91 -
Quote:/elec not good for agro bruting sorry more of a back up brute build, not fair of your team mates to use you in that manner /elec is a fun build but definately not a damage taker can be nice once setted out for pvp.Mmm not a set I'm knowledgeable about but the info should help others help you
I don't have a l337 build for you wish I did I have a lvl 50 mace/elec but I am happy with her being a cousin to thor.
I wish you well most brutes are awesome fun my 2 stoneys can tank just about anything, I can tank on my energy/energy and my ba/shield, I have a ss/inv that I have friends that can tank well on I can never get a build to work. I have an elec/wp thats pretty nice but again as support not point and my ss/sr and ss/energy would be nice if they did not completely suck end... my db dark... well she looks great
some thoughts would be to pick up tough and weave or the conceal pool and slot 4 each one for 4 gift of the ancients and the other for 4 impervious skin I believe thats it the one with the 7.5% resist proc.
alternatively you can pick up leadership as well assault only needs 2 end redux slotted tactics is always good but if you can swing it maneuvers can be 4 slotted as well for some more resist
good luck -
Quote:5 people that know their toons, I would recommend some ballance of tank, debuff, buff but all of these can be done with any team of skilled villains.With the new Badges for Master TF/SFs coming out, I'm curious as to what your ideal 8 person team would look like for each of the new Badge TF/SFs.
Master of Reichsman Strike Force
- 8 person Villian Team
Master of Reichsman Task Force
- 8 person Hero Team
Master of Imperious Task Force
- 8 person Combined Team
if you need a set team point tank, back up tank, debuffer, debuffer, debuffer, buffer, buffer, buffer/healer -
This build is only to give you an idea how to beef up your def and res to survive AV fights. alot of survival on /ff mm's is in tactics .. without trying to discourage /ff I have one of each mm and they are all 47 to 50 except for the /ff which was pretty much abandoned at 40. better luck with yours.
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1429;719;1438;HEX;| |78DAA5945B4F135110C7CFF6C2422FB4A55C0B859616DA82ACF4CDCB83891712223| |510821A35D442B7619376DB745B047DF103F8A411D4049128E867F0F281C4285E13| |DFEA5C0E149E6DD2FF6F77CEEC9C3933B39B59BBEC11E2E105A1F82F15739695CDE| |4AC9A5E2D19665EBD96ABD5ABB9A267452F562225BDBA1C2914542144B8E9939DAF| |974A6553CBC0AA6EE6AA866EF51F5BBD582F14B4A932AC65A70CBD980F4C9B2B7A5| |5376BDAE18567B65C2E6A5346CDD42DCB4537F3155DCFFBE87246CFE5F5AAB56254| |02743F6DAE1A96B164148DDA7AE84AC558D68E6D96A9CBE4D77B21C914FCB79D42F| |E1A4E7100480BDB37C63EA1E50BE32B21F61990108B8EA3A71C628B56C65E32B609| |13AF183B842CB82BEC6E57DA1534395C84563721EE25DC053FBBF4B3B72AB893C34| |1687512E22A610792E6BC1B8A334A5B44182D507C55E11535492617631856DAE44A| |DB38AF305E4328B72C81FB37993CDF193F08ED3F19BF08F13F5C0988E7E578C23B4| |126154C3E36D97CD7E944FE05C61C6109CE1790E70B7492A9C3CF0810C6825C1508| |14E4408EE0A60D4D9D1B8CC784E813C2E853C23284ED62777B1787EDE6B0DD1CB69| |7C37640D81E59821EAE572F63174AD027FBD9C75310E22908F11444790AA23C0541| |08D42FF3EB7F47390CBC61EC1206F70889B7042FB887657E616EEB20B77590DB9AE| |0B6EE4116439C856DE8445B2502106858061AE6398AF11CC5788E123C470528C888| |6CC4083F3A7A021F61CA92325032459BA7920C4C342C5271BAFB047EE3B22EE32F2| |8F6A90DC626E33961E219E100BE139A74D71ED04EA7EF3356196B84F43D820F8E33| |29CF3BF917BF1A22CDED4B73FB069AAF991057C961064D72EC849DCA3BDB7CBB841| |2A7C899E683FFF57BEF398CD336E7825DE6511640C40D949B787B0BE536CA1DB42D| |A264511A1F8E9EF69DC184CEA29C43398FF2089D547CF3DC281E142F4A3B8A0FC58| |F1244E94609A16CA134FE018C53FBCF| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
yeah Im afraid I only use whirling hands as a secondary taunt for the LRSF and I do mean secondary to "taunt"
lol but its very pretty -
ok another new one happened yesterday...
