Remember when hitting 50 was actually an accomplishment?
Plus when a loading screen says 'You can level from 1-50 within Mission Architect' - to me that just sends the wrong message to new players. It's like saying - you want a 50 - do AE and you won't have to play the game. |
All are viable routes to 50. All can produce the same inept players when handled improperly, so please don't blame AE for doing what it was meant to do - level players 1-50. Blame the players that level newbies 1-50 in 2 days.
Don't let noobs ruin what was an accomplishment for a lot back then, I know I spent somewhere between 400-600 hours getting my first level 50. Now a days, it doesn't take as long, but doesn't make it any less enjoyable (YMMV) and this is coming from someone who has around 20 characters that are level 50.
Heh, now I gotta say it..."Back in my day, we didn't have all these fancy little dodads that made life easier! We had to walk 15 miles in the snow going uphill to school, both ways!"
I just wanted to touch on this. AE is -marketed- as an alternate route from 1-50. If a player did 1-50 in 2 days doing all newspaper missions, would you still be upset? How about if a player did 1-50 by tagging along on a praetorian arc over and over? Or by farming in the Fab?
All are viable routes to 50. All can produce the same inept players when handled improperly, so please don't blame AE for doing what it was meant to do - level players 1-50. Blame the players that level newbies 1-50 in 2 days. |
My 'beef' as I would call it is with players ONLY doing AE. And its not even the fact that they get to 50, its more to the fact that we pay $15 a month for the devs to develop new arcs, zones, etc and it just seems like a waste for all the effort to make a great game and they never experience it, or seem uninterested beyond 'getting a 50'.
Proctector: Doc Heal lvl 50 Illusion / Empath
Sweet Fyre lvl 50 Fire / Rad
Axe Wielding Maniac lvl 50 Stone / Axe
Doc Heel lvl 39 Robots / Traps
Although I disagree with calling the people many of which have 5+ years game time "noobs" because they choose to use the skills and knowledge they have developed over this time to speed level toons past redundant bland tired repetative content to get to high level content and sf/tf to play with their equally veteran high level friends that keep a heartbeat in this game and its community. The AE is not a problem, the BM was not a problem, the RWZ was not a problem, they were each new in their time and during that newness they captured a majority of peoples time and interest like all things it will eventually ballance out and people will be available for content again but in all fairness untill there are some much needed additions to content especially low level content you cannot expect those of us that have been loyal addicted CoX'ers to NOT use whats available to bypass the BS and get to the end game where all the fun is.
High Level - PvP, LRSF, ITF, BSF and Lady Grey thats where it's at since unlike blue side we do not have a gazillion SF to choose from.
I hear what you're saying, don't let the n00bs get you down. I'd be willing to bet you also know how to play your toon rather than just key mashing.

Tanker Tuesdays: Meet in King's Row by IP Gate 6pm PT9pm ET.
1st Tuesday on Champion, 2nd Tuesday on Justice
3rd Tuesdays (Odd months) Freedom, (Even months) Virtue, 4th Tuesday, Tour, Server TBA
Brutal Thrashing Thursdays: Justice (ask Papa Slade when),meet in RWZ 6pm PT9pm ET.
I probably have about 18 months of actual play time under my belt (not counting lengthy breaks) and was happy to hit 40 over Double XP weekend. So hitting 50 will be an accomplishment for me
I made a decision not to use the AE for leveling my first 50 so I could know the story arcs, task forces, zone layouts, etc. I can't promise I'll hold so firm for my 2nd, 3rd, etc real run up to 50.
My 50 took sevral months - I finally did it on top of the Atlas globe in RV while my mech was shooting turrets
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I probably have about 18 months of actual play time under my belt (not counting lengthy breaks) and was happy to hit 40 over Double XP weekend. So hitting 50 will be an accomplishment for me
![]() I made a decision not to use the AE for leveling my first 50 so I could know the story arcs, task forces, zone layouts, etc. I can't promise I'll hold so firm for my 2nd, 3rd, etc real run up to 50. |
And at least your way - you will have some experience playing in the 'real' world of COH.
Proctector: Doc Heal lvl 50 Illusion / Empath
Sweet Fyre lvl 50 Fire / Rad
Axe Wielding Maniac lvl 50 Stone / Axe
Doc Heel lvl 39 Robots / Traps
Although I disagree with calling the people many of which have 5+ years game time "noobs" because they choose to use the skills and knowledge they have developed over this time to speed level toons past redundant bland tired repetative content to get to high level content and sf/tf to play with their equally veteran high level friends that keep a heartbeat in this game and its community.
