Why do people hate Energy Blast ?
I personally don't hate it, but for me personally its on the bottom of my list of favorite Blast sets. I've got an ice, fire, elec, sonic, and AR at 50 w/ plans for an Archery/TA corr later. No plans to finish my energy as of yet, he's been shelved for nearly 4 years at 28.
An attitude against Energy Blast consists of the simple habit of people to assume they are dealing with a bad powerset rather than a bad player.
Some people hate knockback in even the smallest amount.
However, I think that Energy Blast DOES have a problem on Corrupters and Defenders; it doesn't synergize well with most of the debuff powers. That's why I like my Energy/Storm and Energy/Traps; both use "sticky" debuffs that you don't need to worry about knocking things out of. Energy Blast is really best on Blasters, I think.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
An attitude against Energy Blast consists of the simple habit of people to assume they are dealing with a bad powerset rather than a bad player.
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This. A thousand times, this. People don't hate Energy Blast. people hate people who send mobs sailing into adjacent spawns, causing pets and overzealous Scrappers & Brutes to go chasing them.
It's a fun set but it's only middling on damage, and a bit low on mitigation compared to many of the other sets in my experience. Mine is stalled at...34 I think. It's fun except when I struggle with encounters I know my other Corruptors could handle with much less difficulty, and that happens a lot. Still if you're enjoying it that's all that matters.
This. A thousand times, this. People don't hate Energy Blast. people hate people who send mobs sailing into adjacent spawns, causing pets and overzealous Scrappers & Brutes to go chasing them.
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Adjascent spawns are the least of my concerns.
Sending targets out of debuffs is big problem
Sending them out of AoEs is inconvenient.
Breaking LoS, moving other players current targets unpredictably, or blasting them out of taunt auras are also inconveniences of note.
By all means take the set, but just be aware that some of the attacks you might really really want to use will make the team LESS safe, others will result in LESS total AoE team dps...
Depending on the situation of course... I mean, in fairness, I still like hand clap...
The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!
Ok so it really is just the KB. Well what I do is use hover and if its possible move between the spawn were on and the next one. Then hit Explosive Blast/Energy Torrent this usually works out rather well. Any one have slotting suggestions for me? EB/Them just sets in general not a step by step guide.
I have one and also a cor.. that said when i play my tank or any melee toons i sometimes find myself loathing energy blasters, pb.s, ws....
To me its about the kb (knockback) keep in mind i have these toons also but ive adapted on how when and where to use certain powers.
Most people just blast away with everything they can click, few take the time to learn how to use kb to the teams advantage, i have played with some people who are great with any toon but unfortunatly most only care about banging stuff around lol
Sometimes i try to help n show them how to kb into walls, corners .. sometimes i just deal with it n run around while praying for a troller lol
It's not the powerset's its the people playing them lol The plus side is they usually die alot because they blast off before tanks run in lol
It is what it is.. could be worse i guess
Plenty of people hate energy blast.
If you're on a team of more than four people, odds are you're grouping a spawn up, since that makes killings things easier for all kinds of reasons. Barring a handy wall to knock things into, energy blast is pretty certain to disrupt what everyone else is trying to do.
@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)
It's both the player and the powerset. I know people here like to go on about skill and such, but skill doesn't rearrange spawn locations or ceiling heights. If skill means knowng when NOT to use a power all you're really done is learned how to self-gimp your own damage output to avoid screwing up the team's. How is this not ALSO a powerset problem?
Fact is, there is almost no situation where I'd prefer KB to KD (or better yet, KU). And there's no good reason for "chance of" KB in AoEs. All this means is "chance to spread out the spawn" which is NEVER a good thing.
High mag knockback is FUN, I will grant. And KB is occasionally useful for positioning mobs, but it is more often a hindrance, in my experience. On my AR corr, for instance, I'd love to use Buckshot early and often, but if it spreads stuff out so Flamethrower doesn't hit them all? I end up using it last. If that sucker did knockdown instead, I'd practically put it on AUTO, and it would be more valuable. Powerset problem.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
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Notes on the thread so far:
- If you're knocking something out of a taunt aura, you're targeting the wrong thing.
- Yes, you can strategically use walls or corners to group things with knockback. It also lowers your overall damage since you spend more time maneuvering than the other sets.
- Scattering things when there aren't any walls available is bad; this means using attacks with low KB values, which are the weakest attacks in the set.
- Having the skill to play a set and not liking it due to the superiority of other sets while calling it a bad set and just randomly parroting "it's not a bad set, you're a bad player" are different things.
- Numerical superiority or inferiority can be used to decide "good" or "bad" sets; what they don't account for is "fun" sets. Energy Blast is a fun set, but it's near the bottom of the performance barrel due to concerns with scattering mobs slowing the performance down while attempting to manage the KB. Simply put, other sets that have the same strength attacks have better secondary effects.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
... which could all be fixed if NCSoft would just get over themselves and change KB to KD, or give us enhancements to do it ourselves. And then it would go from being a counter-productive powerset to being one to rival fire, and all those pretty graphics and animations wouldn't be going to waste.