if you wemt from 1 to 44 in cap AE and you don't know where Bloody Bay is you might be an AE baby.
gotta love em -
I have 2 accounts, 40+ toons all female
mostly lvl 50 about 12 40 - 49
only a few lower that are usually holding lvl for mayhems -
my personal worst was an accident
my toon was Mind/Psi Dom
"I give great headache!" cept it truncated out the "ache!"
yeah my team got a huge laugh when I hit it in the middle of the rsf vindicators cutscene
now it reads "" -
agree'd it is 5 but be careful its 5 of the same bonus the bonus is 7.5% recharge lotg's not the only io set with that bonus.
although its unlikely most toons that would be setting that much recharge would have need of taunt there is a taunt set with 7.5 as well. -
kewl bug lol would love ot have seen it first hand
well since they see my stalkers through hide+stealth+ss+stealth io I would say perception is pretty much capped on the drones now what is the cap thats math and that hurts
I like the idea it has potential
would definately like to see the graphics if it played out. -
I must be a glutton for punishment posting in this thread will surely get me more negative rep.
although I love football every team except the 49'rs, I am a STEELER fan have been since I was the size of a football my Dad is a STEELER fan and has since he could pick up a ball...
My Mom however is a Cowboys fan so it gets interesting around here during NFL season
luckily my sister is so wrapped up in her anime she has no fav or things mught really get messy
I just hope its a season worth watching -
well in my case I left a rant of all my posts this was a 1st for me and I gor crucified for it now I deserved the neg rep what I thought was hypocritical was all the nasty coments I mean they were yelling at me for having a bad attitude and being negetive with comments like
your stupid stop posting
I hear CO is taking anyone you should leave traitor "this guy is nuts my whole rant was about how much I love cov and hate some of the changes"
anyway there were more I'll spare you the really ugly ones, and one guy seems to have made me his new hobby.
now after this rant I apologised in forum for not being as productive and or tactful as I should have been, and a few people were quick to praise my attempt to make right.
still I have this one person that will not identify hiself but continues to hit me verbally. -
Quote:ok reality check people mids dropped this a long while back I know this because he emailed me telling me he was doing it.Why does everyone keep saying we don't have Mids Planner any more? Didn't someone take over that?
someone may have picked it up but that someone lacks the drive or opportunity to get it done and share it in a timely manner, more than likely they have blown it off all together.
no sense whining about it mids was wonderful for bringing it to us all these years
a cov web based tool would be nice however I don't see their money bags allowing for the project. it would take dev time and web admin time they prolly would not want to pay for.
although that would be the easiest sollution as the data already resides on their server and it would be easy for them to link to data that would update on the fly.
I miss mids too but it is what it is. -
I have 3 accounts for me its easy however before I had 2 accounts even I was able to damage farm it was slower but worked
1. get a paper mish se to villainous
2. find a reasonable mob or minion for your toon to be able to survive (sometimes patience and trial and error here).
3. go into rest, make sure your toon can survive the damage inflicted while in rest if so just leave it, may have to leave it for a couple nights.
alternatively if you have a friend with a thermal or whatever the equiv hero
you can use a similar method especially if your toon is a 3 lvl's or more minor theirs use their mish have your friend lk you up then have your friend set cauterize to auto heal you but have them stay as far back as they can not to draw agro away from you then go into rest and damage farming is a lot faster can get the 10 mill badge in 1 night and 1 day usually.
hope this was helpful -
Personally people that yell at other people for using powers just because they make it a bit more challenging for their own toon to work annoy the hell out of me you should play whatever you like the team should learn to adapt however you should learn to use your knock back in a way that helps more than hinders your team mates and I think everyone would be happy.
