Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




I had a thought about this idea a minute ago. What would the collected gallery here think about perhaps something like this:

If the character is awarded points, but opts not to use them all in one power, they can use the remaining points to create another power. Say, for example, the player decides only to put 8 points into Signature Power A, they can then, at a doubled cost for startup (two points to create, instead of one, then the number returns to one point per increase in effect), Signature Power B.


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How many signature powers could you have?



The way I see this, it would be a progressively more expensive prospect to keep making more and more new ones. That is, two points to create #2, three for #3, four for #4, and by then you wouldn't have enough points to make anything useful out of it.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



And the character with multiple powers would have less useful powers on the whole, as thier points would be less effective.



And the character with multiple powers would have less useful powers on the whole, as thier points would be less effective.

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That would be the general point. The character who wants more signature powers would have to be willing to make all of them less powerful.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind




I had an interview with Ghost Widow yesterday... I asked her to tell Castle about this topic. She said she would.




I like the idea, but I would want it to be part of my attack chain. If not, then I'd want it to put some serious hurt on the enemy/serious heal on the friend/serious buff on the me.



This is really doom.




I had an interview with Ghost Widow yesterday... I asked her to tell Castle about this topic. She said she would.


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Wow cool thanks. I really hope a developer or a community representative could reply to this thread. Even if it is just a we'll look into it



i had an idea much like this, but mine was when you reach lvl 50 you'd be able to mix two of your powers and they'd work as a new one (you could possibly even name it) for example heroes could mix heal aura and RA, thus creating a move that did both, mabey it took longer to res than heal aura but shorter than ra, and you could possibly even make it look various, such as you could just make it look like both are happening at the same time, or you could change both colors to match, or you could remove one, such as remove the ra graphic, and mabey turn the "heal aura" blue, and thus you have your heal aura+ ra, what you going to call it is up to you



The sad thing is, I have all these amazing ideas for my character's signature powers...


So far I've been stuck to simply making a bind and giving their most powerful attack a name which they shout out every time they use it. Not cool. This idea would be hell-sent salvation!











Here here!



New Unlockable Level 50 -- Sharing your power with others!

Using the invention system, a player can share his signature power with other players. He is able to create a one use temporary power. There are limitations though:

1) A character can only have one "gifted" signature power at a time.

2) A character can only receive a "gifted" signature power once every 30 minutes.

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The player receiving this gift should be a sidekick or lackey; it would make sense that a mentor with the signature power would be able to pass on his knowledge to his sk.




New Unlockable Level 50 -- Sharing your power with others!

Using the invention system, a player can share his signature power with other players. He is able to create a one use temporary power. There are limitations though:

1) A character can only have one "gifted" signature power at a time.

2) A character can only receive a "gifted" signature power once every 30 minutes.

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The player receiving this gift should be a sidekick or lackey; it would make sense that a mentor with the signature power would be able to pass on his knowledge to his sk.


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Like the Patron Powers the villains get or how Statesman uses Zeus's powers, I wonder if you could have something in the power description about who made the Signature Power Set (just so people would know who the original creator was) when you check out someone's personal info?

Hey people had asked for player statues before but at least this way you can be immortalized in a much more "realistic" fashion game wise.



This is a great idea and the devs could probably make it work. The devs probably have add different caps for different archtypes. For example, each point added to a controller's damage attack does 80% of what a point on the same attack for a scrapper would do, but a hold point would do 120% of a scrapper's point. Or a scrapper has a range cap around the range of impale, while a blaster could have a range cap of a sniper attack. They would also have to do the same to the other attributes. All of the ATs would probably have the same accuracy cap, though.




this is a great idea, however, some of you are getting a little overancy about the animations and the possiblilities of powers involved. If anything, these powers are going to have custom animations, damage types, power types etc, but not have much or anything new.

Keeping expectations realistic should help this come to fruition, as they dont' feel they have to do it in spades right off the bat.

Now for my wishlist!(can't blame a guy for trying though)

Aurite- FF/nrg def- Shielding Burnout- Heal other animation, Creates dark blue force field around ally. Buffs defense and resistance (as much as possible) Interruptable (possibly toggle-interruptable?) when deactivates(or right after casting if not toggle) all my end is gone(as per most tier 9s) - kinda like the FF Absorb Pain, the last ditch thing you pull out when that tank holding all the aggro is dying.

Phys X grav/kin cont- Black Hole Propel animation, ground targeted. creates a black singularity(visual only) that does an AoE damage over time and knockback(tword center. is that possible?)- wormhole, singy, phys just loves playing with spacial anomalies!

Pyrium- Bot/FF MM- Omega Routine- Bot summon animation, All bots explode after a short time. Story- he never has been one to care about his bots.

Pyrium Alloy nrg/nrg Brute- Core Overheat- AoE fire damage, hot feet visual, insperation animation, self +end buff
Story- Pyrium modified his armor for heavy combat, but overheating is a serious concern, only aleivated by ejecting used coolant.






Oh, just thought of a signature power for my blaster...

Kendes - Tower of Storms - Starts off with the hand-raising animation of TB. Eyes start to glow with electricity, and then he does a thunder clap animation and is completely covered by electricity, much like Power Surge. Then KO punch a single target, doing HIGH knockup and draining some end, and extreme damage. Minor damage in the AOE around the hit enemy, much like Thunder Strike. High end cost, and does the same amount of damage to himself as ET does.

