Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




awsome idea, there is not a thing in the world that could make me dislike like the sound of that.




Maybe I wasn't clear enough when I suggested the negative effects. The negatives would probably be fairly severe, such that you wouldn't want a -Def effect on your SR because Defense is all that Reflexes has going for it.

Or maybe the drawbacks idea was a bad one. I threw it out here to get the general opinion of it, and to see what holes people might be able to find in the setup.

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I'm not at all saying it's a bad idea to have negatives, it just needs to be very carefully balanced so it's not seriously exploited.

And I'm in favour of the timer being long, but an hourly thing? That just seems too long to me. Considering we can't slot these things (per the original post) the recharge needs to be made reasonable with points-spendature. Especially if the Signature move is just an attack as opposed to a click of some kind, as I can imagine several of my characters having.



1000 seconds is perfectly fine. As long as recharge buffs don't affect it.



1000 seconds is perfectly fine. As long as recharge buffs don't affect it.

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Here here! 16.6 minutes would seem like an eternity anyway.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



So its fair that SRs with Hasten can get it up in half of that time?



No, the recharge should ONLY be affected by points spent on it, not by other powers such as hasten.



I don't know - I don't think I like the idea of being able to spam my signiture move - every 15 minutes isn't really that long when you get rolling through some missions. I can be persuaded otherwise though...

I definately agree that it shouldn't be affected by outside buffs, though - acc/dmg/rec/end all set by the points you put into the power.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]



The easiest thing to do is this, the more points spent in a power also makes the recharge time longer, that way a power with no points or little points spent in it can be "spammed" but will have limited effect whereas a power that has a good few points spent in it will take longer to become available.



Also, should sig powers be affected by other sig powers? Take in PvP for example...You have just be uber pwned slowed by an ice blaster. You have no attacks up. They are still tiny little blips in the backround. (Even your quickest recharge)

But what about your sig? Will it still recharge at the same speed?

I personally think that any outside force or intervention (like ice powers) should not be able to affect the overall recharge of sigs. Again, sigs recharge time should only be reflected by how you spend your points.



Also, should sig powers be affected by other sig powers? Take in PvP for example...You have just be uber pwned slowed by an ice blaster. You have no attacks up. They are still tiny little blips in the backround. (Even your quickest recharge)

But what about your sig? Will it still recharge at the same speed?

I personally think that any outside force or intervention (like ice powers) should not be able to affect the overall recharge of sigs. Again, sigs recharge time should only be reflected by how you spend your points.

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Well if we stop them from being buffed by things like Hasten then they shouldn't be slowed down either.



/signed again since im in the area



The easiest thing to do is this, the more points spent in a power also makes the recharge time longer, that way a power with no points or little points spent in it can be "spammed" but will have limited effect whereas a power that has a good few points spent in it will take longer to become available.

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I was under the impression from the opening post that players could spend points on the recharge time. This would mean that 'less' powerful abilities (an overall lower number of points available to spend, if you've put more into recharge) would be available more often. As opposed to powers with recharge being a 'dump spendature', which would recharge VERY slowly, but at the same time be alot more powerful.

Increasing recharge time with the more points spent just means that higher level characters (who have access to more points) would be using their ability less.



The easiest thing to do is this, the more points spent in a power also makes the recharge time longer, that way a power with no points or little points spent in it can be "spammed" but will have limited effect whereas a power that has a good few points spent in it will take longer to become available.

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I was under the impression from the opening post that players could spend points on the recharge time. This would mean that 'less' powerful abilities (an overall lower number of points available to spend, if you've put more into recharge) would be available more often. As opposed to powers with recharge being a 'dump spendature', which would recharge VERY slowly, but at the same time be alot more powerful.

Increasing recharge time with the more points spent just means that higher level characters (who have access to more points) would be using their ability less.

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Yes but you don't want a situation that allows people to spam high powered attacks or buffs that are game breaking while at the same time we also don't want 10-25 minute timers on powers as has been suggested, how much longer the added recharge time would be is debatable since if you take Energy Melee for example, both Total Focus and Energy Transfer even without Recharge Reduction Enhancements in them are up relatively quickly for their power.






Yes, I do like the idea of being able to put points into a power to reduce the recharge time.
You could have a Justice Fighting PUNCH that did minor damage and looked flashy and cool that you could do a lot, or

a Justice Beatdown Doom Attack that did massive damage but was up rarely.



