll wheel to change the camera distance from my character. I used to be able to scroll back and forth from 1st person view out to maximum camera distance, but now it's not doing anything other than scrolling the chat windows.

The mouse in question is a Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 3000. I got the Intellipoint software reinstalled, but it didn't help. Am I missing some drivers, or is there a setting in CoX I need to set up again?

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Fixing the in-game keybinds didn't work, so it looks like a driver issue. Even though it's a Microsoft mouse, and I thought I just installed the most up-to-date drivers. And here I was starting to warm up to Windows again, too.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
Fixing the in-game keybinds didn't work, so it looks like a driver issue. Even though it's a Microsoft mouse, and I thought I just installed the most up-to-date drivers. And here I was starting to warm up to Windows again, too.
Did you try deleting the mouse driver and let windows use its default? That has helped quite a few people in the past.

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Same problem here, and to be honest, I turned off the drivers for my Microsoft mouse and now it works problem free. Same story, upgraded to new computer with Windows 7, previous Microsoft mouse with middle scroll wheel, can't change camera, middle wheel works fine with everything but the game. I just disabled the drivers and it works perfectly. I tested this by restarting my desktop with the drivers enabled and it screwed it up again. I am rambling, I apologize, but when I found the fix to my problem, I was so excited! I hope this works for you too! Good Luck!



Curious. I'm using a Logitech mouse and didn't even bother installing drivers when I installed Win7 and my wheel works fine.

hmm.... There's an option somewhere in the options menu (in CoH) to adjust the sensitivity of the mouse wheel. I recall mine got borked and set to 1 years ago. The mouse wheel was moving things so slowly it looked like it wasn't doing anything at all.

Originally Posted by Primordia_Vox View Post
Same problem here, and to be honest, I turned off the drivers for my Microsoft mouse and now it works problem free.
Oh yeah.... years ago, when I got my first Logitech mouse, I installed the driver and CoH didn't like it. I uninstalled the Logitech driver and told Windows XP it was a plain mouse and then it worked fine.

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