Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




/signed typing wiuth my nose

Only one mistake =0



Heh...I made comments, but forgot one important thing...




I pity da foo who let this topic die.



IMO, we should bug them crapless about this idea.

It rocks so impossibly hard.



I really like this, sounds awesome.

'Cause seriously, every superhero needs a "blow the crap outta the whole block" move.



Bumpage once more, my friends.

Bumpage once more.

Oh, and something aiming for (but not quite achieving) constructive thought: Would 'Auto' or even toggle powers be possible with this sort of thing?
For example, would it be possible to make +def vs all with this system? It seems to make some sense (it is a power, and it'd be very easy to design) but at the same time it almost seems to go against the feel of signature powers. A signature power is meant to be something flashy and recognisable and all that, but making it a click, an auto or a toggle doesn't seem to have much flash about it.



I think they would be possible, but only under these rules...

If it is a toggle, (such as a toggled armor) It consumes a ridiculously high amount of end right off the bat to activate, and an almost as ridiculously high amount to keep up. (Think about 30 end to activate, a further 20 end every 3 seconds.)

Auto powers...that's touchy...There are very few auto-hit powers in the game as it is, and all of them are usually devestating/and/or powerful. ((Howling Twilight's potent -regen and a fair stun that nobody can balk at, and of course, who can forget telekinesis?)) If it is an auto power, it MUST be interuptable, have an insane end cost, and the effects probably won't do much "damage" but rather have an amazing secondary effect.

But I wouldn't even branch there. Most if not all Signature powers should be clicks, no more, no less.



I think they would be possible, but only under these rules...

If it is a toggle, (such as a toggled armor) It consumes a ridiculously high amount of end right off the bat to activate, and an almost as ridiculously high amount to keep up. (Think about 30 end to activate, a further 20 end every 3 seconds.)

Auto powers...that's touchy...There are very few auto-hit powers in the game as it is, and all of them are usually devestating/and/or powerful. ((Howling Twilight's potent -regen and a fair stun that nobody can balk at, and of course, who can forget telekinesis?)) If it is an auto power, it MUST be interuptable, have an insane end cost, and the effects probably won't do much "damage" but rather have an amazing secondary effect.

But I wouldn't even branch there. Most if not all Signature powers should be clicks, no more, no less.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I had wanted toggles to exist. However, they would deactivate after 30 seconds similar to how Phase Shift works.

Auto-Powers could be possible but would be VERY (And I mean VERY) minor. IE, 5% base health increase, 5% base damage increase, something like that using just one of those stats.



Time to kabumpage with mine own Sigs!

Billy Boy: Revive clone. Becuse he just keeps getting UP.

Sniktch: ZZZZOOOOM! Click, +speed, recharge, recovery, regen. With Unstoppable's crash. Cuz he can overdrive for a bit.

Frostrose: Waverider. Think Lightning Rod, but with a DoT Ice Slick at the end.

Marci: The Mix. Serum clone...with Detonator finish.

Ssil: Cannibalize. Dead enemy target, heal, +END. She eats dead people.

Javier: The BBBOR. Think Exploding Arrow, with EMP Arrow's radius, and Inferno's damage, and Nova's KB. BOOM.

Trixie: Let's just say Pax_Arcana's character Medi-Lad already tested this one. Melee range [censored] damage hold.

Reggie: Demonic Release: Blaster Epic Force Of Nature clone, with a Rage-style Dam and Acc buff; two minutes and full Unstoppable crash. Release the BEAST!

Veronica: Weird Radiation Overload!: Toggle, Nox Gas with self-target.




I am all for this idea being implemented.



As long as we're tossing coins into the well, here's my signature powers, (which I want to have, and even when Sigs are implemented, I will still never have.)

Lord Diov: Conjures his SCYTH and proceeds to slash the unholy [censored] out of everything within a considerable area of self when activated. Basically, a nova of sorts...Minus the explosion. The scyth, of course, debuffs everything it hits, stunning it, giving -regen, slowing it, and reducing their defense/resistance.

Lord H'taed: Freezes time itself with his electrical powers. (He speeds everything up ahead of a certain point in time via hyper-inducing it with electrical synaptic crap.) Then he does that move a bit like Synapse has, (The tornado made of electricity) Only with an explosion at the end.

The Lord of Rags: Curse of Rags. He explodes in a shower of what he is...A pile of rags. All enemies caught in the explosion take no damage, but suffer from HUGE debuffs. I was thinking -acc, -dam, -regen, -speed, -resistance, and -defense.

Charles Dark Aura: Telekinetic Mastery. He simply explodes with an aura of telekinetic might. This is just another Nova, really. It holds people if they don't die once he's through.

Emily Dark Aura: Telekinetic Orbit. She uses her telekineses to life several random object about her, which then revolve around her at a very high speed, dealing moderate damage and knocking back anyone who gets too close. Then the orbit expands, and the random objects all home in on random targets.

Lord Kuro: Gang War. Really, do I need to extrapolate?






ok, i finally made it through the entire thread..

first of all, let me say this is an awesome idea Ultimus.. and really well thought out. it gives a solid base idea for devs to work from if they decide to do this (or something like it).

as far as deployment into CoX, this sounds like a perfect idea to include in the retail expansion (i believe now due next year). not to mention, i have to assume the retail expansion has to include a new level cap (presumably 60), which would help flesh out this idea a bit more.. giving more levels to space out the "spendable points" and perhaps add in a couple.

either way, the point is.. this would be a huge boon to CoX and could quite possibly reclaim some players who have left previously.. as well as inspire non-CoXers to join the fight.

just.. super excellent idea.


