23 -
I have a storm dark and I'm loving it.
I can't say I've been accused of being the tank before, but it's been great fun.
Not a single green number, but plenty of action and a lot of fun overall. -
Do not disrespect someone for their costume choice. They picked it for a reason, and they're the ones that are running around wearing it, not you.
Do not read someone's bio and comment negatively. If you don't like it, keep it to yourself.
Do not use a copyrighted character name. This is bad for everyone.
Do not tell someone else how to play. You can encourage, and you can suggest. -
Quote:I've been playing since the came came out in 2004 and my first few 50's took months, even a year on some of missions, TF's, hunting, etc.
I know there has always been farming and ways of getting gobs of xp easier then running missions and all that, but it just seems that now its too easy and quick to get a 50.
And it really hit home this last 2xp weekend with AE. I was teaming with some people on my 50 tank and we were talking and one of the other 50's brought up how long did it take to get to 50. I told him it took my tank like 8 months or so of constant playing to get 50. Then he says 'Oh I just got the game the other day and hit 50 already, you must not be a very good player.'
Pushing back the images in my mind of ripping him to shreds, I explained to him how life was before AE, half debt in missions, patrol xp, all the ways that debt became a joke and leveling was a joke. He says 'I'm sure glad I didn't play back then.'
To be fair, I also have done farming and AE farming to get new toons a decent level so I really can't throw stones but somehow the whole thing just seems....unfair in a way.
A lot of us vets busted our butts to get 50's and then along comes brand new players who say gee - I'll make a 50, and then in about 3 days of doing AE, they have a 50.
Now when a 50 has to ask how to get to Steel Canyon - thats just wrong.
Plus when a loading screen says 'You can level from 1-50 within Mission Architect' - to me that just sends the wrong message to new players. It's like saying - you want a 50 - do AE and you won't have to play the game.
I have a friend who was doing a lvl 44 respec with a lot of noob toons that leveled in AE and he told me the whole thing was an absolute disaster because none of them had any experience with their toons. The most they have done is spam button pressing in AE farms and watch their levels go up.
This is of course all my opinion and I'm sure a lot of people will find me wrong, but I feel the game has lost a big part of it's appeal - actually teaming and doing missions and TF's to level toons, doing arcs and seeing all the zones. Most of the new players don't even leave Atlas and if they put a trainer in the building, a good percentage of them would never leave the AE building.
I've been in the game since about a week after it launched. I have yet to find this magic easy leveling where you can jump into a vat of exp and swim around in it's deliciousness.
I have a 43, and several in the late 30s, but no 50. In part due to all the alts. But again, I haven't stumbled onto this easy route to 50. I even joined a few teams claiming they farmed for quick exp and it was only a tiny bit faster than my own casual leveling speed.
I'll admit I've tried dozens of AE missions, some of which were built for farming, but I never did level any faster than normal. Sure there was less travel, but does that really factor in? With most travel powers, leaping/flying/speeding/teleporting across a zone takes at the most a minute. Then you load the next one.
And with that handy teleport to mission purchase, you can even skip travel every few hours if you have to go through several zones. -
I thought it was a lot of fun.
I got 3 brand new characters (all in Leveling Pacts) to 22.
We did missions together, we had fun.
Barely touched the AE, and barely did any radio missions.
Here's something no one wants to hear:
If people are having fun playing the game, and it may not be your way of doing it ... why do you let it bother you? I may not enjoy being told how to play the game, but I'm a defender, I get it all the time.
You can enjoy the game the way you want to. And let others do the same. Preferably, without being vocal about it.
/2cents -
Quote:I almost forgot about this thread.Just asking Aurex.
In one part you say defenders weaken enemies (damage mitigation/debuffs) and strengthen allies (buffs), then indicate this needs an overall buff.
This is related to my other post, but what will be given up for this buff? Or are defenders not able to perform up to the expectation with their buffs/debuffs?
What I was saying is that I think it would be nice if Vigilance acted as a minor background buff to a defender's powers. Which would make Vigilance work in and out of teams.
As far as I know, as Vigilance stands now, it's just an end reduction for the defender to heal/buff a team mate who is low on health. Which is fine. But it doesn't always help.
