Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




I posted yesterday how I liked this idea but when playing last night, I started imagining what kinds of powers I would set up for my different characters.

I know the devs already have an overall programming "plan" for what they are working on but I do hope that this gets noticed and brought up in their weekly planning meetings (I believe I read once where Posi and the others get together to brainstorm game ideas)



Definitely /signed

Rezz - 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Brute

My one and only character and all I'll ever need.



Very nice idea!


"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



I like MOSt of this idea, although I do have an idea I'd like to tag on. First off, I don't like the idea on making your signature power something you can make a temp power for another player. I understand the reasoning behind it...showing off all your hard work and all...but I'm just uncomfortable with the idea. I'm afraid someone will find an exploit and be able to pass it along to everyone. Besides, it's supposed to be YOUR signature power - your trademark. Why give that to anyone? Just my thought on the matter.

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Not really, you could just treat it like the patron powers villains get, I mean Robin uses a lot of stuff the Batman comes up with.



It's a well thought out plan, I like it.




I like MOSt of this idea, although I do have an idea I'd like to tag on. First off, I don't like the idea on making your signature power something you can make a temp power for another player. I understand the reasoning behind it...showing off all your hard work and all...but I'm just uncomfortable with the idea. I'm afraid someone will find an exploit and be able to pass it along to everyone. Besides, it's supposed to be YOUR signature power - your trademark. Why give that to anyone? Just my thought on the matter.

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Not really, you could just treat it like the patron powers villains get, I mean Robin uses a lot of stuff the Batman comes up with.

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Well the way I saw it was loaning an invention or device, sharing a secret training technique, imparting some magical power, etc. on another person.



You should ask Positron about this on the "Ask a Dev" article series that they're doing on CoH Warcry.



Awesome idea. I wouldn't mind it if ALL the powers could be made like this. Complete customized powers. PvP haters be d*mned.




I like the concept, whether it's tied into Inventions or not.


"Player First / Villain Second" - Dr_Hetero

"The real pros will never trumpet their experience. They'll lead by example." - Primal



I love this idea. I've actually, in the past, made threads encouraging people to come up with a signature power for their characters. The big thing I want to know here is whether a Pet type power could be made with this, and if so, could we design the pet?

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



I certainly hope this idea is used i would love to make my characters even more unique ...thats one of the main things i love about this game... the mass amounts of customization



I read to page 2 and would like to say this: I would so very much love this to happen ^^.

*drools over the possibilities*

I'm tempted to pm this to the devs...



This is one of the best ideas I've seen in a very, very long time.



I read to page 2 and would like to say this: I would so very much love this to happen ^^.

*drools over the possibilities*

I'm tempted to pm this to the devs...

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PM it -- The more people that do the more they see people like it.



Sounds fun but when you really consider it it will be exploited so badly it will completely alter the game. And as for the "sharing" of powers, if I have 80 different powers that all do damage and a hold in PvP people would be screwed. Interesting concept but needing much change.



Sounds fun but when you really consider it it will be exploited so badly it will completely alter the game. And as for the "sharing" of powers, if I have 80 different powers that all do damage and a hold in PvP people would be screwed. Interesting concept but needing much change.

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Think you should reread the post. I clearly state under the sharing part how your concern is addressed.



I want one of two things to come to CoH/V atm (these are the biggest on my list atm, anyways).

~1- Energy daggers for scrappers (or just energy, for that matter)
~2- Power colors/auras (and if the devs REALLY feel up to the challenge) /animation customization for al or most powers (like someone would make a pink dark/... pshhh). By that I mean I want the to grayscale the powers so we could have, say, purple or green fire, start to add secondary particle effects, like, to stay on topic, (couldnt think of a better one) sparkley fires, and then have a (i know this wont happen unless they hire 50 more people and every there has nothing to do) 1 or 2 alternative animations for some powers, even if they happen to be recycled.

As for the abuse? they arent going to be that strong. Tier nines are (usually) that powerful. guess wat tho? that 360-1k second timer is what is keeping it from being abusive. I think that these powers are more of a customization. Like a really cool temp power that adds extra coolness, is loads of fun to use and adds more depth to the character.

Not some uber finishing move you can add to kill every other oponent you meet in pvp.



As a matter of fact, i think im going to search fu about #2 and then pm this to the lighthouse (i hear he re-directs it to the right dev)



This idea's quite sexy. Now my SS Brute can have some kind of Ultra Hyper Mega Foot Stomp. Or, or, I've always wanted something with a Total Focus animation.

/signed, as they say.



You know i was thinking of suggestig something like this but specificly for MA the king of middle of the road. Its not the king of ST damage(burst or maintained) it IS the worst at dealing aoe damage and its users can't agree on how to go about fixing it. The ability to customize one power in its set to the desires of its user would help improve the set. I am not against giving a customized power to everyone though.



This idea's quite sexy. Now my SS Brute can have some kind of Ultra Hyper Mega Foot Stomp. Or, or, I've always wanted something with a Total Focus animation.

/signed, as they say.

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Heh, I already have, in my head, Signature Attacks for almost every single character of mine. Because I'm a nice guy, I'll list a few of them

Kadmon - Fury of Mu - It would use the Moment of Glory animation, leading into the lightning dome that Arachnos Heavy Blasters use. Typical Nova-style attack, PBAoE extreme damage, drains all endurance, leaves him unable to recover for a moment. From a story standpoint, it's explained by the fact that Kadmon is a Muvian golem, and as such has access to Mu-style powers (I.E. Electricity)

Masked Shrike - Shadow Kick - It would use the old Storm Kick animation with shadow effects on the kicking leg. High DoT. From a story standpoint, Shrike learned martial arts under the watchful eye of an old Nacht Fist, and gained control of shadows from Kadmon. As such, she decided to combine the two skills into a powerful attack.

Golus - Pulverizing Rain - Uses the Rain of Arrows animation, combined with the AoE Energy Blast (it's one of the later powers in the set, but I can't recall what it's called) raining with the arrows. Ground-targetted AoE Extreme DoT, leaves him drained of endurance, but able to recover at a reduced speed. However, the attack briefly places Golus in Held status, in the Rest animation. From a story standpoint, Golus combines magic with his archery already, generating exploding arrows and the like. However, due to an advanced medical condition, such large-scale use of his magic leaves him incapacitated for a short period of time while he recovers.

Fiery Havoc - Summon Golus - Summons Golus, Archery/Ice/Elec Blaster, with access to early-to-mid tier powers in his Archery and Ice sets, and Charged Armor. Uses the Storm Summoning power that shoots the Knockdown/Stun lightning attack, lightning strikes, in the middle of which Golus appears. From a story standpoint... I'm not telling you anything, because that would ruin things

Serafina Dalton - Beat Rush - A red blur moves around while she does the old Laugh emote. PBAoE High damage, Knockback. From a story standpoint, Serafina is REALLY fast, and most enemies don't even know what hit them until they're already in mid-air. The red blur... Well, she just REALLY likes the color red

I think that's enough of mine for now It should be pretty well obvious that if this makes it in, I will be a VERY happy Kadmon

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind




/signed definitely!!!

Edit: forgot to post what mine would be.

Lightning Eagles Claw FTW!!!



I love this idea.

But it won't happen. Ever. I can just tell




This is one of the best suggestions I've read in a very, very long time.

Save vs DM



This idea is scrumtralescent!!

/extremely signed