I want to use this on a level 1 enemy. Things already go frikking far when I thunder strike them, especially since it has 3 KBs in it >_>



This is a well thought out idea, Ultimus. It can help out players with alt-itis; the only way to unlock and develop a signature power is to play with one character till the end. Signature powers would be awesome on several upper level characters that I have.




I love this idea...anything to make leveling in the later levels more fun gets my vote.



Of all of the numerous good ideas I've read on the boards I would seriously vote for this one first right after bug fixes. My Mains are in the mid-20s with lots of alts in the teens but I would seriously focus on the Mains (a Blaster and a Brute) to be able to do this!

My Blaster (Energy Blast/Electrical) would have some sort of huge energy blast that would do a little bit of damage around me from the back-blast and a minor Disorient (LOTS of electricity) and the rest would be a sniper-like blast with Energy and Fire/Heat damage and lots of knockback.

My Brute (SS/Invul) would become an implaccable engine of destruction for like 30 seconds with tremendous damage buffs for all of his melee attacks and a huge bonus to his Hit Points. If I take so much damage during that time that I'm at zero health when the power switches off then I fall down. But what a mess he would make of an AV or a mob of Purples...

All in all a VERY cool idea!

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



/signed. /Signed. /SIGNED. SI-SMEGGING-GNED!

Once, I suggested, among other enemies, a Tsoo AV. Thsi was pre-I7. In I7? We get Tub Ci in Viridian's arc. I was happy. And now, for listing what my character's powers are.

Ein Dose (Robotics/Traps): Possession. Just a very long confusion, with a DoT similar to the Crey Radiologist's rez. The animation by the MM is either Soul Storm, Fortitude, or the one-handed toss blast animation used for Neutrino Bolt, Shadow Bolt, etc.. the graphic is the same as used by Mother Mayhem's flunkies. RP-wise, one of her darklings possesses an enemy, as well as slowly killing said enemy from the inside.

Bidon De A (Broadsword/Regeneration): Quantum Arrow. Fires an arrow at the target, causing them to be Phase Shifted, with a DoT. RP-wise, it's an arrow cooked up by a friend of hers.



I really like the idea. The ability to add a bit of power to my abilities sounds interesting. Not only will it help my rather anemic healing abilities with my pure empathy defender, but it would give me much more of a reason to play.

When playing a pure emp defender, you are basically trying to build the best that you can ... all for others. And when I can't be there for them, I get frustrated. And the entire point of being a selfless character class like a pure emp defender is to help your team selflessly.

If your idea in any way would help those out there like me, I fully support it. It should be mentioned that all classes would benefit from this. But I see us emp defenders getting the most benefit.

I haven't read the replies, so my apologies if this has been said before. This reminds me of a similar set-up in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. You choose and form a team, (similar to a super group) and then you earn bits of exp while playing with that team that is good towards team buffing abilities that are always on. For example, once you gain enough of this team exp, you can put it towards adding a percentage of damage increase for your team, or a greater health regen perecentage, or even a minor exp increase or defense increase. You get the idea.

The more experience you get working with that team you created, the better and stronger that team works together. I think your idea, with some minor tweaks could very well be adapted into CoH using a super group instead of a team. Even if these points went towards adding more artifacts and trinkets to the group HQ to help increase it's entire potential.

I know you did a whole lot of planning and overhauling, because I can tell a lot of thought went into it. And that's what I like to see around here. It's part of the reason I returned after a 2 month hiatus. ( The other part of the reason was the double exp weekend :P )



As for the abuse? they arent going to be that strong. Tier nines are (usually) that powerful. guess wat tho? that 360-1k second timer is what is keeping it from being abusive. I think that these powers are more of a customization. Like a really cool temp power that adds extra coolness, is loads of fun to use and adds more depth to the character.

Not some uber finishing move you can add to kill every other oponent you meet in pvp.

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I have to agree with you there. These new signature moves do not sound like an 'I win' button you hit and then everything is finished. To me it sounds like an excellent customization option, to a game where customization is the key fun factor.

How many of you out there sometimes just sit at the character generator for hours just looking at all the possibilities? I know I do.

Edit: 5 starred the thread for the amount of awesome it contains herein.



Okay, time for some of my villains to get the signiture treatment :P

Abeyance - Mind/Nrg Dom - "Mind the jacket": Massive PBAoE Knockup+Knockback with high chance low-mag disorient, using the Spectral Wounds animation. Imagine the height of levitate + the knockback of powerthrust. All performed with a casual flick of the wrist (I /love/ that animation). She's a powerful telepath and telekinetic - it's the latter being demonstrated here :P

Lustration - MA/Nrg Stalker - "Endings": Large PBAoE version of Energy Transfer, she takes 20% damage for every enemy hit. Yes, that means there is a large chance she'll kill herself using this. That's kinda the point of the name :P Lustration is the victim of a botched CoT ritual, which left her a disembodied soul, fueled by jealousy of the living. Thus, she cannot actually "die", but she can release her hatred as an attack, but temporarily dispersing her essence.

Inveigle - Merc/Dark MM - "Love me and despair": High-mag AoE confuse + low DoT. Rich, intelligent and beautiful, Inveigle always had men at her beck-and-call, but that didn't stop her from turning to dark magics for stronger control. This spell forces other to fight for her while retaining full awareness of what they do, causing pyschological damage.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
" I headbutted the blind chick."
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...

[ cruise / / / / / quantam sufficit ]







i love this idea, one of the few i actually want in the game