Quote:yes a lot has changed with the advent of sets you may want to slot stamina for 4 and put 4 performance shifters in there for a 2.5% end mod increase also build up 4 slotted with a gaussian set for the same. also upgrade from so's to IO's should help too, good luck and welcome back.hello all, i have recently returned from a long stint playing WoW and I find the game is very different in some aspects. I went to look for the guides on the forums to guide my way and Lo and Behold they are broken. So I turn to you for help.
I have a lvl 29 DM/Invuln Brute who doesn't seem to be the power house he once was for me. I miss and often even though all of my main attack chain, Shadow punch, Boxing, Smite. have 2 SO accuracies. Also endurance use has seemed increased dramatically, I've never slotted Stamina above 3 now, but I'm considering at least 4.
It has actually been discouraging enough to consider rerolling for a Elec/WP to get more damage and better defenses. Any ideas? -
my friend and I use that option on a few toons at different levels as permanent place holders for mayhem missions so we can get the invader accolade it really is a good tool.
If you have no idea what a mayhem is you might ne an AE baby
If your lvl 50 and have to ask who is deathsurge you might be an AE baby
If you think telling someone asking to doorsit if they want on the farm they have to help is playing the game, you might be an AE baby
these are all great and I share them with my VG mates all the time keep em going if we have to live with it may as well have a good laugh -
Quote:kewl... guess I misread your intent on your quoted post... these days especially I will take anyone willing to go ... aslong as I have even 3 of my friends we can get anything done.No, that's not a reason. I was just agreeing with Shred that the player was just trying to give advice because some people consider Shields squishy.
Hell back when I was new people were asking why I was playing a DM/DA scrapper....
Anyhow on my teams I just get whoever's available. Last Synapse I ran we had 1 tanker and 5 scrappers, and I don't recall anybody dying a lot.
Quote:electric aura has a cool factor but is pretty weak, the t9 is cool but has a wicked drop offHey folks,
Enjoying my Dark/WP Brute so much I'm thinking about starting another at some point.
I reckon I want to retry Stone Melee (the first character I ever created was a Fire/Stone tank who was deleted years ago). Question is what to pair it with?
I'm drawn to either Fiery Aura as a recreation of the Tank, or maybe Elec Aura.
What's peoples opinions on the two combos.
fire aura equally cool recommend temperature protection the dot aura is awesome no real t9 but its a good pve and decent pvp secondary
imo -
Quote:1st my attempt at an all brute RSF was 5 hours of could not get it done, so good luckI am planning an event with my SG friends that will be an all shield defense ITF. Some in the group think it won't be an issue to over come the healing AV that surrounds Rommy. I am not so sure. Would anyone care to share their tactics when trying to do an all melee style ITF?
I did an ITF the other day that had only 1 buffer/debuffer and we plowed through everything but Rommy. We couldn't complete as he and his AV fluffies ripped us apart.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
now that said I would sugest slow and patient through the first couple missions /shield does great on the ITF don't cross the seal on the cpnsult the oracle fin. really I believe patience will be the key.
as for romy and the nictus with that many brutes I would say have 2 brutes taunt the nictus and the rest tank romy
once again good luck -
Quote:I don't if it was really his baby maybe he shouldn't of talked so bad about it and totally turned his back on it. for the Icon of hero side he acted pretty villainous and being a villain I find that insulting.I figure it was an admin powers thing. I hope he still plays and is still around, this game really is his baby (after rick dakken's, yadda yadda) and whatever the current situation is, we do owe him soem gratitude for being here. the current crew is doing a great job and i16 is by far the most relevant to my interests that has come out, but I still respect the contributions jack made and hope he feels welcome here, just not with admin powers.
I don't wish him ill prosperity but am glad he is banned it is as it should be.