As for what would be given up, it would be the end reduction part of Vigilance. Most of my experience as a defender on Infinity and later on Triumph has been that I've solo'd a giant portion of my career. It didn't matter if I was empathy or not. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing a defender. I just think Vigilance isn't the best option, considering all the things a defender can do.
While a Defender can shine in a team, the problem is that you're not always in one. I see Vigilance currently as a double edged sword. Due to most defender buffs being for someone other than the defender, it encourages teamwork. Someone there to buff and heal and work with. But, you are not always in a team. At least, in my case.
Maybe I need to work on my people skills? -
I think the important think is that the OP has moved on.
When things got dicey, he did what he had to do to make sure the team didn't all face plant and wake up in the hospital or the base.
Since you got kicked for it, there is one less person you have to deal with.
But don't put him or her on ignore. You'll need the space for gold farmer spam. -
I'm having the exact same problem. It was working fine last night when I was playing, but now I am at connection #18 and it's not connecting. Guess I'll just have to wait.
as far as I'm concerned, there is no other game.
[/ QUOTE ]
I quit WoW
I stopped playing Lineage II
I don't play Guild Wars
I'm not playing EQ2 anymore
I'm sticking with this, the first MMO I tried. It's still the best experience overall. Not to mention I have yet to meet anyone who looks even remotely like any of my characters ... 4 years later. -
I should have included this topic in my new AE auto reply. Here it is:
Couldn't you find even one topic about AE to post in? Nope I guess this topic has unique ideas that nobody has ever thought of. Some ideas might be <a href="" target="_blank">good, </a>some might be bad, but at this point I think every possible idea has been covered.
Each word is a link to a different thread about issues with AE. I bet that if you read through each and every one of threads you would:
1) Need to smash somebody's face in
2) Realize arguing this topic is pointless
3) Find a corner to cry in
4) Wish you hadn't even bothered posting
5) Be stunned that there are that many threads on AE.
*Note: some threads are older than others, so be careful not to necropost.
[/ QUOTE ]
This topic rules.
Oh obligatory:
AE made me read all these #$@!%@ links.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, you are saying that the secondhand AE effects are almost as bad as the effects AE brought about in the first place?
This is more serious than we thought. -
The problem with Vigilance isn't that it's no good, the problem is that it's based around the thought that a Defender must team and the defender must constantly do one thing.
Defenders using powers on enemies are subtly lowering an enemy's defense/attack/weakness to certain other attacks.
Defender currently buffing the team are making allies stronger/faster/harder to hit.
None of those have any use for vigilance as it currently stands.
Green numbers are but one of a Defenders many vital uses and one of the only things Vigilance works for, to some degree.
I'd rather see Vigilance as an overall buff to the defender. Something in the neighborhood of a 2% bonus to whatever powers they chose. Be it more damage mitigation, or stronger buffs/debuffs, or what have you.
This way, whether you are teaming or not, you are being Vigilant. -
I rolled a kinetic/dark defender earlier. Having a blast.
Not too much in the way of attack damage early on, and a bit of an end issue until you can properly slot the powers, but it's a whole lot more fun than expected.
As someone stated earlier, play what you will enjoy playing. -
I wouldn't say bad players, just inexperienced. If all they've done is AE missions, they've only seen maybe 5-10% of the total game. They really are missing out if that's all they are doing. There are some great missions, fun story arcs, and overall a more fun and enjoyable experience outside the AE. Not to say that some AE missions aren't fun, either.
I think the concern here is more of a grooming nature than a bad player issue. Most of us older players just don't want to get back into teaching the game when the regular game does a great job at it, by itself. The learning curve is almost ridiculously easy for most power sets, so it's almost a no brainer to some of us.
But, on the other hand, if they're happy doing it and will continue to pay to play like the rest of us, then who am I to argue? -
This just in:
MA burnt my toast.
[/ QUOTE ]
Aha! Now we know who burned the toast. -
It's the truth.
Tell me about your (fake) MA horror stories.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mission Architect is fueled completely by babies and puppies. Occasionally, they'll toss in a kitten. Running an AE means sacrificing a puppy, a kitty or a baby.
The next one could be yours! -
Mind/Storm controller
Mostly for the sheer amount of fun that particular powerset presents, and the creative names that come up that are not just Mindstorm or Brainstorm. -
I haven't played in awhile. In fact, I've been away since before Inventions were in game. I think I remember a statesman quote awhile ago as for a reason why you can't make items in CoH/CoV when he was giving an interview stating something like: "Why do you feel you have to play only games where you can make something?" Or something like that. I don't remember the exact quote.