Fourth Page. What the hell is wrong with you people? Do you ever want to see Sig Powers? Ever?

Now, a thing I'd like to ask about...


For this example, I shall use Blasters and Scrappers.

Blaster: Final attack is a devestating wide area PBAoE attack that usually kills everything, (including some bosses) in one hit.

Scrapper: Gets an armor which makes them nigh invincible for a short time.

Should Blasters be able to get the god mode armor, and should scrappers be able to get the nova via sig powers?



Yes but you don't want a situation that allows people to spam high powered attacks or buffs that are game breaking while at the same time we also don't want 10-25 minute timers on powers as has been suggested, how much longer the added recharge time would be is debatable since if you take Energy Melee for example, both Total Focus and Energy Transfer even without Recharge Reduction Enhancements in them are up relatively quickly for their power.

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That all depends on the extremes. If someone dedicates half their points (at level 50) to recharge timing (resulting in a power that's not especially strong) it should be somewhere within one minute, I'd say. Conversely someone who has put NO recharge points into the attack should only have it every 20 minutes or so. It's a fine balancing act, but I think it can be managed with the right amount of testing.



I'd say with the points system things like that could be limited. Perhaps even having more points needed for cross AT abilities.

So defensive abilties would cost more for a Blaster than for a scrapper.

Big Aoe would cost more for a Scrapper than a Blaster.

The end result being that the signature powers would be weaker than the originals: in this case Tier 9 defense and Novas.

And since I'm here
/signed a second time



Yes but you don't want a situation that allows people to spam high powered attacks or buffs that are game breaking while at the same time we also don't want 10-25 minute timers on powers as has been suggested, how much longer the added recharge time would be is debatable since if you take Energy Melee for example, both Total Focus and Energy Transfer even without Recharge Reduction Enhancements in them are up relatively quickly for their power.

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That all depends on the extremes. If someone dedicates half their points (at level 50) to recharge timing (resulting in a power that's not especially strong) it should be somewhere within one minute, I'd say. Conversely someone who has put NO recharge points into the attack should only have it every 20 minutes or so. It's a fine balancing act, but I think it can be managed with the right amount of testing.

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Thats why in my original post I stated there would be a cap on how many points could be spent on an attribute. It would prevent things like a mag 30 hold among other stuff.



I suggest people read the 1st post again and consider the following:

The idea as suggested, and add to that any balancing by the DEVs, it looks like your complete power is unlocked and built in sections. Unless we assume that we get at least a complete bare bones power at 33, it won't be doing anything for awhile.

And then there's the matter of where we can spend points and when.

Can points gotten at a level you unlock something only be spent on what you unlocked? And like the situation were you can only put 4 slots, 3 extra, in your 49 power, so can you only put some many points in something you unlock at 45. And they may also make it like your primaries and secondaries where you can only chose certain powers till later levels.

For example, as is, you basically have 18 levels to build your power, it may be you can't add to the magnitude of a power at every level, but that magnitude increases are spread out, so that even is you chose every one, you'll only get it to 3 or 4. Or if not like this, just like a power can only have 6 slots total, it may be certain things cost more then one point, so in effect, you'll only be able to "6 slot" your sig power at best.

Assuming this goes live, I wouldn't worry too much about the balance, the DEVs will work out most kinks. Not that I assume it'll be perfect and need no fine tunning down the line after going live either. But I don't think for a second the DEVs will somehow accidently allow us to make anything close to a teir 9 power, or a teir 7 or 8 power, even teir 6 may be pushing it. Most likely, we'll be able to make a pretty nice "6 slotted" teir 4 or 5 power.



The important thing is to remember the primary point of this is to have a power that ONLY you have. Most everybody slots thier powers the same now (though that will change with IOs) and it's entirely possible to run into someone who has the same exact build as you do (espcially on sets with a few stinker powers.) This would be something totally new, while your Fire/Dark corruptor might have "Burning Death Flame Barrage" mine might have "Hellstorm Apocalypse Punch!"
Like the Crey cryo rifle, it's more NEAT than USEFUL.



Hey man I love this Idea great job.



Ummmm, are there any responses from the devs on this one yet? I have this saved and will come back to this page as it is an excellent idea.



Ummmm, are there any responses from the devs on this one yet? I have this saved and will come back to this page as it is an excellent idea.

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Once this gets 1000 pages