I feel like I misread something here...or is it the lack of sleep getting to one has called any Vets "noobs"

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
So you like to level slow some people dont. My 1st 50 5 years ago was a controller which i did in about a month. Most of that was soloing no PL involved. As for people not knowing how to play cause of hitting 50 fast I dont know if I believe that. I have had toons go from 1-50 in less than that and I am fine playing them. I have PL'd people from 1-50 in 6 hours back in the portal mish grind days and they played fine. As for AE I am glad it happened sure did bring alotta people back to the game.
Although I disagree with calling the people many of which have 5+ years game time "noobs" because they choose to use the skills and knowledge they have developed over this time to speed level toons past redundant bland tired repetative content to get to high level content and sf/tf to play with their equally veteran high level friends that keep a heartbeat in this game and its community. The AE is not a problem, the BM was not a problem, the RWZ was not a problem, they were each new in their time and during that newness they captured a majority of peoples time and interest like all things it will eventually ballance out and people will be available for content again but in all fairness untill there are some much needed additions to content especially low level content you cannot expect those of us that have been loyal addicted CoX'ers to NOT use whats available to bypass the BS and get to the end game where all the fun is.
High Level - PvP, LRSF, ITF, BSF and Lady Grey thats where it's at since unlike blue side we do not have a gazillion SF to choose from. |
Proctector: Doc Heal lvl 50 Illusion / Empath
Sweet Fyre lvl 50 Fire / Rad
Axe Wielding Maniac lvl 50 Stone / Axe
Doc Heel lvl 39 Robots / Traps
Honestly, to answer that - if someone leveled from 1-50 doing missions, even if they were papers, that would be fine to me. At least they experienced the game. Also tagging along on AV arcs is playing.
My 'beef' as I would call it is with players ONLY doing AE. And its not even the fact that they get to 50, its more to the fact that we pay $15 a month for the devs to develop new arcs, zones, etc and it just seems like a waste for all the effort to make a great game and they never experience it, or seem uninterested beyond 'getting a 50'. |
If you're talking about AE -farming- that's a different animal, and again, all I can say is please don't blame AE itself, blame the players, but remember, ultimately, it's THEIR $15. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the idea of AE babies any more than the next vet, but I haven't actually RUN INTO any of them so I can't speak from personal experience.
No one has called vets "noobs".
So you like to level slow some people dont. My 1st 50 5 years ago was a controller which i did in about a month. Most of that was soloing no PL involved. As for people not knowing how to play cause of hitting 50 fast I dont know if I believe that. I have had toons go from 1-50 in less than that and I am fine playing them. I have PL'd people from 1-50 in 6 hours back in the portal mish grind days and they played fine. As for AE I am glad it happened sure did bring alotta people back to the game.
I've teamed with a Claws/Regen Scrapper that didn't know what Integration was...yet had it in their power tray and they were like in the mid 30's on that character.
@SunGryphon....don't I know you from somewhere? >.>
So you like to level slow some people dont. My 1st 50 5 years ago was a controller which i did in about a month. Most of that was soloing no PL involved. As for people not knowing how to play cause of hitting 50 fast I dont know if I believe that. I have had toons go from 1-50 in less than that and I am fine playing them. I have PL'd people from 1-50 in 6 hours back in the portal mish grind days and they played fine. As for AE I am glad it happened sure did bring alotta people back to the game.
Proctector: Doc Heal lvl 50 Illusion / Empath
Sweet Fyre lvl 50 Fire / Rad
Axe Wielding Maniac lvl 50 Stone / Axe
Doc Heel lvl 39 Robots / Traps
there are those that are quick learners...then there are those that make you think "how did they manage this far?"
I've teamed with a Claws/Regen Scrapper that didn't know what Integration was...yet had it in their power tray and they were like in the mid 30's on that character. @SunGryphon....don't I know you from somewhere? >.> |
Proctector: Doc Heal lvl 50 Illusion / Empath
Sweet Fyre lvl 50 Fire / Rad
Axe Wielding Maniac lvl 50 Stone / Axe
Doc Heel lvl 39 Robots / Traps
Indeed I do remember. I joined CoX back during Issue 11. I'm hardly a grizzled old veteran but boy were things different back then. And I'm not just talking about the Mission Architect.
As I'm sure many of you remember there was no Patrol XP so laughing when you died was a much rarer occurence unless you were at 50 (I still hate it to this day, regardless of my toon's level). Leaving any one toon logged off for a few hours wouldn't do anything for you. You'd still have to wipe out that debt when you got back. That lasting death penalty encouraged everyone to learn how to make the most of all the tools at their disposal.