Anyway, I don't have any IOs either.
If people are going to make fun of you over something so trivial, they're not worth teaming with. -
I am having diffucilty trying to come up with an explination why this should not be put in the game. I mean, I should have dozens of reasons. Yet, I can think of none. So, this gets my vote without any counter argument.
As for the abuse? they arent going to be that strong. Tier nines are (usually) that powerful. guess wat tho? that 360-1k second timer is what is keeping it from being abusive. I think that these powers are more of a customization. Like a really cool temp power that adds extra coolness, is loads of fun to use and adds more depth to the character.
Not some uber finishing move you can add to kill every other oponent you meet in pvp.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to agree with you there. These new signature moves do not sound like an 'I win' button you hit and then everything is finished. To me it sounds like an excellent customization option, to a game where customization is the key fun factor.
How many of you out there sometimes just sit at the character generator for hours just looking at all the possibilities? I know I do.
Edit: 5 starred the thread for the amount of awesome it contains herein. -
I really like the idea. The ability to add a bit of power to my abilities sounds interesting. Not only will it help my rather anemic healing abilities with my pure empathy defender, but it would give me much more of a reason to play.
When playing a pure emp defender, you are basically trying to build the best that you can ... all for others. And when I can't be there for them, I get frustrated. And the entire point of being a selfless character class like a pure emp defender is to help your team selflessly.
If your idea in any way would help those out there like me, I fully support it. It should be mentioned that all classes would benefit from this. But I see us emp defenders getting the most benefit.
I haven't read the replies, so my apologies if this has been said before. This reminds me of a similar set-up in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. You choose and form a team, (similar to a super group) and then you earn bits of exp while playing with that team that is good towards team buffing abilities that are always on. For example, once you gain enough of this team exp, you can put it towards adding a percentage of damage increase for your team, or a greater health regen perecentage, or even a minor exp increase or defense increase. You get the idea.
The more experience you get working with that team you created, the better and stronger that team works together. I think your idea, with some minor tweaks could very well be adapted into CoH using a super group instead of a team. Even if these points went towards adding more artifacts and trinkets to the group HQ to help increase it's entire potential.
I know you did a whole lot of planning and overhauling, because I can tell a lot of thought went into it. And that's what I like to see around here. It's part of the reason I returned after a 2 month hiatus. ( The other part of the reason was the double exp weekend :P ) -
A SG mate got really fed up with that type of thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
To the community's credit, that kind of garbage seems less prevalent. I made a new toon last night, clearly in the mostly-nekkid school of costume design (tiger stripes with matching skin color and leather accessories). I was being checked out by one toon in particular (you know the signs, come up close and spin 360), so I turned and popped claws at him. *SHENK* He ran to the corner of the room and executed the cower emote. I gave him an /em goaway and ran off to my mission.
His latest female character is named "imreallyafathairyguy".
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh. The only person I know IRL that has done this is female. She made up a rather repulsive personal profile in her Background and she refers would be lechers to it. They go away fast.
DO NOT make gender assumptions.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oddly enough, I play female characters a lot. I get a lot of people making lewd comments. So, as an experiment, I ran a male character, something not of my RL gender.
No one asked about my RL gender when I was my male toon. That's an awfully odd double standard. In game gender is non existent anyway, it's pixels and polygons, people. So ... I began asking people if they were really males who played males. Most replied with Of course, or Yeah, or Duh ... but you know, I found a ton, (or a lot at least) of females avoiding that annoying RL gender question by just playing male toons.
Or at least, people who said they were anyway. Like it matters at all in the first place. -
Your avatar is many things.
Interesting. Creepy. Hard to take your eyes off of.
If people look closely at my avatar, they will notice I have emulated the exact color of the forum... Really. -
There was way too many pages of this to sift through, so if this was said previously, sorry.
When you can buy level 35 SOs. Buy them!
Do not get your costume first like I did.
I sucked for 2 levels until I could afford to properly enhance my powers. Taking a costume at 30 is extremely expensive, get the ability to create it, but WAIT!
Unless you've got influence to burn, it's gonna cost tons. That influence is put to better use making your powers better when you really need it.