Knocking them out of a taunt aura is still a better option than constantly firing at enemies that will kill you instead of who is tanking - that taunt usually lasts a little bit depending on the set - you want to attack the mobs that are aggroed to the tank/mm/brute/scrapper.
Energy blast is a great set... for blasters. Corruptors not so much. You are always knocking enemies away from your secondary power effects/debuffs/etc.
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Knocking them out of a taunt aura is still a better option than constantly firing at enemies that will kill you instead of who is tanking - that taunt usually lasts a little bit depending on the set - you want to attack the mobs that are aggroed to the tank/mm/brute/scrapper.
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I think you missed the point, which was that if you knock them into the taunt aura they aren't shooting back at you.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
I just had an idea! How about all the EB powers that have KB... nm I think they all do. Any way in stead of KB have a chance to eather KB KD or KU and if the KB procks then it rolls again to see if it is B U or D? With the exception of Power Push it should do only KB. AOE powers like Energy Torrent, Explosive Blast and, Nova should roll for each fow they hit and roll again for weather its B, U,or D.
So make it even HARDER to predict where your power is going to send the target than it currently is?
How would that help? In my opinion, energy blast's knockback component should be switched to a chance to stun component or a -dmg component. Being blasted with energy would seem to stun your system enough to disorient you and also wear you down so that you're dealing less damage.
Problem is, this is a game of how fast can you kill rather than how well you can survive. KB sets are better at survival (by knocking back tough opponents), and that type of mitigation reduces kill rates.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
So make it even HARDER to predict where your power is going to send the target than it currently is?
How would that help? In my opinion, energy blast's knockback component should be switched to a chance to stun component or a -dmg component. Being blasted with energy would seem to stun your system enough to disorient you and also wear you down so that you're dealing less damage.
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Um no its simple really you just plan on a KB happening and then when its U or D you can be "pleasantly surprised" also I suggested it as a way of keeping the set unique the energy melee sets already cause disorient. I think the only reason this hasn't been changed yet is because the devs want the Energy Blast set to be different from the other sets the B,U,D idea is a way of doing that wile keeping it more "team friendly"
The more random the proc is, the harder the set will be to use in a reasonable way.
If you add a chance for knockup/down, energy blasters still have to plan around the chance for knockback, because knockback will still happen sometimes.
@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)
An attitude against Energy Blast consists of the simple habit of people to assume they are dealing with a bad powerset rather than a bad player.
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This. But people have to blame some "thing", instead of an actual person, in order for their lives' to continue safely and without confrontation.
Don't I know you???
I mean searsy its such a BLAST to play.....
Bad jokes aside I know the KB some people don't like but the damage seams to be equal to the other corr sets and Nova is a great nuke so is KB peoples only beef? Im siting at 35 on my Powerblast/therm and its tones of fun on and off teams. hell i may make another when I get riv up to 50 (for me the game "ends" at 50)
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"KB is evil".
soz if its been said b4.
I use that sentence ingame. I d prolly still have 20 50 by now,if i authorised KB powers in farms, or as a reg team leader. hopefully i got a 50 rad/nrg def. soloed soon enough to get the point.
An attitude against Energy Blast consists of the simple habit of people to assume they are dealing with a bad powerset rather than a bad player.
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This. But people have to blame some "thing", instead of an actual person, in order for their lives' to continue safely and without confrontation.
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Oh, I'm quite happy to blame people when they are to blame but blaming an Energy Blast user for knocking things back is blaming them for using their attacks. They could certainly have "skillfully" not used an attack in an unfavorable KB situation or spent time repositioning but either way I think it's fair to lay some of the blame on perhaps the ONLY attack power side-effect in the game that CAN have a downside.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
perhaps the ONLY attack power side-effect in the game that CAN have a downside.
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There has to be some truth to this, but there's more truth if it were applied to storm...
The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!
What IF the Knockback was changed to Knockdown??..... discuss.
-The Elite-[50's]Va'Leria�X'hian�Stormy Monday�Radical Burn�Mo'Mentum�Heat-Source�Professor Blaze
-World Wide Evil, Inc-[50s]Soulfire�Perma.Frost�Kold Soul�Foxphyre�Pitch-Black�Corrupt Fusion�Cassanova Brown�Tyler Thorn�Iron Siren�Solaura�Fortunauta Wade�Look'Alike�Arctic Engineer
I mean searsy its such a BLAST to play.....
(for me the game "ends" at 50)
Bad jokes aside I know the KB some people don't like but the damage seams to be equal to the other corr sets and Nova is a great nuke so is KB peoples only beef? Im siting at 35 on my Powerblast/therm and its tones of fun on and off teams. hell i may make another when I get riv up to 50