Of course the Mission Architect's implementation is the most recent and most dramatic change. I say implementation because the Architect in itself isn't the problem. Giving players a custom story telling tool is a great idea. Not accounting for a risk/reward ratio that's grossly disproportionate to the Dev created content isn't. Granted, the players clamored for XP and the Devs obliged them. Still, not the best way to keep people from exploiting the new shiny.
I've got 6 toons on my account; all of them are at 50. The most recent one dinged the cap just two days ago, admittedly with the help of AE farming. I haven't been here as long as many of my fellow forumites but I have seen some crucial game changes. Looking back over the last two years I've seen a trend in design philosophy that's heavily geared toward casual players. Patrol XP to erase debt when logged off so those with limited time don't have to struggle after dying, Auto SKing in Architect missions so players who don't have the time to grind up the levels can still play with their friends regardless of whether there's a mentor available, and now the upcoming Advanced Difficulty Settings so those who play at odd hours or don't know people in game can recieve the same amount of rewards as full teams.
While all these features are impressive and very ground breaking they can't disguise the fact that getting to the level cap, one of the biggest achievements in any MMORPG, has been sacrificed on the alter of casual player convienence to keep NCSoft and our favorite game around. Double edged sword indeed...
Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+

I just wanted to touch on this. AE is -marketed- as an alternate route from 1-50. If a player did 1-50 in 2 days doing all newspaper missions, would you still be upset? How about if a player did 1-50 by tagging along on a praetorian arc over and over? Or by farming in the Fab?
All are viable routes to 50. All can produce the same inept players when handled improperly, so please don't blame AE for doing what it was meant to do - level players 1-50. Blame the players that level newbies 1-50 in 2 days. |
Using your line of reasoning we might want to blame those f-ing new people just joining the game also. Those jerks, coming in here joining an AE farm team. Yeah thats the problem.
DocHeal is right, AE is the problem. Lets revert the AE system back to what it was intended to be in the first place. Remove the xp from AE and reward alot more merits. People doing missions in Architect ENTERTAINMENT should be doing them as entertainment not as farming vehicles.
Since its being marketed to the public as a way to go from 1-50 they will never take away the xp from AE. So I say remove AE from all zones except Talos, IP, Bricks, FF and PI. Make it harder to get to farms instead of having endless broadcast farming messages introducing new players to the game once they created their first character. If we aren't going to address this problem we might just remove all zones from the game and just have Atlas Park and rename it to "ChampionsOnline is Coming Soon Get Your Copy Today".
In Reply to my own post it is I who missed something in the original post and I apologise for all like many of you I hear all the ranting about AE people or farmer's / PL'rs it gets old bottom line is we all pay to play and should play however we find brings us the most pleasure. I am fortunate to be in a great VG "Excellent Evil" in a Great coalition and with many friends made over years of CoX. I love this game prolly too much for my own good and jump on my soap box pretty quick when I feel it needs defending.. Im a team melee toon its what I do lol
I will learn to read - I promise
Came across this, and recently had an experience that relates.
I have done a little PLing here and there, but usually it's when I'm up in the 45+ range, and that push to 50 gets a little difficult. So 8 man missions with SK to hurry along the process becomes easier to do until you can't be SKd anymore... it still takes long enough to experience the character the way it was meant to be done.
But just the other day, I experienced my first AE PL farm. Hordes and hordes of Freakshow. Stuff I couldn't hit, but I got XP galore.
I really didn't, at first, know what the heck was going on... then got it... and like a bad train wreck, became fascinated by the process. Ding. Ding. Ding... it was like a trance.
But I have a habit of saying 'Rock' for every Level I achieve on a character. The tank didn't like it. Told me to shut up. Knocked me out of the trance.
Yeah, I admit the constant 'Rock' would be annoying, sure... So I don't hold a grudge... but I just realized if I can't be 'me' in that, then I don't wanna be in it. So I bailed.
I'd gotten 8 levels. And I used them, to my advantage...
But I felt like I cheated. Oh, sure, it got me the stamina run, but... I missed out on *earning* that.
Simply put... I'll not do it again. It's just not the right way to go for me. That's not to say I care whether some others do it, I just don't care to.
The other thing about a 50 relates to my Mind/Psi Dominator, Cerise Dawn. That character was 50 before they 'fren'ed the powers. And so I feel a little put out that I put so much effort (oh, goodness, it took *forever* on Pinnacle...) to get her to a 50, because until Domination went off... she was weak as all get out... and now, I understand they're much better offensively, and so it may be easier to do than in the past. Man! What timing is that...