My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



ok, i finally made it through the entire thread..

first of all, let me say this is an awesome idea Ultimus.. and really well thought out. it gives a solid base idea for devs to work from if they decide to do this (or something like it).

as far as deployment into CoX, this sounds like a perfect idea to include in the retail expansion (i believe now due next year). not to mention, i have to assume the retail expansion has to include a new level cap (presumably 60), which would help flesh out this idea a bit more.. giving more levels to space out the "spendable points" and perhaps add in a couple.

either way, the point is.. this would be a huge boon to CoX and could quite possibly reclaim some players who have left previously.. as well as inspire non-CoXers to join the fight.

just.. super excellent idea.


[/ QUOTE ]

Just a note, there is no retail expansion anymore, Issues 9, 10 and 11 will be adding in the content that was originally planned for it.



God damnit, Ghost Widow. We have yet to hear from Castle.



Shush! Insult the Devs and this thing will never get the Sticky Tack!



Shush! Insult the Devs and this thing will never get the Sticky Tack!



Just a note, there is no retail expansion anymore, Issues 9, 10 and 11 will be adding in the content that was originally planned for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

i guess i read wrong.. i thought that I9 - I11 were introducing some other things along with a few things the retail expansion would have had, but that there was still going to be a retail expansion next year.

in light of this though, i still say this idea is a great one.. whenever it can be implemented.. who knows.. maybe I14 for holidays next year?

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



Just a note, there is no retail expansion anymore, Issues 9, 10 and 11 will be adding in the content that was originally planned for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

i guess i read wrong.. i thought that I9 - I11 were introducing some other things along with a few things the retail expansion would have had, but that there was still going to be a retail expansion next year.

in light of this though, i still say this idea is a great one.. whenever it can be implemented.. who knows.. maybe I14 for holidays next year?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I think this could be the center around an entire issue maybe. Sort of like Inventions to Issue 9.



Click powers are an obvious choice, with a long recharge - they're meant to be special, unique and rare events.
I can see toggle powers if they have an equally long recharge and the short-time limit, like phase shift. They're basically a click power at that point, just one that can activate for variable time.
Auto-powers? Definately not. It's not a signiture move at that point, it couldn't be powerful or spectacular. It just wouldn't have the necessary epicness to it.

I still can't think of anything wrong with this. The only tricky issue is the UI for picking your animation, but I imagine an approach similar to the costume designer would work.

Three sections: Effect -> Weapon/Prop -> Animation.

The choices would have to be made in order, with each choice choosing which choices are available on the next one. Much like the way body sections work now (Body Section Type->Shape->Pattern). The type of effects available would depend on the type of attack (single target or area effect. Close range [melee/PBAoE] is just a question of range, not type) chosen.

Even with the same range of choices as we have for Auras (which allow types, and changes of colour) you wouldn't see many duplicates, and more options would no doubt be added with patches and Issues.

At first it sounded fantastic, but too complicated to really work in the type of game Cryptic seems to want to make. The more I think on it, however, the simpler I think it could be to implement, at least from a user-experience point of view.

Technically...well, it depends on how the codebase is structured, but compared to the inventions system it's got to be pretty easy. Colour+effect+weapon+animation is only 6 bytes assuming we don't have more than 255 choices in any one section, so any additional network information is minimal (since I hope things like damage values are generated on the server and sent to the client, otherwise health values could easily get out of sync).

Heck, I'll quite happily take a month off work (pretty much all the holiday I can spare, or I'd be allowed), at fly over to Cryptic Studios at my own expense and work for that month for free to get this in the game :P And yes, I have experience with C++, OpenGL and DirectX, in case you were wondering :P

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]







C'mon, we're slacking here. THIS THREAD MUST LIVE.


Oh, and I also like biscuits, on another matter.

(Lobs biscuit for 9999 damage at a boss)






I feel it necessary to point out that obvious bumps without some additional information pertaining to the thread is a bad thing. Mods don't look kindly on it.

That said, I had another thought. The addition of drawbacks to signature powers (I.E. Self Stun, Self -Recovery, Damage self, etc) should add points for use in power creation. However, to prevent people from creating a power that is just weaknesses to give themselves more points, the ratio of drawbacks to power effects should be 1:1 for powers with only one effect, 1:2 for powers with two, and 1:3 to powers with three or more effects.

Kadmon's Fury of Mu, for example, has one Damage effect (Energy) and one -Recovery, fitting into my 1:1 ratio of Positive to Negative effects.

An example of a power currently existing with a 1:2 ratio is Energy Transfer, with one Damage (Energy, Smashing), a Disorient, and a Self -HP.

Feel free to pick this addition to the idea apart as you see fit.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind




C'mon, we're slacking here. THIS THREAD MUST LIVE.


Oh, and I also like biscuits, on another matter.

(Lobs biscuit for 9999 damage at a boss)

[/ QUOTE ]

You selling any biscuits?
I would like a dozen...oh and

Keep this post up!
Signature powers!!!!!!