But then I realize that my 50 Dom was hard earned, and makes me happy to know I did it before they screwed with the powers. /em dance5
There ya go.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Come on. Blame the players? Really? AE has no role in this? Without AE they can't farm to 50 in atlas park. Players who go from 1-50 in any other alternate route to 50 don't ask me questions like what does "LFT" mean.... which I got this weekend from a lvl 40 while I was trying to form a team.
Using your line of reasoning we might want to blame those f-ing new people just joining the game also. Those jerks, coming in here joining an AE farm team. Yeah thats the problem. DocHeal is right, AE is the problem. Lets revert the AE system back to what it was intended to be in the first place. Remove the xp from AE and reward alot more merits. People doing missions in Architect ENTERTAINMENT should be doing them as entertainment not as farming vehicles. Since its being marketed to the public as a way to go from 1-50 they will never take away the xp from AE. So I say remove AE from all zones except Talos, IP, Bricks, FF and PI. Make it harder to get to farms instead of having endless broadcast farming messages introducing new players to the game once they created their first character. If we aren't going to address this problem we might just remove all zones from the game and just have Atlas Park and rename it to "ChampionsOnline is Coming Soon Get Your Copy Today". |
The range for XP sidekicked thing was put in because of stuff like that.
PLing is NOT a new thing. People who want to be PLed will go anywhere and do anything to get to their farm, it does not MATTER where you put it. It is just as easy to get to Talos, IP, Bricks, FF, and PI as it is to get from Atlas to Galaxy.
Using your line of reasoning we might want to blame those f-ing new people just joining the game also. Those jerks, coming in here joining an AE farm team. Yeah thats the problem. |
Have you played any of the actual stories and arcs in AE? At all? Or are you just blaming it because players made farms, and other players used them?
AE is NOT the problem. The people farming it are the problem.
PLing is NOT a new thing. People who want to be PLed will go anywhere and do anything to get to their farm, it does not MATTER where you put it. It is just as easy to get to Talos, IP, Bricks, FF, and PI as it is to get from Atlas to Galaxy. |
If you've never played the game before, you will probably figure out the train pretty quickly... but Bricks requires, at the easiest, a Wentport and a train. Second easiest is probably Pocket D to Talos to Bricks, but for that one you are in actual danger for some of the run to the train.
Either way you'd get to Bricks, or PI, and be looking at +29s minimum.
AE farms... I guess my feeling is that they are SO easy and SO prevalent that some new people don't realize there's another way to play. On the plus side, 14-day trials can't use AE, so there's a chance for the new guys to at least beat up one mugger in their life.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I've been playing since the came came out in 2004 and my first few 50's took months, even a year on some of missions, TF's, hunting, etc.
I know there has always been farming and ways of getting gobs of xp easier then running missions and all that, but it just seems that now its too easy and quick to get a 50.
And it really hit home this last 2xp weekend with AE. I was teaming with some people on my 50 tank and we were talking and one of the other 50's brought up how long did it take to get to 50. I told him it took my tank like 8 months or so of constant playing to get 50. Then he says 'Oh I just got the game the other day and hit 50 already, you must not be a very good player.'
Pushing back the images in my mind of ripping him to shreds, I explained to him how life was before AE, half debt in missions, patrol xp, all the ways that debt became a joke and leveling was a joke. He says 'I'm sure glad I didn't play back then.'
To be fair, I also have done farming and AE farming to get new toons a decent level so I really can't throw stones but somehow the whole thing just seems....unfair in a way.
A lot of us vets busted our butts to get 50's and then along comes brand new players who say gee - I'll make a 50, and then in about 3 days of doing AE, they have a 50.
Now when a 50 has to ask how to get to Steel Canyon - thats just wrong.
Plus when a loading screen says 'You can level from 1-50 within Mission Architect' - to me that just sends the wrong message to new players. It's like saying - you want a 50 - do AE and you won't have to play the game.
I have a friend who was doing a lvl 44 respec with a lot of noob toons that leveled in AE and he told me the whole thing was an absolute disaster because none of them had any experience with their toons. The most they have done is spam button pressing in AE farms and watch their levels go up.
This is of course all my opinion and I'm sure a lot of people will find me wrong, but I feel the game has lost a big part of it's appeal - actually teaming and doing missions and TF's to level toons, doing arcs and seeing all the zones. Most of the new players don't even leave Atlas and if they put a trainer in the building, a good percentage of them would never leave the AE building.
Proctector: Doc Heal lvl 50 Illusion / Empath
Sweet Fyre lvl 50 Fire / Rad
Axe Wielding Maniac lvl 50 Stone / Axe
Doc Heel lvl 39 Robots / Traps